Installer/User Guide
DSView® 3
Management Software
Version 3.7
Installer/User Guide
Avocent, the Avocent logo, The Power of Being There, DSView, DSR,
MergePoint, AlterPath, AutoView, OutLook, OSCAR, AVWorks,
LANDesk, Dambrackas Video Compression and Cyclades are registered
trademarks of Avocent Corporation or its affiliates. All other marks are
the property of their respective owners.
© 2008 Avocent Corporation. 590-395-501M
List of Tables.................................................................................................................. xv
Features and Benefits .................................................................................................................1
System Components ....................................................................................................................2
Third party products............................................................................................................3
Partner products..................................................................................................................3
Supported Units ..........................................................................................................................4
Target devices......................................................................................................................7
Power devices......................................................................................................................7
System Configuration .................................................................................................................7
About Installation .......................................................................................................................9
Installing the DSView 3 Software.............................................................................................10
Upgrading the DSView 3 Software...........................................................................................13
Recommended upgrade process ........................................................................................14
Configuring the DSView 3 Software.........................................................................................14
Running the DSView 3 Software...............................................................................................16
Uninstalling the DSView 3 Software ........................................................................................18
Closing a DSView 3 Software Session......................................................................................19
Java Installation .......................................................................................................................19
Avocent Viewer Plug-in Installation.........................................................................................20
Installing the DSR Remote Operations Software......................................................................21
Accessing Target Devices.........................................................................................................24
Using the Side Navigation Bar .................................................................................................24
Using Windows.........................................................................................................................26
Sorting information in a window.......................................................................................26
Filtering information in a window ....................................................................................26
Saving information in a window........................................................................................27
Using the Customize link in windows................................................................................28
Displaying pages ...............................................................................................................29
Bookmarking a window.....................................................................................................30
Printing a window .............................................................................................................30
Refreshing a window .........................................................................................................30
Using keyboard commands.......................................................................................................31
DSView 3 Help..........................................................................................................................33
Configuring the DSView 3 help location...........................................................................33
Installing DSView 3 help on a local server.......................................................................34
Global System Properties .........................................................................................................34
Legal Notice..............................................................................................................................35
PCI Compliance Configuration................................................................................................35
Changing user options.......................................................................................................36
Changing the color scheme ...............................................................................................37
Changing your password...................................................................................................37
Choosing the serial session application............................................................................38
Specifying a user certificate ..............................................................................................38
Specifying an SSH key .......................................................................................................39
Enabling user credential caching......................................................................................40
Built-in User Groups ................................................................................................................40
Preemption Levels ....................................................................................................................41
Internet Explorer Considerations.............................................................................................42
Integrated Windows Authentication .........................................................................................49
VPNs .........................................................................................................................................51
NAT Devices .............................................................................................................................53
Adding a new license key...................................................................................................56
System Information...................................................................................................................56
ISV Partners..............................................................................................................................57
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers........................................................................................ 59
Server Properties......................................................................................................................59
Server certificates..............................................................................................................61
Avocent proxy server .........................................................................................................65
Server trap destinations.....................................................................................................66
Client session information.................................................................................................66
DSView 3 software modem sessions..................................................................................67
Unit status polling .............................................................................................................69
Backing up and Restoring Hub Servers Manually ...................................................................69
Spoke Servers............................................................................................................................72
Supported Authentication Services...........................................................................................79
DSView 3 software internal authentication service ..........................................................80
Active Directory external authentication service..............................................................82
Windows NT external authentication service....................................................................87
LDAP external authentication service...............................................................................88
RADIUS external authentication service...........................................................................93
TACACS+ external authentication service .......................................................................95
RSA SecurID external authentication service...........................................................................98
User Authentication Services Window....................................................................................100
Showing and hiding units ................................................................................................107
Units View windows fields...............................................................................................107
Multiple unit operations from a Units View window.......................................................111
Unit Overview Windows .........................................................................................................112
Unit Status Window ................................................................................................................113
Adding Units...........................................................................................................................115
Deleting Units.........................................................................................................................123
Automatically deleting attached units .............................................................................123
Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database................................... 125
Name Synchronization............................................................................................................125
Topology Synchronization ......................................................................................................130
Automatic Discovery...............................................................................................................135
Automatic Inheritance for Group Memberships and Properties............................................135
Appliance Configuration Templates.......................................................................................137
Saving appliance configuration templates ......................................................................137
Modifying appliance configuration template properties.................................................138
Applying appliance configuration templates...................................................................138
Unit Properties .......................................................................................................................139
About Access Rights................................................................................................................144
Unit Access Rights..................................................................................................................146
Managed Appliance Status .....................................................................................................147
Managed Appliance Settings ..................................................................................................147
Managed Appliance SNMP Settings.......................................................................................149
Target Device Settings............................................................................................................150
Target Device Services ...........................................................................................................151
Target Device Naming............................................................................................................152
IQ Module Settings .................................................................................................................153
KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings.............................................................................154
OSCAR interface settings ................................................................................................156
Local Account Settings ...........................................................................................................157
Embedded Units......................................................................................................................160
Power Devices ........................................................................................................................165
Power Device Input Feed .......................................................................................................167
Power Device Sockets.............................................................................................................168
Power Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices ..........................................................169
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections ............................................................ 171
Managed Appliance Session Settings .....................................................................................171
Active Sessions........................................................................................................................176
Active sessions on a target device ...................................................................................178
Active modem sessions ....................................................................................................179
Connections to Units ..............................................................................................................181
Merging virtual and physical target device connections ................................................183
Configuring Data Logging .....................................................................................................186
Enabling the SSH server..................................................................................................187
Enabling the Syslog server..............................................................................................187
Enabling and disabling data logging on units ................................................................188
Verifying the data logging settings for each connection.................................................188
Viewing and customizing the SSH server settings...........................................................189
Configuring the buffer warnings events as SNMP ..........................................................190
Specifying where data log files will be stored.................................................................190
Archiving and deleting data log files...............................................................................191
Viewing Data Log Files..........................................................................................................193
Configuring SSH Passthrough................................................................................................195
Enabling SSH Passthrough .............................................................................................195
SSH port sharing .............................................................................................................196
SSH Passthrough Sessions......................................................................................................197
Establishing an SSH Passthrough connection to a unit..................................................198
Escape key sequence........................................................................................................200
Break sequences ..............................................................................................................200
Transferring read/write access........................................................................................202
Disconnecting a session ..................................................................................................202
Displaying session output................................................................................................202
Supported service processor commands .........................................................................203
Site, Department and Location Groups..................................................................................205
Custom Fields.........................................................................................................................207
Unit Groups ............................................................................................................................210
Unit group hierarchy.......................................................................................................212
Adding or deleting a unit group ......................................................................................214
Changing the unit group properties ................................................................................215
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Managing and Accessing Zones .............................................................................................219
Enabling DS Zones..........................................................................................................219
Creating zones.................................................................................................................219
Accessing zones ...............................................................................................................220
Transferring units to a zone ............................................................................................221
Managing zone properties...............................................................................................221
Using Zones ............................................................................................................................223
Units actions in a zone ....................................................................................................223
User Accounts Windows .........................................................................................................229
Adding User Accounts ............................................................................................................231
Deleting User Accounts..........................................................................................................233
Unlocking User Accounts .......................................................................................................233
Resetting a User Account Password.......................................................................................233
Changing User Account Properties........................................................................................234
User certificates...............................................................................................................235
User SSH key...................................................................................................................235
User password.................................................................................................................236
User account restrictions and expiration settings...........................................................236
User group membership ..................................................................................................237
Preemption level..............................................................................................................237
Address ............................................................................................................................237
Phone contact ..................................................................................................................238
Email contact...................................................................................................................238
User notes........................................................................................................................238
Custom field properties ...................................................................................................239
User Access Rights .................................................................................................................239
Adding User-defined User Groups.........................................................................................242
Deleting User-defined User Groups.......................................................................................244
User Group Properties ...........................................................................................................245
Changing User Group Members ............................................................................................245
User Group Access Rights......................................................................................................246
About the Video Viewer ..........................................................................................................249
Window Features....................................................................................................................250
Opening a KVM Session.........................................................................................................251
Closing a Video Viewer Session .............................................................................................254
KVM Session Profiles .............................................................................................................254
Using Menu Commands to Manage Session Settings.............................................................263
Manual Video Adjustment.......................................................................................................267
Saving the View.......................................................................................................................270
Displaying Video Viewer Users..............................................................................................270
Scan Mode ..............................................................................................................................271
Power Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices ..........................................................279
Using Virtual Media ...............................................................................................................279
Using Smart Cards .................................................................................................................283
Video Viewer Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................284
About the Telnet Viewer..........................................................................................................287
Telnet Viewer Window Features.............................................................................................287
Telnet Viewer window toolbar.........................................................................................289
Security Property....................................................................................................................290
Opening a Session...................................................................................................................290
Customizing the Telnet Viewer...............................................................................................291
Customizing Session Properties .............................................................................................292
Login scripts....................................................................................................................294
Reviewing Session Data..........................................................................................................295
Copying, Pasting and Printing Session Data .........................................................................302
Power Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices ..........................................................303
Closing a Telnet Viewer Session ............................................................................................304
Chapter 21: Using Tools.............................................................................................. 305
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using Unit Tools.....................................................................................................................305
Exporting units ................................................................................................................305
Exporting access rights ...................................................................................................307
Merging target devices....................................................................................................307
Merging target device endpoints.....................................................................................308
Importing DSView 2.x software databases......................................................................309
Importing data.................................................................................................................312
Using the Managed Appliance Tools......................................................................................313
Upgrading firmware........................................................................................................314
Resynchronizing units......................................................................................................315
Saving a managed appliance configuration....................................................................316
Restoring a managed appliance configuration ...............................................................316
Saving a managed appliance user database ...................................................................317
Restoring a managed appliance user database...............................................................317
Using the Tasks Window.........................................................................................................319
Adding tasks.....................................................................................................................320
Specifying when to run tasks ...........................................................................................320
Adding tasks using the Add Task Wizard ........................................................................322
Task: Backup DSView 3 software database and system files..........................................323
Task: Power control a target device ...............................................................................324
Task: Exporting an event log .csv file .............................................................................325
Task: Migrating units ......................................................................................................326
Task: Test modem connections to selected units.............................................................329
Task: Updating the firmware of an appliance type.........................................................329
Task: Pull names from selected units..............................................................................330
Task: Update topology for selected units........................................................................331
Task: Backup Power Manager database.........................................................................332
Task: Restore Power Manager database ........................................................................333
Running tasks manually...................................................................................................334
Displaying task results ....................................................................................................334
Deleting tasks ..................................................................................................................335
Changing tasks ................................................................................................................335
Firmware Management ..........................................................................................................336
Event Severity and Categories................................................................................................339
Email Notifications.................................................................................................................340
Enabling and Disabling Event Logging .................................................................................343
Displaying the Event Log........................................................................................................343
Event states......................................................................................................................345
Using the date filter.........................................................................................................346
Changing the Event Log Retention Period.............................................................................346
Creating an Event Log .csv File .............................................................................................347
Recommended Sequence for Adding/Upgrading Plug-ins .....................................................349
Adding Plug-ins ......................................................................................................................350
Displaying Plug-in Information..............................................................................................350
Managing Plug-ins .................................................................................................................352
Appendix A: Technical Support .....................................................................................................355
Appendix B: TCP and UDP Ports .................................................................................................356
Appendix C: DSR Remote Operations Software............................................................................364
Appendix D: Terminal Emulation..................................................................................................373
Appendix E: Regaining Access to the DSView 3 Software ............................................................389
Appendix F: Glossary ....................................................................................................................390
Index.............................................................................................................................. 401
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 1.1: Example System Configuration ......................................................................................8
Figure 3.1: Example Avocent DSView 3 Explorer Window Areas..................................................23
Figure 3.2: Example Side Navigation Bar.......................................................................................25
Figure 4.1: Typical DSView 3 Software System Firewall Configuration........................................51
Figure 4.2: DSView 3 Software System on a VPN ..........................................................................52
Figure 4.3: Single NAT Configuration (Client Only)......................................................................53
Figure 4.4: Double-NAT Configuration (Client and Corporate)....................................................54
Figure 7.1: Alternate Actions Arrow in a Units View Window .....................................................109
Figure 15.1: Custom Fields Example: Side Navigation Bar.........................................................210
Figure 15.2: Unit Groups Structure ..............................................................................................211
Figure 15.3: Unit Group Hierarchy Example ...............................................................................212
Figure 19.2: Manual Video Adjust Dialog Box.............................................................................268
Figure 19.3: Thumbnail Viewer.....................................................................................................272
Figure 20.1: Telnet Viewer Window..............................................................................................288
Figure B.1: Ports Used with a KVM Switch Connection Without Proxy ......................................357
Figure B.2: Ports Used with a KVM Switch Proxy Server Connection (KVM) ............................358
Figure B.5: Generic Appliance Session Ports...............................................................................361
Figure B.6: External Authentication Server Ports ........................................................................362
Figure B.7: Ports Used by SNMP (No External SNMP Manager) ...............................................362
Figure B.8: Ports Used by SNMP (with External SNMP Manager) .............................................363
Figure C.1: Using the DSR Remote Operations Software with a DSR Switch..............................365
Figure C.2: DSR Remote Operations Window ..............................................................................369
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 1.1: DSView 3 Software System Configuration Descriptions..................................................8
Table 3.1: DSView 3 Explorer Window Area Descriptions.............................................................24
Table 3.2: Side Navigation Bar Descriptions..................................................................................25
Table 3.3: Filter Text Strings...........................................................................................................27
Table 3.4: DSView 3 Explorer Page Navigation Buttons................................................................29
Table 3.5: General Keyboard Commands .......................................................................................31
Table 3.6: Calendar Keyboard Commands .....................................................................................31
Table 3.7: Spinner Keyboard Commands........................................................................................31
Table 4.1: Built-In User Group Allowed Operations ......................................................................40
Table 4.2: User and User Group Preemption Levels ......................................................................42
Table 4.3: System Certificate Policy................................................................................................48
Table 4.4: Typical DSView 3 Software System Firewall Configuration Descriptions....................51
Table 4.5: DSView 3 Software System on a VPN Descriptions.......................................................52
Table 4.6: Single NAT Configuration (Client Only) Descriptions ..................................................53
Table 4.7: Double-NAT Configuration (Client and Corporate) Descriptions ................................54
Table 4.8: License Summary Fields.................................................................................................55
Table 5.1: Server Properties............................................................................................................59
Table 5.2: DSView 3 Software Spoke Server Status ........................................................................72
Table 7.1: Unit Status Values ........................................................................................................108
Table 7.2: Action Links..................................................................................................................109
Table 9.1: Automatic Name Push Operation Effects.....................................................................126
Table 9.2: Automatic Name Pull Operation Effects ......................................................................127
Table 9.3: Manual Name Pull Operation Effects ..........................................................................129
Table 14.1: DSView 3 Software - Supported SSH Passthrough Session Escape Keys..................200
Table 14.2: DSView 3 Software - Supported SSH Passthrough Session Break Keys....................201
Table 15.1: Links for Managing Sites, Departments or Location Associations............................207
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 15.2: Custom Fields Example: Side Navigation Bar Descriptions .....................................210
Table 15.3: Unit Groups Features.................................................................................................211
Table 15.4: Unit Group Hierarchy Example Descriptions............................................................212
Table 16.1: Unit Actions in a Zone................................................................................................223
Table 16.2: User Actions in a Zone ...............................................................................................225
Table 16.3: Reports, Events and Data Logging Actions in a Zone ...............................................226
Table 16.4: Modifying System Settings in a Zone..........................................................................227
Table 17.1: User Status Icons........................................................................................................229
Table 19.1: Video Viewer Window Descriptions...........................................................................250
Table 19.3: Manual Video Adjust Dialog Box Descriptions .........................................................268
Table 19.4: Thumbnail Viewer Descriptions.................................................................................272
Table 19.5: Virtual Media Session Settings...................................................................................281
Table 19.6: Smart Card Icons........................................................................................................283
Table 20.1: Telnet Viewer Window Descriptions ..........................................................................288
Table 20.2: Telnet Viewer Window Toolbar Icons........................................................................289
Table 20.3: Arrow Key Sequences.................................................................................................292
Table 20.4: Terminal Emulation and Type....................................................................................293
Table 22.1: Task Status Icons........................................................................................................319
Table 23.1: Event Severity Levels..................................................................................................339
Table 24.1: Plug-ins Display Information.....................................................................................351
Table C.1: System Configuration Descriptions .............................................................................365
Table C.2: DSR Remote Operations Descriptions.........................................................................369
Table C.3: DSR Remote Operations Content Area Icons (Servers View) .....................................370
Table C.4: DSR Remote Operations Content Area Icons (Power View).......................................370
Table D.1: VT Key and Keypad Numeric Codes ...........................................................................373
Table D.2: VT100+ Function Key Support ...................................................................................374
Table D.3: VT102 Receive Codes..................................................................................................374
Table D.4: VT100 Special Keys and Control Keys........................................................................375
Table D.5: VT100 ANSI Set and Reset Mode Cursor Keys ...........................................................376
Table D.6: VT100 PF1-PF4 Key Definitions ................................................................................377
Table D.7: VT100 ANSI Mode Control Sequences........................................................................377
Table D.8: VT220 Encoding ..........................................................................................................380
Table D.9: VT220 Decoding..........................................................................................................382
Table D.10: VT52 Encoding ..........................................................................................................384
Table D.11: VT52 Decoding..........................................................................................................384
Table D.12: VT52 ANSI Mode Auxiliary Keypad Definitions.......................................................385
Table D.13: VT320 Encoding ........................................................................................................385
Table D.14: VT320 Decoding........................................................................................................386
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Product Overview
The DSView 3 management software version 3.7 is a secure, web browser-based, centralized
enterprise management solution that allows users to remotely access, manage, monitor and control
target devices through Avocent managed appliances. A session may be launched to a target device
with a single point of access.
Features and Benefits
Network rebooting and troubleshooting
The DSView 3 software uses industry standard IP connections so that you can easily troubleshoot a
server, or even reboot it, from the Network Operations Center (NOC), from your desk or from any
location in the world. With the DSView 3 software, you can access all of your data center devices
from a single screen - making complex network access and control remarkably easy. Using out-of-
band management, the software can be used to reach and restart servers or other devices that are not
functioning or responding to in-band commands, regardless of the state of the equipment’s
operating system.
Web-based access and control
The DSView 3 management software provides secure “point-and-click” browser-based access to
control virtually any data center device using managed appliances from DSView 3 software clients
located anywhere in the world.
Secure authentication and communication
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption may be used to encrypt data traveling within the DSView 3
software system. Users may be authenticated through internal or external services such as LDAP,
Active Directory, NT Domain, TACACS+, RADIUS and RSA SecurID.
Unit and user management
The DSView 3 management software provides centralized network access, control and security for
managed appliances. A DSView 3 software administrator may add, remove, delete and change
settings for managed appliances and target devices, including assigning permissions and per-device
contact information, which are stored on the DSView 3 server. A DSView 3 software administrator
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
may also assign unique permissions which allow individual users or a group of users access to units
or groups of units.
Proxy server access
The proxy server feature allows keyboard, video and mouse (KVM) and serial sessions to be
proxied through the DSView 3 server. When a session is initiated with a target device, the viewer
communicates using the Avocent Proxy Protocol (APP) and the DSView 3 server makes a direct
connection to the appliance.
Virtual media
On supported KVM switches, a virtual media capable IQ module and the virtual media feature
allow the client workstation user to load files onto USB2-compatible target devices when the usual
network resources are unavailable.
Mapping physical drives or image files on the client system as virtual drives on the target device
can accommodate critical tasks required on the target device, such as operating system installation
or recovery, BIOS updating and configuration backups.
Dual stack support for IPv4 and IPv6
The DSView 3 server is a dual stack host for IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols. Several Avocent
appliances support IPv6, including DSR switches, ACS advanced console servers, MergePoint
service processor (SP) managers and OnBoard SP managers.
Virtual segregation of resources with DS Zones
DS Zones provide virtual segregation of data center resources, including appliances, target devices
and virtual machines. You can manage the users, licenses and authentication services assigned to
each zone, and transfer units among zones.
System Components
The DSView 3 software system contains the following components.
DSView 3 management software
The DSView 3 software resides on the DSView 3 server (host or hub computer) and provides a web
gateway and services for managing units (appliances and target devices) using a web browser. The
gateway allows for IP-based video, serial management, Telnet Viewer, third party Telnet viewer,
web browser and other supported session types.
Users may connect to the DSView 3 server from DSView 3 software clients and use the DSView 3
Explorer windows to communicate with the system.
DSView 3 server
The DSView 3 server contains the DSView 3 management software. The server provides a
centralized database for storing configuration, user, unit and system information. It also provides
services for authentication, access control, logging events, monitoring and license management.
Chapter 1: Product Overview
You may configure one or more spoke (backup) servers in addition to the hub server. The hub
server is responsible for maintaining the master copy of the database in a DSView 3 software
system. Only one server in a DSView 3 software system may be configured as the hub server.
Spoke servers perform database replication with the hub server. The hub server acts as the
coordinator for database replication between itself and all of the other spoke servers in a DSView 3
software system. A hub server and a spoke server both offer the same DSView 3 software
functionality to a user. The distinction of hub or spoke refers only to the database replication role
that the server plays and not with the functionality that the server provides. Adding one or more
spoke servers to a DSView 3 software system provides redundancy and the ability to distribute
DSView 3 software functionality across multiple sites.
After the hub server and optional spoke server(s) are configured, you may create and configure the
type of access levels for users within your network environment. You may also set up event logs to
record full details of user access and other events.
DSView 3 software client
A DSView 3 software client is a computer with a web browser that can access the DSView 3
management software installed on the DSView 3 server.
Third party products
Third party products are not a part of the DSView 3 software, but are supported for use with it.
External authentication servers - An external authentication server enables the DSView 3 server to
broker authentication requests from users requesting access to the DSView 3 software system.
SNMP managers - The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) manager monitors the
managed appliances and receives SNMP traps from the DSView 3 software on the server. An
example of an SNMP manager is the HP OpenView product.
Third party Telnet viewers - A third party Telnet viewer may be used for serial sessions instead of
the DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer.
Third party session software - Third party software such as RDP or VNC, when properly installed
and configured on the target device, may be enabled for use within the DSView 3 software for
initiating sessions with the target device. At the beginning of a session, the RDP viewer allows
users to map local resources for use with virtual media.
NOTE: RDP is only available on supported Windows system clients.
Partner products
Environmental monitoring with Uptime Devices
DSView 3 software can help you access Uptime Devices SensorHub environmental monitoring
equipment so you can quickly detect environmental conditions (equipment to track temperature,
humidity, airflow, water, voltage and contact closures) that could adversely affect operation of
servers and other network devices. Visit www.uptimedevices.com for ordering information.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Proactive Network Security with NetClarity Auditor Enterprise
Integrate NetClarity Auditor Enterprise with the DSView 3 software and manage one or more
Auditor appliances to alert, block and correct critical IT security and compliance problems in your
data center and entire enterprise network. Visit www.netclarity.net for ordering information.
Avocent DSView 3 Connector for HP Software
The DSView 3 Connector for HP Software extends the capabilities of HP Software Network Node
Manager (NNM) and Operations for Windows (OVOW). Seamless access and control allows
critical management functions for dispersed IT environments. Out of band connectivity offers
solutions for lights out data centers and ensures quick and efficient troubleshooting and repair from
the HP console.
Supported Units
command to the managed appliance. The appliance then performs the requested function.
The DSView 3 software supports the managed appliances listed in this section. Other appliances
may be supported by plug-ins; see the Avocent web site, www.avocent.com, for a list of plug-ins
that may currently ship with the DSView 3 software and/or that can be added to the DSView 3
software. See Plug-ins on page 349 for information about adding and managing plug-ins in the
DSView 3 software system.
Cyclades ACS advanced console server
ACS advanced console servers allow users to access serially attached devices over a standard TCP/
IP connection using the Avocent Telnet Viewer, a third party Telnet viewer or a Secure Shell (SSH)
client. These serial sessions can be shared among multiple users across multiple DSView 3 servers.
For more information, see the ACS console server plug-in documentation.
DSView 3 Mobile software
DSView 3 Mobile software plug-in extends DSView 3 data center solutions to enable management
of Windows servers from a handheld device. Licenses may be required; see your Avocent
representative or www.avocent.com for more information.
LANDesk Server Manager
The DSView 3 management software plug-in for LANDesk Server Manager allows you to access
the LANDesk Server Manager and its target devices from within the DSView 3 software. This
integrated system provides complete life cycle and systems management for multiplatform server
infrastructures. Use the browser-based software to manage server performance and availability, and
launch sessions to target devices from a single point of access.
LANDesk Server Manager supports rack-mounted and blade servers with low-impact services that
let users choose the level of management coverage – from device discovery to extended
Chapter 1: Product Overview
performance analysis, security and configuration control. It enables enterprises to take inventory,
provision, patch, monitor and instantly assess server health and ensure optimum availability.
DSR switches
DSR switches allow KVM signals to be transmitted over a standard TCP/IP network connection.
Some DSR switches may be connected using a modem, which provides benefits for branch offices
such as low cost and dial-up performance.
The DSView 3 software supports the following DSR switch models:
800, 1010, 1020*, 1021*, 1022*, 1024*, 1030*, 1031*, 1161, 2010, 2020*, 2030*, 2035*,
2161, 4010, 4020*, 4030*, 4160, 8020*, 8030*, 8035*
*These models contain a dedicated serial port for connecting an external modem for use with
the DSR Remote Operations software.
For DSR switches, a target device is first attached to an IQ module, which is then attached to a DSR
switch. DSView 3 software clients communicate with target device ports using a Video Viewer
connection between the client and the managed appliance.
The DSR switches allow the cascading of legacy analog KVM switches from DSR switch ports,
which may be managed in a DSView 3 software system. Certain DSR switch models also allow the
cascading of another switch. For more information, see the DSR Switch Installer/User Guide.
NOTE: PEM cascade devices are not supported.
MergePoint 52xx service processor (SP) manager
The MergePoint 52xx service processor manager is a secure, centralized enterprise management
solution for target devices equipped with IPMI, HP iLO and Dell DRAC service processors. You
can use the DSView 3 software to access, monitor and control the MergePoint 52xx SP manager
and attached target devices.
The MergePoint 52xx SP manager provides a standardized interface independent of the
management protocols used to manage each target device. Management operations can be
performed either by using commands or scripts over a Telnet or SSH version 2 session or by using
the appliance’s web interface from a standard web browser.
For more information, see the MergePoint 52xx appliance plug-in documentation.
Cyclades OnSite branch office appliance
OnSite branch office appliances may be used to access multiple traditional or headless servers,
networking devices, infrastructure components or any other device with a serial console or KVM
port. You can use the DSView 3 software to access, monitor and control the OnSite appliance and
attached target devices. For more information, see the OnSite appliance plug-in documentation.
Virtual environments
The DSView 3 management software plug-in for Virtualization allows you to access and control
virtual machines from the DSView 3 software. Supported unit types include VMware
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
VirtualCenters, ESX Servers and virtual machines, as well as Citrix XenServers and virtual
machines. You can launch a Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Remote Desktop (RDP), Secure
Shell 2 (SSH) or VMware viewer session to supported virtual machines from a single point of
access. For more information, see the Virtualization plug-in documentation. Licenses may be
required; see your Avocent representative or www.avocent.com for more information.
Blade chassis
The DSView 3 software plug-in for Blade Chassis allows you to access multi-vendor blade chassis
and blades from the DSView 3 software. You can launch a KVM session to any managed blade
from a single point of access. For a list of supported blade chassis and other information, see the
Blade Chassis plug-in documentation.
Generic appliances
Generic appliances manage data center devices such as routers. These devices may be managed
within a DSView 3 software system by launching a standard web browser to the device URL or by
opening a Telnet session.
Embedded units
Using the DSView 3 software, you may add/delete, configure/display properties, and launch video
sessions to the following versions of third party embedded units:
IBM ASM (Advanced System Management) RSA II (Remote Supervisor Adapter II) -
Version 5, Build GRE132AUS
DRAC 4 (Dell™ Remote Access Controller) - Version 1.0, Build 06.14
HP iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) - Version 1.20
NEC IPF (Itanium Processor Family) - Version
For management functions (other than launching video sessions) that are not performed by the
DSView 3 software, see the documentation for the unit.
Legacy units
The following legacy units are supported in the DSView 3 software.
DSI5100 IPMI proxy appliances
EVR1500 environmental monitors
DS1800 digital switches
AutoView 200-4, 200-8, 400-4, 400-8, 416, 424 and 2000-AM switches (these switches must
be Flash upgraded to be added to a DSView 3 software system)
OutLook 140ES, 180ES, 280ES, 1160ES, 2160ES and 4160ES switches
Cyclades KVM/net KVM over IP switches
Cyclades KVM/net Plus KVM over IP switches
Cyclades TS appliances
Chapter 1: Product Overview
CCM console management appliances
CPS810 and 1610 serial over IP network appliances
Target devices
Target devices encompass a wide range of data center components such as servers and routers that
a DSView 3 software administrator may manage virtually through the DSView 3 software system.
A target device is added automatically to your DSView 3 software system when the supported
managed appliance is added. A target device may also be added individually.
Power devices
A power device is a type of target device that can be cascaded from a managed appliance.
When a DSView 3 software client sends a power control request to a target device, an HTTPS
request is sent to the DSView 3 server, which then sends a command to the managed appliance.
The command is converted and serially sent to the power device. The power device then performs
the requested action (for example, turning a power outlet on or off).
The DSView 3 software supports the following power devices:
Avocent SPC power control devices
Server Technologies Sentry Switched CDU CW-8H1, CW-8H2, CW-16V1, CW-16V2, CW-
24V2, CW-24V3, CW-32VD1 and CW-32VD2 (supported models may change; contact
Avocent Technical Support for current information)
Avocent and Server Technologies power devices are also supported on CCM and CPS appliances.
System Configuration
Figure 1.1 illustrates an example system configuration using the DSView 3 management software.
For information about the TCP ports that the DSView 3 software uses, see TCP and UDP Ports on
page 356.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 1.1: Example System Configuration
Table 1.1: DSView 3 Software System Configuration Descriptions
Number Description
Number Description
DSView 3 Software Client
Power Device
Hub DSView 3 Software Server
Spoke DSView 3 Software Servers (Optional)
External Authentication Servers (Optional)
SNMP Manager (Optional)
Generic Appliance
Hypervisor Manager
Target Device
IQ Module
Cascade Switch
Target Devices
ACS Advanced Console Server
Power Device
MergePoint SP Manager
Hypervisor Server
Virtual Machines
DSR Switch
Blade Chassis
OSCAR Interface
This chapter describes the following installation sequence:
What you should do before installing the DSView 3 software
Installing the DSView 3 software
Configuring the DSView 3 software, plus considerations when upgrading
Running the DSView 3 software, that is, start a client session
Final sections describe how to change your password, uninstall the software, end a DSView 3
software session and install Java.
About Installation
When the DSView 3 management software is installed, the DSView 3 software database and a hub
server are also installed on the dedicated server.
The DSView 3 software may be installed on a computer containing an existing DSView 2.x
software authentication server without causing any interference with the operation of the DSView
Once the DSView 3 software is installed and you have configured the hub server, users may log in
servers. See Spoke Servers on page 72 and Installing the DSR Remote Operations Software on
page 21.
NOTE: A license key permits the operation of the DSView 3 software on the dedicated server. The license key
also specifies the number of clients that may use the software and the number of spoke servers allowed on a
system. See Licenses on page 54.
Minimum requirements for the DSView 3 software
The following are the minimum requirements for installing the DSView 3 software on a dedicated
hub server or a computer that will function as a DSView 3 software spoke server:
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
For supported Windows and Linux systems: 2 GHz Pentium or equivalent processor
For supported Solaris systems: 1 GHz UltraSparc III processor
4 GB of RAM - additional memory may be needed, depending on the number of plug-ins
installed and appliances supported
100BaseT NIC (1GByte LAN recommended)
10 GB of free disk space - additional disk space may be required for data logging and plug-ins
One of the following operating systems:
Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with the latest service package
Windows Server 2003 Standard, Enterprise and Web Edition
Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter Edition
Windows Web Server 2008
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 4 (AS, ES and WS products)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 5
Sun Solaris SPARC 9 and 10
Novell SUSE Linux (x86) Enterprise Server 9 or 10
NOTE: The DSView 3 software is also supported on any of these operating systems running as a guest OS in a
virtual environment. However, while the DSView 3 software is expected to function properly on a guest OS in the
virtual environment, there may be unknown performance implications.
Before installing and configuring the DSView 3 software
Before installing the DSView 3 management software, install the managed appliance hardware.
If the computer will be a hub server, you will need the license key obtained from Avocent and
provide a username and password to use for initial log in.
If the computer will be a spoke server, you will need to identify the associated hub server and
provide the name/password of the hub server’s DSView 3 software administrator.
To prevent potential mouse conflicts, you may configure certain settings on each server connected
to a KVM switch or serial console appliance. For details, see the Mouse and Pointer Settings
Technical Brief, which is available on the DSView 3 software DVD and on the Avocent web site.
Installing the DSView 3 Software
The DSView 3 management software may be installed using the DSView 3 software DVD or by
downloading the software in a self-extracting .zip file from the Avocent web site.
Chapter 2: Installation
NOTE: If you are upgrading the DSView 3 software from a previous version, it is strongly recommended that you
perform a database synchronization between the hub and spoke servers; see Replication on page 75. You
should also back up the hub server prior to upgrading the DSView 3 software; see Backing up and Restoring Hub
Servers Manually on page 69. Failure to perform synchronization and backup may have detrimental effects. A
backup should be performed both before the upgrade and immediately following the upgrade.
To install the DSView 3 software on a supported Windows system:
1. Log on to the dedicated server as Administrator.
2. To install from a DVD:
a. Insert the DSView 3 software DVD. An autorun file opens a menu of installation options.
b. Click Install DSView 3 Software.
If autorun is not enabled, type <drive:>\DSView\win32\setup.exe, where <drive:> is the
letter of your DVD drive.
A dialog box will indicate that the server will be verified to ensure it meets the minimum
requirements for installing the DSView 3 software.
To install from a downloaded file:
a. Using your web browser, download the DSView 3 software from the Avocent web site.
Go to www.avocent.com and click the Support link. On the Technical Support page, click
the Product Upgrades link, then select DS Software Upgrades.
b. Double-click on the downloaded installation package (setup.exe). A dialog box will
indicate that the server will be verified to ensure it meets the minimum requirements for
installing the DSView 3 management software.
3. If the current or an earlier version of the DSView 3 software is already installed, the Installed
Product Found: Same Version message box will appear. Click OK to reinstall the DSView 3
software or Cancel to exit setup.
4. The Check for an UPDATED version window will open. (If the DSView 3 software is already
installed on the dedicated server, a message box will display. Click OK to close the box.)
a. Click Next to reinstall the software, or click Cancel to stop the reinstallation.
b. Click Check for UPDATES and then click Next to check the Avocent web site for the most
recent DSView 3 software installation package. Go to step 5.
Click Next to install the DVD or downloaded version of the DSView 3 software. Go to
step 6.
5. If a newer version of the DSView 3 software is found, an Update Available message appears.
a. Click OK to download the latest DSView 3 software installation package. The installation
will be cancelled and the server’s default web browser will launch and open in the Product
Upgrades and Options page of the Avocent web site.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Click Cancel to resume installation of the older version of the DSView 3 software. Go to
step 6.
b. Type your email address and password, and then click Submit to log in to the web site.
c. Download the DSView 3 software installation package, log out and close the web
browser. Return to step 2.
6. The Introduction window will open. Click Next.
7. The License Agreement window will open.
If you accept the terms, click I accept the terms of the License Agreement and then click
Next. Go to step 8.
If you do not accept the terms, click I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement.
A License Agreement Warning message box will appear.
If you click Quit, the installation will exit without installing the DSView 3 software.
If you click Resume, you will be returned to the License Agreement window.
The DSView 3 software license agreement may also be viewed from the User Login window
by clicking the Avocent DSView 3 End User License Agreement link. The agreement will
appear in a separate web browser window.
8. If the default TCP port used by the dedicated server hosting the DSView 3 software (TCP port
443) is not available, the Define Web Application Server TCP port window will open. Type the
port you want to use in the TCP port # field, then click Next. (Clicking Cancel exits the
Checking for an Updated version installation program.)
9. If the default TCP port used by the Avocent proxy server (TCP port 1078) is not available, the
Define TD (target device) Session Viewer Proxy TCP port window will open. Type the port
you want to use in the TCP port # field, then click Next.
10. If the default ports used by the SSH server and the Syslog server for data logging are not
available, appropriate windows will open. Type the port you want to use, then click Next.
11. The Choose Destination Location window will open.
a. Click Choose and use the Browse for Folder dialog box to select a directory in which to
install the DSView 3 software.
Click Restore Default Folder to restore the installation directory to the default
(C:\Program Files\Avocent DSView 3).
b. Click Install.
The Installing... window will open and display the progress of the installation. The software
will be installed in the specified folder, a Start - Programs - DSView 3 shortcut menu will be
generated and the DSView 3 software service startup will be verified.
If a previous version of the DSView 3 software already exists on the dedicated server, message
boxes may appear, prompting you to confirm overwriting existing files. Click Yes to All.
Chapter 2: Installation
12. When the software has finished installing, the Successful Service Startup message box will
appear. Click Continue.
13. The Installation Complete window will open.
To begin configuration of the DSView 3 software, click Done; see Configuring the
DSView 3 Software on page 14. A Security Alert dialog box will appear containing certifi-
cate information and a warning that the generator of the certificate is not trusted. This
occurs because the DSView 3 server certificate created when the server is installed is a
self-signed certificate. You may either import the certificate into the DSView 3 software
client web browser (choosing to trust the certificate) or obtain a server certificate from a
Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by the web browser.
To configure the DSView 3 software at a later time, click X (Cancel) in the top right corner
of the window.
To install the DSView 3 software on a supported Linux or Solaris system:
1. Log in to the server as root.
2. Insert the DSView 3 software DVD into your DVD drive. If AutoMount is supported and
enabled, open a command window and continue with step 3.
If your system does not support AutoMount, issue the following command to mount the DVD
volume: mount <device> <mount point>, where <device> and <mount point> are the names
of your server’s DVD Linux or Solaris device and mount point directory, respectively.
For example, to mount the first IDE cdrom on /media/cdrom, enter the command:
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
3. Enter the following command to access the readme file:
less /<mount point>/DSView/readme
For example, the following command accesses the readme file on the /media/cdrom mount
less /media/cdrom/DSView/readme
4. Follow the instructions in the readme file.
Upgrading the DSView 3 Software
upgraded at the same time. The DSView 3 hub server should be upgraded first, followed by each
spoke server.
Before upgrading, a replication should be performed (see Replication on page 75), then a backup
immediately before and after upgrading the DSView 3 software (see Backing up and Restoring Hub
Servers Manually on page 69).
The firmware for the appliances may also need to be upgraded in order to support new functionality
in the DSView 3 software. The DSView 3 software should work with the existing firmware
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
revisions, but in cases where new functionality is not supported until the firmware is upgraded, the
DSView 3 software will indicate this in the GUI.
Recommended upgrade process
NOTE: In order to safely upgrade the DSView 3 software, and to provide for a roll-back path in case of upgrade
failures, perform each of the following steps. If your DSView 3 configuration does not include spoke servers, skip
steps that refer to spokes.
To upgrade the DSView 3 software:
2. Verify that the installer files for both the new and old versions (in case recovery is needed) are
available to you.
3. Perform a replication of all spoke servers. See Replication on page 75.
4. Backup all hub and spoke servers. See Backing up and Restoring Hub Servers Manually on
page 69. It is advised that all DSView 3 backup files be stored on an external device or network
5. Verify basic functionality by navigating to a few DSView 3 windows and launching sessions to
a few target devices.
6. Run the DSView 3 installer for the new version on the hub server.
NOTE: The hub server must be upgraded prior to the upgrading the spoke servers.
sessions to a few target devices.
upgraded environment. See Backing up and Restoring Hub Servers Manually on page 69.
10. Run replication to validate that there are no errors. Errors will either be displayed in the status
panel for the replication task or in the Events Log. See Replication on page 75.
11. The firmware for the appliances may also need to be upgraded in order to support new
functionality in the DSView 3 software. See Upgrading firmware on page 314.
12. Verify basic functionality one last time by navigating to a few DSView 3 window and
launching sessions to a few target devices.
Configuring the DSView 3 Software
After the DSView 3 software has been installed, it must be configured using a web browser.
Chapter 2: Installation
During configuration, you specify whether the computer will be a hub server or a spoke server. If
this is your first DSView 3 server installation, hub should be selected in the Select DSView Server
Role window. The hub server should be installed before any spoke servers are added.
What you will need
If the computer will be a hub server, you will need the license key obtained from Avocent and
provide a username and password to use for initial log in.
If the computer will be a spoke server, you will need to identify the associated hub server and
provide the name/password of the hub server’s DSView 3 software administrator.
To configure the DSView 3 software:
1. If you are configuring the DSView 3 software during the installation process, you have already
clicked Done in the Launch Default Browser window.
If you quit after installing the DSView 3 software installation process (by closing the window),
select Start - Programs - Avocent DSView 3 - DSView Software.
2. A security alert box will appear containing certificate information. See Certificates on page 46.
3. The Select DSView Server Role window opens.
Click Hub to assign the dedicated server as the hub server, then click Next. Go to step 3.
Click Spoke to assign the dedicated server as a spoke server, then click Next. Go to step 8.
4. The Type in Master License Key window opens. Type the Avocent-provided license key for
the DSView 3 software hub server, then click Next. (DSView 3 software license keys prior to
version 3.0 are not valid.)
If you did not receive a license key, click the http://www.avocent.com/activation link to obtain
a license key.
If the entered license is already in use on another server, a license violation will occur when
you log in, and you must configure the server as a spoke server.
5. The Type in Initial Administrator Account window opens. Type a username, a password and
confirm the password of the user to whom you wish to give administrator privileges.
Usernames are case sensitive and may contain up to 64 characters. Click Next.
6. A Request in Progress message will appear. The license key will be installed and a DSView 3
software administrator account will be created. The built-in user groups will also be created.
7. The Completed Successful window will open when configuration is completed. Click Finish.
8. The User Login window will open in the DSView 3 Explorer.
You may now log in using the username and password specified during configuration.
If you chose to configure the server as a spoke server in the Select DSView Server Role window or
if you entered a duplicate software license key in the Type in Master License Key window,
continue with the following steps.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
NOTE: The DSView 3 software versions of the spoke server and the hub server must match in order to register
the spoke server. For example, you may not register a spoke server running DSView 3 software version 3.0 with
a hub server running DSView 3 software version 3.2.
9. The Type in Hub Server Address and Port window will open. Type the address of the DSView
3 software hub server using standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or type the DNS name in
the Address field. Click Next.
10. The Accept DSView Server Certificate window will open. Click Next to accept the certificate.
11. The Type in Hub Administrator Credentials window will open. Type a valid username and
password for a user with DSView 3 software administrator privileges on the DSView 3
software hub server. Click Next.
12. The Registering Spoke Server window will open with the message Request In Progress Please
Wait The configuration of the spoke server will be saved to the database of the hub server and
the spoke server’s certificates will be installed on the hub server.
13. The Completed Successful window will open when the spoke server has been added. Click
Running the DSView 3 Software
DSView 3 software clients access the DSView 3 management software host using a supported web
browser. Any software required by the client, such as applets and the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE), will be automatically installed by the DSView 3 server host.
The DSView 3 software uses Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) encryption to send data between the
DSView 3 software host and the web browser on the client to ensure data integrity and privacy.
When a user attempts to log in to a DSView 3 software client session, the authentication service
configured in the DSView 3 software by the DSView 3 software administrator verifies the
credentials of the user. Security alerts related to the certificates on the DSView 3 software host may
appear. See Certificates on page 46.
Minimum client requirements
The following are the minimum requirements for a DSView 3 software client:
1 GHz Pentium or equivalent processor
512 MB of RAM
10 or 100BaseT NIC (100 recommended)
XGA video with graphics accelerator
Desktop size setting of at least 800 x 600
Color palette of at least 256 colors
One of the following operating systems:
Windows 2000 Workstation, Server or Advanced Server with the latest service package
Windows XP Home Edition or Professional
Chapter 2: Installation
Windows 2003 Server Standard, Enterprise or Web Edition
Windows Vista Ultimate or Business
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 4 (AS, ES and WS products)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 5
Sun Solaris SPARC 9 and 10
Novell SUSE Linux (x86) Enterprise Server 9 or 10
Macintosh OS X version 10.4 and later
Adobe Flash Player version 9.0 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or 7
Firefox 2 or 3
Install the latest updates and service packs available for your browser.
If you are using Firefox, the Video Viewer and the Telnet Viewer clients require Java; see Java
Installation on page 19.
Opening a client session
Before opening a client session
Enable cookies and JavaScript on the client’s web browser.
Configure the web browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, see Internet Explorer Consider-
ations on page 42.
To open a client session:
NOTE: If DSView 3 Software Client Certificate Authentication or DSView 3 Software Client Integrated Windows
Authentication is being used, the user will not be required to log in. See Certificates on page 46.
1. From the DSView 3 software client web browser, enter the URL of the server host in the
address bar in the format:
In this case, <servername> is the DNS name of the host system, or the IP address in standard
dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
NOTE: To avoid multiple security warnings, enter the DNS name.
If you are opening the session on the DSView 3 server, you may select Start - Programs -
Avocent DSView 3 - DSView Software.
2. Accept all security alerts that may appear as the client computer connects to the DSView 3
server. The DSView 3 Explorer User Login window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
see RSA SecurID login below for the login procedure.
3. Type a valid username and password in the fields provided.
Depending on the settings specified by the administrator, you may be required to change your
password before being allowed to complete the login process. See Adding User Accounts on
page 231.
4. Click Login. The window that appears depends on the rights assigned to the DSView 3 user
that is logging in.
If the client machine uses an onboard video controller and experiences video problems, be sure the
BIOS is updated to the latest version.
RSA SecurID login
When an RSA SecurID external authentication service has been added to the DSView 3 software,
the login credentials include a username and a passcode. The passcode includes a PIN and an RSA
SecurID tokencode. The login request is sent to the RSA Authentication Manager. Depending on
the user configuration and state on the RSA Authentication Manager, the user may be prompted for
a second successive tokencode.
The user configuration also specifies how the 4-6 digit PIN will be generated:
User defined - the user must enter a PIN
System generated - the user cannot enter a PIN; it must be generated by the RSA server
User selectable - the user may choose to enter a PIN or allow the RSA server to generate it
If a PIN has not yet been assigned to the user or if security policy requires a PIN change, the user
will be prompted accordingly. If the RSA server generates the PIN, the user will be given a brief
interval to memorize it.
Regaining access
If access to a DSView 3 software system is lost, see Regaining Access to the DSView 3 Software on
page 389.
Uninstalling the DSView 3 Software
To uninstall the DSView 3 software on a supported Windows system:
1. Select Start - Settings - Control Panel. The Control Panel will appear.
2. From the Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs dialog box
will appear.
3. Select Avocent DSView 3 and then click Change/Remove. The Uninstall Avocent DSView
window will open.
4. Click Uninstall.
Chapter 2: Installation
To uninstall the DSView 3 software on a supported Linux or Solaris system:
1. Log in to the server as root.
2. Insert the DSView 3 software DVD into your DVD drive. If AutoMount is supported and
enabled, open a command window and continue with step 3.
If your system does not support AutoMount, issue the following command to mount the DVD
volume: mount <device> <mount point>, where <device> and <mount point> are the names
of your server’s DVD Linux or Solaris device and mount point directory, respectively.
For example, to mount a DVD which is the second IDE unit on /media/cdrom, enter the
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
3. Enter the following command to access the readme file.
less /media/cdrom/DSView/readme
Follow the instructions in the readme file.
Closing a DSView 3 Software Session
Files are copied to DSView 3 software clients when you log in to the DSView 3 software. When
using Internet Explorer, temporary files may be removed by selecting the Delete Temporary
Internet Files command and active web components may be uninstalled by selecting the Remove
Objects command. See the Internet Explorer documentation for more information.
To close a DSView 3 software session:
From the DSView 3 Explorer, click LOGOUT or the logout icon.
Java Installation
On non-Windows clients, the Video Viewer, Telnet and VNC Viewers require Java version 1.5.
The Telnet/SSH applet may work with other versions; the Video Viewer requires that version.
On Windows clients, Java is required to run the Avocent Telnet/SSH Viewer. If the Win32 PuTTY
Telnet/SSH Viewer is selected in the user’s profile, then Java is not required on the client. On a
Windows client, it is recommended that the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) be installed in the
C:\Program Files\ location. If your system automatically installs programs in another location, you
may not be able to launch the Video Viewer. In this case, you can configure Java to find the JRE.
To configure Java to find the JRE:
1. Access the Java Control Panel.
2. Select the Java tab.
3. In the Java Application Runtime Settings panel, click View.
4. Change the path to the installed JRE.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
5. Click OK.
For Windows, Linux and Solaris operating systems, the DSView 3 software client automatically
downloads and installs the JRE the first time it is needed. For Macintosh operating systems, you
must update Java and install the JRE using the Macintosh software updates. Refer to the Macintosh
operating system documentation for more information.
To install the JRE on a Windows client:
1. In a DSView 3 software Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106),
click an Action link.
2. A window will open, containing a link for downloading the JRE installer. Download the JRE
installer, then close all browser windows.
3. Click on the JRE icon to launch the installer.
4. Restart the browser, and click an Action link.
To install the JRE on a Linux or Solaris client:
NOTE: Only one version of the JRE can be installed in the browser for DSView 3 software support. Depending
on your system’s configuration, you may have to log in as the root user to install the JRE. Contact your system
administrator if you need help with installing software as the root user.
1. In a DSView 3 software Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106),
click an Action link.
2. A window will open, containing a link for downloading the JRE installer. Download the JRE
installer, then close all browser windows.
3. Run the installer.
4. Restart the browser, and click an Action link.
Avocent Viewer Plug-in Installation
Plug-in. If you are using Firefox 2 or Internet Explorer, the plug-in downloads automatically from
the browser window. If you are using Firefox 3, additional set up is required.
To install the Avocent Viewer Plug-in when using Firefox 3 on a Windows client:
1. In a Units View window containing the target device you want to access (see Accessing Units
View windows on page 106), click an Action link.
2. The Installing Avocent Viewer Plug-in pop-up window opens. Click Download Avocent
Viewer Plug-in.
3. Click Save, then open the saved file. The Firefox downloads window opens.
4. Click OK, the follow the instructions in the installer wizard to install the file.
Once the installation is complete, the viewer session starts automatically.
Chapter 2: Installation
Installing the DSR Remote Operations Software
If your DSView 3 software system includes DSR1021, 1022, 1024, 1020, 1030, 1031, 2020, 2030,
2035, 4020, 4030, 8020, 8030 or 8035 switches, you may use the DSR Remote Operations software
for switch access using a dial-up point to point protocol (PPP) modem connection when an Ethernet
connection is unavailable.
See DSR Remote Operations Software on page 364 for information about installing and using the
DSR Remote Operations software.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 3.1: DSView 3 Explorer Window Area Descriptions
Number Description
Top option bar - Use the top option bar to bookmark a DSView 3 software window, refresh a
window display, print a page, log out of a software session or access online help. The name of the
logged in user appears on the left side of the top option bar.
Tab bar - Use the tab bar to display and manage units, user accounts, reports, system settings and
session profiles.
Top navigation bar - The selections in the top navigation bar vary, depending on the active tab in
the tab bar. Topics relevant to each selection display in the side navigation bar.
Side navigation bar - Use the side navigation bar to select system information to display or edit in
the content area. The side navigation bar contains arrows that affect its display.
Content area - The information specified by the tab bar, top navigation bar and side navigation bar
selections is displayed and changed in the content area.
the Action column. See Units View Windows on page 103.
You may also initiate a session with a target device from a Unit Overview window. See Unit
Overview Windows on page 112.
For information about controlling the power of target devices attached to power devices, see Power
Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices on page 169.
Using the Side Navigation Bar
The side navigation bar is used to display windows that specify settings or perform operations. The
contents of the side navigation bar varies, depending on the tab and top navigation bar selections
and the window that is displayed.
Chapter 3: DSView 3 Explorer Windows
2 1
Unit Views
Target Devices
Recently Accessed
Active Sessions
Figure 3.2: Example Side Navigation Bar
Table 3.2: Side Navigation Bar Descriptions
Number Arrow
Expand All Nodes - Click this arrow in the upper right corner to expand all nodes and
display additional links.
Collapse All Nodes - Click this arrow in the upper right corner to collapse all nodes
and their links.
Collapse Node - Click this arrow to collapse an opened tree branch and its links.
Expand Node - Click this arrow to expand a closed tree branch and display its links.
You may choose whether an expanded node will collapse when another Expand Node arrow is
selected. See Changing user options on page 36.
Clicking on a link that does not contain an arrow will display its corresponding window. Some
windows contain additional links, which may display another window and a side navigation bar
with different content.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using Windows
Sorting information in a window
The order of rows in a list may be changed by clicking the heading of one of the displayed columns.
When you click a column heading, the order of the list rows will change to alphabetically
ascending, based on that column. If you click the column heading a second time, the order will
change to an alphabetically descending order. An up arrow indicates ascending order and a down
arrow indicates descending order.
If you are using the topology feature in a Units View window, see Topology view on page 104 for
sorting criteria.
Filtering information in a window
Some DSView 3 software windows allow you to filter list information by providing a text string
that will be used to retrieve matching items. Filtering is useful if you have many target devices or
other items that extend over many pages. Windows that allow filtering contain a text field and a
Filter button in the content area, as shown in Figure 3.1 on page 23.
Filtering is performed either over the entire list of items or of specified columns, and can provide a
shorter, more exact list of items. When filtering is performed, each row and column is searched for
the specified text string. For example, you may wish to perform filtering to list only DSR1031
switches in the Name column, target devices with KVM connections in the Action column, idle
ACS console servers in the Status column and so on. Additionally, from a Units View window, you
can use the Custom Fields and Filter link to exclude columns from the filter and provide a more
exact list of filtered items. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
When the topology feature is enabled in a Units View window, both parent and child units will
display in the filtered view. For example, if you filter for a child named target device 1 that is
attached to a DSR1031 switch, target device 1 will appear below the DSR1031 switch in the
When filtering, you may use an asterisk (*) before and/or after text strings as a wildcard. For
example, typing emailserver* and clicking Filter will display items with emailserver at the
beginning (such as emailserver, emailserverbackup). Typing *emailserver* and clicking Filter will
display items containing emailserver in any part of the name (such as emailserver,
emailserverstore, tdemailserver, tdemailserver1).
Table 3.3 lists the ways you may specify text strings for filtering.
Chapter 3: DSView 3 Explorer Windows
Table 3.3: Filter Text Strings
Typed in the Filter Field
Entering a string displays a filtered list of items that contain the ‘word’ (that is, it
will find matching strings that are followed by anything other than a letter or
number). For example, typing email will list any items that contain the string
email, followed by a space or punctuation mark.
If you enter multiple words separated by spaces but without logical operators,
OR is assumed, and each word is treated separately. For example, typing email
server will display items containing email or server.
Surrounding the string with quotation marks displays a filtered list of items
containing the exact string, including spacing and punctuation. For example,
typing “email server” will display items that contain email server. The DSView
3 software will provide a closing quotation mark if it is omitted.
Using the AND logical operator displays the items that contain both strings. For
example, typing email and server will display items named email-server-3,
email-server-2, server email and so on.
<String1> AND <String2>
<String1> OR <String2>
Using the OR logical operator displays the items that contain at least one of the
strings. For example, typing email or server will find any items that contain the
string email or the string server.
Parentheses may be used to override the default (left to right) order of
precedence during evaluation of a filter string.
For example, searching for email and server or service would be the
equivalent of ((email and server) or service), which may not be the intended
search. The user may choose instead to change the order of precedence by
grouping the search terms with parentheses, such as (email) and (server or
Preceding the string with NOT displays all items that do not contain the string.
For example, typing not email will display all items except those containing
email (email, email server, email-server-1 and so on will not display).
NOT <String>
To filter the list in a window:
1. In a window containing a Filter field, type a text string in the field. Searches are not case
2. Click Filter. A filtered list of the information in the window will be displayed.
3. Click Clear to return to a non-filtered list.
Saving information in a window
When you change information in a window, you must click Save in order to apply the changes. By
default, a message box will appear if you click Close or try to exit the window by clicking a link in
the top bar, top navigation bar or side navigation bar without first clicking Save.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Clicking OK in the message box will exit the current window without saving the changes. If you
want to save the changes you have made, click Cancel in the message box, then click Save in the
You may choose whether you will be reminded to save changes made in windows before exiting
them. See Changing user options on page 36.
Using the Customize link in windows
Windows that contain a Customize or Customize Fields and Filter link allow you to change the
following information:
The number of items displayed per page in the window
Which columns of information are displayed in Units View windows
Which columns are included in a filter from a Units View window (available from the
Customize Fields and Filter link only)
By clicking the Customize link, you can also show units that have been hidden in a Units View
NOTE: If you are in a Units View window, the link is displayed as “Custom Fields and Filter” and this window
contains additional filtering options. On any other window, the link is displayed as “Customize”. The term
“Customize link” is used throughout this document to refer to both links.
The items available for customizing and methods for changing them will vary, depending on the
window being customized. Although the items that appear in windows may vary, the items that do
appear are modified identically regardless of the window in which you clicked the Customize link.
DSView 3 software administrators may also configure the default display for customizable
windows, that is, which columns will be displayed and how many items will be displayed per page
by default. The default values will be used by all new users and by existing users who have not
already customized their views.
To customize a window using the Customize link:
1. In a window containing a Customize link in the upper right corner, click the link. A View
Customization window will open.
2. Add, remove or move fields in the window display:
To add one or more fields to the window display, select the fields in the Available Fields
list, then click Add. The fields will be moved to the Fields to Show list.
To remove one or more fields from the window display, select the fields in the Fields to
Show list, then click Remove. The fields will be moved to the Available Fields list.
To change the order that fields display from left to right in the window, select one or more
fields in the Fields to Show list. Use the up or down arrow to change its order in the list.
3. To specify the number of items that appear in a window, use the arrow keys in the Items per
Page field to select a number or type a number (1-2000). In Units View windows that have the
Chapter 3: DSView 3 Explorer Windows
topology view enabled, the number of items per page includes children, even if the display is
collapsed and the children are not visible.
move to the Fields to Show list.
5. To show group descendants in windows that display unit groups (see Unit group hierarchy on
page 212), click the Show group descendants checkbox.
6. To expand a topology view automatically in a Units View window (see Topology view on
page 104), click the Expand view automatically checkbox.
7. (Units View windows only) To specify which fields are included in a filter, select the field(s)
from the Available Fields list and click the Add button. To remove fields from a filter, select the
fields from the Filter on these fields list and click Remove.
8. To set the Fields to Show and List Items as the default, click Set as Default. This button will
appear only if you are a DSView 3 software administrator. You will be prompted to confirm
setting these values as the default. Confirm or cancel.
9. Click Save and then click Finish. The window being customized will open with the changes.
Displaying pages
Multiple page windows contain navigation buttons which may be used to quickly move among
Table 3.4: DSView 3 Explorer Page Navigation Buttons
First Page - Navigates to the beginning of a list displayed in a window.
Previous Page - Navigates to the previous page of a list displayed in a window.
Next Page - Navigates to the next page of a list displayed in a window.
The page navigation buttons are enabled only if there are enough pages available to make them
The number of items that display in a window page is specified by using the Customize link (see
Using the Customize link in windows on page 28). If a page’s content cannot fit vertically and/or
horizontally in the window, scroll bars will appear. The current page and total number of pages
appear in the top left corner of the window.
Many operations allow you to select all items on a page by enabling a checkbox located to the left
of the column headings in the window. Enabling this checkbox selects all the items listed on a page
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
(whether or not the entire page is visible). However, for multi-page displays, items listed on other
pages will not be included in the selection.
The only time you can select all items on all pages of a multipage display in one step is when you
are setting access rights from a Units View windows. For this operation, if you click Rights in a
Units View window with no units selected, all units on all pages will be affected by the operation.
Bookmarking a window
Many windows contain a bookmark icon and text in the top option bar. Bookmarking a window
will add a link to the window in the Favorites menu. You may select the link at any time to quickly
access the bookmarked window.
If you bookmark a window and information related to the window changes, this new information
will appear in the window when you next display the bookmarked window. For example, if you
bookmark the Recently Accessed window and then access other units, the bookmarked window
will contain these other units the next time you display the bookmarked page.
If you click BOOKMARK or the bookmark icon after the DSView 3 server session has timed out,
the User Login window will open and you must log in again. After you log in, you will be
redirected to the bookmarked page.
To bookmark a window:
1. In the top option bar, click BOOKMARK or the bookmark icon. The Add Favorite dialog box
will appear.
2. Optionally, type a name for the window. You may also click Create in to create or specify a
folder in which to place the window.
3. Click OK to close the Add Favorite dialog box.
Printing a window
All windows contain a print icon and text in the top option bar. When you print a window, all the
information on the page is printed, not just the visible portion.
To print a window:
1. In the top option bar, click PRINT or the print icon. The Print dialog box will appear.
Refreshing a window
A window may be refreshed at any time by clicking REFRESH or the refresh icon in the top option
By default, status information automatically refreshes every 30 seconds. This interval may be
changed or disabled. See Changing user options on page 36.
Chapter 3: DSView 3 Explorer Windows
Using keyboard commands
In addition to using a mouse, certain keyboard commands may be used to select and change items
in windows.
Table 3.5: General Keyboard Commands
Transfers focus to the next control in the window, including the calendar
Transfers focus to the previous HTML control
Table 3.6 lists the keyboard commands that may be used when a calendar is enabled and has focus.
Table 3.6: Calendar Keyboard Commands
Enter or Space
Displays or closes the calendar.
Closes the calendar.
Page Up
Page Down
Decrements the month by one month and selects the first day of the month.
Increases the month by one month and selects the first day of the month.
Increments the day by one day. If the last day of the month is selected and the Right
Arrow key is pressed, the month is incremented to the next month.
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Up Arrow
Decrements the day by one day. If the first day of the month is selected and the Left
Arrow key is pressed, the month is decremented to the previous month.
Decrements the weekday by one week. If the first weekday type of the month is selected
and the Up Arrow key is pressed, the month is decremented to the previous month.
Increments the weekday by one week. If the last weekday type of the month is selected
and the Down Arrow key is pressed, the month is incremented to the next month.
Down Arrow
Table 3.7 lists the keyboard commands that may be used when a spinner is enabled and has focus.
Table 3.7: Spinner Keyboard Commands
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Increments the spinner number by one
Decrements the spinner number by one
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Basic Operations
This chapter describes basic operations and settings, including global system properties, profiles,
built-in user groups and preemption levels.
DSView 3 Help
NOTE: The DSView 3 Help section only applies to DSView 3 software versions 3.5 or later.
The DSView 3 help is hosted on the Avocent web site. If you do not have continuous access to the
Internet, you may wish to install the help on the local DSView 3 server.
NOTE: Help for DSView 3 software plug-ins is automatically installed on your local server and is not available
from the Avocent web site.
Configuring the DSView 3 help location
DSView 3 administrators can change the DSView 3 help location at any time. Help is configured
independently for each DSView 3 hub and spoke server.
To configure the DSView 3 help location:
1. Click the System tab, then click DSView 3 Server.
2. Click Properties - Help Configuration in the side navigation bar.
software version from the Avocent web site (Internet connection required).
Select View help from this DSView 3 server help location to access the downloaded help from
your local server. Complete the following procedure for Installing DSView 3 help on a local
4. Click Save.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
NOTE: If your DSView 3 software version is several versions prior to the current version, the help may not be
available on the Avocent web site. In this case, when you access the help from the web, you are prompted to
save a .zip file of the help to the local device. Complete the Installing DSView 3 help on a local server procedure.
Installing DSView 3 help on a local server
You can automatically download the help from the Avocent web site using the DSView 3 software,
or you can visit www.avocent.com/dsview3help to browse for the appropriate version and save a
.zip file of the help to local media.
To download or update DSView 3 help on the local server:
1. Click the System tab, then click DSView 3 Server.
2. Click Properties - Help Configuration in the side navigation bar.
3. Click the Download Latest Help button. The DSView 3 Help Download Wizard opens.
4. Select From the Avocent web site to download the latest help for your DSView 3 software
version from the Avocent web site.
Browse or type the path in the field.
5. Click Next.
6. The Completed Successful window opens. Click Finish.
NOTE: If you reinstall or upgrade the DSView 3 software, the DSView 3 help location is reset to From the
Avocent web site. Complete the Installing DSView 3 help on a local server procedure if you want to access the
help from the local server.
Global System Properties
properties are changed on a DSView 3 server, the next replication operation will apply those
Global system properties include:
key on page 39
Legal notice - see Legal Notice on page 35
Target device naming - see Target Device Naming on page 152
Automatic inheritance - see Automatic Inheritance for Group Memberships and Properties on
page 135
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
You may enable or disable the display of a legal caption and disclaimer prior to users logging in to
the DSView 3 software. When enabled, the legal disclaimer is displayed every time a user logs in.
The legal notice feature affects all DSView 3 servers in the system after replication; see Replication
on page 75.
Only DSView 3 software administrators may configure the legal notice.
To enable or disable and configure the legal notice:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Legal Notice in the side navigation bar. The DSView 3 System Logon Legal Notice
window will open.
4. To enable the legal notice display:
a. Check the Enable Legal Notice checkbox.
b. Enter up to 80 characters in the Caption field. This is a required field.
c. Enter up to 512 characters in the Text field. Carriage returns may be used to separate lines.
This is a required field.
d. Click Save.
5. To disable the legal notice display, uncheck the Enable Legal Notice checkbox and then click
PCI Compliance Configuration
The DSView 3 software may be configured as Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. When PCI
compliance is enabled, three settings are affected:
Browser caching of secure web pages is disabled. This setting prevents the potential loss of
confidential client data; however, this setting may not work effectively if older browsers are
The browser prompt to save passwords is disabled. This setting prevents the potential loss of
confidential client data.
Weak SSL ciphers are disabled. This setting prevents the potential loss of data integrity.
These three settings may be enabled at once on the Global Properties page, or may be enabled/
disabled individually.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
NOTE: When PCI compliance is enabled, the exporting of the DSView 3 server CSR files, PEM certificates and
SSH keys does not submit the request to the client's browser; instead the files are saved in the DSView 3 server
user's home directory. The CSR filename is the name of the DSView server with extension .p10, the PEM
certificate filename is DSView System Certificate.pem, and the SSH key filename is DSView System
Certificate.pub. For example, if the server is running on Windows XP and the name of the server is WinXPServer,
the files are saved to [rootdrive]\Documents and Settings\[username]\ and the names are:
- CSR file = WinXPServer.p10
- PEM certificate = DSView System Certificate.pem
- SSH key = DSView System Certificate.pub
To enable PCI compliance:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
4. To enable PCI compliance, select Make DSView Server PCI Compliant. Click Save.
5. Restart the DSView 3 server.
6. Run the MSI installer to push the Video Viewer files to the Internet Explorer clients accessing
the DSView 3 software; follow the procedure in Managing ActiveX controls on page 43.
NOTE: The PCI compliance setting is not replicated to other DSView 3 servers. You must configure PCI
compliance settings individually for each server that you wish to be PCI compliant.
Profile information contains features and tasks that may affect actions when using the DSView 3
software. These include:
User options
Color scheme
Choice of serial session application
Specifying a user certificate
Specifying a user SSH key
NOTE: You may also set up KVM session profiles for use with the Video Viewer; see KVM Session Profiles on
page 254.
Changing user options
To change user options:
1. Click the Profile tab. The Options window will open.
2. In the Navigation Tree Behavior area, select one option:
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
will be collapsed when you select another tree node.
If you select Preserve navigation tree state, a currently-expanded tree node will remain
expanded when you select another tree node.
If you select Automatically fully expand navigation tree nodes, all tree nodes will be
expanded. This is equivalent to clicking the Expand All Nodes arrow in the side navigation
bar; see Using the Side Navigation Bar on page 24.
3. Enable or disable prompts when leaving pages with unsaved changes:
Check Skip prompt when leaving pages with unsaved changes, if you do not want a
message box to prompt you to save modified information when you leave a window.
Uncheck Skip prompt when leaving pages with unsaved changes if you want a message
box to prompt you to save modified information when you leave a window.
4. Select a refresh rate or Never. By default, windows automatically refresh every 30 seconds. If
you select Never, windows will only be refreshed when you click the REFRESH icon or text in
the top option bar.
5. Click Save.
Changing the color scheme
When the color scheme is changed, it is changed only for the logged in user.
To change the color scheme:
1. Click the Profile tab.
2. Click Preferences in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Color Scheme in the side navigation bar. The Color Scheme window will open.
Changing your password
users are allowed to change their password; see User account restrictions and expiration settings
on page 236.
By default, passwords must contain at least three characters and will never expire. A different
minimum character length and an expiration date may be configured; see DSView 3 software
internal authentication service on page 80.
To change your password:
1. Click the Profile tab.
2. Click Preferences in the top navigation bar.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click Change Password in the side navigation bar. The Change Password window will open.
4. Type your current password.
5. Type and confirm the new password.
6. Click Save.
Choosing the serial session application
You may specify the application to be used for serial sessions to target devices.
DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer (Avocent Session Viewer)
Win32 PuTTY Telnet/SSH application
Third party application
NOTE: If you use a third party Telnet application, the first time you attempt to launch a session, you will be
prompted to confirm the use of that application. If you do not confirm the use of that application, the session will
not be launched.
NOTE: Only the DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer is supported on Macintosh system clients.
To specify the serial session application:
1. Click the Profile tab.
2. Click Applications in the side navigation bar.
3. Check the checkbox for the application you want to use for serial sessions.
4. If you check 3rd Party Application, enter the path and executable name of the application
(maximum 256 characters) in the Serial Application field.
Specify any of the following parameters (up to 128 characters) in the Command Line
Arguments field. When the serial session is launched, the actual values will be substituted.
%ADDRESS% - The IP address will be substituted.
%PORT% - The port number will be substituted.
%TNAME% - The target name will be substituted.
5. Click Save.
This property may be changed only for internal authentication users. See DSView 3 software
internal authentication service on page 80.
A user may specify a certificate if the administrator has allowed it; see the procedure below. If the
system certificate policy is enabled for user certificates (see System certificate policy and trust
store on page 47), the user certificate used at login must meet the policy requirements.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
As an alternative, the administrator may specify the certificate in the user account properties. See
User certificates on page 235.
To enable user settable certificates:
NOTE: Only DSView 3 software administrators may access this procedure.
1. Check the Allow user to set own certificate checkbox.
2. Click Save.
To specify a user certificate:
NOTE: A user may access this procedure only if a DSView 3 software administrator has allowed it.
1. Click the Profile tab. Preferences will automatically be selected in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Credentials in the side navigation bar, then click Certificate.
Specifying an SSH key
A user may specify an SSH key if the administrator has allowed it.
As an alternative to this method, the administrator may specify the SSH key in the user account
properties. See User SSH key on page 235.
To enable user settable SSH keys:
NOTE: Only DSView 3 software administrators may access this procedure.
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click User Credential Properties in the side navigation bar.
3. Check the Allow user to set own SSH key checkbox.
4. Click Save.
To specify an SSH key:
NOTE: A user may access this procedure only if a DSView 3 software administrator has enabled it.
1. Click the Profile tab. Preferences will automatically be selected in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Credentials in the side navigation bar, then select SSH Key.
3. Type the 1-256 character name of the file containing the public SSH key that was generated by
a third party key generator or browse to the file location.
4. Click Save. An updated SSH Key window will open. The SSH key file will be uploaded to the
DSView 3 server for use in authenticating the user.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Enabling user credential caching
User credential caching provides a single sign-on method for accessing units supported by certain
plug-ins. If enabled, the credentials used to log in to the DSView 3 software are maintained in a
secure internal cache. A supported plug-in, such as the Virtualization plug-in, can retrieve these
credentials to log in to connected units.
To enable user credential caching:
NOTE: Only DSView 3 software administrators may access this procedure.
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click User Credential Properties in the side navigation bar.
3. Check the Enable credential caching checkbox.
4. Click Save.
Any currently logged in users must log out and log in again for their credentials to be cached.
Built-in User Groups
When a user account is added to the DSView 3 software system, the user may be assigned to any of
the following built-in user groups:
Appliance administrators
User administrators
Table 4.1 lists the operations allowed for the built-in user groups.
Table 4.1: Built-In User Group Allowed Operations
Built-In User Group
Configure DSView 3 software system-level settings
Add, change, import and delete DSView 3 software
Backup and restore the DSView 3 software database
Register a spoke server
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
Table 4.1: Built-In User Group Allowed Operations (Continued)
Built-In User Group
Add, change and delete units
Add, change and delete unit groups
Configure access rights
Add, change and delete sites, departments and locations
Add, change and delete external authentication services
Add, change, delete user accounts and user-defined user
All event-related operation
Change your own password
In addition to the built-in user groups, the DSView 3 software supports user-defined user groups;
see Grouping Units on page 205.
Preemption Levels
which are initiated from the Video Viewer.
DSView 3 software administrators and user administrators may specify the preemption level for
user accounts or user-defined user groups when an account or group is created. The preemption
level may be changed later. See Preemption level on page 237 or User Group Properties on
page 245.
By default, the preemption level used by the DSView 3 management software (the effective user
preemption level) is the highest level of all of the user groups to which the user belongs.
Preemption levels range from 1-4, with 4 being the highest level. For example, a user or a user
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
group with a preemption level of 4 may preempt other level 4 users or user groups, as well as those
with a level 1, 2 or 3 setting.
Table 4.2: User and User Group Preemption Levels
Preemption Level Description
The default preemption level for a new local user of a KVM switch or serial console
The default preemption level for the DSView 3 software administrator and appliance
administrator user groups.
The default preemption level for the user administrator user group.
The default preemption level for the users and auditors groups.
The preemption levels may be used in the following ways:
User preemption level - This is the preemption level assigned to a user by a DSView 3 software
administrator or user administrator. If this value is larger than the highest preemption level of
the user group to which the user belongs, the value will be used as the effective user
preemption level.
Group preemption level - This is the preemption level assigned to user groups to which the
user belongs. If the user is assigned to multiple user groups with different preemption levels,
this will be the preemption level of the user group with the highest level. For example, if a user
belongs to the administrators (level 3) and auditors (level 1) user groups, this value will be
defined as 3. If this value is larger than the highest preemption level of the user, the value will
be used as the effective user preemption level.
Effective user preemption level - This is the largest value between the user and group
preemption level, and is the actual preemption level that will be recognized by the DSView 3
software when the user attempts to preempt another user’s session. For example, if user
this user would also be able to preempt the session of a user belonging to the administrators or
appliance administrators user groups.
An administrator or user administrator may also specify an OSCAR graphical user interface
preemption level that is applied to users accessing target devices through the OSCAR interface. See
KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings on page 154.
Internet Explorer Considerations
When the Internet Explorer web browser is used, specific settings are required to enable the
DSView 3 software to operate correctly.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates - Used for secure authentication between the DSView
3 software client and DSView 3 software hub server; see Certificates on page 46.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
ActiveX controls - Used to display Telnet application, serial and KVM sessions.
Security Zones - Used to control the actions that may be performed within Internet Explorer.
For example, the operation of JavaScript, which is used by the DSView 3 software, is
dependent on security zone settings.
Advanced Internet options - Used for miscellaneous settings that enhance the use of the
DSView 3 software.
Managing ActiveX® controls
The DSView 3 software uses ActiveX controls to provide interactive content for viewers. (The
Avocent Telnet Viewer uses Java; see Java Installation on page 19 for information.)
The functionality of the ActiveX controls is determined by the settings for the security zone being
used by the DSView 3 software. See Security zones on page 44.
Administrators may prevent users from installing software on their computers. In this case, the
Windows domain administrators may choose to “push” an MSI installer using a Group Policy. This
will silently install the Avocent Session Viewers without requiring the user to install the software
themselves. This will install only the viewers for Internet Explorer. The MSI file is located on the
Use the following procedures if you are permitted to install software.
To download an ActiveX control on a DSView 3 software hub server using Windows
(all operating systems except Windows XP with Service Pack 2):
1. In a Units View window that contains target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click the link in the Action field or select an alternate action, if available.
You can also access a Unit Overview window for a target device and click the icon or link for
the session type.
If this is the first time the ActiveX control has been requested by the DSView 3 software, an
Avocent Session Viewer message box will appear, followed by a Security Warning dialog box.
2. Select Always trust content from Avocent Huntsville Corporation.
3. Click Yes to download the ActiveX control. When the control has been downloaded, a KVM
session will start in a Video Viewer window or a serial session will start in a Telnet Viewer
window, depending on the supported action for the managed appliance.
If the required ActiveX control could not be loaded, a red X will appear in the Avocent Session
Viewer message box. The ActiveX control may fail to load for one of the following reasons:
The user did not select Always trust content from Avocent Huntsville Corporation.
The DSView 3 software client security zone settings are not correct.
The ActiveX control failed to properly install.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
XP with Service Pack 2:
1. In a Units View window that contains target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click the link in the Action field or select an alternate action, if available.
You can also access a Unit Overview window for a target device and click the icon or link for
the session type (see Unit Overview Windows on page 112).
If this is the first time the ActiveX control has been requested by the DSView 3 software, an
Avocent Session Viewer message box will appear.
2. Click in the top yellow bar. A pop-up menu will appear. Click Install. A Security Warning
dialog box will appear.
3. Click Install to install the ActiveX control.
Security zones
Internet Explorer restricts actions performed by the web browser, based on the security zone
membership of the web site being accessed. Each security zone typically has its own security
restrictions. The following four security zones are available in Internet Explorer:
Trusted Sites - Web sites contained in the list of trusted sites.
Restricted Sites - Web sites contained in the list of restricted sites.
Local Intranet - Web sites accessed using a host name (for example, https://sun-e2-callisto).
Internet - All other web sites, including those accessed using standard dot notation (for
By default, the DSView 3 software operates correctly in the Internet, Local Intranet and Trusted
Sites security zones when accessing a hub server.
NOTE: A DSView 3 software hub server installed on a PC running the Windows 2003 Server will not operate
correctly in the Internet security zone.
The current security zone appears in the lower right corner of the DSView 3 Explorer window.
To ensure that the DSView 3 software works correctly in security zones:
Specify settings for the Local Intranet and Internet security zones. When a DSView 3 software
client accesses a hub server using a host name (for example, https://avocent), the Local Intranet
security zone will be used. When a client accesses a hub server using a web address with periods
(for example, https://www.avocent.com), the Internet security zone will be used.
Add the DSView 3 software hub server to the Trusted Sites list. The DSView 3 software client will
always connect to the hub server using the Trusted Sites security zone. The Trusted Sites zone
contains very low security settings and ensures successful communication between the client and
the hub server.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
To display or change the restrictions of a security zone:
1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools - Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Select the security zone you wish to view.
4. Click Custom Level. The Security Settings dialog box appears.
5. Ensure that the following security settings are set to Enabled or Prompt. The Active Scripting
setting should be set to Enabled.
Download Signed ActiveX Controls
Run ActiveX Controls and Plug-Ins
Launching Programs and Files in an IFRAME
Active Scripting
6. Click OK to save the settings and close the Security Settings dialog box.
7. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
To add a hub server to the Trusted Sites list:
NOTE: If Trusted Sites security zone settings have been modified from their defaults, ensure that the correct
settings required for the DSView 3 software are specified, as indicated above.
1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools - Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click Trusted Sites, then click Sites. The Trusted Sites dialog box appears.
4. Type the web site address, in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), for the DSView 3
software hub server (for example,
5. Click Add. The web site address will appear in the web sites list box.
6. Ensure that Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone is selected.
7. Click OK to save the settings and close the Trusted Sites dialog box.
8. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
Advanced Internet options
Internet Explorer contains advanced settings that may be specified to enhance use of the DSView 3
software. Changing these settings is not required, but is recommended for optimum results.
To specify advanced Internet options for the DSView 3 software:
1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools - Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Select the following settings:
Always send URLs as UTF-8
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Disable script debugging
Play animations in web pages
Show pictures
Print background colors and images
Use SSL 2.0
Use SSL 3.0
4. Select Enable Integrated Windows Authentication if the DSView 3 software is using Integrated
Windows Authentication. See Integrated Windows Authentication on page 49.
5. Uncheck the following settings:
Always expand ALT text for images
Display a notification about every script error
6. Click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
The DSView 3 software system uses certificates to provide secure transactions between
System certificate and SSH key
The DSView 3 software system generates and manages a system certificate and SSH key. The
system certificate or SSH key may be exported to a local directory - the certificate’s public key may
then be used to validate the signature of data log files. See Verifying data log file digital signatures
on page 194.
To view or export the system certificate or SSH key:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. In the side navigation bar, click X.509 Certificates, and then click System Certificate. The
System Certificate window will open.
4. To export the system certificate in PEM format to a local directory, click Export Certificate. A
pop-up window will open. The content of this window is browser-dependent, but it will usually
prompt you to confirm the export operation. Confirm or cancel.
To export the SSH key in PUB format to a local directory, click Export SSH Key. A pop-up
window will open. The content of this window is browser-dependent, but it will usually
prompt you to confirm the export operation. Confirm or cancel.
Server certificates
A DSView 3 server certificate:
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
Uniquely identifies the DSView 3 server to DSView 3 software clients connecting to the server
for secure transactions between them
Provides for secure transactions between DSView 3 software clients and the DSView 3
software server
A Security Alert dialog box may appear if there are server certificate issues. See Server certificates
on page 61 for information about certificate alerts and updating server certificates.
Client certificates
DSView 3 software client certificates (also known as user certificates) are used to authenticate
client users during login when the DSView 3 software internal authentication service is configured
in their user accounts. See Adding User Accounts on page 231.
To use DSView 3 software client certificates for authentication, a DSView 3 software administrator
must first enable certificate authentication; see Client session information on page 66. Once this is
enabled, the DSView 3 server will prompt the client web browser to send its user certificates.
The DSView 3 software client certificate must first be loaded into the client web browser and be
associated with a user account. There are two ways to do this:
The certificate location can be specified in a user account - see User certificates on page 235
The DSView 3 software administrator may enable user-settable certificates, then the user may
If the system certificate policy (see below) is enabled for user certificates, the certificate used at
login must meet the policy requirements.
Managed appliance certificates
Certificates are also used for authenticating and authorizing managed appliance sessions when a
managed appliance is added in secure mode. See Adding Units on page 115.
System certificate policy and trust store
DSView 3 software administrators may configure the certificate policy by enabling/disabling
settings. The trust store contains a list of all trusted certificate authorities known to the DSView 3
software. You may add, remove or modify the location of trust store entries.
To configure certificate policy settings:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click X.509 Certificates in the side navigation bar. The System Certificate Policy window will
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. Enable/disable checkboxes or select values as indicated for each setting.
Table 4.3: System Certificate Policy
Value when enabled
Chain Building
Permits the DSView 3 software to use the AIA certificate extension to
locate a certificate’s issuer.
Authority Info Access (AIA)
Maximum allowable number of certificates (inclusive) between the leaf
certificate and a trusted certificate. Valid range is 1-16.
Max chain length
Chain Validation
Partial chains
Allows partial chains. (If disabled, partial chains will be considered
invalid, even if the chain contains a trusted certificate.)
A certificate may be used only for the reasons dictated in the
certificate. For example, a certificate must be flagged as CA
(Certificate Authority) to be considered a valid certificate issuer.
Usage flags
The current date and time on the server must be within the window on
each certificate in the chain.
Validity period
Verify signatures
The signatures within the certificate chain are checked for validity.
Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)
If CRLs are available, they are checked to determine a certificate’s
revocation status.
CRL checks
Distribution points
CRLs may be located using the distribution point certificate extension.
The DSView 3 software will reject a certificate chain if a CRL is
specified (either in the certificate or the DSView 3 trust store) and it
cannot be read or is invalid.
Reject on error
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Name verification
Outbound SSL connections will verify server names.
The server names may match the certificate common name or one of
the subject alternative names.
Subject alternative names
User Certificates
User certificates presented to the DSView 3 software are verified using
the System Trust Store.
Verify using trust store
5. Click Save.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
To display and manage the trust store:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. In the side navigation bar, click X.509 Certificates, and then click Trust Store. The System
Trust Store window will open, listing all trusted certificate authorities known to the DSView 3
software. By default, the list contains the standard CAs from Java.
4. To view or change information about a certificate, click on its name. The System Trust Store
Entry window will open. You may change the CRL Location, which indicates where the CRL
should be obtained for that CA. If you change the location, click Save. Then click Close.
5. To delete one or more certificates:
a. Click the checkbox to the left of the certificate name. To delete all certificates on the page,
click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
b. Click Delete.
c. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
6. To add a certificate:
a. Click Add. The New System Trust Store Entry window will open.
b. In the Certificate File field, enter the name of the file containing the X.509 certificate to
upload into the trust store. The file may be binary or Base64 encoded.
c. In the CRL Location field, you may enter the location of the CRL for the uploaded
certificate (maximum 256 characters). The supported protocols are http://and ldap://.
d. Click Add.
Integrated Windows Authentication
The DSView 3 management software allows DSView 3 software clients to authenticate against
Microsoft Windows NT domain and Microsoft Active Directory external authentication servers
using Integrated Windows Authentication. This feature allows Single Sign-On (SSO) and is
disabled by default. When running Windows Server 2003 or 2008 with Kerberos and NTLM
authentication protocols, SSO is supported but it must first be configured in the web browser and
AD server; see the documentation included with your browser and AD server or contact an
Avocent technical support representative for assistance.
NOTE: When accessing the DSView 3 client using Integrated Windows Authentication, the browser URL must
include the DSView 3 intranet name.
To use Integrated Windows Authentication for authentication, a DSView 3 software administrator
must first enable it. See Client session information on page 66.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
In a typical network configuration, as shown in Figure 4.1, the DSView 3 software client is located
outside of the firewall and the DSView 3 server and managed appliances reside inside the firewall.
In this case, the firewall must be configured to allow two TCP/IP ports inside the firewall.
One TCP port (default=443) is used for the HTTPS web browser connection between the DSView
3 software client and the DSView 3 server. The other TCP port (default=1078) is used for the
Avocent Proxy Protocol to tunnel video and Telnet traffic. Both ports are configurable.
If you are using the DSView 3 management software through a firewall, we recommend the
Place the DSView 3 server and all managed appliances within the same firewall Demilitarized
Zone (DMZ). If the managed appliances are not in the same DMZ with the DSView 3 server,
you must configure the firewall so all data may pass between the zones using TCP/IP ports 22
(SSH), 3211, 2068, 8192 and 3871. You must also configure the User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) port 3211 so it may pass through the firewall for initial network discovery of appliances
that do not have an IP address.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
Figure 4.1: Typical DSView 3 Software System Firewall Configuration
Table 4.4: Typical DSView 3 Software System Firewall Configuration Descriptions
DSView 3 Software Client
DSView 3 Server
KVM Switch or Serial Console Appliance
Target Devices
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure network that uses public infrastructure and typically
includes several Wide Area Network (WAN) components that may impact performance of the
Typically, two sites are connected in a VPN network using WANs and a router. This setup provides
a secure network between the two sites, but processing is slow.
Several factors related to the network setup, including the DSView 3 software database replication
schedule and methods of device access, can affect the speed of a multi-site VPN network. The
trade-off must be made based on the network setup.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Frequent replication of the DSView 3 software database will increase WAN/VPN traffic but
provide steady data reception at the local sites. Infrequent database replication made at the various
The DSView 3 management software supports VPNs that provide full transparency for IP
addresses, as well as ports between sites and many VPNs that perform network address translation
(NAT) between sites. For example, the VPN in Figure 4.2 could use NAT if Site A and Site B are
separate companies that merged but have not resolved their IP addresses. See NAT Devices on
page 53.
Figure 4.2: DSView 3 Software System on a VPN
Table 4.5: DSView 3 Software System on a VPN Descriptions
DSView 3 Software Client
Site A
DSView 3 Software Client
Site B
Target Devices
Hub Server
Target Devices
Spoke Server
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
NAT Devices
NAT devices enable a company to use more internal IP addresses than they have assigned to
managed appliances. The IP addresses are not exposed outside of the NAT device.
NAT devices are typically used with a DSL broadband router. A DSView 3 software client is
connected to the NAT device, as shown in Figure 1.6, which then connects to the corporate network
using a VPN.
Figure 4.3: Single NAT Configuration (Client Only)
Table 4.6: Single NAT Configuration (Client Only) Descriptions
DSView 3 Software Client
NAT Device
DSView 3 Server
Managed Appliance
Another scenario, shown in Figure 4.4 on page 54, is when the corporate site also uses a NAT
device to save IP addresses (double-NAT). Since the DSView 3 software client is trying to access a
private resource inside the corporate site, the TCP/IP ports used for HTTPS and the proxy server
must be configured to be exposed on the corporate NAT device.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 4.4: Double-NAT Configuration (Client and Corporate)
Table 4.7: Double-NAT Configuration (Client and Corporate) Descriptions
DSView 3 Software Client
NAT Device
NAT Device
DSView 3 Software Server
Managed Appliance
NOTE: NAT devices may not be connected between the DSView 3 server and any managed appliances.
License keys permit the operation of the DSView 3 management software on the hub server. They
also specify the number of managed devices that may be controlled by the software and spoke
servers allowed on a system. Managed devices include physical servers, routers, switches,
firewalls, blade chassis, hypervisor managers, hypervisor servers, virtual machines and any other
target device that can be managed by the DSView 3 software. If a managed device is available
through multiple connection methods, the managed device requires only one license as long as it is
merged into a single connection in the DSView 3 software.
Licenses may also be required to enable additional features. See Table 4.8 on page 55 for more
A demonstration (demo) license key may also be used for a trial period. When the trial elapses,
login attempts will fail. A demo license key may be replaced with another demo license key or a
permanent license. If additional license keys are added during the trial and the demo key expires,
the add-on keys will have to be re-entered when a new license key is installed.
Contact Avocent for information about obtaining licenses.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
To display license information:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Licenses in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Summary in the side navigation bar. The License Summary window will open. Table 4.8
describes the window fields.
Table 4.8: License Summary Fields
Installation Key or
Demo Install Key
Serial number encoded in the license key for the DSView 3
software hub.
Serial Number
The total number of licenses for managed devices that can be
added to and managed by the DSView 3 system.
Managed Devices
Spoke Servers
Currently in Use
Total number of licenses for spoke DSView 3 servers.
Currently in Use Number of licenses for spoke DSView 3 servers currently in use.
Total number of licenses for third party power devices. Unlimited
indicates there are no restrictions on the number of power devices
that can be added.
Third Party Power
Currently In Use Number of licenses for third party power devices currently in use.
Licensed Total number of license IDs for plug-ins.
Currently In Use Number of license IDs for plug-ins currently in use.
Total number of Auditor appliances licensed to be added as
managed appliances.
Auditor Appliances
Currently in Use Number of Auditor appliance licenses currently enabled.
Status of the Web Services API licensing; may be enabled or
Web Services API
Child Zones
disabled. For more information, see the DSView 3 SDK GUI
Access API and Web Services API Installer/User Guide.
Total number of zones that can be created.
Total number of non-Avocent KVM switches that can be managed.
These switches are supported by plug-ins; see the corresponding
plug-in documentation for specific requirements.
AVR Appliances
To display license keys:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Licenses in the top navigation bar.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click License Keys in the side navigation bar. The License Keys window will open and list
each installed license key and a description of the key. One of the following descriptions will
display beside each key:
Adds <number> Backup Server(s) - Adds <N> backup (spoke) DSView 3 servers.
Adds <number> Backup Server(s) and Unlimited Client Sessions - Combines the keys for
Adds <N> Backup Server(s) and Client Session Site License.
Installation Key - Enables first use of the DSView 3 software and sets the initial number of
backup DSView 3 servers.
Demo License Key - Enables first use of the DSView 3 software for a certain period of
Third Party Power Devices Site License - Increases the number of third party power
devices that can be added to unlimited.
Add <number> Third Party Power Devices - Increases the number of third party power
Add <number> Managed Devices - Increases the number of licensed managed devices.
Plug-in Id <number> License Key - Enables use of a plug-in for a specific appliance type.
Adding a new license key
To add a new license key:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Licenses in the top navigation bar.
3. Click License Keys in the side navigation bar. The License Keys window will open.
4. Click Add. The Add License Key window will open.
5. If you did not receive a license key, click the http://www.avocent.com/activation link to obtain
a license key.
6. Type a valid new add-on license key in the License Key field. (License keys from a DSView
software release prior to version 3.0 are not valid.)
7. Click Save. The License Keys window opens, containing a new row with the new license key.
System Information
The System Information window displays the total number of client sessions in use and the
DSView 3 software version currently installed.
To view system information:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click System Information in the side navigation bar. The System Information window opens.
Chapter 4: Basic Operations
ISV Partners
The Avocent Independent Software Vendors (ISV) partners program supports configuring and
launching a browser from within the DSView 3 software to the console of the Ipswitch WhatsUp
Only members of the DSView 3 administrators user group may configure ISV partner URLs.
See the Avocent web site for more information about the ISV partners program.
To add or change the partner URLs:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Partners in the top navigation bar.
3. If partner URLs have not already been configured, click Properties in the side navigation bar.
4. The Partner Properties window will open. Enter the URLs for launching a browser to the
partner product. Separate multiple URLs with a line break. The maximum length in each field
is 512 characters.
5. Click Save. A button icon and link will appear for each configured URL on the Partner Tools
To launch a browser session to a partner URL:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Partners in the top navigation bar.
3. The Partner Tools window will open. (This window exists only if at least one URL has been
defined in the Partner Properties window.)
4. Click on the button or link to launch the browser window to the specified URL.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
DSView 3 Servers
This chapter describes how to configure DSView 3 server properties, backup and restore hub
servers and manage spoke servers.
Server Properties
Table 5.1 lists the DSView 3 server properties.
Table 5.1: Server Properties
Name of the DSView 3 server and the server’s role (hub or spoke).
IP address (*) and port used by clients to access the server using the HTTPS (SSL)
protocol. You may change the port number used for the HTTPS connection.
NOTE: When the DSView 3 server is running on a Linux system, the IP address field may
contain the loopback address. If this is not desired, edit the /etc/hosts file on the Linux
system. Add a new line above the line that defines the loopback address. The new line
should contain the IP address, followed by the host name. For example, the following new
line adds the IP address for the host name sun-jcv-fc3.avocent.com, above
the existing line that defines the loopback address (
localhost.localdomain sun-jcv-fc3.avocent.com localhost sun-jcv-fc3
DSView 3 server certificate presented to DSView 3 software client web browsers.
When the Avocent proxy server is used, DSView 3 software client KVM and serial session
requests are sent through the DSView 3 server rather than directly to the KVM switch or
serial console appliance, which prevents the exposure of the internal address of the
managed appliance. You may change the proxy server configuration.
Proxy Server
SSH Server
NOTE: EVR1500 environmental monitor, DSI5100 IPMI and generic appliance sessions
are not sent through the DSView 3 server, even when the proxy is enabled.
Enables/disables the SSH server and specifies the port it uses.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 5.1: Server Properties (Continued)
The DSView 3 server polls KVM switches or serial console appliances to determine if they
are responding. If the managed appliance does not respond, the DSView 3 server sends an
SNMP Loss Of Communication (LCM) trap or alert to the external SNMP manager. When
the DSView 3 server detects that the appliance is once again communicating, a Regained
Communication (RCM) trap is sent from the DSView 3 software server.
When a response change occurs during communication between the DSView 3 server and
a managed appliance, the DSView 3 software writes the event to the event log and sends
an SNMP trap to the configured trap destinations.
Trap destinations may also be specified by clicking on a managed appliance and changing
the SNMP appliance settings.
Settings for inactivity time-out, authentication policy, Single Sign-On (SSO) for the session
or restrictions to use specific IP addresses to start the sessions. Also displayed the number
of client sessions currently in use.
DSView Client
DSView Modem Settings for dial-up sessions, including inactivity time-out, time to wait for a connection and
dial-back number.
IP address of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server that is used by the DSView
3 software to send email notifications.
Enables/disables unit status polling for the DSView 3 server, and specifies the delay
between polling cycles and the number of managed appliances that will be concurrently
Unit Status
Spoke Servers
Data Logging
Enables you to manage the DSView 3 software spoke servers in your system.
Settings for data log file location, archiving and Syslog server.
To display server properties:
Click the System tab. DSView Server will automatically be selected in the top navigation bar and
Identity will automatically be selected in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Identity
Properties window will open. The top of the side navigation bar will indicate the name of the
DSView 3 software server.
To change server network properties:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Network in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Network Properties window will
3. Type a new DSView 3 server port number in the HTTPS Port field.
If the default value (443) is modified, the port number in the URL must be specified when
accessing the DSView 3 software. For example, if the IP address of the hub server is
and the port number is changed to 444, must be typed in the
Address field of the web browser to access the DSView 3 software.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
The selected port must be available on the DSView 3 server. If DSView 3 software clients are
located on an external connection, the specified port must be open on the firewall.
4. Click Save. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
A web browser error message will appear when Save is clicked. This error message is a normal
occurrence. To reestablish connection to the DSView 3 software, you must reconnect to the
hub server by typing the URL with the new port number. For example, if you changed the port
dsview to access the DSView 3 management software.
5. Confirm or cancel the change.
Server certificates
DSView 3 software administrators manage server certificates. See Certificates on page 46 for a
description of certificate types and procedures to manage certificate policy and the system trust
Security alerts
The DSView 3 software uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to securely communicate between the
DSView 3 software hub server and DSView 3 software clients. SSL provides secure authentication
using certificates, which is data that identifies the PC with which communication will occur. A
certificate is typically verified by another certificate from a trusted certificate authority.
When the DSView 3 software is initially installed, it generates a self-signed certificate for use with
DSView 3 software clients. To replace this, a DSView 3 software administrator may create a
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to submit to a trusted third party Certificate Authority (CA) for
signature. The administrator may then replace the generated certificate with the new one. If the
generated certificate is not replaced, the web browser will prompt a user whether to trust the
generated certificate when a DSView 3 software client session is started.
Three tests are performed on a certificate each time a DSView 3 software client connects to the
DSView 3 software hub server:
Does the client web browser trust the certificate issuer?
Has the certificate expired?
Does the name on the DSView 3 server certificate match the name the DSView 3 software
client used to access the DSView 3 server?
A Security Alert dialog box will appear if the answer to any of the three questions is No. To prevent
the Security Alert message box from appearing when you connect to a the DSView 3 software hub
server, all three questions must be answered Yes. When a Security Alert dialog box appears, you
have the following choices:
If you click Yes, a connection will be made with the DSView 3 software hub server and the
DSView 3 software login window will appear, but the Security Alert dialog box will continue
to appear each time you connect to the hub server.
If you click No, a connection will not be made with the DSView 3 software hub server.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
If you click View Certificate, you may install the certificate; see below.
To correct certificate security alerts for client and hub server connections:
1. From the DSView 3 software client, open a client session; see Opening a client session on
page 17. The Security Alert dialog box will appear.
2. Click View Certificate. The Certificate dialog box will appear.
3. Click Install Certificate. See the Internet Explorer documentation for more information.
4. Once the certificate is installed, ensure that the time setting on the DSView 3 software client
PC is within the Valid from...to... dates and that the Issued to and Issued by fields exactly
Invalid to...from dates typically occur when the DSView 3 software is installed on a server that
is set to an invalid time. When a DSView 3 software client that is set to a valid time connects to
the DSView 3 server that is set to an invalid time, the following warning will appear in the
Security Alert dialog box: “The security certificate date is invalid.”
Serial session security alerts
The Serial Session Viewer, which is used during a serial session, is a Java-based applet. Three
certificate tests are performed by Java when the DSView 3 software connects to a serial device:
Does the serial device trust the certificate issuer?
Has the certificate expired?
Does the name on the serial device certificate match the name of the DSView 3 software hub
server certificate?
A warning dialog box will appear if the answer to all three questions is No. To prevent this warning
dialog box from appearing when you connect to a serial device, all three questions must be
answered Yes.
To correct certificate security alerts when connecting to a serial session:
1. In a Units View window that contains serial console appliance target devices (see Accessing
Units View windows on page 106), click the Serial Session link in the Action field.
You can also access a Unit Overview window for a target device and click the Serial Session
icon or link for the session type (see Unit Overview Windows on page 112).
2. If the certificate is trusted and has not expired, but there is a mismatch of the name on the
DSView 3 software client certificate and the name on the DSView 3 software hub server
certificate, a Warning - HTTPS dialog box will appear. Contact the issuer of your certificate.
3. When a Warning - Security dialog box appears, you have the following choices:
If you click Yes, a connection will be made with the appliance and the viewer will open,
but the warning dialog box will continue to appear each time you connect to the serial
console appliance.
If you click No, a connection will not be made with the serial console appliance.
If you click Always, the certificate will be added to the Java certificate store.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
To create a CSR:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Certificate in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Certificate Properties window
will open.
3. Click Get CSR. A File Download dialog box will appear.
4. Click Open. The CSR is downloaded and displays in the configured text editor.
Click Save. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select a directory and filename and click Save
to save the CSR.
5. Submit the CSR generated request to a CA to obtain a signed server certificate.
6. Update the DSView 3 server to use the certificate created by the CA.
To update certificate information on the DSView 3 server:
NOTE: You may also update a spoke server certificate on a hub server and update a hub server certificate on a
spoke server; see Managing hub and spoke server certificates on page 64.
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Certificate in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Certificate Properties window
will appear.
3. Click Update. The Update DSView Server Certificate Wizard will appear.
4. The Select Operation to Perform window will open.
Select Create a new self-signed SSL server certificate to create a minimal security SSL
certificate without incurring the costs and overhead involved with a Certificate Authority
(CA). Click Next, then go to step 5.
Select Import a signed SSL server certificate to import a more secure SSL certificate that
has been approved (perhaps by a CA). The public key of the imported certificate must
match the public key in the certificate that the DSView 3 server is currently using. This
requires that both certificates be made on the same DSView 3 server. Click Next, then go
to step 6.
5. The Type in Certificate Information window will open.
a. Type the name of the computer that will serve as the DSView 3 server on your intranet in
the Common Name field. If the DSView 3 server is outside the intranet, type the server’s
full domain name in dot notation format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
b. Type the name of the organization (or country).
c. Type the name of the organizational division or name under which the organization is
doing business.
d. Type the complete city or location name. The City or Location field is required for
organizations registered only at the local level.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
e. Type the complete name of the state or province where the organization is located.
f. Type the two-character ISO country code for the country where the organization is
g. Click Next. Go to step 7.
6. The Select Certificate to Import window will open.
Type the full directory and filename for the SSL certificate file you wish to import to the
DSView 3 server or browse to the file location.
The name of the SSL certificate file must be entered in case sensitive text if your operating
system supports case sensitive filenames.
Imported certificates must have been generated from a CSR created on the same DSView 3
server to which you are importing the certificate.
h. Click Next.
7. The Completed Successful window will open.
8. Click Finish. The DSView Server Certificate Properties window will open, containing updated
certificate information.
Managing hub and spoke server certificates
When a spoke server is registered with a hub server, a certificate trust relationship is established
between the two servers. Certificate information must match on the hub server and the spoke
servers for communication to take place between the servers. If the spoke server certificate is
subsequently changed, a certificate mismatch will occur.
To update the certificate of a spoke server on the hub server:
NOTE: Certificates may only be viewed by DSView 3 software administrators and user administrators.
1. On the hub server, click the System tab. DSView Server will automatically be selected in the top
navigation bar and the name of the DSView 3 software hub server will appear at the top of the
side navigation bar.
2. Click Spoke Servers in the side navigation bar. The Spoke Servers window will open.
3. In the Spoke Servers window, click Certificate. The Spoke Server Certificate window will
open including information about the spoke server certificate (Actual Certificate) and the
certificate registered for this spoke server on the hub server (Registered Certificate).
4. The window displays the certificate on the spoke server and the certificate registered on the
hub server.
If the DSView 3 management software cannot obtain the certificate information from the
spoke server, a message will appear at the bottom of the DSView Server Certificate - Spoke
Server window. The message states: Remote server is not responding. Information displayed
may not match remote side.
If the certificate information does not match, go to step 5.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
If the certificate information matches, go to step 6.
5. Click Update. The spoke server certificate information will be updated on the hub server.
6. Click Close. The Spoke Servers window will open.
To update the certificate of a hub server on a spoke server:
1. On the spoke server, click the System tab. DSView Server will automatically be selected in the
top navigation bar and the name of the spoke server will appear at the top of the side
navigation bar.
2. Click Hub Server in the side navigation bar. The Hub Server window will open.
3. In the Hub Server window, click Certificate. The Hub Server Certificate window will open
including information about the spoke server certificate (Actual Certificate) and the certificate
registered for this spoke server on the hub server (Registered Certificate).
If the DSView 3 software cannot obtain the certificate information from the hub server, a
message will appear at the bottom of the DSView Server Certificate - Hub Server window. The
message states: Remote server is not responding. Information displayed may not match remote
If the certificate information does not match, go to step 4.
4. Click Update. The hub server certificate information will be updated on the spoke server.
Avocent proxy server
The Avocent proxy server is valid on supported KVM switches or serial console appliances.
NOTE: The Avocent proxy server is not supported when using the IPv6 network protocol on Windows platforms.
To specify the Avocent proxy server:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Proxy Server in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Proxy Properties window
will open.
a. The preset port 1078 is used for DSView 3 software client communication with the
Avocent proxy to the logged in DSView 3 server. If you wish to change the port, enter a
port value in the range 1-65535 in the Port field.
If DSView 3 software clients are located on an external connection, the specified TCP/IP
proxy port must be opened on your firewall.
b. Select the type of Proxy Invocation:
Click Disable the proxy server to allow all internal and external DSView 3 software
clients to communicate directly with the managed appliances. (This is the default.)
Click Use the proxy server for all KVM, serial and virtual media sessions to enable all
DSView 3 clients to communicate with the managed appliances using the DSView 3
software proxy server.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Click Use the proxy server only for clients not on the same network as this DSView
Server to enable all external and internal clients on a different network than the
current DSView 3 server to communicate with the managed appliances using the
DSView 3 proxy server. All other external and internal clients will communicate
directly with the managed appliances.
Click Use the proxy server only for clients connecting with the following addresses to
enable only DSView 3 software clients with IP addresses entered in the Address List
to communicate with the managed appliances using the DSView 3 proxy server. All
other clients communicate directly with the managed appliances.
NOTE: Changing the Proxy Port or Proxy Invocation setting will disconnect active DSView 3 client sessions.
3. Click Save. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
4. Confirm or cancel the action.
Server trap destinations
To specify trap destinations:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Trap Destinations in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Trap Destinations
window will open.
3. In each address field, type the IP addresses in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or the
domain name for the computer that handles traps. Up to four computers may be specified.
4. Click Save to store the trap information in the DSView 3 software database on the host.
Client session information
To specify client session information:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Client Sessions in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Client Session
Properties window opens. The number of client sessions currently in use is displayed.
user client session. The default is 15 minutes. When the time-out value has been exceeded, the
session will end and the user must log in again.
4. Check the Enable certificate authentication checkbox to allow the DSView 3 software to
automatically log in internal users if the user certificate (X.509 digital ID) installed in the
DSView 3 software client web browser matches the certificate configured for the user.
Certificates for users may be modified. See User certificates on page 235.
Web browser settings may need to be modified to allow users to automatically log in using
certificates; see your web browser documentation.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
Check the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication checkbox to automatically log a user
into the DSView 3 software using the Windows user’s computer credentials.
Web browser settings may need to be modified to allow users to automatically log in using
Integrated Windows Authentication; see your web browser documentation.
5. To enable only DSView 3 software clients with IP addresses entered in the Address List to
communicate with managed appliances, check the Restrict by address range checkbox. To
disable address restrictions for logging into the DSView 3 software, uncheck this checkbox.
6. Enable or disable Allow login when user is a member of more than one authentication service
as desired. The preset value is disabled. When enabled, if a user belongs to multiple
authentication services, the DSView 3 server uses the first authentication service found to log
the user in. When disabled, if a user belongs to multiple authentication services, the attempt to
log in to the DSView 3 software fails.
When enabled, if a user has different access rights within each authentication service he
belongs to, the user is granted access rights based on the first authentication service found by
the DSView 3 server. In this case, a user may be granted different access rights at different
login times.
NOTE: The Allow login when user is a member of more than one authentication service setting does not replicate
to spoke servers. It is recommended that you uniformly enable or disable this setting on each DSView 3 hub and
spoke server.
7. Click Save to store client session information in the DSView 3 software database on the host.
DSView 3 software modem sessions
For more information about modem sessions, see Active modem sessions on page 179.
NOTE: Modem sessions are available on supported ACS console servers.
To specify modem session properties:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Modem Sessions in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Modem Session
Properties window will open.
3. Specify the following Session Timeout properties:
a. Inactive dial-up session timeout - in the drop-down menu, specify the number of seconds
in the range of 60-3600 after which the session will be terminated. The default value is
120 seconds.
b. Dial-up connection attempt timeout - in the drop-down menu, specify the number of
seconds in the range of 60-600 after which the attempt will be terminated. The default
value is 120 seconds.
c. Dial-back connection attempt timeout - in the drop-down menu, specify the number of
seconds in the range of 60-600 after which the modem will be removed from listening
mode. The default value is 120 seconds.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. Specify the following Dial Up settings:
a. In the Server Prefix field, type the dial-up prefix for the DSView 3 server to obtain an
outside line. This prefix will be added to the unit phone number.
b. Enter the IP address range to be used in dial-up connections in the From address and To
address fields.
5. Specify the following Dial Back Settings:
a. In the Analog phone number field, type the analog phone number for the appliance to dial-
back to the DSView 3 server. This number will be stored in the DSView 3 software
database and automatically updated on the ACS console server.
b. In the Analog on hook time field, specify the on hook interval in the range of 0-25
seconds. The default value is 4 seconds. The on hook interval is the amount of time after
the initial dial-up connection is dropped before the modems on the DSView 3 server will
receive incoming calls.
c. Use the ISDN controller map field to define the map of Multiple Subscriber Numbers
(MSNs) to ISDN channels. Enter the controller map definition for each port sequentially
on a separate row in the text field. Use the following format:
<port number>:<MSN1>,<MSN2>
For example, if an Eicon card has one port, and MSN 21 is assigned to ISDN channel 1 on
port 1, and MSN 22 is assigned to ISDN channel 2 on port 1, the text in the ISDN
controller map field would be:
A controller map definition must be provided for each ISDN dial-back phone number.
d. In the ISDN phone number field, enter the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
phone number for the appliance to dial-back to the DSView 3 server. You may enter
multiple dial-back phone numbers each separated by a comma. The number(s) will be
stored in the DSView 3 software database and automatically updated on the ACS console
e. In the ISDN on hook time field, specify the on hook interval in the range of 2-10 seconds.
The default value is 2 seconds. The on hook interval is the amount of time after the initial
dial-up connection is dropped before the modems on the DSView 3 server will receive
incoming calls.
NOTE: If your DSView 3 server is on Windows, the ACS console server username and password must be
configured as a user in Windows before a dial-back connection can be established.
6. Click Save.
To specify email properties:
1. Click the System tab.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
2. Click Email in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Email Server Properties window
will open.
3. Type a new address for the SMTP server that sends email notifications as a domain name or an
IP address in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
4. If your SMTP server requires login credentials, select Login required to access SMTP server
and type a username and password, then confirm the password.
5. Click Save to store DSView 3 software email property information in the DSView 3 software
database on the host.
Unit status polling
To use unit status polling:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Unit Status Polling in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Unit Status Polling
Properties window will open.
3. Select Enable unit status polling.
4. Type the number of seconds to wait between polling cycles (from 30-999 seconds). The default
is 900 seconds (15 minutes). A smaller value results in greater accuracy.
5. Type the number of managed appliances that may simultaneously be polled to obtain status
information (from 1-25 units). The default is 5. A larger number results in faster speed.
6. Click Save to store unit status information in the DSView 3 software database on the host.
Backing up and Restoring Hub Servers Manually
You may manually create a backup of your hub server. Two methods are available:
From a command line in an MS-DOS window. This method may be used for DSView 3
software hub servers on supported Windows or Linux systems.
Using the Backup and Restore Utility delivered with the DSView 3 software. The backup is
saved as a .zip file containing the files needed to restore the DSView 3 management software.
This method may be used for DSView 3 software hub servers on supported Windows systems
Client sessions will be temporarily disconnected during a manual backup. The sessions will be
automatically reconnected when the backup is completed.
Hub server backups may also be automatically created as a task within the DSView 3 software. If
you use the Backup DSView database and system files task, client sessions will not be temporarily
disconnected. See Task: Backup DSView 3 software database and system files on page 323.
Manual backup and restore procedures require DSView 3 software administrator privileges.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To manually backup or restore a hub server using a command line on a supported
Windows system:
1. In the Start menu on your desktop, select Start - Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt.
A command prompt window will open.
2. Change directories to the directory in which the DSView 3 software is installed (typically
C:\Program Files\Avocent DSView 3\bin).
3. Enter DSViewBackupRestore to display the DSView 3 Backup/Restore Utility dialog box.
Follow the directions in To manually back up a hub server using the Backup and Restore
Utility dialog box to back up the hub server using the dialog box or To manually restore a hub
server using the Backup and Restore Utility dialog box to restore the hub server using the
dialog box. (These procedures are described later in this section.)
To backup the DSView 3 software hub server, enter DSViewBackupRestore -backup -
archive “<archive name>” -passwd <password>.
To restore the DSView 3 software hub server, enter DSViewBackupRestore -restore -archive
“<archive name>” -passwd <password>.
“<archive name>” - Name of the archive, which must be enclosed by quotation marks (for
example, “myarchive”). The -archive option and an archive name are required.
<password> - A password that encrypts the archive. The password is optional when
creating a backup. If a password is specified when creating the backup, it will be required
when restoring the backup.
To display help information, type DSViewBackupRestore -h or DSViewBackupRestore -
For example, entering the following in a command prompt window will create a backup named
db.zip with the password test.
DSViewBackupRestore.exe -backup -archive “db.zip” -passwd test
Entering the following in a command prompt window will restore a backup named db.zip with the
password test.
DSViewBackupRestore.exe -restore -archive “db.zip” -passwd test
To manually backup or restore a hub server using a command line on a supported
Linux or Solaris system:
1. Access the command prompt on your system.
2. Change directories to the directory where the DSView 3 software is installed, which is
typically /usr/local/dsviewserver/bin.
3. To backup the DSView 3 software hub server, enter DSViewBackupRestore.sh -backup -
archive <archive name> -passwd <password> -overwrite.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
4. To restore the DSView 3 software hub server, enter DSViewBackupRestore.sh -restore -
archive <archive name> -passwd <password>.
<archive name> - Name of the archive. The -archive option and an archive name are
<password> - A password that encrypts the archive. The password is optional when
creating a backup. If a password is specified when creating the backup, it will be required
when restoring the backup.
-overwrite - Enables overwriting of an existing archive during backup. If this parameter is
omitted, no overwriting will occur.
To display help information, type DSViewBackupRestore.sh -help.
For example, entering the following in a command prompt window will create a backup named
dbasebackup.zip with the password test1.
DSViewBackupRestore.sh backup -archive dbasebackup.zip -passwd test1
Entering the following in a command prompt window will restore a backup named
dbasebackup.zip with the password test1.
DSViewBackupRestore.sh restore -archive dbasebackup.zip -passwd test1
To manually back up a hub server using the Backup and Restore Utility dialog box
on a supported Windows system:
1. In the Start menu on your desktop, select Start - Programs - Avocent DSView 3 - Backup and
Restore Utility. The DSView 3 Backup/Restore Utility dialog box will appear.
2. Click Backup Database to a file.
3. To password-protect the backup file, click Enabled and type a password in the Password field.
4. Click Browse and use the Save As dialog box to specify a directory and name for the backup
file. Click Save when you are finished.
5. Click Backup. The DSView 3 software system backup files are saved.
6. Click Close to close the DSView 3 Backup/Restore Utility dialog box.
To manually restore a hub server using the Backup and Restore Utility on a
supported Windows system:
1. In the Start menu on your desktop, select Start - Programs - Avocent DSView 3 - Backup and
Restore Utility. The DSView 3 Backup/Restore Utility dialog box will appear.
2. From the DSView 3 Backup/Restore Utility dialog box, click Restore the database from a file.
3. If the backup file is password-protected, click Enabled and type its password in the Password
4. Click Browse and use the Save As dialog box to find the backup file.
5. Click Restore. The DSView 3 software system is restored from the backup files.
6. Click Close to close the DSView 3 Backup/Restore Utility dialog box.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Spoke Servers
Information on the hub server is replicated on one or more spoke servers. Information about each
spoke server, such as IP address, port number and certificate, is stored in the hub server’s database.
You may specify up to 15 computers as spoke servers. Contact Avocent for information about
spoke server licenses. To install licenses, see Licenses on page 54.
NOTE: The DSView 3 management software versions of the spoke server and hub server must match in order to
register a spoke server. For example, you may not register a spoke server running DSView 3 software version
3.1 with a hub server running DSView 3 software version 3.2.
A spoke server may be created by:
Specifying a spoke server when installing the DSView 3 software.
Converting a hub server to a spoke server by registering it as a spoke to another DSView 3
software hub server. The DSView 3 software system data on the hub server being converted
will be lost and the converted hub server will replicate the data of the new specified hub server.
You may also change the properties of a spoke server or remove spoke servers from your system.
To display a list of spoke servers:
NOTE: The Spoke Servers window is only available on the hub server.
of the server to which you are logged in.
3. Click Properties in the side navigation bar, and then click Spoke Servers. The Spoke Servers
window will open.
You may change the fields that display by using the Customize link. See Using the Customize
link in windows on page 28.
Each spoke server in the list includes status.
Table 5.2: DSView 3 Software Spoke Server Status
Normal operation. The hub and spoke servers are communicating with each other
using HTTPS.
The hub and spoke servers cannot communicate with each other using HTTPS. This
typically indicates a network communication error. Ensure that network connectivity is
occurring between the two servers.
Not responding
Hub/Spoke Versions
Not Compatible
The versions of DSView 3 software on the hub and spoke servers are not compatible.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
Table 5.2: DSView 3 Software Spoke Server Status (Continued)
Certificates on the hub server and spoke servers do not match. See Managing hub and
spoke server certificates on page 64 for information about updating the server
certificates so that they will match.
Certificates Do Not
A server responded, but it is not compatible with the DSView 3 software. This typically
occurs when communication is attempted with a server that does not contain the
servers are running the same DSView 3 software version.
Versions Not
To add a spoke server:
1. Install the DSView 3 software on the computer that will be used as a spoke server. See
Installing the DSView 3 Software on page 10.
2. Configure the computer as a spoke server. See Configuring the DSView 3 Software on page 14.
To register a hub server as a spoke server:
Only DSView 3 software administrators may access this procedure.
NOTE: When registering a hub server as a spoke server on another DSView 3 software system, the information
on the hub server being registered will be lost. Its database will be updated to match the new hub server to which
it is being registered.
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar. The side navigation bar will include the name
of the server to which you are logged in.
3. Select Tools in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Tools window will open.
4. Click the Register as Spoke Server icon or text. The Register Spoke Server Wizard will appear.
5. The Type in Hub DSView Server Address window will open.
a. Type the IP address of the hub server in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or the
domain name of the hub server.
b. Type the port number for the hub server.
If the default hub server port value (443) is modified, you must specify it when registering
a spoke server so that register requests will be sent to the correct port on the hub server.
For example, if the IP address of the hub server is and the port number is changed
to 444, type in the Address field of the Register Spoke Server
c. Click Next.
6. The Operation in Progress window will open briefly, followed by the Accept Hub DSView
Server Certificate window. Click Next.
7. The Type in Hub DSView Server Administrator Credentials window will open. Click Next.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
8. Type the name of a user with DSView 3 software administrator privileges on the hub server.
Type a password for the user. Click Next.
9. The Operation In Progress window will open. The configuration of the spoke server will be
saved to the database of the hub server and the spoke server’s certificates will be installed on
the hub server.
10. The Completed Successful window will open when the spoke server has been added.
11. Click Finish.
To change spoke server network properties:
NOTE: Spoke server network settings may need to be changed by DSView 3 software administrators when
network settings are changed and the hub server did not automatically detect the changes. When changing the
network settings, ensure that a port mismatch does not occur between the hub server and the spoke server.
1. On the hub server, click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar. The side navigation bar will include the name
of the server to which you are logged in.
3. Click Properties in the side navigation bar, and then click Spoke Servers. The Spoke Servers
window will open.
4. Click on the name of the spoke server whose network properties you wish to change. The
Spoke Server Network Properties window will open.
5. Change any of the following network settings:
Type a new computer name to use as the spoke server.
Type a new address in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) for the spoke server.
Type a new port number for the spoke server.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Spoke Servers window will open.
To delete a spoke server:
1. On the hub server, click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar. The side navigation bar will include the name
of the server to which you are logged in.
3. Click Properties in the side navigation bar, and then click Spoke Servers. The Spoke Servers
window will open.
4. Click the checkbox to the left of the spoke servers you wish to delete. To delete all spoke
servers, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
5. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
6. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
NOTE: When a spoke server is deleted, it is no longer allowed to communicate with the hub server. Only spoke
servers that are no longer active should be deleted. If a spoke server is still active, it may be re-registered using
the Register Spoke Server wizard.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
Promoting a spoke server to be a hub server is usually done only if the current hub server is no
longer operational and will not be brought back into service. (For less severe problems with a hub
server, the backup and restore operations can be used.)
If a spoke server must be promoted, be sure to run the replication task, if possible (see Replication
on page 75) on all other spoke servers, then on the spoke server being promoted, immediately
before the promotion. This will prevent loss of data from the other spoke servers.
(After the promotion of a spoke server to a hub, if the server that was originally the hub becomes
operational again, it will have to register as a spoke server, since a system can have only one hub
To promote a spoke server to be a hub server:
1. On the spoke server, click the System tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar.
3. Click Promote to hub server. The Promote Hub Server Wizard will appear.
4. Follow the prompts and heed the cautionary warnings in the wizard. The spoke server on
which the wizard is running will become the hub server, and the other spoke servers will be
advised of the changed configuration.
Replication is a task that synchronizes the hub and spoke server databases. By default, replication
runs every 12 hours on each spoke server. A spoke server’s first replication occurs automatically
when the spoke server is added to the DSView 3 software system. You may change the interval that
the replication task runs on each spoke server, or you may initiate an immediate replication.
During replication, the spoke server sends all of its database changes since the last replication to the
hub server. The hub server then incorporates those changes and sends all of its database changes
since the last replication to the spoke server (excluding the changes that spoke server just sent to the
hub server).
If an item is added on a spoke server, and another item with the same name (but perhaps with
different configuration parameters) is added on the hub server, then after replication, both items
will appear on both the hub and spoke servers, with a tilde (~) and a number added to one of the
names. The administrator should handle the issue appropriately - in some cases, the duplicate item
may need to be renamed; in others, the duplicate item should be deleted.
When different changes are made to one existing item, two outcomes are possible. For example,
assume an item is added and configured on the hub server and is then replicated to the spoke server.
Later, an administrator changes something about the item on the spoke server. Another
administrator then changes something about the item on the hub server. When the replication task
runs, two things may happen.
In a few instances where no conflict occurs, both changes will be incorporated and replicated. For
example, if the hub server’s administrator adds username JaneDoe to the existing user-defined user
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
group Accounting and the spoke server’s administrator adds username JohnDoe to the Accounting
user group, both names will be added and replicated.
In most other instances where the changes are mutually exclusive or some other conflict occurs, the
most recent change will be the only change accepted and replicated. For example, if the hub
server’s administrator associates a unit with the Miami site, and the spoke server’s administrator
associates the same unit with the Chicago site, the change that was made closest to the time of
replication (that is, the most recent change) will be accepted and replicated.
This emphasizes the importance of ensuring the hub and spoke servers’ clocks are synchronized.
The exception to the last-change rule is when one of the actions deletes an item - in that case, the
deletion is accepted and replicated, regardless of timing. For example, if a unit was deleted on the
hub server, and then the contact information for the same unit was changed on the spoke server a
minute later, the unit will be deleted when the replication task is run.
On a spoke server, you may enable a replication task property that forces the spoke server to
retrieve a snapshot of the hub database rather than synchronizing changes back and forth. The
snapshot is a copy of the hub at the time of the operation. This feature is not normally used; it is
intended to help recover a system when replication has failed.
To display replication results and/or change the replication schedule for a spoke
1. On the spoke server, click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Select the Database Replication task. The Task Results - Database Replication window will
open. This window contains the results of the most recent replication.
4. To display or change the replication schedule, click Schedule in the side navigation bar. The
Task Schedule - Database Replication window will open.
By default, the replication task runs every 12 hours. You may change the schedule type, start
time, date and interval.
5. To force the spoke server to retrieve a snapshot of the hub database rather than synchronizing
changes, click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click the Perform a hub database
snapshot the next time this task executes checkbox. This setting will be reset to unchecked after
the operation completes.
6. If you made any changes, click Save and then Close.
You may also display the replication schedule from the hub server, but you cannot change it.
To initiate an immediate replication on a spoke server:
1. On the spoke server, click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Check the checkbox to the left of the Database Replication task and then click Run Now.
Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers
To display the replication schedule for a spoke server from the hub server:
1. On the hub server, click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar.
3. Select the Database Replication task for the spoke server you wish to view. The Task Schedule
- Database Replication window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Authentication Services
Users must be authenticated before they may access or perform any tasks in the DSView 3
management software system.
When users log in, they will be prompted for a username and password. The DSView 3 software
will look up the login, determine the authentication service to use and forward the login credentials
to the appropriate authentication service for verification. All authentication is performed over an
HTTPS (SSL) encrypted link.
Some web browsers may store password information; see your web browser documentation.
Supported Authentication Services
The DSView 3 software is delivered with the DSView internal authentication service, which
verifies a log in and password against user account information stored in the database on the
DSView 3 software server.
The DSView 3 software also supports the following external authentication services:
Microsoft Active Directory *
IBM SecureWay Directory Server *
Novell LDAP Services *
Sun Solaris R9 LDAP Directory Server *
Sun ONE™ LDAP Directory Server *
Microsoft Windows NT domain
Cisco Secure ACS 3.3 for Windows 2000/2003 server
Microsoft IAS for Windows 2000/2003 server
FreeRADIUS for Red Hat RHL3
Cisco Secure ACS 3.3 for Windows 2000/2003 server
* Uses LDAP V3
If the DSView 3 server is configured for external authentication, login requests are re-directed to
the configured external authentication server.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
user logs in. If a user’s group membership changes or the user is deleted externally, the DSView 3
software will not see these changes until the next time the user logs in.
You may schedule a task that will automatically verify LDAP, Active Directory and NT external
authentication servers to ensure that accounts are still valid; see Task: Validating user accounts on
an external authentication server on page 330.
Authentication services may be managed only by DSView 3 software administrators and user
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
The User Authentication Services window may be customized by using the Customize link. See
Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
To remove authentication services:
NOTE: The internal authentication service cannot be removed.
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Check the checkbox to the left of the authentication service(s) to delete. To delete all external
authentication services on the page, check the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
DSView 3 software internal authentication service
To change the DSView 3 internal authentication service account policies:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click DSView Internal. The side navigation bar will change to include DSView Internal at the
top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Account Policies. The Authentication Service User Account Policies - DSView Internal
window will open.
5. Specify the password policies for the authentication service:
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
a. Type a number (from 1-64) in the Minimum Password Length field, or click the arrows to
select a number.
b. Check the Passwords Expire checkbox to require a user to change the password after a
certain number of days. Specify a number (from 1-365) in the Maximum Expiration (days)
field, or select a number.
c. Select Passwords must contain both alpha and numeric characters if new passwords must
contain at least one letter and one number.
d. Select Passwords must contain both lower and upper case characters if new passwords
must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
6. Specify the lockout policy for the authentication service:
To assign a specific number of user login attempts, check the Lockout users after invalid login
attempts checkbox, then continue with step a.
If you leave this checkbox unchecked, unlimited user login attempts will be allowed. Skip to
the last step.
a. Type the number of allowable user login failures (from 1-25) in the Maximum Login
Failures field, or select it from the menu.
number from 1-1,440 in the Maximum Lockout Period (minutes) field, or choose a value
from the menu (1,440 minutes is equivalent to 24 hours).
If you leave this checkbox unchecked, locked user accounts must be manually unlocked
by a DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator.
See Unlocking User Accounts on page 233.
7. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.
To change custom field labels for user accounts that use internal authentication:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click DSView Internal. The side navigation bar will change to include DSView Internal at the
top and, below the name, information you may define.
5. Type the text that you wish to appear in each of the six custom field labels.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.
By default, the custom field labels do not display in the User Accounts - All window, but they may
be added to the display (or added to the default display by an administrator), using the Customize
link. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Active Directory external authentication service
NOTE: When adding an Active Directory external authentication service, you can allow trusted forests to be
discovered. A forest is a group of domains, and a forest may have a trusted relationship with other forests. In
some configurations, a user may belong to one forest but be assigned to groups in another forest. The DSView 3
server needs access to both forests to authenticate and authorize this user.
To add an Active Directory external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear.
4. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. Type a name for the external authentication service.
b. Select Active Directory from the menu.
c. Click Next.
5. The Specify Active Directory Connection Settings window will open.
a. Type the Active Directory domain name for the domain you wish to add in the AD
Domain Name field.
b. In the User Container field, specify the name of the container to search for user accounts.
This will limit the search scope to that container. The name may be entered in several
forms, optionally including a sub-domain. Valid forms are explained below by example.
Assume an Active Directory domain name of “sunrise.mycompany.com” with users in
subfolder “sun/myusers.” The User Container field may be entered as:
Example 1 (no sub-domain): “sun.myusers”
Example 2 (no sub-domain): “ou=myusers,ou=sun”
If users are contained in a sub-domain such as “mktg.sunrise.mycompany.com”, valid
forms are:
Example 1 (with sub-domain): “mktg.sunrise.mycompany.com/sun/myusers”
Example 2 (with sub-domain and no container specified):
Example 3 (with sub-domain):
c. In the Group Container field, specify the name of the container to search for user groups.
This will limit the search scope to that container. The name may be entered in several
forms, optionally including a sub-domain. Valid forms are explained in step 5b above.
d. In the Username Type menu, select the type of username. Each choice in the menu
contains an example.
A Full Windows 2000 username is specified as username@domain.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
A Partial Windows 2000 username is specified as username.
A Full Pre-Windows 2000 username is specified as domain\username.
A Partial Pre-Windows 2000 username is specified as username.
This option may only be configured for new authentication servers; it cannot be modified.
Existing authentication servers are set to the Partial Windows 2000 Username type for
e. Specify a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption mode:
Click Do Not Use SSL to have authentication performed using unencrypted clear text
instead of SSL encryption. This method is the least secure.
Click Use SSL in Trust All Mode to use SSL encryption for data transmission. All
server certificates will be trusted and automatically accepted by the DSView 3
software for transmitting data. This SSL method provides medium security.
This encryption mode is not recommended for wide area networks (WANs).
Click Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode to use SSL encryption for data
transmission. The DSView 3 management software will approve the server and then
the certificate before transmitting data. This SSL method provides maximum security.
f. Click Use Kerberos for User Authentication to use the Kerberos protocol for
authentication requests, including the browsing. If enabled, you must use DES encryption
types for this account. If an account was created prior to Active Directory, the user’s
password must be changed after this setting is changed. In addition, the Active Directory
server addresses must be resolvable to their host names via DNS.
When this is not checked, the LDAP protocol will be used.
g. Click Enable Chasing of Referrals to allow the Active Directory server to refer DSView 3
software clients to additional directory servers.
h. Click Use an Active Directory Global Catalog to have the AD service access the global
catalog for the specified domain name.
i. Click Allow users and groups from newly discovered trusted forests to allow logins by
users that belong to the authentication service forest or its discovered trusted forests. If
enabled, the DSView 3 will discover all trusted forests in the Active Directory service.
j. Click Next.
If you selected Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode, go to step 6.
If you selected Do Not Use SSL or Use SSL in Trust All Mode, go to step 8.
6. The DSView 3 server will try to find a server that has a trusted certificate chain (see System
certificate policy and trust store on page 47). If no trusted certificate chain is found, then the
Accept Certificate window will open and list all servers that belong to the domain. It will also
list the reasons for rejection of the certificate chain.
7. Click Next to accept the certificate.
8. The Select Browsing Method window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Click Browse Anonymously to browse users on the external Active Directory authentication
Click Browse with user credentials to browse users on the external Active Directory
authentication based on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do the
a. Type the username for an Active Directory account that has browse rights in the User
Name field. The login ID must be entered in case sensitive text if the Active Directory
server is set up to use Kerberos. When using Kerberos, the browse account cannot be
specified in the Full Pre-Windows 2000 Username form (domain\username). If the
username is in a sub-domain of the Active Directory domain (specified in step 3a), then
the username should be specified as <username>@<subdomain>.
b. Type the password for an Active Directory account that has browse rights in the Password
c. Click Next.
9. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will open briefly. If the
external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window will
10. Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
NOTE: If the authentication service has trusted forests, the settings configured for the authentication service in
the Add Authentication Service Wizard will be applied to the discovered trusted forests. However, the settings for
each trusted forest can later be changed in the Authentication Service Connection Settings window.
See User Authentication Services Window on page 100 for more information about trusted forests.
To change settings for the Active Directory external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the Active Directory (AD) service. The side navigation bar will change to
include the name of the AD service at the top and, below the name, the information you may
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings -
AD window will open.
5. Type a name in the Service Name field to change the name of the service that appears in the
Name column of the User Authentication Services window.
6. Type the domain name of the Active Directory service in the AD Domain Name field.
7. In the User Container field, specify the name of the container to search for user accounts. This
will limit the search scope to that container. The name may be entered in several forms,
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
optionally including a sub-domain. See To add an Active Directory external authentication
service: on page 82 for an explanation of the valid forms.
8. In the Group Container field, specify the name of the container to search for user groups. This
will limit the search scope to that container. The name may be entered in several forms,
optionally including a sub-domain. See To add an Active Directory external authentication
service: on page 82 for an explanation of the valid forms.
9. Specify a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption mode:
Click Do Not Use SSL to have authentication performed using unencrypted clear text
instead of SSL encryption. This method is the least secure.
Click Use SSL in Trust All Mode to use SSL encryption for data transmission. All server
certificates will be trusted and automatically accepted by the DSView 3 software for
transmitting data. This SSL method provides medium security.
This encryption mode is not recommended for wide area networks (WANs).
Click Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode to use SSL encryption for data
transmission. The DSView 3 software will approve the server and then the certificate
before transmitting data. This SSL method provides maximum security.
10. Click Use an Active Directory Global Catalog to have the AD service access the global catalog
for the specified domain name.
11. Click Use Kerberos for User Authentication to use the Kerberos protocol for authentication
requests, including the browsing. If enabled, you must use DES encryption types for this
account. If an account was created prior to Active Directory, the user’s password must be
changed after this setting is changed. In addition, the Active Directory server addresses must
be resolvable to their host names via DNS.
When this is not checked, the LDAP protocol will be used.
12. Click Allow use of Users/Groups from Trusted Forests to allow logins by users belonging to a
forest that are assigned to groups in a different forest. If enabled, the DSView 3 will query all
trusted forests in the Active Directory service to find the user and user groups to which the
authenticated user belongs.
If you deselect Allow use of Users/Groups from Trusted Forests, any previously discovered
trusted forests will be hidden from the User Authentication Services window and users
belonging to trusted forests will not be permitted to log in.
13. Click Save to save your changes.
appear in the side navigation bar. Go to step 13.
If you selected Do Not Use SSL or Use SSL in Trust All Mode, go to step 16.
14. Click Certificates. The Authentication Service Certificate Management - AD window opens
and list all servers in that domain. A status of Trusted indicates the certificate is trusted, based
on the certificate policy (see System certificate policy and trust store on page 47); Untrusted
indicates the certificate cannot be trusted.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
15. To register certificates:
a. To select one or more certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the server IP addresses.
To select all certificates on the page, click the checkbox to the left of the IP Address
b. Click Register above the IP Address list to register the certificates. The Accept SSL
Certificate window will open.
c. Click Save to store the certificate values to the DSView 3 software database on the host or
click Close if you do not wish to save the certificate values.
The Authentication Service Certificate Management window will open if only one
certificate was selected. If more than one certificate was selected, each will appear in
order in subsequent Accept SSL Certificate windows.
16. To unregister certificates:
a. To select one or more certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the server IP addresses.
To unregister all certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the IP Address heading.
b. Click Unregister to unregister the certificates.
c. A confirmation message box will appear. Confirm or cancel the operation.
17. Click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.
To change user browsing settings for the Active Directory external authentication
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the AD service. The side navigation bar will change to include the name of
the AD service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. From the side navigation bar, click User Browsing. The Authentication Service User Browsing
- AD window will open.
5. Click Browse Anonymously to browse users on the external Active Directory authentication
Click Browse with User Credentials to browse users on the external Active Directory
authentication based on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do the
a. Type the username for an Active Directory account that has browse rights in the User
Name field. The log in ID must be entered in case sensitive text if the Active Directory
server is set up to use Kerberos.
b. Type the password for an Active Directory account that has browse rights in the Password
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
NOTE: The DSView 3 server verifies that the new credentials are valid for the AD service. If the credentials are
invalid, an error message is displayed.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
Windows NT external authentication service
To add a Windows NT external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear.
4. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. Type a name for the external authentication service.
b. Select Windows NT Domain from the menu.
c. Click Next.
5. The Specify Windows NT Connection Settings window will open. Type the Windows NT
domain name you wish to add in the Domain Name field, and then click Next.
6. The Select Browsing Method window will open.
Click Browse Anonymously to browse users on the external Windows NT authentication
Click Browse with user credentials to browse users on the external Windows NT
authentication based on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do the
a. Type the username for a Windows NT account that has browse rights in the User Name
b. Type the password for a Windows NT account that has browse rights in the Password
c. Click Next.
7. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will briefly appear. If the
external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window will
8. Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
To change connection settings for the Windows NT external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click the name of the Windows NT service. The side navigation bar will change to include the
name of the service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings -
NT window will open.
5. Type a name in the Service Name field to change the name of the service that appears in the
Name column of the User Authentication Services window.
6. Type the name of the Windows NT domain in the Domain Name field.
7. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.
To change user browsing settings for Windows NT external authentication
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the Windows NT service. The side navigation bar will change to include the
name of the Windows NT service at the top and, below the name, the information you may
4. Click User Browsing in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service User Browsing -
NT window will open.
5. Click Browse Anonymously to anonymously browse users on the external Windows NT
authentication server.
Click Browse with User Credentials to browse users on the external Windows NT
authentication based on credentials configured. If this option is selected, do the following:
a. Type the username for an NT domain account that has browse rights in the User Name
b. Type the password for an NT domain account that has browse rights in the Password field.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
LDAP external authentication service
To add an LDAP external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear.
4. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. Type a name for the external authentication service.
b. Select LDAP from the Type menu.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
c. Click Next.
5. The Specify LDAP Connection Settings window will open.
a. Type the address of the LDAP host in dot notation format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or type the
DNS host name in the Host Address field.
b. Type the number of the port for connecting to the LDAP host in the Port Number field.
c. Specify an SSL encryption mode:
Click Do Not Use SSL to have authentication performed using unencrypted clear text
instead of SSL encryption. This method is the least secure and automatically sets the
Port Number field to a default port number of 389.
Click Use SSL in Trust All Mode to use SSL encryption for data transmission. All
server certificates will be trusted and automatically accepted by the DSView 3
software for transmitting data. This SSL method provides medium security and
automatically sets the Port Number field to a default port number of 636.
This encryption mode is not recommended for wide area networks (WANs).
Click Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode to use SSL encryption for data
transmission. The DSView 3 software will approve the server and then the certificate
before transmitting data. This SSL method provides maximum security and
automatically sets the Port Number field to a default port number of 636.
e. Click Next.
If you selected Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode, go to step 6.
If you selected Do Not Use SSL or Use SSL in Trust All Mode, go to step 10.
6. The DSView 3 server will try to find a server that has a trusted certificate chain (see System
certificate policy and trust store on page 47). If no trusted certificate chain is found, then the
Accept Certificate window will open and list all servers that belong to the domain. It will also
list the reasons for rejection of the certificate chain.
7. Click Next to accept the certificate.
8. The Specify LDAP User Schema window will open.
a. Type the Base distinguished name (DN) from which to begin searches. This is a required
field unless the Directory Service has been configured to allow anonymous search. Each
Search DN value must be separated by a comma.
b. Type the key attribute. The default value is common name (cn).
c. Type the object class. The default value is person.
d. Type the full name attribute. The default value is surname (sn).
e. Click Next.
9. The Specify LDAP Group Schema window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
a. Type the Base distinguished name (DN) from which to begin searches. This is a required
field unless the Directory Service has been configured to allow anonymous search. Each
Search DN value must be separated by a comma.
b. Type the object class. The default value is group.
c. Type the member attribute. The default value is member.
d. Type the username member attribute (only the username, not the full LDAP object DN).
The user’s group membership will be located using this attribute in addition to the
member attribute. This attribute is primarily used with NIS-like schemas.
e. Click Next.
10. The Select Browsing Method window will open.
Click Browse Anonymously to browse users on the external LDAP authentication server.
Click Browse with user credentials to browse users on the external LDAP authentication based
on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do the following:
a. Type a log in ID in the User Name field, in one of two forms: a fully qualified
distinguished name or the username of an account in the base user DN.
b. Type the password for the LDAP user account in the Password field.
c. Click Next.
11. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will open briefly. If the
external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window will
12. Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
To change connection settings for the LDAP external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the LDAP service. The side navigation bar will change to include the name
of the LDAP service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings -
LDAP window will open.
5. Type a name in the Service Name field to change the name of the service that appears in the
Name column of the User Authentication Services window.
6. Type the address of the LDAP host, in dot notation format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) in the Host
Address field.
7. Type the number of the port you wish to use for connecting to the LDAP host in the Port
Number field.
8. Specify a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption mode:
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
Click Do Not Use SSL to have authentication performed using unencrypted clear text
instead of SSL encryption. This method is the least secure and automatically sets the Port
Number field to a default port number of 389.
Click Use SSL in Trust All Mode to use SSL encryption for data transmission. All server
certificates will be trusted and automatically accepted by the DSView 3 software for
transmitting data. This SSL method provides medium security and automatically sets the
Port Number field to a default port number of 636.
This encryption mode is not recommended for wide area networks (WANs).
Click Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode to use SSL encryption for data
transmission. The DSView 3 software will approve the server and then the certificate
before transmitting data. This SSL method provides maximum security and automatically
sets the Port Number field to a default port number of 636.
9. Click Save to save your changes.
If you selected Do Not Use SSL or Use SSL in Trust All Mode, go to step 15.
10. Click Certificates. The Authentication Service Certificate Management - LDAP window will
open and list all servers that belong to the domain. A status of Trusted indicates the certificate
is trusted, based on the certificate policy (see System certificate policy and trust store on
page 47); Untrusted indicates the certificate cannot be trusted.
11. To register certificates, click the checkbox to the left of the server IP address(es). To select all
server IP addresses on the page, click the checkbox to the left of the IP Address heading.
12. Click Register to register the certificates. The Accept SSL Certificate window will appear.
13. Click Save to store the certificate values to the DSView 3 software database on the host.
The Certificate Management window will open if only one certificate was selected. If more
than one certificate was selected, each will appear in order in subsequent Accept SSL
Certificate windows.
14. To unregister one or more certificates, check the checkbox to the left of the server IP
address(es). To select all server IP addresses on the page, click the checkbox to the left of the
IP Address heading.
15. Click Unregister to unregister the certificates.
16. A confirmation message box will appear. Confirm or cancel the operation.
17. Click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.
To change user schema settings for the LDAP external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click the name of the LDAP service. The side navigation bar will change to include the name
of the LDAP service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Schema in the side navigation bar. Users will automatically be selected and the
Authentication Service User Schema - LDAP window will open.
5. Type the Base distinguished name (DN) from which to begin searches. This is a required field
unless the Directory Service has been configured to allow anonymous search. Each Search DN
value must be separated by a comma.
6. Type the key attribute. The default value is common name (cn).
7. Type the object class. The default value is person.
8. Type the full name attribute for the user. The default value is surname (sn).
9. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
To change group schema settings for the LDAP external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the LDAP service. The side navigation bar will change to include the name
of the LDAP service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Schema in the side navigation bar, and then click Groups. The Authentication Service
Group Schema - LDAP window will open.
5. Type the Base distinguished name (DN) from which to begin searches. This is a required field
unless the Directory Service has been configured to allow anonymous search.
6. Type the object class. The default value is groupOfNames.
7. Type the members attribute. The default value is member.
8. Type the username member attribute (only the username, not the full LDAP object DN). The
user’s group membership will be located using this attribute in addition to the member
attribute. This attribute is primarily used with NIS-like schemas.
9. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
To change user browsing settings for the LDAP external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the LDAP service. The side navigation bar will change to include the name
of the LDAP service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click User Browsing in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service User Browsing -
LDAP window will open.
5. Click Browse Anonymously to browse users on the external LDAP authentication server.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
Click Browse with User Credentials to browse users on the external LDAP authentication
based on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do the following:
a. Type a log in ID in the User Name field, in one of two forms: a fully qualified
distinguished name or the username of an account in the base user DN.
b. Type the password for the LDAP user account in the Password field.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
RADIUS external authentication service
To add a RADIUS external authentication service:
1. On the RADIUS server that will be used as an external authentication service, add the DSView
3 server as a RADIUS client. Make a note of the configured shared secret and the available
authentication type(s) on the RADIUS server.
2. From the DSView 3 Explorer, Click the Users tab.
3. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
4. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear.
5. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. Type a 1-64 character name for the RADIUS authentication service.
b. Select RADIUS from the Type menu.
c. Click Next.
6. The Specify RADIUS Connection Settings window will open.
a. Type the address of the RADIUS host in dot notation format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or type
the DNS host name in the Server Address field.
b. Type the number of the port (from 1-65535) for connecting to the RADIUS host in the
Port Number field. The default is port 1812.
c. Click Next.
7. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will open briefly. If the
external authentication service is contacted successfully, the Specify RADIUS Authentication
Settings window will open.
a. Select the authentication type from the Authentication Type menu. Make sure it is one of
the available authentication types noted in step 1.
PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (default)
MS-CHAP - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
MS-CHAP v2 - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
b. In the Shared Secret field, type the shared secret (that was configured on the RADIUS
server in step 1), which is a password protected field. Microsoft’s implementation allows
up to 128 ASCII characters for the shared secret; other servers may have a different limit.
c. Re-enter the shared secret in the Confirm Shared Secret field.
d. Click Next.
8. If the external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window
will open.
9. Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
To change settings for the RADIUS external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the RADIUS service. The side navigation bar will change to include the
name of the RADIUS service at the top and, below the name, the information you may define.
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings -
RADIUS window will open.
a. Type a 1-64 character name for the RADIUS authentication service.
b. Type the address of the RADIUS host in dot notation format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or type
the DNS host name in the Server Address field.
c. Type the number of the port (from 1-65535) for connecting to the RADIUS host in the
Port Number field. The default is port 1812.
d. Click Save.
5. To change the authentication type and/or shared secret, click Settings in the side navigation bar.
The Authentication Service Authentication Settings - RADIUS window will open.
a. Select the authentication type from the Authentication Type menu.
PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (default)
MS-CHAP - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
MS-CHAP v2 - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2
b. In the Shared Secret field, type the shared secret, which is a password protected field.
Microsoft’s implementation allows up to 128 ASCII characters for the shared secret; other
servers may have a different limit.
c. Re-enter the shared secret in the Confirm Shared Secret field.
d. Click Save.
6. Click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
DSView 3 software supports TACACS+ external authentication. Once the TACACS+
authentication service is added, you may map TACACS+ users to the DSView 3 software database
by using the Add User Account wizard. The username added in the DSView 3 software should
match the username configured in the TACACS+ server. For more information about adding users,
see Adding User Accounts on page 231.
You may choose to associate users with internal DSView 3 software groups to control group level
access rights. Or, you may choose to map users to external TACACS+ groups and control group
level access rights using the TACACS+ service. There are two types of external TACACS+ groups
that can be used: the TACACS+ standard privilege level attribute, or a custom group name
attribute. To map users to external TACACS+ groups, use the DSView 3 software Add User Group
wizard and specify the group type. For more information, see Adding User-defined User Groups on
page 242.
To add a TACACS+ external authentication service:
1. On the TACACS+ server that will be used as an external authentication service, add the
DSView 3 server as a TACACS+ client. Make a note of the configured shared secret and the
available authentication type(s) on the TACACS+ server.
2. From the DSView 3 Explorer, Click the Users tab.
3. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
4. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear.
5. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. Type a 1-64 character name for the TACACS+ authentication service.
b. Select TACACS+ from the Type menu.
c. Click Next.
6. The Specify TACACS+ Connection Settings window will open.
a. Type the address of the TACACS+ host or type the DNS host name in the Server Address
b. Type the number of the port (from 1-65535) connecting to the TACACS+ host in the Port
Number field. The default port is 49.
c. Click Next.
7. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will open briefly. If the
external authentication service is contacted successfully, the Specify TACACS+
Authentication Settings window will open.
a. Select the authentication type from the Authentication Type menu. Make sure it is one of
the available authentication types noted in step 1.
PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (default)
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
MS-CHAP - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
b. In the Shared Secret field, type the shared secret (configured on the TACACS+ server in
step 1), which is a password protected field. (For the shared secret, Microsoft’s
implementation allows up to 128 ASCII characters and Cisco’s implementation allows up
to 32 ASCII characters; other servers may have a different limit.)
NOTE: If you change the authentication type, you will be required to enter the shared secret.
c. Re-enter the shared secret in the Confirm Shared Secret field.
d. Click Next.
8. The Specify TACACS+ Group Authorization Method window will open.
a. Click the corresponding radio button to choose one of the following options to manage
group authorization:
DSView internal groups: Choose this option if you plan to associate TACACS+ users
with DSView 3 software internal user groups.
TACACS+ privilege level attribute: Choose this option if you plan to associate
TACACS+ users with external TACACS+ groups using the privilege level attribute.
TACACS+ custom attribute for group names: Choose this option if you plan to
associate TACACS+ users with external TACACS+ groups using the custom group
names attribute.
b. Click Next.
9. If you selected DSView internal groups and the external authentication service was added
successfully, the Completed Successful window will open.
If you selected any other option, the Specify TACACS+ Server Group Authorization Settings
window will open.
a. In the Service field, type the appropriate TACACS+ service.
If you selected the privilege level attribute method in step 8, the default value shell will
appear in the field by default.
If you selected the group name custom attribute method in step 8, the default value raccess
will appear in the field by default.
b. If the TACACS+ service requires a protocol for authorization requests, type the protocol
in the Protocol field.
c. In the Attribute Name field, type the attribute name that the DSView 3 server will receive
after an authorization request.
If you selected the privilege level attribute method in step 8, the default value priv-lvl will
appear by default.
If you selected the group name custom attribute method in step 8, the default value
group_name will appear by default.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
NOTE: The Cyclades ACS advanced console server uses the service “raccess” and the attribute “group_name”
for TACACS+ group implementation.
10. Click Next. If the external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed
Successful window will open.
11. Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
To change settings for the TACACS+ external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click the name of the TACACS+ service. The side navigation bar will change to include the
name of the TACACS+ service at the top and, below the name, the information you may
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings -
TACACS+ window will open.
a. Type a 1-64 character name for the TACACS+ authentication service.
b. Type the address of the TACACS+ host in dot notation format (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or type
the DNS host name in the Server Address field.
c. Type the number of the port (from 1-65535) for connecting to the TACACS+ host in the
Port Number field. The default is port 49.
d. Click Save.
5. To change the authentication type and/or shared secret, click Settings in the side navigation bar.
The Authentication Service Authentication Settings - TACACS+ window will open.
a. Select the authentication type from the Authentication Type menu.
PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (default)
MS-CHAP - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
b. In the Shared Secret field, type the shared secret, which is a password protected field. (For
the shared secret, Microsoft’s implementation allows up to 128 ASCII characters and
Cisco’s implementation allows up to 32 ASCII characters; other servers may have a
different limit.)
NOTE: If you change the authentication type, you will be required to enter the shared secret.
c. Re-enter the shared secret in the Confirm Shared Secret field.
d. Click Save.
6. To change the group authorization settings, click Group Authorization in the side navigation
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
The Method field will display the group authorization method configured when the TACACS+
authentication service was added. This field cannot be changed.
a. In the Service field, type the appropriate TACACS+ service.
If TACACS+ privilege level attribute is the method, the default value is shell.
If TACACS+ custom attribute for group names is the method, the default value is raccess.
b. If the TACACS+ service requires a protocol for authorization requests, type the protocol
in the Protocol field.
c. In the Attribute Name field, type the attribute name that the DSView 3 server will receive
after an authorization request.
If TACACS+ privilege level attribute is the method, the default value is priv-lvl.
If TACACS+ custom attribute for group names is the method, the default value is
d. Click Save.
7. Click Close. The User Authentication Services dialog box will appear.
RSA SecurID external authentication service
When an RSA SecurID external authentication service is added, the DSView 3 software obtains
user authentication information and relays it to the RSA Authentication Manager. The RSA
Authentication Manager’s validation results are then relayed to the user. The DSView 3 software
also supports new PIN operations, next tokencode operations, RSA Authentication Manager
Replica functionality and name locking. The DSView 3 software is the agent type Net OS Agent.
See RSA SecurID login on page 18 for information about the login process when an RSA SecurID
external authentication service is used. Consult the RSA Authentication Manager documentation
for additional details.
For complete information about what is needed on the RSA server, see the RSA Secured Partner
Solutions Directory on the RSA web site (rsasecurity.com).
To add an RSA SecurID external authentication service:
1. On the RSA server that will be used as an external authentication service, add the DSView 3
server as an RSA Agent Host.
2. From the DSView 3 Explorer, Click the Users tab.
3. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
4. Click Add. The Add Authentication Service Wizard will appear.
5. The Provide Authentication Service Name and Type window will open.
a. In the Name field, type a 1-64 character name for the RSA authentication service.
b. Select RSA SecurID from the Type menu.
c. Click Next.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
6. The Specify RSA SecurID Connection Settings window will open. Type the 1-512 character
path to the sdconf.rec file, or browse to the file location. (This file is created by the RSA
Authentication Manager, but is located on the DSView 3 software client machine.) Then, click
The sdconf.rec file will be uploaded from the DSView 3 software client to the DSView 3
server. This file will be used as the initial RSA configuration file for all DSView 3 software
If some DSView 3 servers require a different configuration, a different sdconf.rec file must be
configured. Additionally, some installations may require an advanced option file (sdopts.rec)
for load balancing. You may specify these files using the procedure to change settings for the
RSA SecurID external authentication service.
7. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will open briefly. If the
external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window will
Click Finish. The User Authentication Services window will open with the new service listed.
After the service is added, one or more RSA user accounts must be added to the DSView 3
NOTE: The node secret file for the server will not be created until the first RSA user logs into the DSView 3
To change settings for the RSA SecurID external authentication service:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.
3. Click on the name of the SecurID service.
4. Click Connection in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service Connection Settings
window will open.
5. To change the name of the service:
a. Type a 1-64 character name in the Service Name field.
b. Click Save.
c. If that is the only change you are entering, click Close. Otherwise, continue with the next
6. To clear the RSA SecurID node secret for one or more DSView 3 servers:
a. Click the checkbox to the left of the server name. To select all DSView 3 servers on the
page, click the checkbox to the left of DSView Server at the top of the list.
b. Click Clear Node Secret. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
c. Confirm or cancel the operation.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
7. To update the RSA configuration files used by one or more DSView 3 servers to communicate
with the RSA Authentication Manager software:
a. Click the checkbox to the left of the server name. To select all DSView 3 servers on the
page, click the checkbox to the left of DSView Server at the top of the list.
b. Click Update. The Update RSA Configuration File window will open.
c. To change the sdconf.rec configuration file, enter the path in the sdconf.rec field or
browse to the location.
d. To specify the advanced option sdopts.rec file for manual load balancing, enter the path in
the sdopts.rec field or browse to the location.
e. Click Save and then click Close.
The DSView Service may need to be restarted when the RSA configuration is updated
User Authentication Services Window
Once added, the authentication services are listed in the User Authentication Services window. To
view the window, click the User tab, then click Authentication Services. The authentication service
name, type, enabled status and host name are displayed in the list.
If Allow users and groups from newly discovered trusted forests is enabled for an AD service, the
discovered forests are displayed as a subset of the primary authentication service in the User
Authentication Services window. The type is displayed as Active Directory - Trusted Forest.
The Enabled column displays a value of Yes or No. If the value is Yes, the users and groups of the
the authentication service are considered when the DSView 3 server attempts to authenticate and
authorize a user; if the value is No, the authentication service is ignored. If the same username
exists in multiple authentication services, you can use the Enabled status to control which
authentication service will be used to find a user.
To enable or disable an authentication service:
1. Click the User tab, then click Authentication Services to open the User Authentication Services
2. Select the checkbox next to the authentication service you want to enable or disable.
3. To enable the trusted forest, click Enable.
To disable the trusted forest service, click Disable.
NOTE: All new authentication services are enabled by default, with the exception of new trusted forests which
are disabled by default.
Chapter 6: Authentication Services
To refresh trusted forests:
NOTE: Refresh Trusted Forests is only applicable for Active Directory services for which discovering trusted
forests was enabled.
1. Click the User tab, then click Authentication Services to open the User Authentication Services
2. Select the checkbox next to the primary AD authentication service.
3. Click Refresh Trusted Forests. New trusted forests are displayed in the list.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Units View Windows
Units View windows display list of units that have been added to the DSView 3 software database.
A user must have unit view access rights to open Units View windows; see About Access Rights on
page 144. Also, units will not display if they are hidden; see Showing and hiding units on page 107.
Each Units View window contains one or more information fields; see Units View windows fields
on page 107.
Units are displayed in a table format with column headings. Use the checkbox to the left of each
unit name to select/deselect the unit for an operation. To select all the units on a page, click the
checkbox at the left of all the column headings at the top of the list - this is usually to the left of the
Name column. Clicking this Select All checkbox will automatically enable the checkboxes for all
units on that page. To deselect items that were previously selected, click on the checkbox.
When you click the checkbox at the top of the list, all units on the current page are selected (or
deselected if they were previously all selected). If the list of units spans more than one page, units
on subsequent pages will not be selected. You can specify how many items will appear on a Units
There are four types of Units View windows, which are accessed by clicking tabs and side
be added by plug-ins; see the plug-in documentation for more information. For information about
using the collapse/expand icons in the side navigation bar, see Using the Side Navigation Bar on
page 24.
Any Units View window that contains managed appliances may also be viewed using the topology
feature, which displays a hierarchical structure; see Topology view on page 104.
All Appliances: The Appliances - All window lists all managed appliances.
Appliance Type: Appliance Type windows list all managed appliances of a particular type (for
example, DSR1031 switches). The Appliance Type links in the side navigation bar are listed
under Appliances - All.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
An appliance type will only be listed in the side navigation bar if an appliance of that type has
been added to the DSView 3 software database and the user has access to it. For example, if a
are listed under Target Devices - All.
Unmanaged Appliances (for DSR switches only): Lists all DSR switches that have been
automatically discovered. These units will not be available from the Units View appliances
window until they are moved to the managed appliance list. See Managed Appliance Status on
page 147.
Mixed Views: Mixed view windows may contain managed appliances, target devices or both.
Several links in the side navigation bar will open mixed view Units View windows.
Recently Accessed - Units that the user has accessed most recently.
Groups - Units that have been assigned to a personal or global unit group.
Departments - Units that have been assigned to a department.
Locations - Units that have been assigned to a location.
Custom fields - Units that have been assigned to custom groups. These group names may
also have custom field labels.
See Chapter 15 beginning on page 205 for information about creating and managing groups.
Topology view
Units View windows that contain managed appliances support a topology feature that can be
enabled/disabled. A topology view is a series of parent-child hierarchies. A parent is a managed
appliance; children can be target devices, cascade switches (with target device children of their
own) and power control devices (with socket children of their own).
When the topology feature is enabled in a Units View window that contains appliances, an arrow
will appear next to each appliance. This arrow can be used to expand (open) an appliance display to
list all the appliance ports. A Port column will be added next to the Name column. The port value is
the port number on the appliance (or “SPC” if a power device is attached to an SPC port on a DSR
switch), the port number on a cascaded switch or the socket number on a cascaded power device
(for example, A1). By default, the topology view sorts by the Port column. The Port column is
sorted by type, number and then unit name.
Expanding and collapsing the display follows the same rules as the side navigation bar. If the arrow
is pointing right, clicking it causes the children to be displayed (expanding/opening the item). If the
arrow is pointing down, clicking it causes the children to be hidden (collapsing/closing the item).
If a port has a cascade switch or power control device attached, the unit name for that port will
include an arrow that can be used to expand/collapse the display of either all the ports on the
cascade switch or all the sockets on the power control device.
Chapter 7: Units View Windows
Ports on an appliance or a cascade switch that do not have units attached are also listed. The Status
column will indicate No Device Attached and the Type column will indicate the default valid
connection type for that port. The Action column will indicate Attach Device; see the procedure in
this section for how to attach device from this link.
If a target device is connected to multiple managed appliances, it will appear multiple times in a
topology view. If you select one occurrence of an item, all other occurrences are also selected.
If you expand a display and select one or more child items, collapsing the display will hide those
children and deselect them.
The Select All checkbox at the top of the list will only select displayed items on the current page.
Items that are hidden in a collapsed unit cannot be selected with the Select All checkbox.
In a topology view, the number of items per page value applies to appliances and children, even if
the display is collapsed and the children are not visible. You may also specify that the topology
view expand automatically when the Topology button is clicked. See Using the Customize link in
windows on page 28.
If you filter the display (see Filtering information in a window on page 26), and a child matches the
filter criteria, the parent(s) automatically open. If only an appliance matches the filter criteria, the
appliance is closed (unless the Expand View Automatically option is enabled).
To enable or disable a topology view:
In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click Topology.
Although you can enable the topology view in all Units View windows, it is only meaningful in
view in a Units View window that contains only target devices, the only change will be the addition
of the Port column to the display.
To attach a device from a topology view:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), enable the topology view by clicking Topology.
2. The Topology checkbox will appear pressed and the Port column will be added to the display.
3. Click the arrow next to the appliance. If the port is located on a cascade switch, click the arrow
next to the cascade switch.
4. In the Action field of the port where you want to attach the target device, click Attach Device.
The Attach Device Wizard will open.
5. The Select a Method for Attachment window will open.
To create a new target device and attach it, enable the Create a New Target Device radio
button, enter a unique name (up to 64 characters) in the Device Name field and then click
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To attach a target device that has already been added to the DSView 3 software system,
enable the Attach to an Existing Target Device radio button, enter the name in the Device
Name field and then click Next.
To browse for a target device that has already been added to the DSView 3 software
system, enable the Browse for an Existing Target Device radio button. The Browse for an
Existing Target Device window will open, listing all target devices (or the first 2000),
6. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish.
Accessing Units View windows
To enable a topology view in a Units View window, click Topology (see Topology view on
page 104).
To access Units View windows:
Click the Units tab.
To display target devices:
a. Click Target Devices in the side navigation bar. The Target Devices - All window will
open. This window lists all target devices in the system.
b. Click one of the target device type links (if available) in the side navigation bar. Target
device types are user-defined. If a type has been assigned to a target device, the type name
will appear under Target Devices in the side navigation bar. For example, if you assign a
type of “Windows 2000” to three target devices, a Windows 2000 link will appear in the
side navigation bar. Clicking on the link will display the three target devices, as well as
any other target devices assigned that type.
To display managed appliances:
a. Click Appliances in the side navigation bar. The Appliances - All window will open.
b. To display an Appliance Type window, click one of the appliance type links in the side
navigation bar.
To display a list of units that you have accessed most recently, click Recently Accessed in the
side navigation bar.
To display units by groupings (if available), click the link in the side navigation bar.
Click Sites to open the Units in Sites window.
Click Departments to open the Units in Departments window.
Click Locations to open the Units in Locations window.
Click Custom Field Labels to display the Units in Custom Field window.
Chapter 7: Units View Windows
Showing and hiding units
Hiding turns off the display of units in the window, but does not remove the units from the DSView
3 software system.
To hide a unit:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click Customize.
The Units View Customization window will open.
2. Click Visibility in the Available Fields column and then click Add. Visibility will be moved to
the Fields to Show column.
3. Enable the Show hidden items checkbox if you wish to display hidden units in the Units View
Customization window with a transparent icon.
4. Click Save and then click Close. The window will open, containing the Visibility column. The
Visibility column will display Hide for each unit.
5. Click Hide for each unit.
items was not selected in the Units View Customization window.
If Show hidden items was selected, the hidden unit will appear with a transparent icon.
To hide multiple units with one operation:
checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
2. Click Operations, then select Hide Units from the drop-down menu.
To show hidden units:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106) click Customize.
The Units View Customization window will open.
2. Click Visibility in the Available Fields column and then click Add. Visibility will be moved to
the Fields to Show column.
3. Click Show hidden items.
4. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open, containing the hidden
items and the Visibility column. Hidden items will have a transparent icon and the Visibility
field will contain Show.
visible, the icon will no longer be transparent and the Visibility field will change to Hide.
Units View windows fields
The following fields may appear in Units View windows. You may enable or disable a field’s
display using the Customize link. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
or change unit information.
Name in DSView - Name of the unit as defined in the DSView 3 software database.
Type - Type of target device or managed appliance model. Managed appliance types cannot be
changed; to assign a type to a target device, see Unit Overview Windows on page 112.
Status - Current activity level of a unit. Table 7.1 lists and describes the possible values.
Table 7.1: Unit Status Values
Unit type
Status and Icon
Any unit
The unit is powered up with no connection.
Any unit
In Use
The unit has at least one active connection.
The status of the unit was reported to the software
but cannot be obtained for an unknown reason.
Any unit
Status Unknown
No Power
Target devices
Target devices
Target devices
The target device is powered down.
The connection path to the target device is blocked
because a cascade switch is already in use.
KVM Blocked
No device attached
(topology view only)
The port does not have a target device attached.
The DSView 3 software cannot determine the power
state of the target device, or the software received a
mixed power state from the target device. For
example, if a target device has a KVM connection
and a power device connection, the software will
prompt for a power status for both of these
connections. If both connections do not reply with
ON or OFF, the power status will display as Partial
Target devices
Partial Power
The managed appliance did not provide status
information. This may occur for multiple reasons,
such as the appliance is not powered up or it is
disconnected from the DSView 3 software system.
Not Responding
Action - Type of session that may be initiated. Although a unit may have multiple actions that
may be performed (for example, you may be able to access a target device using a browser
session or a Telnet session), only one action will be displayed.
NOTE: Actions are also available from Connections windows.
Chapter 7: Units View Windows
For example, a target device that is only attached to a serial console appliance will not contain
a KVM Session link. If a target device has a connection to both a serial console appliance and
a KVM switch, a KVM Session link will appear.
As shown in Figure 7.1, other available actions that have been enabled may be accessed by
clicking the Alternate Actions arrow to the right of the action with the highest precedence.
Clicking on one of the displayed links will launch the corresponding window type.
Click on the Alternate Actions
arrow to display a list of all
available connection methods.
KVM Session
KVM Session
Exclusive KVM Session
Browser Session
Click on an action to launch the
corresponding window.
Telnet Session
KVM Session
Figure 7.1: Alternate Actions Arrow in a Units View Window
Table 7.2: Action Links
Action link
Valid for*
TDs attached to KVM switch channels/
KVM Session
Video Viewer window
Video Viewer window (this link only
appears when Alternate Action arrow is
Exclusive KVM
TDs attached to KVM switch channels/
Supported versions of IBM ASM RSA II,
DRAC 4 and NEC IPF embedded units
Embedded Session
IPMI Session
Viewer window
IPMI Viewer window
Opens a Telnet session window using
the configured application
Serial Session
Target devices
EVR1500 environmental monitors,
generic appliances, standalone TDs
and TDs attached to serial console
appliances, HP iLO embedded unit or
KVM switch ports
Browser Session
Telnet Session
Web browser
EVR1500 environmental monitors,
generic appliances, standalone TDs
and TDs attached to serial console
appliances, HP iLO embedded unit or
KVM switch ports
Telnet Viewer window or third party
Telnet view window
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 7.2: Action Links (Continued)
Action link
Valid for*
Target devices; see Target Device
Services on page 151
<Service Name>
Service interface
Appliances and/or TDs supported by
plug-ins that define this connection
<Connection Name> Session interface
* In addition to the units listed in this column, one or more of these connection types may be valid for units
supported by plug-ins. See the plug-in documentation for details.
monitor or generic appliance. This field will be empty if a URL is not available.
names, the defined names will appear instead of the place holder names (Custom Field 1,
Custom Field 2 and so on). See Custom Fields on page 207.
page 205.
Migration Status - Whether units imported from a DSView 2.x database or AlterPath
Migrating units on page 326.
Model Number - See Unit Properties on page 139.
Serial Number - See Unit Properties on page 139.
See Showing and hiding units on page 107.
Secure Mode - Displays a locked icon if secure mode is enabled on an appliance or an
unlocked icon if it is not. Secure mode is set when an appliance is added (see Adding Units on
page 115) and can be changed from the Operations menu (see Managed Appliance Settings on
page 147).
NOTE: OSCAR status and DCHP status fields are also available for supported DSR switches; see the DSR
switch plug-in help for more information.
Reboot - see Rebooting on page 313
Show version - see Managed Appliance Settings on page 147
Push or pull names to/from the appliance - see Manual name push on page 128 and Manual
name pull on page 129
Wall power on, off or cycle - see Power Device Sockets on page 168
Change unit properties - see Unit Properties on page 139
Custom operations defined in plug-ins may also be listed in the Operations menu.
A given action will be available only if at least one of the selected units supports the action. If a
selected unit does not support the operation, it will be reported as such in the results window.
When one of these multiple unit operations is initiated and confirmed (if needed), a system task is
created that will perform the operation on each unit. The Multiple Unit Operation window will
open, indicating the operation has been submitted. This window contains a link that directs the user
to the Operations Results window for the task.
To initiate and view results from multiple unit operations from a Units View
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), initiate the multiple
unit operation as described in the procedures referenced above. If prompted, confirm the
If you do not want to view the results of the operation, click Close and skip the rest of this
To view the results of the operation, click Click here to view results.
3. The Operations Results window will open, listing all multiple unit operations and any unit
tasks that have been initiated (see Using Tasks on page 319). The entry for each operation
Name of the operation
When the operation started
When the operation finished (blank if not yet complete)
Status or result of the operation
You may also access this window at any time by clicking the Units tab, then clicking
Operation Results in the side navigation bar.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. To view the results for an individual operation, click on the name. The Operation Results
window for that operation type will open, indicating:
Status - Current status of the task
Summary - Number of successful/failed/total unit operations (for example, the summary
of an operation with a status of ‘Rebooting the unit(s)’ might contain a 2/0/3 summary - 2
successful, 0 failed and 3 total units)
Name of the operation
Type of unit
When the operation started
How long the operation took
Status or result of the operation on the unit
5. Click Close.
Unit Overview Windows
The Unit Overview window contains the following information about an individual unit:
Target Devices - Name, type and icon associated with the target device. You may also use this
window to connect to the target device. The available connection methods are determined by
the type of target device.
Power information appears only if the target device is a power device and the user has power
control rights. In this case, the user may power up, power down or cycle the power of the target
Managed appliances - Name and type of managed appliances and the tools that may be used to:
Upgrade firmware
Save or restore the configuration (valid only for supported KVM switches and serial
console appliances)
Save or restore the user database (valid only for supported KVM switches and serial
console appliances)
The available tasks depend on the type of managed appliance and the user’s access rights on
the managed appliance. (Custom tools defined by a plug-in may also be available.)
environmental monitor or generic appliance and links for establishing a connection to it.
You may change the overview information for one target device from a Unit Overview window.
From a Units View window, you can change the type or icon for several target devices in one
operation. This may be helpful when you want to assign the same values to several units. See Unit
Properties on page 139.
Chapter 7: Units View Windows
Other types of Unit Overview windows may be supported by plug-ins; see the plug-in
documentation for more information.
To change overview information for a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of a target device. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Enter a name for the target device.
3. Enter a type for the target device.
5. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open. If you added a type that
was not previously defined, it will appear under Target Devices in the side navigation bar.
To initiate a session with a target device from the Unit Overview window:
NOTE: A user must have power control access rights and the target device must be connected to and powered
by a supported power device; see Chapter 11 beginning on page 165.
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of a target device. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the power device outlet(s). To select all device outlets on the
3. Click On, Off or Cycle to power up, power down, or power cycle (power down and then power
up) the power device outlets.
To change the name of a managed appliance from the Unit Overview window:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of an appliance. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Type a name for the managed appliance. (You cannot change the type.)
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Unit Status Window
To use the Unit Status window:
1. Click the Units tab, then click Unit Status in the side navigation bar.
2. The Unit Status window opens.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. You can filter what units are displayed by selecting a status from the Filter menu. Each unit
status is color-coded. The default filtered status is Active Status which displays only currently
active units.
4. You can select how often the Unit Status is updated by selecting a time from the Interval menu.
5. You can view the Unit Overview window by double-clicking the unit name, or right-clicking
the unit name and selecting Show Unit Overview.
Adding and Deleting Units
This chapter describes how to add and delete units in the DSView 3 software.
Adding Units
You may add:
A single managed appliance
A single embedded appliance
Multiple managed appliances based on a range of IP addresses
A generic appliance or an EVR1500 environmental monitor
A single target device that is not attached to a managed appliance
When a managed appliance is added, DSView 3 software administrator, user administrator and
appliance administrator privileges are automatically assigned to the managed appliance. A user
with any of these privileges may:
Reboot a managed appliance and disconnect sessions
Administer local user accounts on the managed appliance
Control target device power
Establish sessions with target devices from KVM switches, serial console appliances or other
supported units.
Appliance administrators and DSView 3 software administrators may also Flash upgrade a
managed appliance and configure settings for a managed appliance.
Managed appliance rights may be changed. See About Access Rights on page 144.
When you add a KVM switch or serial console appliance, attached target devices are also added.
If you add a KVM switch or serial console appliance that has an attached power device, the power
device is automatically added to the DSView 3 software database. Any target devices plugged into
the power device outlets (sockets) are also added, based on the options selected.
The applicable X.509 certificate is automatically copied from the DSView 3 software to the unit
being added. A certificate is a unique identifier of an individual managed appliance. (EVR1500
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
environmental monitors and generic appliances do not support certificates and may be added to
multiple DSView 3 software systems.)
IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols
The DSView 3 software is a dual stack host that simultaneously supports both IPv4 and IPv6
network protocols. For example, the DSView 3 software can communicate with a DSR switch that
has an IPv6 address and with an ACS console server that has an IPv4 address. Several Avocent
appliances support IPv6, including DSR switches, ACS console servers, MergePoint SP managers
and OnBoard appliances.
NOTE: IPv6 is not supported by all appliance models. See the corresponding product or plug-in documentation
for a list of specific appliance models that support IPv6.
Wizards that add units
In a Units View window, clicking Add invokes a wizard that guides you through the process of
adding managed appliances and target devices to the DSView 3 software system. The units that are
visible in the current Units View window determines which wizard will be invoked when you click
If you are in the Appliances - All window, you can add managed appliances of any type. You
cannot add target devices from that window.
If you are in the Units View window for a specific appliance type (such as Appliances -
DSR4030), you can only add more appliances of that type (DSR4030 appliances). You cannot
add appliances of any other type or any target devices.
If you are in the Target Devices - All window or any of the target device type windows (such as
Target Devices - Linux Servers), you can add target devices. You cannot add appliances from
that window.
When a unit is added to the DSView 3 software database, it is also added to the current Units View.
For example, if you are viewing units in the department named Accounting and click Add, the
newly added unit will automatically be added to the Accounting department.
You can also automatically discover supported KVM switches. See Automatic Discovery on
page 135.
This procedure is valid for supported KVM switches. It may also be valid for appliances supported
by a plug-in; see the appropriate documentation.
To add a single managed appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing managed appliances (see Accessing Units View windows
on page 106), click Add. The Add Appliance Wizard opens.
Chapter 8: Adding and Deleting Units
2. If you were not in an appliance type Units View window when you clicked Add in the first
step, the Select Appliance Type window opens. Select Add a single appliance by type, then
select a managed appliance from the product list. Click Next.
If you were in an appliance type Units View window when you clicked Add in the first step, go
to the next step.
3. Enter the IP address for the appliance in the field provided.
If the appliance has already been configured with this IP address, click Next.
If the appliance has not yet been configured with an IP address, select Appliance does not have
an IP address assigned yet. Complete the following steps:
a. Plug in the appliance and turn it on.
c. Enter a gateway in the field provided.
d. (IPv6 addresses) Select the prefix length from the menu. The preset value is 64 bits.
e. Click Next.
4. The Select Options window will open. (For more information about the options that affect
adding target devices connected to the appliance, see Topology Synchronization on page 130.)
For appliances supported by plug-ins, the content of this window may differ; see the
appropriate documentation.
a. Enable the Enable secure mode checkbox if you want the managed appliance to only be
accessible by this DSView 3 software system. In non-secure mode, the managed appliance
may be added to multiple DSView 3 software systems.
This checkbox will not appear when adding a DSI5100 appliance, which may only be
added in Secure mode.
b. Enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target
device checkbox if you wish to merge a target device that has multiple connections into a
single target device.
c. Under Allow target devices that contain default names to be added for these type of
connections, you may enable the checkboxes for one or more connection types. Any target
devices that contain default names in the managed appliance and support the enabled
connection type in the managed appliance will be added to the DSView 3 software
This option has no effect when adding a DSI5100 appliance, since default target device
names are not supported. A target device is named when it is added as a BMC port using
the Add IPMI BMC Wizard.
d. Click Next.
5. If automatic inheritance is enabled, the Select Group(s) to Inherit window opens. Select the
groups to which the appliance will belong and click Add. Attached target devices will inherit
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
these group memberships. Click Next. For more information, see Automatic Inheritance for
Group Memberships and Properties on page 135.
If you do not want to select groups at this time, click Do not inherit group membership.
6. If one or more cascade switches are connected to the managed appliance, the Configure
Cascade Switches window will open.
b. Optionally, type a name for each row in the Name column.
c. If two or more rows of a multiuser cascade switch are discovered, you can merge the rows
by selecting the checkboxes of those rows and clicking Merge. To undo the merge, click
the row of the merged switch and click Split. For information about other methods for
merging cascade switches, see Topology Synchronization on page 130.
d. Click Next.
7. The Apply Configuration Template window opens.
If you want to apply a configuration template to the appliance, select a template from the list
If you do not want to apply a configuration template to the appliance, select None and click
NOTE: For more information about configuration templates, see Appliance Configuration Templates on
page 137.
8. Click Finish.
This procedure is valid only for IBM ASM RSA II, DRAC 4, HP iLO and NEC IPF embedded
To add a single embedded appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing managed appliances (see Accessing Units View windows
on page 106), click Add. The Add Appliance Wizard will open.
2. The Select Add Unit Procedure window will open. Click Add a single appliance, then click
3. If you were not in an appliance type Units View window when you clicked Add in the first
step, the Select Appliance Type window will open. Select an embedded appliance from the
product list, then click Next.
For an IBM ASM RSA II embedded appliance, go to step 4.
For a DRAC 4 embedded appliance, go to step 5.
Chapter 8: Adding and Deleting Units
For an HP iLO embedded appliance, go to step 6.
For an NEC IPF embedded appliance, go to step 7.
4. For IBM ASM RSA II embedded appliances:
a. The Configure IBM ASM RSA II Settings window will open.
b. In the Appliance Name field, type a 1-64 character appliance name. The name is not case
c. In the Address field, type a 1-256 character IP address in dot notation form or a DNS
name. The address is not case sensitive.
d. In the Username field, type a 1-64 character username to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Usernames are case sensitive.
e. In the Password field, type a 1-64 character password to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Passwords are case sensitive.
f. Click Next.
g. The embedded device discovery will verify that a web server exists at the specified IP
address. If successful, the Select Option window will open.
h. Enable or disable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single
target device checkbox.
i. Click Next. Go to step 8.
5. For DRAC 4 embedded appliances:
a. The Configure DELL DRAC4 Settings window will open.
b. In the Appliance Name field, type a 1-64 character appliance name. The name is not case
c. In the Address field, type a 1-256 character IP address in dot notation form or a DNS
name. The address is not case sensitive.
d. In the Port field, type a TCP port number in the range 0-65535 where the appliance will
e. In the Username field, type a 1-64 character username to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Usernames are case sensitive.
f. In the Password field, type a 1-64 character password to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Passwords are case sensitive.
g. Click Next.
h. The embedded device discovery will verify that a web server exists at the specified IP
address. If successful, the Select Option window will open.
i. Enable or disable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single
target device checkbox.
j. Click Next. Go to step 8.
6. For HP iLO embedded appliances:
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
a. The Configure HP iLO Settings window will open.
b. In the Appliance Name field, type a 1-64 character appliance name. The name is not case
c. In the Address field, type a 1-256 character IP address in dot notation form or a DNS
name. The address is not case sensitive.
d. Click Next. Go to step 8.
7. For NEC IPF embedded appliances:
a. The Configure NEC IPF Settings window will open.
b. In the Address field, type a 1-256 character IP address in dot notation form or a DNS
name. The address is not case sensitive.
c. In the Username field, type a 1-64 character username to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Usernames are case sensitive.
d. In the Password field, type a 1-64 character password to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Passwords are case sensitive.
e. Click Next.
f. The embedded device discovery will verify that the embedded appliance’s product ID
matches the appliance type. If successful, the Select Options window will open.
g. The Appliance Name field contains the name stored in the embedded appliance. You may
change this to a 1-256 character unique name. Names are not case sensitive.
h. Enable or disable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single
target device checkbox.
i. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.
This procedure is valid for supported KVM switches and serial console appliances. It may also be
valid for appliances supported by a plug-in; see the appropriate documentation.
To add a managed appliance from a range or list of IP addresses:
1. In a Units View window containing managed appliances (see Accessing Units View windows
on page 106), click Add. The Add Appliance Wizard will open.
2. The Select Add Unit Procedure window will open.
3. To enter IP addresses as a delimited list, click Add multiple appliances, then click Next. Enter
IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses, separated by either a comma (,) or a semi-colon (;).
To enter an IP address range, click Discover appliances on the network from an IPv4 address
range or an IPv6 subnet, then click Next. Select Use IPv4 address range and type the IP
address from which to begin and end the search in the corresponding fields, or select Use IPv6
subnet and type the IPv6 network prefix in the corresponding field. Click Next.
Chapter 8: Adding and Deleting Units
4. The DSView 3 software will search for managed appliances within the IP address range. When
the search is completed, the Select Appliances to Add window will open, listing the results.
5. Add or remove appliances.
To add one or more managed appliances, select the managed appliances in the Appliances
found list, then click Add. The managed appliances will be moved to the Appliances to
Add list.
To remove one or more managed appliances, select the managed appliances in the
Appliances to Add list, then click Remove. The managed appliances will be moved to the
Appliances found list.
Click Next.
6. The Select Options window will open. (For more information about the options that affect
adding target devices connected to the appliance, see Topology Synchronization on page 130.)
For appliances that are supported by plug-ins, the content of this window may differ; see the
appropriate documentation.
a. Click Enable secure mode if you want the managed appliance to only be accessible by this
DSView 3 software system. In non-secure mode, the managed appliance may be added to
multiple DSView 3 software systems.
NOTE: For appliances that require Secure mode, this checkbox will not be visible and the appliance will enable
Secure mode automatically.
b. Click Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target device if
you wish to merge a target device that has multiple connections into a single target device.
c. Under Allow target devices that contain default names to be added for these type of
connections, you may enable one or more connection types. Any target devices that
contain default names in the managed appliance and support the enabled connection type
in the managed appliance will be added to the DSView 3 software database.
This option has no effect when adding a DSI5100 appliance, since default target device
names are not supported. A target device is named when it is added as a BMC port using
the Add IPMI BMC Wizard.
d. Click Next.
7. The Adding Appliances window will open while the selected managed appliances are added to
the DSView 3 software system.
8. The Apply Configuration Template window opens.
If you want to apply a configuration template to the appliance, select a template from the list
and click Next.
If you do not want to apply a configuration template to the appliance, select None and click
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
NOTE: For more information about configuration templates, see Appliance Configuration Templates on
page 137.
9. Click Finish.
Adding a generic appliance or an EVR1500 environmental monitor
To add a single EVR1500 environmental monitor or generic appliance:
1. Click Add in a Units View window. The Add Unit Wizard will open.
2. The Select Add Unit Procedure window will open. Click Add a single appliance, then click
3. The Select Appliance Type window will open. Select EVR1500 or Generic from the product
list, then click Next.
4. A Configure Generic Appliance Settings window will open.
a. Type the name.
b. Type either the address or the fully qualified domain name.
c. Type the Telnet port.
d. Type the web browser URL.
e. Click Next.
Adding a target device
You may add a target device using the Add Target Device Wizard, which is described in this
section. You may also add a target device using the Attach Target Device Wizard, which is
page 104.
To add a power device, see Power Devices on page 165. To add BMCs, see the DSI5100
Operations for the DSView 3 Software Technical Bulletin, available on the Avocent web site.
To add a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click Add. If you are in a target device view window, the Add Target Device Wizard
will open. If you are in a mixed view window, the Add Unit Wizard will open.
2. If you were in a mixed view window when you clicked Add, the Select Add Unit Procedure
window will open. Click Add a single target device. Click Next.
If you were in a target device view window when you clicked Add, go to the next step.
3. The Type in Device Settings window will open, where you may enter optional information:
name, address or fully qualified domain name, Telnet port and web browser URL.
4. Click Finish.
Chapter 8: Adding and Deleting Units
Deleting Units
When you delete a unit, it is removed from the DSView 3 software database, and all associated
connections will also be deleted.
You may also choose to delete target devices that are no longer connected when you run the Resync
Wizard; see Topology synchronization options in the Resync Wizard on page 132.
To delete a power device, see Power Devices on page 165.
To delete a unit:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit name. To delete all units on the page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at
the top of the list.
2. Click Delete. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
3. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Automatically deleting attached units
For target devices exclusively managed by a single appliance, you may specify that the target
devices are automatically deleted when the managing appliance is deleted.
To modify target device delete policy settings:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar. Click Units, then click Deletion in the side
navigation bar.
3. If you want target devices automatically deleted, select Delete target devices that no longer
have connection.
If you do not want target devices automatically deleted, select Do not delete the target devices.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Synchronizing the DSView 3
Software Database
This chapter describes how to synchronize the DSView 3 software database with changes that
occur on units.
Name Synchronization
Units and connections in the DSView 3 software system have a “Name in DSView”, which is the
name stored in the DSView 3 software database. Some units (appliance serial ports, cascade
switches, target devices, power devices and power device sockets) may also have a “Name in
Appliance,” which is the name stored in the managed appliance.
The DSView 3 software name synchronization feature will “push” and/or “pull” names. You may
enable the name push and name pull operations to run automatically. You may also push and pull
names manually.
Name push
When the name of a target device or cascade device is changed in the DSView 3 software database,
a push operation will update the target device, cascade device, serial port and power device socket
names in the appliance.
You may also rename units associated with a single connection to a target device in the DSView 3
software database. The name push operation will then push the new unit names to the appliance.
Name pull
When the name of a target device, cascade device, serial port or power device socket is changed in
a managed appliance, a pull operation will update the target device and cascade device names in the
DSView 3 software database.
You may enable/disable automatic name push and automatic name pull. You may also manually
initiate a push or pull operation at any time.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Automatic name push
When automatic name push is enabled, the name push operation occurs automatically when a name
is changed in the DSView 3 software.
Table 9.1: Automatic Name Push Operation Effects
If the target device for the serial port in the DSView 3 software database has a single
appliance connection, the target device name will be pushed to the appliance.
If the target device for the serial port in the DSView 3 software database has multiple
appliance connections, the target device name will be pushed to the appliance for
each appliance connection (for connection type(s) enabled in the Automatic Name
Push Properties window).
Appliance serial ports
The power device name in the DSView 3 software database will be pushed to the
Power devices
If the target device for the power device socket in the DSView 3 software database
has a single appliance connection, the target device name will be pushed to the
Power device sockets
If the target device for the power device socket in the DSView 3 software database
has multiple appliance connections, the target device name will be pushed to each
appliance for each appliance connection (for connection type(s) enabled in the
Automatic Name Push Properties window).
If the target device in the DSView 3 software database has a single appliance
connection, the target device name will be pushed to the appliance.
If the target device in the DSView 3 software database has multiple appliance
connections, the target device name will be pushed to the appliance for each
appliance connection (for connection type(s) enabled in the Automatic Name Push
Properties window).
Target devices
If the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database has a single appliance
connection, the name will be pulled from the appliance to update the cascade switch
name in the DSView 3 software database.
If the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database has multiple appliance
connections to the same appliance (a multiuser cascade switch), the cascade switch
name will be pulled from the appliance connection with the lowest port number to
update the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database. (Multiuser cascade
switches are treated as separate cascade switches by the appliance.)
Cascade switches
To enable or disable automatic name push:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Units - Synchronization in the side navigation bar, then click Auto Name Push.
Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database
4. The Automatic Name Push Properties window will open. To enable automatic name push,
enable the Push Names from DSView to appliances automatically checkbox.
To disable automatic name push, disable the Push Names from DSView to appliances
automatically checkbox and go to the last step.
5. Enable the checkboxes for one or more appliance connection types. The name in the DSView 3
software will be pushed to the appliance if the target device has a connection that matches the
selected type.
6. Click Save.
Automatic name pull
When automatic name pull is enabled, the name pull operation occurs automatically when an
appliance name is changed.
Table 9.2: Automatic Name Pull Operation Effects
If the target device for the serial port in the DSView 3 software database has a
single appliance connection, the target device name will be pulled from the
appliance to update the target device name in the DSView 3 software database.
Appliance serial ports
If the target device for the serial port in the DSView 3 software database has
multiple appliance connections, the target device name will be pulled from one of
the appliance connections (based on the configured connection type priority) to
update the target device name in the DSView 3 software database.
The power device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the power
device name in the DSView 3 software database.
Power devices
If the target device for the power device socket in the DSView 3 software database
has a single appliance connection, the target device name will be pulled from the
appliance to update the target device name in the DSView 3 software database.
Power device sockets
If the target device for the power device socket in the DSView 3 software database
has multiple appliance connections, the target device name will be pulled from one
of the appliance connections (based on the configured connection type priority) to
update the target device name in the DSView 3 software database.
If the target device in the DSView 3 software database has a single appliance
connection, the name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Target devices
If the target device in the DSView 3 software database has multiple appliance
connections, the target device name will be pulled from one of the appliance
connections (based on the configured connection type priority) to update the target
device name in the DSView 3 software database.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 9.2: Automatic Name Pull Operation Effects (Continued)
If the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database has a single appliance
connection, the name will be pulled from the appliance to update the cascade
switch name in the DSView 3 software database.
If the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database has multiple appliance
connections to the same appliance (a multiuser cascade switch), the cascade
switch name will be pulled from the appliance connection with the lowest port
(Multiuser cascade switches are treated as separate cascade switches by the
Cascade switches
Power device - see Power Devices on page 165
Power device socket - see Power Device Sockets on page 168
Cascade switch - see KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings on page 154
Target device - see Target Device Settings on page 150
To enable or disable automatic name pull:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Units - Synchronization in the side navigation bar, then click Auto Name Pull.
4. The Automatic Name Pull Properties window will open. To enable automatic name pull,
enable the Pull Names from appliances to DSView automatically checkbox.
To disable automatic name pull, disable the Pull Names from appliances to DSView
automatically checkbox and go to the last step.
5. For target devices that have multiple connections, you may set the connection type priority by
using the arrows to re-order the available types. This order determines which target device
name will be pulled from one or more appliances to update the DSView 3 software database.
The name will be pulled from only one appliance.
6. Click Save.
Manual name push
You may initiate a manual name push from a Units View window (see below) and from the
following windows:
Target Devices window - see Target Device Settings on page 150
Power Device window - see Power Devices on page 165
Power Device Sockets window - see Power Device Sockets on page 168
Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database
Appliance cascade switches window - see KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings on
page 154
To initiate a name push operation from a Units View window:
checkboxes next to one or more units. To select all units on the page, click the checkbox to the
left of the heading at the top of the list.
3. The Multiple Unit Operations window will open, containing a link to the Operation Results
window; see Multiple unit operations from a Units View window on page 111.
Manual name pull
Table 9.3 describes what occurs when a name pull operation is initiated.
Table 9.3: Manual Name Pull Operation Effects
When pull is initiated
The effect is
for one or more:
The target device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Appliance serial ports
Power devices
The power device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the power device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
The target device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Power device sockets
Target devices
The target device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
The cascade switch name will be pulled from the appliance to update the cascade
switch name in the DSView 3 software database.
If the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database has multiple appliance
Cascade switches
Target Devices window - see Target Device Settings on page 150
Power Device window - see Power Devices on page 165
Power Device Sockets window - see Power Device Sockets on page 168
Appliance cascade switches window - see KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings on
page 154
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To initiate a name pull operation from a Units View window:
checkboxes next to one or more units. To select all units on the page, click the checkbox to the
left of the heading at the top of the list.
2. Click Operations, then select Pull Names from Appliance from the drop-down menu.
3. The Multiple Unit Operations window will open, containing a link to the Operation Results
window; see Multiple unit operations from a Units View window on page 111.
Topology Synchronization
The topology synchronization operation updates the DSView 3 software database when a change
occurs in a managed appliance. Examples of changes are the adding/removing of an IQ adaptor,
cascade switch or power device.
Synchronization options include:
Merge target device names - A target device that has connections to more than one appliance
managed by the DSView 3 software can appear as two different devices when the appliances
are added to the DSView 3 software database. For example, a server may have a serial console
port connected to a serial console appliance, which is used during the boot process. The same
server may also have a KVM connection to a KVM switch that is accessible after the server is
up and running. You may configure that target device to appear only once, and the DSView 3
software will provide the valid Action choices for accessing the device.
Default target device names allowed for connection types - If a target device has a default
name, you may indicate that it can be added to the DSView 3 software database only if it
supports specific connection type(s) in the appliance - for example, KVM, serial or power.
You may enable/disable deleting target devices that no longer have connections from the
DSView 3 software database.
You may enable or disable automatic topology synchronization. You may also control topology
synchronization manually by:
Enabling or disabling options when the Add Unit Wizard runs.
Enabling or disabling options when the Resync Wizard runs.
devices on page 307).
Initiating a cascade switch merge operation on two multiuser cascade switches in the same
appliance from a Units View window.
Scheduling or manually running the update topology task (see Task: Update topology for
selected units on page 331).
Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database
Automatic topology synchronization
NOTE: Automatic topology synchronization is not supported on some managed appliances, including the
LANDesk Server Manager. Alternatively, you may schedule the update topology task to keep these appliances
synchronized with the DSView 3 software. See Task: Update topology for selected units on page 331.
To enable or disable automatic topology synchronization:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Units - Synchronization in the side navigation bar, then click Auto Topology.
4. The Automatic Topology Properties window will open. To enable automatic topology
synchronization, enable the Update DSView with topology changes from appliances
automatically checkbox.
To disable automatic topology synchronization, disable the Update DSView with topology
changes from appliances automatically checkbox and go to the last step.
5. If you enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target
device checkbox, the connection to a target device in the appliance will be merged with the
connection(s) to an existing target device in the DSView 3 software database.
6. If you enable the Delete Target Devices that no longer have connections checkbox, target
devices that no longer have connections will be permanently deleted from the DSView 3
software database.
appliance will be added to a new unit (appliance, power device or cascade switch) connection
in the DSView 3 software database.
If you disable this checkbox, the target device in the appliance will not be added automatically
to a new unit connection in the DSView 3 software database. However, you can add it
manually; see Topology view on page 104.
8. If you enable the Allow target devices that contain default names to be added for these type of
connections checkbox, you may then enable one or more connection type checkboxes. Any
target devices that contain default names in the appliance will be added to the DSView 3
software database only if the connection type in the appliance matches an enabled connection
type in this window.
9. Click Save.
Topology synchronization options in the Add Unit Wizard
The Select Options window in the Add Unit Wizard allows you to specify the access mode and
certain topology synchronization options.
Enable/disable secure mode
Merge target device names
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Default target names allowed for connection types
This window is described in Adding Units on page 115.
Each of these options has a default value, which you may change.
To change the default values of the options in the Add Unit Wizard:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Wizard Defaults in the side navigation bar, then click Add Unit Wizard.
4. The Add Unit Wizard Default Options window will open.
5. If you enable the Enable secure mode checkbox, by default, the unit will only be accessible by
this DSView 3 software system. In non-secure mode, the unit may be added to multiple
DSView 3 software systems.
6. If you enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target
device checkbox, by default, the connection to a target device in the appliance will be merged
with the connection(s) to an existing target device in the DSView 3 software database.
7. If a target device has a default name, you may indicate that, by default, it can be added to the
DSView 3 software database only if it supports specific connection type(s) in the appliance.
Enable the checkboxes for the specific connection types.
8. Click Save.
Topology synchronization options in the Resync Wizard
The Select Resync Options window in the Resync Wizard allows you to specify certain topology
synchronization options.
Remove offline connections
Delete target devices that no longer have connections
Merge target device names
Default target names allowed for connection types
This window is described in Resynchronizing units on page 315.
Each of these options has a default value, which you may change.
To change the default values of the options in the Resync Wizard:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Wizard Defaults in the side navigation bar, then click Resync Wizard.
4. The Resync Wizard Default Options window will open.
If you enable the Remove offline connections checkbox, by default, any appliance
connections that are reported as offline in the appliance will be deleted from the DSView 3
Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database
software database. The Resync Wizard does not add offline connections to the DSView 3
software database.
If you enable the Delete target devices that no longer have connections checkbox, by
default, any target devices that no longer have connections are permanently deleted from
the DSView 3 software database.
If you enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single
target device checkbox, by default, the connection to a target device in the appliance will
be merged with the connection(s) to an existing target device in the DSView 3 software
If a target device has a default name, you may indicate that, by default, it can be added to
the DSView 3 software database only if it supports specific connection type(s) in the
appliance. Enable the checkboxes for the specific connection types.
5. Click Save.
Merging target devices
appliances. For example, if a target device is connected to both a DSR switch and an ACS console
server, this tool will merge the target devices (that were created when the managed appliances were
You may also merge target devices from a Unit Tools window, see Merging target devices on
page 307.
To merge target devices from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the target device name. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Click the Merge Target Devices icon or link. The Merge Target Devices Wizard will appear.
3. The Select Target Devices to Merge window will open. The selected target device will be listed
in the Target Devices to Merge list.
To add one or more target devices to the merge list, select the target device(s) in the
Available Target Devices list, then click Add. The target devices will be moved to the
Target Devices to Merge list.
To remove one or more target devices from the merge list, select the target device(s) from
the Target Devices to Merge list, then click Remove. The target devices will be moved to
the Available Target Devices list.
To merge target devices in a particular order, select one or more target devices in the
Target Devices to Merge list and use the up and down arrows to move the selected target
devices up or down in the listing. Once the order has been specified, select Merge missing
properties to the target device based on the order of the devices in the “Target Devices to
Merge” list.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Device to Merge list. For example, if you are merging two target devices named TD1 and
TD2, and TD2 is listed before TD1, the merged target device will be named TD2.
Click Next.
4. The Confirm Target Device Merge window will open. Click Next to confirm merging the
page 181.
6. Click Finish.
To merge target devices from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), select the checkbox next to the target devices that you want to merge.
2. From the Operations menu, select Merge Target Devices. The Merge Target Devices window
3. Select the target devices to be merged from the Available Targets list. The merged target
devices will contain the name of the first target device in the Target Device to Merge list. For
example, if you are merging two target devices named TD1 and TD2, and TD2 is listed before
TD1, the merged target device will be named TD2. The Connection Path(s) list displays the
appliance and the specified destination target device.
4. (Optional) To merge target devices in a particular order, select one or more target devices in the
Target Devices to Merge list and use the up and down arrows to move the selected target
devices up or down in the listing. Once the order has been specified, select Merge missing
properties to the target device based on the order of the devices in the “Target Devices to
Merge” list.
5. Click Merge.
Merging or splitting cascade switches
switches that belong to the same appliance in the DSView 3 software database. You may also
merge or split two or more multi-user cascade switches from the same appliance.
To merge or split cascade switches:
1. In a Units View window containing cascade switches (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the cascade switch name. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Click the Merge Target Devices icon or link. The Merge Cascade Switches Wizard will appear.
3. The Cascade Switch Configuration window will open. The Appliance Port column lists the
ports in the appliance that are connected to cascade switches.
Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database
4. You may change the cascade switch type by selecting from the drop-down menu. If you change
the cascade switch name, it must contain 1-64 characters and must not exist in the DSView 3
software database unless it is associated with a multi-user cascade switch.
5. To merge cascade switches, click the checkboxes to the left of the entries, then click Merge.
6. To split a previously merged set of cascade switches, click the checkbox to the left of the entry,
then click Split.
7. Click Next. The Operation in Progress window will open, followed by the Completed
Successful window.
8. Click Finish.
Automatic Discovery
NOTE: Automatic discovery is only supported for DSR switches. To be available for automatic discovery,
discovery settings on the DSR switch must be configured with the DSView 3 Server IP address. For more
information, see the DSR Installer/User Guide.
To enable or disable automatic discovery:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Units - Synchronization in the side navigation bar, then click Auto Discovery.
4. Enable the Enable Auto Discovery checkbox if you want the DSView 3 software to
automatically discover supported appliances.
5. Enable the Enable secure mode checkbox if you want the managed appliance to only be
accessible by this DSView 3 system. In non-secure mode, the managed appliance may be
added to multiple DSView 3 systems.
6. If you enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target
device checkbox, by default, the connection to a target device in the appliance will be merged
with the connection(s) to an existing target device in the DSView 3 database.
Automatic Inheritance for Group Memberships and Properties
You can allow new target devices to inherit group memberships and some properties from the
appliances to which the target devices are attached. Only location, contacts, notes and custom field
properties are inherited. For information about assigning properties to a unit, see Unit Properties on
page 139.
To enable automatic inheritance:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click Automatic Inheritance in the side navigation bar.
4. To allow new target devices to inherit group membership and properties from the appliance,
When automatic inheritance is enabled, the following occurs:
When you use the Add Unit Wizard to add an appliance, you can specify the group for which
you want the appliance to belong. Attached target devices will inherit these group
When new attached target devices are discovered using automatic topology synchronization,
the Resync Wizard or the update topology task, the new target devices inherit group
memberships and location, contacts, notes and custom field properties from the appliance. For
more information about these operations, see Automatic topology synchronization on
page 131, Resynchronizing units on page 315 and Task: Update topology for selected units on
page 331.
Managing Units
This chapter describes how to manage unit properties and settings, access rights and local account
settings, and how to view unit asset and usage reports.
Appliance Configuration Templates
Appliance configuration templates allow DSView 3 administrators to quickly configure new units
or replace failed units. You can create an appliance configuration template based on any supported
unit in the DSView 3 software system. The appliance configuration template saves the properties of
the model unit so that they can be applied to other units. Two classifications of settings are saved in
appliance configuration templates:
Personality data is specific to a single unit and is only applied during a replace appliance
operation. An example of personality data is an IP address.
Fixed data is specific to the unit family (such as DSR 8035 switches) but is not specific to a
single unit. Fixed unit data, such as session time-outs, is applied during both an apply
appliance configuration template operation and a replace appliance operation.
You can also create appliance configuration templates that are specific to a single unit. For
example, once the unit is configured, you may wish to use the Save Last Known Good
Configuration Template operation to create an appliance configuration template of the unit in that
state. You can also use the Save Current Configuration Template to create an appliance
configuration template of the unit in its current state. These templates can later be applied to the
unit if needed.
NOTE: For appliances that do not support appliance configuration templates, the related buttons and links are
not displayed.
Saving appliance configuration templates
Saving an appliance configuration template generates a DSView 3 event.
To save an appliance configuration template:
NOTE: This procedure creates an appliance configuration template than can be applied to any unit of the same
family as the model unit.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), select the appliance you want to use as the model for the appliance configuration
template. The Unit Overview window opens.
2. Click the Save Configuration Template icon or link. The Save Appliance Configuration
Template Wizard opens.
4. The Completed Successful window opens. Click Finish.
To save the last known good or current configuration template:
NOTE: This procedure creates appliance configuration templates that can only be applied to the selected unit.
In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106),
select the appliance for which you want to save an appliance configuration template. Click the Save
Last Known Good Configuration Template or Save Current Configuration Template icon or link.
In a Units View window containing appliances, select the checkbox next to the appliance for which
you want to apply the appliance configuration template. From the Operations menu, select Save
Last Known Good Configuration Template or Save Current Configuration Template.
Modifying appliance configuration template properties
To view, modify or delete appliance configuration template files:
NOTE: Administrator rights are required to view and delete appliance configuration template files.
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Appliance Files in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Configuration Template in the side navigation bar. A list of configuration templates is
4. To delete an appliance configuration template, select the checkbox next to the template(s) and
click Delete.
5. To view the properties of an appliance configuration template, click the name of the template.
6. The appliance configuration template properties are displayed, including the name, supported
unit type, creation date and the unit that created the template. To change the name, enter a new
name and click Save.
7. Click Close.
Applying appliance configuration templates
Applying appliance configuration templates generates a DSView 3 event.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To apply an appliance configuration template to a new appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), select the appliance for which you want to apply the appliance configuration
template. The Unit Overview window opens. Click the Apply Configuration Template icon or
link. The Save Appliance Configuration Template Wizard opens.
In a Units View window containing appliances, select the checkbox next to the appliance for
which you want to apply the appliance configuration template. From the Operations menu,
select Apply Configuration Template.
2. From the list, select the appliance configuration template you want to apply. Click Save.
Select Apply Current Configuration Template.
Or, to apply the appliance configuration template during the Add Unit Wizard, see Adding Units on
page 115.
To replace a failed appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), select the appliance for which you want to apply the appliance configuration tem-
plate. The Unit Overview window opens. Click the Appliance Replacement icon or link. The
Save Appliance Configuration Template Wizard opens.
In a Units View window containing appliances, select the checkbox next to the appliance for
which you want to apply the appliance configuration template. From the Operations menu,
select Appliance Replacement.
2. Enter the IP address of the failed appliance.
3. From the list, select the appliance configuration template you want to apply. Click Save.
4. The Completed Successful window opens. Click Finish.
A user with access rights may change the following properties for a unit:
Overview - Specify the type and icon for a target device.
Identity - May be helpful for quickly identifying information about a unit.
Location (site, department and location) - May be helpful for identifying where a unit is. See
Site, Department and Location Groups on page 205.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Contacts - Identify the primary and secondary contacts may be helpful for quickly identifying
the people to notify if an issue or question arises about a particular unit.
wish. For example, you may wish to define custom fields such as Program Manager, Building
KVM session profile. See Managing KVM session profiles on page 259.
You may specify which properties display in a Units View window by using the Customize link.
You may change a single property for one or more units at a time, or you may change multiple
properties for multiple units by using the Properties - Bulk Edit operation.
To change multiple properties for multiple units using the Properties - Bulk Edit
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), select the
checkboxes next to the appliances or target devices that you want to edit.
2. Click Operations, then select Properties - Bulk Edit from the drop-down menu.
3. The Bulk Edit Unit Properties window opens. The unit names are displayed in the left column,
and the properties are displayed in the adjacent columns. You can scroll to view columns, or
specify which columns are displayed by clicking Select Columns. Select the properties that you
want to be displayed, click Add, then click Save.
5. Click Save.
To change overview information for one or more target devices:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click the checkbox next to one or more target devices. To change overview
information for all target devices in the page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top
of the list.
2. Click Operations, then select Properties from the drop-down menu.
3. The Multiple Unit Properties window will open. Click Unit Overview.
4. Enter a new type for the target devices.
5. Select a new icon for the target devices using the arrows.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open. If you added a type that
was not previously defined, it will appear under Target Devices in the side navigation bar.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To change the identity properties for a unit:
NOTE: Identity properties are visual representations only. Defining incorrect information may cause confusion
(for example, mistyping a serial number).
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click on the
appliance or target device name.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar. The Unit Identification Properties window will
open. To change information, type a part number, serial number, model number and/or asset
tag number.
To change the location properties for a unit:
NOTE: Location properties are visual representations only. Defining incorrect information may cause confusion
(for example, a mistyped room number).
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click on the
appliance or target device name.
The Unit Location Properties window will open.
3. Type or use the menus to select the site, department and/or location for the unit.
4. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the location properties for one or more units from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit(s). To change location properties for all units in the page, click the checkbox to
the left of Name at the top of the list. (If the page contains units that do not support location
properties, they will not be affected.)
4. Type or use the menus to specify the site, department and/or location for the units.
5. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the contact properties for a unit:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click on the
appliance or target device name.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Contacts in the side navigation bar.
The Unit Contacts window will open. Type the names and phone numbers of the primary and
secondary contacts.
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To change the contact properties for one or more units from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit(s). To change contact properties for all units in the page, click the checkbox to
the left of Name at the top of the list. (If the page contains units that do not support contact
properties, they will not be affected.)
2. Click Operations, then select Properties from the drop-down menu.
3. The Multiple Unit Properties window will open.
To change the primary contact information, click Primary Contact. Type names and phone
numbers for the primary contact.
phone numbers for the secondary contact.
4. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the custom fields for a unit:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click on the
appliance or target device name.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar, then click Custom Fields in the side navigation bar.
each of the custom fields.
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the custom fields for one or more units from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit(s). To change custom fields for all units in the page, click the checkbox to the
left of Name at the top of the list. (If the page contains units that do not support custom fields,
they will not be affected.)
4. Type the information in each of the custom fields.
5. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the note properties for a unit:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click on the
appliance or target device name.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Notes in the side navigation bar. The
Unit Notes window will open. Type description, accounting and comment information.
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To change the note properties for one or more units from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit(s). To change note properties for all units in the page, click the checkbox to the
left of Name at the top of the list. (If the page contains units that do not support note properties,
they will not be affected.)
2. Click Operations, then select Properties from the drop-down menu.
3. The Multiple Unit Properties window will open. Click Notes.
4. Type description, accounting and comment information.
To change the network properties for a target device:
NOTE: Defining incorrect information for these properties may cause network connection errors.
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the target device name.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Network in the side navigation bar.
The Unit Network Properties window will open.
Type the address or the fully qualified domain name for the target device.
Type the Telnet port number to use for Telnet connections to the target device. If this field
is left blank, Telnet will not be enabled for the target device.
Select the DSView 3 server that is in charge of the target device.
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the network properties for a managed appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
The Unit Network Properties window will open.
Type the address or the fully qualified domain name.
If you are changing the appliance IP address, you should first change it in the Appliance
Network Settings window before changing it in the Unit Network Properties window. See
Managed Appliance Settings on page 147.
Select the DSView 3 server in charge of the managed appliance.
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To change the DSView 3 server network property for one or more units from a Units
View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit(s). To change the DSView 3 server property for all units in the page, click the
checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list. (If the page contains units that do not support
note properties, they will not be affected.)
2. Click Operations, then select Properties from the drop-down menu.
4. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the network properties for an EVR1500 environmental monitor or
generic appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Network in the side navigation bar.
The Unit Network Properties window will open.
Type the address or the fully qualified domain name.
Type a Telnet port number.
Type a web browser address.
Select the DSView 3 server in charge of the EVR1500 environmental monitor or generic
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
About Access Rights
Access rights indicate which users and user groups may access units in the DSView 3 software
system. Access rights also indicate which actions are allowed.
For target devices, you may specify whether a user or members of a user group are allowed to:
View the unit in a Units View window (this right is enabled automatically if any other access
right for the target device is enabled)
Establish viewer sessions (Video Viewer or serial, as supported on the device)
Control target device power
Establish virtual media sessions to target devices (since virtual media sessions are launched
from a Video Viewer session, if you select this option, you should also select Establish Viewer
Establish reserved virtual media sessions to target devices (since virtual media sessions are
launched from a Video Viewer session, if you select this option, you should also select
Establish Viewer Sessions)
Configure unit settings - see Target Device Settings on page 150
View data logging - this access right can be set only for target devices connected to appliances
that support data logging; see Chapter 13 beginning on page 185
allowed to:
access right for the managed appliance is enabled)
Reboot appliance and disconnect sessions - see Rebooting on page 313 and Active Sessions on
page 176
Configure unit settings - see Managed Appliance Settings on page 147
Configure appliance local user accounts - see Local Account Settings on page 157 (this option
will not appear for managed appliances that do not support local user accounts)
View data logging - this access right can be set only for appliances that support data logging;
see Chapter 13 beginning on page 185
For example, you may allow users to configure settings on a managed appliance, but not allow
them to reboot and disconnect sessions on it. Instead, you may allow a user who has appliance
administrator privileges on the target devices to establish a Video Viewer session, but not allow
that user to perform power control operations. Access rights may also be specified for all units in
the DSView 3 software system or for a specific unit.
By default, supported embedded units have the same access rights as generic units.
About target device access rights
When you assign access rights to a target device, any available session types may be selected, even
if the target device does not support them. For example, you may enable Video Viewer and virtual
media sessions to a target device that is attached to a serial console appliance, which does not
support virtual media. The target device access rights are not based on the valid type of connection
to that target device - the ability to establish a particular session type exists only when the target
device (through its managed appliance) supports it. Using the above example, if the target device
that was attached to the serial console appliance was later moved to a managed appliance that
supported virtual media sessions, the target device could then be accessed by that method.
Each access right is independent of other access rights. For example, you may enable virtual media
session access to a target device that supports it, but not enable KVM (Video Viewer) session
access to that target device. Since a virtual media session is launched from a KVM session, that
user would, in fact, not be able to open a virtual media session with that target device. The access
right only indicates that the user is allowed to perform the operation; it does not mean that the
operation can actually be performed.
How access rights can be assigned
There are several ways you may assign access rights.
deny the permission to perform the action for each user/user group. See Unit Access Rights on
page 146.
assigning access control rights for a unit, except all units that belong to the selected unit group
specify the units for which rights will be assigned, then indicate the permission to perform the
action (none, allow, deny or inherit) for each unit. See User Access Rights on page 239.
You may assign access control rights from a user group perspective. This is similar to
assigning access control rights for a user, except all users who are members of the selected user
Unit Access Rights
DSView 3 software administrators may assign unit access rights.
To add or remove access rights from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106):
To add/remove access to one or more units, click the checkboxes next to the units, and
then click Rights.
To add/remove access to all units on the page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the
top of the list, and then click Rights.
2. The Unit Access Rights window will open. To add or remove a user or user group from the
Access Rights Assignment list, click Edit List. The Unit Access Rights User Selection window
will open.
To add one or more users or user groups, select the users or user groups from the Available
list, then click Add. The users and/or user groups will be moved to the List to Update list.
To remove one or more users or user groups, select the users or user groups from the List
to Update list, then click Remove. The users and user groups will be moved to the
Available list.
Click OK. The Unit Access Rights window will contain the current list of users/user groups.
When a user/user group is added to the list, default access rights will be displayed.
3. To set access rights, select a user or user group from the User and User Groups list, then enable
or disable a checkbox in the Access Rights table for each access right.
Allow - the access right is allowed for the user/group.
Deny - the access right is denied for the user/group.
Inherit - the access right is inherited from the unit group(s) to which the selected user/
group belongs. When Inherit is selected, the Allow and Deny checkboxes will become
Chapter 10: Managing Units
gray and unchangeable, and indicate the inherited value. If the inherited settings indicated
both Allow and Deny, the inherited value is Deny, which takes precedence.
To disable the inherit functionality, uncheck the Inherit checkbox.
If none of the checkboxes are checked, the access right is neither allowed nor denied.
4. Repeat the preceding step to change access rights for other users/user groups.
5. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Managed Appliance Status
All DSR switches that have been automatically discovered are initially listed as Unmanaged Units.
To move a DSR switch to the managed units list:
1. In a Units View window, select Unmanaged Appliances.
2. Select one or more DSR switches.
3. Click Operations, then select Move to Managed Devices. The DSR switches are now available
from Units View windows containing appliances.
If an automatically discovered DSR switch that has been set as a managed appliance is deleted, the
DSView 3 software attempts to automatically discover the DSR switch again and add it to the
Unmanaged Appliances list. The automatic discovery process continues unless the DSR switch is
turned off or has the DSView 3 server address removed.
To change the network settings of a managed appliance:
NOTE: The MAC address cannot be changed.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
Network Settings window will open. To change information:
Type an IP address, in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
If you change the appliance IP address in the Appliance Network Settings window, you
must then also change the address in the Unit Network Properties window. See Unit
Properties on page 139. (When changing an IP address, always change it in the Appliance
Network Settings window before changing it in the Unit Network Properties window.)
Type a subnet, in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Type a gateway, in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Specify a LAN speed. This network setting will not appear for CPS appliances.
Enable or disable DHCP or BootP (KVM switches).
Enable or disable ICMP ping reply.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the IP addresses of DSView 3 servers used for managed appliance
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Authentication Servers. The
Appliance Authentication Servers Settings window will open. To change information, type an
IP address, in standard dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), for up to four DSView 3 servers the
managed appliance will use for authentication.
3. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To display version information for one or more managed appliances from a Units
View window:
page 106), click the checkbox next to the unit(s). To display information about all units in the
page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
2. Click Operations, then select Show Versions from the drop-down menu.
3. A Multiple Unit Operation window will open, containing a link to view results; see Multiple
unit operations from a Units View window on page 111.
The results window includes the unit name, type and when the version information retrieval
The Appliance Version field will contain the main firmware version; if a unit did not or cannot
report a firmware version, dashes are displayed.
The Boot Version field contains the boot firmware version. If a unit does not support a boot
version but has an appliance version, N/A will be displayed. Dashes will be displayed if a unit
does not support either appliance or boot firmware.
The Status field indicates the result of the display (for example, Show Versions complete or
Show Versions not supported).
To display version information for a managed appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on an appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then Versions. The Appliance Version
Information window will open, containing the following information:
For KVM switches - application, boot and video FPGA
May also include application, boot, video FPGA, matrix FPGA, UART FPGA, digital/
application, digital/digitizer, digital/FPGA and OSCAR FPGA
For serial console appliances - bootstrap and application versions
3. Click Close. The Units View window will open.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To enable or disable secure mode on an appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click the checkbox next to the unit(s).
2. Click Operations, then select Enable Secure Mode from the drop-down menu.
Managed Appliance SNMP Settings
This procedure is valid for supported KVM switches and serial console appliances. It may also be
valid for appliances supported by a plug-in; see the appropriate documentation.
The SNMP protocol is used to communicate management information between network
management applications and DSView 3 software managed appliances using TCP/IP and IPX
protocols. Other external SNMP managers (such as Tivoli and HP OpenView) may communicate
with your managed appliances by accessing MIB-II (Management Information Base) and the
public portion of the enterprise MIB. MIB-II is a standard MIB that many SNMP target devices
support. The managed appliances will send their traps directly to the external SNMP manager in
addition to sending it to the server.
The following settings appear under SNMP in the side navigation bar:
System - Enables/disables SNMP. When you enable SNMP, the managed appliance will log
SNMP received messages over UDP (User Datagram Protocol) port 161. UDP port 162 is used
to listen for incoming traps.
Managers - Stations that can manage the managed appliance.
Community - Communities to which the traps belong.
Destinations - Stations that can receive SNMP traps.
(CLI). The address of the server running the DSView 3 software must be configured as a trap
recipient, the proper community must be set and each desired trap must be enabled.
traps may also be configured from a system task. See Task: Configure SNMP trap settings on a
managed appliance on page 324.
To change SNMP settings for a managed appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click SNMP in the side navigation
bar. The Appliance SNMP System Settings window will open.
3. To enable SNMP, select Enabled in the Enable SNMP menu. If desired, change the name and
description of the managed appliance and type a contact. Then, click Save.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. To enable SNMP manager settings, click Managers in the side navigation bar. The Appliance
SNMP Manager Settings window will open. Type the IP addresses, in standard dot notation
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), for up to four SNMP managers. Then, click Save.
5. To specify SNMP community settings, click Community in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance SNMP Community Settings window will open. Type the SNMP community names
for reading, writing and SNMP traps. Then, click Save.
6. To specify SNMP destination settings, click Destinations in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance SNMP Destination Settings window will open. Type the IP addresses, in standard
dot notation (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), for up to four SNMP destinations. Then, click Save.
7. To enable or disable SNMP traps, click Traps in the side navigation bar. The Appliance SNMP
Trap Settings window will open. Select one of the following:
Enabled turns a trap on; Disabled turns a trap off.
Enable All turns all traps on; Disable All turns all traps off.
8. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
For information about power device settings, see Power Devices on page 165.
To display a list of target devices that are attached to a managed appliance or
initiate a push/pull name operation:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of an appliance.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, then click Target Devices.
3. The Target Devices window will open.
4. To initiate a pull or push name operation (see Name Synchronization on page 125), click the
checkboxes to the left of one or more device names. To select all names on the page, click the
box to the left of Appliance Name at the top of the list.
For a pull operation, click Pull Name.
For a push operation, click Push Name.
Customizing the Target Devices window
The following fields may be displayed in the Target Devices window. Use the Customize link to
add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
Name in Appliance - Name of the target device in the appliance.
Name in DSView - Name of the target device in the DSView 3 software database.
Connection - Connection path to the target device in the appliance.
To change the appliance name for a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances, click on the name of an appliance.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, then click Target Devices.
3. The Target Devices window will open. Click on a target device name.
4. Change the appliance name for the target device. If the automatic name pull feature is enabled,
see Automatic name pull on page 127 for the effect.
Target Device Services
You may add or remove support on a target device for third party services such as Terminal
Services and VNC. Before adding support for a service, the service must be properly installed and
configured on the target device.
Once support for a service has been added, you can launch a session for that service using several
Clicking the name or icon for the service in the target device’s Unit Overview window.
Selecting the session link for that service in the Action field’s Alternate Action menu in Units
View windows that list that target device.
Service options may include actions to be performed if a problem is detected with the service. This
may include automatically launching a KVM session, prompting the user or no action.
To add support for services on a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on a target device name.
2. In the side navigation bar, click Services. The Unit Services window will open, listing the
services that are supported.
3. Click Add. The Add Service Wizard will appear.
4. If the target device does not have an address in the DSView 3 software database, you will be
prompted to enter it. After you enter the name, click Next.
5. The Select the Procedure window will open. You may add support for the service either by
discovery of services running on the target device or by selecting from all available services.
Enable the radio button for adding with discovery or without discovery, then click Next.
If you chose to add a service by discovery, a Request in Progress display will appear before the
next window opens.
6. The Select Service window will open. Select the services from the Available Services (or
Services Found) list, then click Add. The selected services will be moved to the Services to
Assign list.
To remove services from the Services to Assign list, select the services, then click Remove.
The selected services will be moved to the Available Services (or Services Found) list.
Click Next.
7. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Close.
To change service options:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on a target device name.
4. Enable the radio buttons to enable options, then click Save.
To remove support for a service on a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on a target device name.
2. In the side navigation bar, click Properties, then click Services. The Unit Services window will
open, listing the services that are supported.
3. Click the checkbox next to the services to be removed. To remove all services on the page,
click the checkbox to the left of Service at the top of the list.
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
Target Device Naming
You can specify a fixed target device name for each port on an appliance. Up to 48 port names can
be specified for a single appliance. The fixed name and location name are combined to create the
target device name. See Unit Properties on page 139 for more information about location names.
Target device naming is a global system property and affects all DSView 3 servers in the system.
Target device naming is not supported for all appliances; if it is not supported, the related buttons
and links are not displayed.
To enable and specify fixed target device names:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Units - Target Device Naming in the side navigation bar.
4. Select the checkbox under Target Device Naming to enable target device naming.
5. Select Target device name begins with the fixed name followed by the target device location if
you want the fixed name to be applied as prefix to the location name.
Select Target device name begins with the target device location followed by the fixed name if
you want the fixed name to be applied as a suffix to the location name.
6. A list displays 48 ports and a Fixed Name field next to each port. Enter a unique target device
name for each port.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
7. Click Save.
To adjust target device names:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances, select the appliance(s) for which you want to
adjust target device names.
2. Select Adjust Target Device Names from the Operations menu.
3. Select a location name from the menu for each appliance.
Enter a new location name in the field for each appliance.
NOTE: Each appliance must have a unique location name.
The fixed name and location name are combined to create new target devices names. It is
recommended that automatic name push is enabled so that appliances are automatically updated
with the new target device names; see Automatic name push on page 126. You can also use the
manual name push feature to manually update target device names; see Manual name push on
page 128.
The location is updated in the Unit Properties for the appliance and attached target devices.
However, the Unit Properties are not updated for target devices that are attached to a cascade KVM
switch or cascade power device.
IQ modules are connected to supported KVM switches.
To display IQ module information:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the KVM switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then click IQ Modules in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance IQ Modules window will open. This window lists all modules with their EID,
status, port number, application version, hardware version, interface type and USB speed.
NOTE: Any offline module will have a red circle and an “X” to the left of its EID. An online module will have a
green circle to the left of its EID.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the KVM switch name.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then click IQ Modules in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance IQ Modules window will open.
3. Click Delete Offline. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
To upgrade IQ modules:
NOTE: Offline IQ modules may not be selected for upgrading.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances, click on the KVM switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then click IQ Modules in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance IQ Modules window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the IQ modules you wish to upgrade. To select all IQ modules
on the page, click the checkbox to the left of EID at the top of the list.
4. Click Upgrade. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the upgrade.
If the upgrade is confirmed, a yellow LED icon will appear to the left of the upgrading modules.
You may click on the name of an IQ module in the EID column to display its upgrade status in the
Appliance Settings - Ports - IQ Modules - Settings window. When the upgrade is completed, a
green circle will appear next to the modules and they may once again be selected.
To set the USB speed for IQ modules:
NOTE: The USB speed may only be set for supported USB2 and PS2M IQ modules.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances, click on the KVM switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then click IQ Modules in the side navigation bar. The
Appliance IQ Modules window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the IQ modules you wish to modify. To select all IQ modules
on the page, click the checkbox to the left of EID at the top of the list.
NOTE: If any IQ module in the list is not supported, the set USB speed buttons will be disabled.
will be set.
For information about the SPC ports and managing power devices, see Power Devices on
page 165.
To merge or split multi-user cascade switches from the same appliance, see Merging or
splitting cascade switches on page 134.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To display cascade switch port settings and initiate a push/pull name operation:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the KVM switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar. Click Ports and then click Cascade
Switches. The Appliance Cascade Switches window will open.
3. To initiate a pull or push name operation (see Name Synchronization on page 125), click the
checkboxes to the left of one or more device name(s). To select all names on the page, click the
For a push operation, click Push Name.
To change the name in appliance for a cascade switch:
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar. Click Ports and then click Cascade
Switches. The Appliance Cascade Switches window will open.
3. Click on a cascade switch name. The Cascade Switch Settings window will open.
6. Click Close when you are finished.
To change the Name in DSView for a cascade switch:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances and using the topology feature (see Accessing
Units View windows on page 106 and Topology view on page 104), click on the name of a
cascade switch. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. In the Name field, change the name that will be used in the DSView 3 software.
3. If the cascade switch is uniquely identified (for example, a power device or an AutoView 2000
switch), that type will automatically be entered in the Type field and cannot be changed.
If the appliance cannot uniquely identify the cascade switch type, the Type field will include a
list of compatible units from which you may choose. A compatible unit will have at least as
many inputs and outputs as the DSView 3 software indicates in its database for the cascade
For example, if the DSView 3 software database indicates the cascade switch has more than
one connection to the same appliance, only switches with two or more inputs will be included
in the list. The target side ports are also checked; if a cascade switch has a target device on port
14, only types that support 14 or more ports will be displayed.
4. Click Save and then click Close.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
You may also change the name of a cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database by using the
Merge Cascade Switch wizard; see Merging or splitting cascade switches on page 134.
You may also change cascade device properties (identity, location, contacts, custom fields and
notes) by clicking the property in the side navigation bar. These windows operate identically to
those described in Unit Properties on page 139.
OSCAR interface settings
DSR switches can be configured either from the local OSCAR interface or from the DSView 3
software. For increased security, DSView 3 administrators can disable switch configuration
through the OSCAR interface and only allow specified DSView 3 user groups to configure DSR
switches. From the DSView 3 Units View windows, you can see if OSCAR interface configuration
NOTE: This procedure is valid for the following managed appliances: all DSR switches except the DSR 800,
1161, 2161 and 4160 switches.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the DSR switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, then click Ports and then click OSCAR.
The Appliance OSCAR Settings window will open.
3. Click Disable OSCAR Authentication to prevent the supported DSR switch from performing
internal or external authentication. If the Disable OSCAR Authentication checkbox is not
selected, the supported DSR switch will attempt external authentication using the list of
authentication servers that reside in the switch. If the authentication fails, the supported DSR
switch will use its internal user tables.
4. Specify a preemption level for the DSR switch (1-4).
5. The Long Name Display Mode is used when cascade switch or target device names contain
more than 15 characters. Select the radio button to specify whether the OSCAR interface will
display the first 15 characters or the last 15 characters.
6. If you want to prevent local users from configuring the DSR switch through the OSCAR
interface, select Disable Configuration under Local OSCAR Configuration.
NOTE: This procedure is valid for the following managed appliances: DSR1020, 1021, 1022, 1024, 1030, 2020,
2030, 2035, 4020, 4030, 8020, 8030 and 8035 switches.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the DSR switch name.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Ports and then click
Modems. The Appliance Modem Settings window will open.
3. Select Modem sessions can preempt digital sessions to enable a modem session to disconnect
an existing Ethernet connection to the DSR switch.
4. Type an authentication time-out for the modem in the range of 30-300 seconds.
5. Type an inactivity time-out for the modem connection in the range of 1-60 minutes.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Local Account Settings
Local accounts allow a user to log in to a managed appliance locally if it has a server configured as
an authentication server. You may assign the user administrator, appliance administrator or user
You must have Configure Local Accounts rights to add, modify or delete local user accounts. See
About Access Rights on page 144.
To display the Appliance Local User Accounts window:
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Local Accounts. The
Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
To change access control method for local user accounts:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, click Local Accounts and then Settings.
The Appliance Local User Access Method window will open.
4. Click Save.
Customizing the Appliance Local User Accounts window
Accounts window. Use the Customize link to add or remove fields in the display. See Using the
Customize link in windows on page 28.
To add a local user account:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, click Local Accounts and then Users. The
Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Local User Account Wizard will appear.
4. The Type in Local User Credentials window will open.
a. Type the name of the local user account.
c. Confirm the password for the local user account.
d. Click Next.
5. The Select Preemption Level window will open. Select a preemption level (1-4) for the local
user. This will be used for KVM, serial and virtual media sessions. (See Preemption Levels on
page 41.) Click Next.
6. The Select Access Level window will open. Select an access level from the menu: Appliance
Administrator, User or User Administrator. (DSR1010, DSR2010 and DSR4010 switches
support local accounts, but the Appliance Administrator access level cannot be changed, so
this menu will not appear for these switches.)
7. Click Next.
If you selected User, go to step 8.
If you selected Appliance Administrator or User Administrator, go to step 9.
8. The Assign target devices window will open. Add or remove user access rights to a target
a. To add user access rights to one or more target devices, select the target device(s) in the
Available Target Devices list, then click Add. The target devices will be moved to the
Assigned Target Devices list.
b. To delete user access rights to one or more target devices, select the target device(s) in the
10. Click Finish. The Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
To delete a local user account:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Local Accounts. The
Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the local usernames to be deleted. To delete all local user
accounts, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To change the settings of a local user account:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
3. Click on the name of a local user account. The Appliance Local User Account Settings
window will open.
4. Type a new name for the local user.
8. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliances window will open.
To change target device access rights to a local account:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Local Accounts. The
Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
3. Click on the name of a local account. The Appliance Local User Account Settings window will
open. (If the local user has Configure Local Accounts rights, a message will indicate that the
local user may access all target devices in the system.)
4. For all managed appliances except CCM appliances: click Access Rights in the side navigation
bar. The Appliance Local User Account Access Rights window will open.
To add local user account access to one or more target devices, select the target device(s)
in the Available Target Devices list. Click Add. The target devices will be moved to the
Assigned Target Devices list.
To remove local user account access to one or more target devices, select the target
device(s) in the Assigned Target Devices list. Click Remove. The target devices will be
moved to the Available Target Devices list.
5. For CCM appliances:
To change local user account access by port, click Access Rights in the side navigation bar
and then Port. Select the ports in the Available list and then click Add. The selected ports
will be moved to the Assigned list.
To change local user account access by group, click Access Rights in the side navigation
bar and then Group. Select the groups in the Available list and then click Add. The
selected groups will be moved to the Assigned list.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Embedded Units
The IBM ASM RSA II and the DRAC 4 embedded units have one target port and one appliance for
each embedded appliance.
The NEC IPF embedded unit has nine target ports and one appliance for each embedded appliance.
Port names default to “Blade” plus the port number.
The HP iLO embedded unit has one target device.
In the DSView 3 software, each of these appliance types will contain specific information about the
target as well as the embedded appliance itself. All KVM connections are initiated through the
target port/device.
After an embedded appliance type is added to the DSView 3 software, an appliance type is added
under the Appliances link in the side navigation bar.
Updating firmware, changing device settings and rebooting embedded units must be done
manually. See the embedded unit documentation for further information.
Launching embedded unit sessions
From the Target Devices window, users may launch a KVM or browser session to the embedded
devices. Each session is handled by the embedded unit and is launched in a separate window
browser. HP iLO, NEC IPF, IBM ASM RSA II and DRAC 4 viewers are proprietary to their
owners, and the DSView 3 software has little control of their look, feel and configuration.
There is no status polling for these sessions (status is idle by default); nor are there connection
types. All embedded KVM browsers have their own certificate authentication. Users must accept
certificate authentication to launch embedded unit video sessions.
Users must manually close the window to close a session. In all cases, exiting or logging out of the
DSView 3 software will not shut the KVM/browser session.
The DRAC 4 KVM session launches a standalone launch browser which in turn launches a
KVM applet. To leave the session, the user must exit the KVM session applet and the
standalone launch browser.
The IBM ASM RSA II KVM session launches a KVM session applet within a browser. To
leave the session, users must exit the KVM browser session.
The NEC IPF KVM session launches a standalone KVM session applet. To leave the session,
users must exit the standalone KVM session.
The HP iLO session will launch a browser session to the login page of the embedded device
server. Users must log in to the web server to access the target device’s KVM session. To leave
the session, users must exit the KVM browser session.
See the embedded units’ documentation for further information.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
Changing embedded unit credentials
You may change the login credentials for the IBM ASM RSA II, DRAC 4 and NEC IPF embedded
To change login credentials for an IBM ASM RSA II embedded appliance:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Appliances in the side navigation bar, and then click on the appliance type in the side
navigation bar.
3. Click on the embedded appliance name.
4. Click the Credentials link in the side navigation bar and then click Credentials in the side
navigation bar.
5. The IBM ASM RSA II Settings window will open. To change information:
In the Appliance Name field, type a 1-64 character appliance name. The name is not case
In the Username field, type a 1-64 character username to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Usernames are case sensitive.
In the Password field, type a 1-64 character password to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Passwords are case sensitive.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
To change login credentials for a DRAC 4 embedded appliance:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Appliances in the side navigation bar and then click on the appliance type in the side
navigation bar.
3. Click the embedded appliance name.
4. Click the Credentials link in the side navigation bar and then click Credentials in the side
navigation bar.
5. The DELL DRAC4 Settings window will open. To change information:
In the Appliance Name field, type a 1-64 character appliance name. The name is not case
In the Port field, type a TCP port number in the range 0-65535 where the appliance will
In the Username field, type a 1-64 character username to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Usernames are case sensitive.
In the Password field, type a 1-64 character password to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Passwords are case sensitive.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To change login credentials for an NEC IPF embedded appliance:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Appliances in the side navigation bar.
3. Click the embedded appliance name.
4. Click the Credentials link in the side navigation bar and then click Credentials in the side
navigation bar.
5. The NEC IPF Settings window will open. To change information:
In the Name field, type a 1-64 character appliance name. The name is not case sensitive.
In the Username field, type a 1-64 character username to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Usernames are case sensitive.
In the Password field, type a 1-64 character password to be used to log in to the embedded
appliance. Passwords are case sensitive.
Click Save and then click Close.
Asset and Usage Reports
You can view Asset and Usage reports as a pie chart, bar chart or table by clicking the appropriate
button. If multiple charts are tiled on the screen, you can change the size of the charts by dragging
the triangle on the Size bar to the right or left. To print a report in a printer-friendly format, click the
printer icon.
To view Asset reports:
1. Click the Reports tab, then click Asset in the top navigation bar.
2. Select one of the following reports in the side navigation bar:
Appliance Models - Displays the number of units for each appliance model the user has
added to the DSView 3 software.
Port Types - Displays the number of ports for each type of port connected to the DSView 3
software. Port types include KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse), Serial, Power, SPC (an
Avocent power control device), SoL (Serial over LAN) and LDSM (LANDesk Server
Appliance Versions - Displays the firmware version(s) for each appliance model managed
by the DSView 3 software.
Target Devices - Displays the total number of target devices, sorted by type.
Units - Displays the total number of units, sorted by type.
Chapter 10: Managing Units
To view Usage reports:
1. Click the Reports tab, then click Usage in the top navigation bar.
2. Select one of the following reports in the side navigation bar:
Sessions Per Day - Displays the number of sessions opened to a target device from the
DSView 3 software each day during the last seven days.
Frequently Accessed Targets - Displays the number of sessions opened from the DSView
3 software for each target device during the last seven days.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Power Devices and Power Device
See Power devices on page 7 for information about the power device types and models that are
supported on Avocent appliances. See Licenses on page 54 for information about third party power
device licenses.
To display a list of power devices attached to an appliance or initiate a push/pull
name operation:
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Ports and then click Power
device. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open. (For DSR switches that
have two SPC ports, one row will appear for each power device.)
3. To initiate a pull or push name operation (see Name Synchronization on page 125), click the
checkboxes to the left of one or more device name(s). To select all names on the page, click the
box to the left of Appliance Name at the top of the list.
For a pull operation, click Pull Name.
Customizing the Power Devices Attached to Appliance window
The display fields and content of the Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will differ
according to the power device type and models. For details, see the product documentation. Use the
Customize link to add or remove fields in the display; see Using the Customize link in windows on
page 28.
The following fields are always displayed, regardless of the power device type and model.
Name in Appliance - Name of the power device in the appliance
Name in DSView - Name of the power device in the DSView 3 software database
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
NOTE: To successfully add or remove a power device, the power device must be in the online state. Additionally,
to add a power device other than an Avocent SPC or Cyclades power device, you must have a valid third party
license; see Licenses on page 54.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Click Manage Power Devices in the Tools area. The Power Management Wizard will appear.
(You may also access the Power Management Wizard by clicking the following sequence in
the side navigation bar: Appliance Settings - Ports - Power Devices - Manage.)
3. The Select Action window will open.
To add a power device, enable the Add Power Devices radio button.
To remove a power device, enable the Remove Power Devices radio button.
Click Next.
4. The Select Parameters window will open.
a. In the Port menu, select the port where the power device will be added or removed.
For a DSR switch containing one SPC port, the Port menu will indicate SPC and
cannot be changed. For a DSR switch containing more than one SPC port, the Port
menu will contain entries for each (for example, SPC 1 and SPC 2).
For a serial console appliance, select the physical port number in the Port menu.
For an appliance supported by a plug-in, select the appropriate port value.
5. A Completed Successful or Completed Unsuccessful window will open, indicating the results
of the addition or removal. Click Finish.
To change power device settings:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
side navigation bar. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open. (For DSR
switches that have two SPC ports, one row will appear for each power device.)
3. Click on the name of a power device. The Power Device Settings window will open.
Some fields are read-only. For fields that can be modified, enter or select new values. (If you
change the appliance name and the automatic name pull feature is enabled, see Automatic
name pull on page 127 for the effect.)
4. (Optional) If the power management plug-in is installed, select a voltage and enter a power
factor in the fields provided. These values are required if you wish to monitor power data on a
power device.
Chapter 11: Power Devices and Power Device Sockets
5. Click Save and then click Close. The Power Devices Attached to Appliances window will
Upgrading the firmware of a Cyclades power device
You may upgrade the firmware of a Cyclades power device attached to a DSR switch. There are
two ways to do this:
From a Unit Overview window, using the Upgrade Firmware wizard - see Upgrading firmware
on page 314.
Using the Task wizard - see Task: Updating the firmware of an appliance type on page 329.
In the Select Task to Add window, select Upgrade firmware of selected units.
In the Select Unit Type window, you may select by product family (Cyclades Power
Devices) or unit type (specific power device types)
If multiple power devices are installed in a daisy chain configuration, the most remote power
device will be upgraded first.
Power Device Input Feed
Avocent SPC power control devices, Server Technology power devices and Cyclades PM
Intelligent Power Distribution Units (IPDU).
To display power device input feed information:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, click Ports and then Power device in the
side navigation bar. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open. (For DSR
switches that have two SPC ports, one row will appear for each power device.)
4. Click Input Feeds in the side navigation bar. The Power Device Input Feeds window will open.
Customizing the Power Device Input Feeds window
The following fields may be displayed in the Power Device Input Feeds window. For detailed field
descriptions, see the product documentation. Use the Customize link to add or remove fields in the
display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
Input Feed Name
Status - Unknown, on, off, cycling, pending off, pending on, pending cycle or no status
Alarm Threshold - a trap will be sent if the Load value reaches the Alarm Threshold value
Load Max - a trap will be sent if the Load value is greater than the Load Max value
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Load Min - a trap will be sent if the Load value is less than the Load Min value
To change power device input feed information:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then Power devices in the side navigation bar. The
Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open.
3. Click on the name of a power device.
4. Click Input Feeds in the side navigation bar. The Power Device Input Feeds window will open.
5. Click on an input feed name. The Power Device Input Feed Settings window will open. Some
fields are read-only. For fields that can be modified, enter or select new values.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Power Device Sockets window will open.
7. Click Close. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open.
8. Click Close. The Units View window will open.
To display information about power device sockets or initiate a push/pull
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then Power devices in the side navigation bar. The
Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open.
3. Click on the name of a power device.
If you change the IP address of a managed appliance that is attached to a power device, the
appliance may need rebooting. In this case, a Reboot Required icon will be displayed in the top
left corner of the Power Device Sockets window. Click the icon to reboot the managed
5. To initiate a pull or push name operation (see Name Synchronization on page 125):
a. Click the checkboxes to the left of one or more device name(s). To select all names on the
page, click the box to the left of Appliance Name at the top of the list.
b. For a pull operation, click Pull Name.
c. For a push operation, click Push Name.
Customizing the Power Device Sockets window
The display fields and content of the Power Device Sockets window will differ according to the
power device type and models. For details, see the product documentation. Use the Customize link
to add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
Chapter 11: Power Devices and Power Device Sockets
The following fields are always displayed, regardless of the power device type and model.
Unit Name - Name of the power device socket in the DSView 3 software database.
To change power device socket settings:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, click Ports and then Power device in the
side navigation bar. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open.
4. Click Sockets in the side navigation bar. The Power Device Sockets window will open.
5. Click on a power device socket. The Power Device Socket Settings window will open.
Some fields are read-only. For fields that can be modified, enter or select new values. (If you
change the appliance name and the automatic name pull feature is enabled, see Automatic
name pull on page 127 for the effect.)
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Power Device Sockets window will open.
7. Click Close. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open.
8. Click Close. The Units View window will open.
Power Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices
There are several ways to power up, power down or power cycle a target device that is attached to a
power device socket.
page 279
page 303
From the DSR Remote Operations software - see Power control of devices attached to power
device sockets on page 371
To control power from a Power Device Sockets window:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar, click Ports and then Power device in the
side navigation bar. The Power Devices Attached to Appliance window will open.
3. Click on the name of a power device.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. Click Sockets. The Power Device Sockets window will open.
5. Click the checkbox to the left of the power device socket(s). To select all sockets on the page,
click the checkbox to the left of Socket at the top of the list.
6. Click On, Off or Cycle to power up, power down or power cycle (off and then on) the selected
power device sockets. The Power field for the selected sockets will reflect the state.
the specified value; users other than administrators cannot change the state. The default value
is Unlock.
To control power from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window containing power devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
are not power devices, the operation will be ignored for them.)
2. Click Operations, then select Wall Power On, Wall Power Off or Wall Power Cycle from the
drop-down menu.
3. A Multiple Unit Operation window will open, containing a link to view results; see Multiple
unit operations from a Units View window on page 111.
Unit Sessions and Connections
This chapter describes how to view and manage unit sessions and connections.
Managed Appliance Session Settings
From the Appliance Sessions window, you may display session information and change appliance
session settings.
Exit macros may be used by and reside on certain switches.
Customizing the Appliance Sessions window
The following fields may be displayed in the Appliance Sessions window for managed appliances.
Use the Customize link to add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in
windows on page 28.
Duration - Length of the DSView 3 software session.
User - Name of user who initiated the DSView 3 software session.
(KVM switches that support virtual media) Type - Session type: KVM or Virtual Media.
(KVM switches that support virtual media) Lock Status - When there is a KVM and a virtual
media session to the same target device and the appliance setting Virtual Media Locked to
KVM Session is enabled, Locked will be displayed in this field.
(KVM switches) Channel - Channel being used by the managed appliance to connect to the
DSView 3 software session.
(KVM switches) Client - Proxy address if the proxy is enabled.
(KVM switches) IQ Module - EID of the target device IQ module.
(KVM switches) Mode - Mode of the session, which may change during the session. Available
modes are:
Normal - An interactive session that may be shared with other users. When two or more
users are sharing the session, the mode will change to Sharing Interactive.
Exclusive - A private session that does not allow sharing by other users.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Sharing Interactive - A session that is being shared by two or more users. Interactive users
have full control of the video, mouse and keyboard. Passive users may also share the
session, but may only display the session and have a mode of Sharing Passive.
A user may display the usernames of other users sharing the session if View identity of
shared connections is checked in the Video Viewer Session Properties dialog box or if the
user is a member of the administrators user group. Users viewing the session in Stealth
mode will not be listed. If users disconnect from the session and a single user remains
connected, the mode will change to Normal.
Sharing Passive - A session that is being shared by two or more users. Passive users may
only display the DSView 3 software session. Interactive users may also share the session,
but have full control of the video, mouse and keyboard and have a state of Sharing
A user may display the usernames of other users sharing the software session if View
identity of shared connections is checked in the Video Viewer Session Properties dialog
box or if the user is a member of the built-in administrators user group. Users viewing the
session in Stealth mode will not be listed. If other users disconnect from the session and a
single user remains connected, the mode will change to Normal.
target devices in a thumbnail viewer.
(KVM switches) Owner - Username of the logged in user that owns the session connected to
the managed appliance.
(KVM switches) Port - Managed appliance port number connected to the session.
Preemption Level - Effective user preemption level for the user that is connected to the
appliance port. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
(serial console appliances) Client - IP address of the DSView 3 software client computer
connected to the appliance in a non-proxied connection. The IP address of the DSView 3 proxy
will display in this column if the client is connected to the appliance using a proxy connection.
(serial console appliances) Interface - Interface to which to the session is connected, which is
either a serial port or the network CLI.
To display session information:
This procedure is valid for supported KVM switches and serial console appliances. It may also be
valid for appliances supported by a plug-in; see the appropriate documentation.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Sessions. The Appliance
Sessions window will open.
3. To display information about a specific session, click on the name of the KVM, virtual media
or serial session. The Active Session Information window will open, including information
about the active session.
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections
5. Click Close. The Units View window will open.
To display or change the session settings for a serial console appliance:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the serial console appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Sessions. The Appliance
Sessions window will open.
3. Click Settings in the side navigation bar. The Appliance Settings - Sessions - Settings window
will open. The display includes SSH settings for the appliance.
4. Specify how the most recent 64K bytes of online and offline data (history) from a serial port
will be controlled:
Auto - Displays the history buffer content to a Telnet window.
Hold - Saves the buffer contents. To display the contents, you must access the appliance
CLI and issue a Port History command.
5. Click Enable Inactivity Timeout and use the arrows to specify a value (from 1-90 minutes) that
the managed appliance will wait during inactive intervals until the session is closed and the
user must log back into the managed appliance.
Disable, Auto or Query.
7. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change the KVM session settings for a supported KVM switch:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the KVM switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Sessions. The Appliance
Sessions window will open.
3. Click Settings in the side navigation bar and then click KVM. The Appliance KVM Session
Settings window will open.
4. In the Inactivity Timeout area, click Enable Inactivity Timeout and use the arrows to specify a
time-out value (from 1-90 minutes) that the managed appliance will wait during inactive
intervals until the session is closed and the user must log back into the managed appliance.
5. To enable video noise compensation, click the Enable Video Noise Compensation checkbox.
6. In the Encryption Level area, specify an encryption level for the keyboard and mouse and also
for the video:
DES - SSL Single DES encryption
3DES - SSL Triple DES encryption
128-Bit SSL - 128-bit encryption which used an ARCFOUR (RC4 ) SSL cipher
AES - AES encryption
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
At least one encryption level must be specified for the keyboard and mouse. When you specify
more than one SSL encryption type, the switch negotiates the strongest algorithm that is
To change the virtual media session settings on a KVM switch:
This procedure is valid for KVM switches that support virtual media.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the KVM switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Sessions. The Appliance
Sessions window will open.
3. Click Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Virtual Media. The Appliance Virtual
Media Session Settings window will open.
4. In the Session Lock area, enable the Virtual Media locked to KVM session checkbox if you
wish to close the virtual media session when the associated KVM session is closed. When this
feature is disabled an active virtual media session will remain active when the associated KVM
session is closed.
5. In the Drive Mappings area, choose an access mode from the Virtual Media Access Mode
menu: read-only or read-write.
When the access mode is read-only, the user will not be able to write data to the mapped drive
on the client machine. When the access mode is read-write, the user will be able to read and
write data to the mapped drive.
If the drive is a read-only drive (for example, CD/DVD drives or ISO images), the access mode
setting will be ignored. If the drive on the client machine is read-write (for example, a mass
storage device or USB removal media), setting read-only access mode will prevent the user
from writing data to the client machine.
6. In the Encryption Level area, enable one or more encryption levels for the virtual media
session: DES, 3DES, 128-Bit SSL or AES. Any combination of selections (or no selection) is
7. If the KVM switch supports virtual media, the Virtual Media Access per IQ Module section
lists all USB2 or PS2M IQ modules. The list includes details about each IQ module, including
a virtual media status of Enabled or Disabled. The list of IQ modules may require multiple
pages; you can filter the list by column or click the arrows to move to a page. You can also
click Customize to specify what is displayed in this section. For information about filtering and
customizing, see Using Windows on page 26.
Select the checkbox next to each IQ module for which you want to enable/disable virtual
media and click Enable VM or Disable VM respectively. The preset virtual media status is
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections
NOTE: If the KVM switch does not support virtual media, the Virtual Media Access Per IQ module and
associated buttons and links are not displayed.
8. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Defining exit macros
PC running the client rather than resetting the target device. To reset the target device, a macro is
needed. The DSView 3 management software provides numerous sequences pre-configured for
ease of operation.
Three kinds of macros are available: personal, global and exit. Personal macros and global macros
are created using the Video Viewer window. See Macros on page 274.
Exit macros are supported on DS1800 digital switches and the following DSR switches: DSR1010,
1021, 1022, 1024, 1030, 1031, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2035, 4010, 4020, 4030, 8020, 8030 and 8035
Exit macros allow software administrators to create a macro that returns a target device to a known
state. They reside on the managed appliances and are executed whenever a DSView 3 software
session is terminated. For example, if a user is connected to a target device and the user closes the
Video Viewer session, an exit macro may be executed that resets the target device to a known state
Exit macros may be created and maintained by any user with Configure Unit Settings access rights.
Different groups of exit macros may be created for each managed appliance in your system.
To define exit macros:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Sessions. The Appliance
Sessions window will open.
3. Click Exit Macros in the side navigation bar. The Appliance Exit Macros window will open.
4. Click the number of a macro. The Appliance Exit Macro Settings window will open.
5. Enter a unique description for the global macro in the Name field.
6. In the Select Keyboard field, select the country configuration of your keyboard. The keyboard
graphic in the window will update to reflect your selection.
7. Click on the buttons in the keyboard graphic to create the macro. As a button is clicked, it will
appear in the list box to the left of the keyboard graphic.
You may type or use the arrow buttons to specify a delay between buttons you selected from
the keyboard graphic. First, click the button in the list box after which you want to insert a
delay. Then, click Delay to insert the delay in the list box.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
8. To specify one or more target devices on which you wish to use the macro, select the device(s)
in the Available list, then click Add. The target devices will be moved to the Assigned list.
9. To remove one or more target devices on which you wish to use the macro, select the device(s)
from the Assigned list, then click Remove. The target devices will be moved to the Available
10. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Example: Creating a macro
The following example creates an exit macro where the Ctrl key is held while F1-F2-F3 are typed:
1. Type ControlF1-F2-F3 in the Name field. This is the name of the macro that will appear in the
Appliance Exit Macros window.
2. Click the left or right Ctrl key in the keyboard graphic in the window. Ctrl Left - PRESS or Ctrl
Right - PRESS will appear in the list box to the left of the keyboard graphic.
3. Click F1, F2 and F3 in the keyboard graphic in the window. The keystrokes will appear in the
list box to the left of the keyboard graphic.
4. Click the same left or right Ctrl key in the graphic that you pressed in step 2. Ctrl Left -
RELEASE or Ctrl Right - RELEASE will appear in the list box to the left of the keyboard
5. In the Assigned to Macro area, select the target devices to which you want to assign the macro.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
Active Sessions
There are two types of active session displays: all active sessions in your system and active session
information for each target device.
All active sessions
To display information about all active sessions:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Active Sessions in the side navigation bar. The Active Sessions window will open.
3. To display information about a session, click on the name in the Start-Date-Time column. The
Active Session Information window will open.
Customizing the Active Sessions window for all sessions
The Start-Date-Time field, which indicates when the target device session was started, is always
displayed in the Active Sessions window:
The following fields may be displayed in the Active Sessions window. Use the Customize link to
add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections
Duration - Length of the DSView 3 software session.
User - User who initiated the session, which may be a user, a local port user or a user with a
local user account.
Type - Session type, which may be KVM, virtual media or serial.
Client - IP address of the client computer connected to the session for a non-proxy connection.
For a proxy connection, the IP address of the DSView 3 proxy will appear in this field.
Connection - Connection path from the target device to the managed appliance. See
Sessions window on page 171 for a description of the available modes.
Owner - Name of the user who launched the session, which may be a user, a local port user or
a user with a local user account.
Preemption Level - Effective user preemption level for the user that is connected to the target
device session. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
To remove an active session from the (all) Active Sessions window:
NOTE: Removing an active session from the Active Sessions window does not disconnect the session.
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Active Sessions in the side navigation bar. The Active Sessions window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the session. To remove all active sessions on the page, click
the checkbox to the left of Start-Date-Time at the top of the list.
4. Click Remove. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the removal.
Reboot Appliance and Disconnect Sessions unit access right. See About Access Rights on page 144.
Additionally, your preemption level must be higher than the preemption level of the active session
user. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar. Then click Sessions in the side navigation
bar, then Active. The Appliance Sessions window will open.
3. To disconnect one or more sessions, click the checkbox to the left of the sessions. To
disconnect all sessions on the page, click the checkbox to the left of Start-Date-Time at the top
of the list.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. Click Disconnect. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
For virtual media sessions on supported KVM switches - If you attempt to disconnect an active
virtual media session or a KVM session that is locked to a virtual media session, a
confirmation message is displayed, indicating that any virtual media mappings will be
Active sessions on a target device
To display information about active sessions on a target device:
In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on a target device Status field. The Active Sessions window for that target device
will open.
You may also display active session information for a target device by clicking on a target device
name in a Units View window, which will open the Unit Overview window. Then, click Active
Sessions in the side navigation bar, and the Active Sessions window for that target device will
open. The first method above saves a step.
Customizing a target device Active Sessions window
Duration - Elapsed time since the session started, in hours:minutes:seconds.
User - Name of current user. This field will be blank for users who do not have Appliance
Administrator or User Administrator access rights when the Video Viewer session property
page 253.
Type - Session type, which may be KVM, virtual media or serial.
Connection - Connection path from the managed appliance to the target device. See
Owner - Owner of the session, when it is shared. This field will be blank for users who do not
have Appliance Administrator or User Administrator access rights when the Video Viewer
session property “view identity of shared connections” is not set. See Video Viewer session
properties on page 253.
Preemption Level - Effective user preemption level for the session user. See Preemption Levels
on page 41.
Channel - Channel number when connection includes a cascade switch (valid only for KVM or
virtual media sessions).
Client - IP address of client who is connected to this session (valid only for KVM or virtual
media sessions).
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections
IQ Module - IQ module ID associated with the session (valid only for KVM or virtual media
Lock Status - Whether KVM and virtual media sessions are locked. See Virtual media session
settings on page 281.
Mode - Session mode, which may change during the session. See Customizing the Appliance
Sessions window on page 171 for a description of the available modes.
NOTE: To disconnect a session, a user must have unit view access rights and a preemption level that is greater
than or equal to the session user.
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on a target device Status field. The Active Sessions window for that target
device will open.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the sessions. To disconnect all sessions, click the checkbox to
3. Click Disconnect. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
For virtual media sessions on supported KVM switches - If you attempt to disconnect an active
virtual media session or a KVM session that is locked to a virtual media session, a
confirmation message is displayed, indicating that any virtual media mappings will be
disconnected. Confirm or cancel. See Using Virtual Media on page 279.
Active modem sessions
In the event the primary network fails, you may establish a session to an ACS console server
through a modem/ISDN dial-up connection method. This connection may be established using the
SSH Passthrough client or the ACS console server plug-in. To configure the SSH Passthrough
settings, see Enabling SSH Passthrough on page 195. To configure the ACS console server plug-in
settings, see the ACS console server plug-in online help.
Secure connections
During the initial dial-up connection attempt, the DSView 3 DialUp service will authenticate the
ACS console server and establish a connection using a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) are
supported. In addition to the PAP and CHAP methods, a One Time Password (OTP) authentication
may also be used for analog modem dial-up connections. (OTP is not supported on ISDN modems.)
A secret password will be generated for every dial-up request, and each password will only be valid
for a single attempt. Once authenticated, a secure connection will be established.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
For added security, the ACS console server plug-in may also be configured for dial-back
connections. Once authenticated, the dial-up connection will be dropped, and the ACS console
server will dial-back to the DSView 3 server to establish a secure connection. This method does not
support OTP. To configure dial-back settings on the DSView 3 server, see DSView 3 software
modem sessions on page 67.
Only DSView 3 software administrators may access the Active Modem Sessions window.
Supported modems
The following modems and serial PCI cards are supported by the DSView 3 software, provided the
modems are supported on the DSView 3 server operating system.
Perle PCI-RAS 4 and PCI-RAS 8, which are backwards compatible with Perle V90 Modem
Equinox SST MM 4p Modem
Equinox SST 4p Serial
Eicon DS series ISDN BRI-2M
Eicon DS series ISDN 4BRI-8M
The DSView 3 software also supports the USR3453B - Courier 56k external modem.
NOTE: The modems listed are not supported on Sun Solaris SPARC operating systems.
Customizing the Active Modem Sessions window for all sessions
The Start-Date-Time field, which indicates when the target device session was started, is always
displayed in the Active Modem Sessions window.
The Unit field, which indicates the units that are connected by dial-up, is always displayed in the
Active Modem Sessions window.
The following fields may be displayed in the Active Modem Sessions window. Use the Customize
link to add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
Duration - Length of the DSView 3 software dial-up connection to the unit.
IP Address - IP address of the dial-up connection to the unit.
Status - Status of the dial-up connection. Status values include Established, indicating that a
dial-up connection is established; or Establish/Primary, indicating that a dial-up connection is
established but the primary network connection is also available; or Disconnecting, which
indicates that a DSView 3 software administrator is closing the session.
Dial-back - Identifies if the connection used a dial-back connection.
Unit Phone Number - Phone number dialed to connect the unit.
To disconnect one or more target device active modem sessions:
NOTE: Only DSView 3 software administrators may disconnect active modem sessions.
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click Active Modem Sessions in the side navigation bar. The Active Modem
Sessions window will open.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the sessions. To disconnect all sessions, click the checkbox to
the left of Duration at the top of the list. (If you do not have permission to disconnect an active
session, you will not be able to select its checkbox or the checkbox at the top of the list.)
3. Click Disconnect. A confirmation dialog box will appear. Confirm or cancel the disconnect.
Connections to Units
The Connections link displays either target device or managed appliance connections.
The Target Device Connections window lists all connections to the target device. You may also
use this window to add or delete a connection to or from the target device.
The Appliance Connections window lists all connections from the managed appliance to
cascade switches or target devices. You may rename the units which are part of the connection
path through this window.
NOTE: Merged target devices appear as separate connections in the Connections window.
Connection display format
Connections typically appear in a format similar to the following for connections to target devices,
cascade switches and power devices:
<Managed appliance name>(<Port>) → <EID Number> → <target device>
<Managed appliance name>(<Port>) → <EID Number> → switch one <Port>→<target
<Managed appliance name>(<Port>) → <Power Device> (<Port>) → <target device>
<DSI5100 Appliance Name>(<Port>)→<target device>
The following examples illustrate typical connections that may appear in your DSView 3 software.
Example: Target device connections
In the following example, there are three target devices connected to ports 3, 4 and 8 of a DSR1021
switch named dsr-1021-huntsville. The DSR1021 switch ports are connected to the three target
devices using IQ modules. The IQ module with an EID of 520255-044F6F is connected to target
device td-john, while 520255-03F757 is connected to td-mary and 520255-016BE0 is connected to
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Example: Cascade switch connection
In the following example, an AutoView 200 1 x 8 switch is connected to port one of a DSR1021
switch named dsr-1021-huntsville, using an IQ module with an EID of 520255-023FB7. Each port
of the AutoView 200 switch is connected to a different target device (520255-023FB701 through
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (1)→520255-023FB701
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (2)→520255-023FB702
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (3)→520255-023FB703
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (4)→520255-023FB704
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (5)→520255-023FB705
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (6)→520255-023FB706
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (7)→520255-023FB707
dsr-1021-huntsville(1)→520255-023FB7→switch one (8)→520255-023FB708
Example: Power device connection
02-17-F2 SPC A1.
dsr-1021-huntsville(SPC)→02-17-F2 SPC (A1)→02-17-F2 SPC A1
To display a connections window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106) click on a unit
name. The Unit Overview window will open.
2. Click Connections in the side navigation bar.
If you selected a target device, the Target Device Connections window will open,
including all connections to the target device.
If you selected a managed appliance, the Appliance Connections window will open,
including all connections to the managed appliance.
connections as an illustration.
Renaming a managed appliance connection
To rename a managed appliance connection:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Connections in the side navigation bar. The Appliance Connections window will open.
Chapter 12: Unit Sessions and Connections
3. Click on a connection. The Appliance Connections - Rename window will open.
4. Type in new name for one or more items in the connection chain.
If you modify a name and the automatic name push feature is enabled, the new name will be
pushed to the appliance, based on the configured push properties. See Automatic name push on
page 126.
Adding and deleting target device connections
To add a target device connection:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of a target device.
2. Click Connections in the side navigation bar. The Target Device Connections window will
3. Click Add. The Add Target Device Connection Wizard will open.
4. Select the appropriate target device connection type from the list.
5. Click Next. The Select Appliance with Available Ports window will open.
6. Select a managed appliance, then click Next.
8. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish. The Target Device Connections
window will open.
To delete a target device connection:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the name of a target device.
2. Click Connections in the side navigation bar. The Target Device Connections window will
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the target device connection(s) to delete. To delete all target
device connections on the page, click the checkbox to the left of Connection at the top of the
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Merging virtual and physical target device connections
From the DSView 3 software, you can merge virtual device connections with physical target device
connections. Merging the unit connections allows all possible actions to be available from a single
view, while the physical and virtual target devices remain distinct entities within the DSView 3
database. For example, a MergePoint service processor (SP) manager may be connected to a blade
server that hosts an ESX Server. By merging the physical blade server connections with the virtual
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
ESX Server connections, you could launch a KVM session to the blade server or VI Client session
to the ESX Server from the same view with the DSView 3 software.
To merge virtual and physical target device connections:
1. In a Units View window containing Virtualization units, click the name of a hypervisor
manager or server. The Unit Overview window opens.
2. Click Connections. The Connections window opens.
3. Click Add. The Add Unit Connection Wizard opens.
4. From the menu, select a target device to be merged with the hypervisor manager or server.
Click Next.
5. Click Finish. The new connection is displayed.
To delete merged connections:
1. In a Units View window containing Virtualization units, click the name of a hypervisor
manager or server. The Unit Overview window opens.
2. Click Connections. The Connections window opens.
3. Select the connection from the list. Click Delete, then click Yes to confirm.
Data Logging
The DSView 3 software supports logging of serial session console data from certain appliances and
their target devices, using the Syslog protocol.
NOTE: Navigation links, configuration pages and display pages for data logging will only be visible for appliances
and target devices that support Syslog messaging.
The DSView 3 software has an SSH server that supports SSH2; this server must be enabled in the
DSView 3 software to use the data logging feature. An appliance establishes an SSH connection to
the DSView 3 server (using its X.509 appliance certificate) on demand when it has Syslog
messages to send. The SSH server then forwards valid messages to the Syslog server; this server
must be enabled in the DSView 3 software to use the data logging feature.
There are two types of Syslog messages:
Data log messages - Contain serial console data that will be stored in files on the DSView 3
server. The files may then be viewed.
Events - When a defined event occurs on the appliance, a Syslog message is sent to the
appliance, and then to the DSView 3 software system event database (for information about
events, see Events and Event Logs on page 339). Also, when the appliance detects a port alert
string on a serial port, it can send a syslog event message.
Data session logging is enabled per connection on the appliance, subject to license availability (see
Data log licenses on page 186). The DSView 3 server supports up to 2048 enabled data logging
sessions on each DSView 3 server (assuming sufficient licenses are available).
Data log files
Syslog messages that contain data log session information are stored in individual ASCII files.
Syslog data messages that contain appliance and port values are linked with a target device; those
with only appliance values are linked with an appliance. The maximum number of data log files
that can be written simultaneously is determined by the number of data log session licenses
A data log filename includes the name of the appliance and/or target device, plus the system data
and time when the file was created. Current files have a .txt file name extension. If a port supports
session sharing, concurrent sessions on that port will be written to a single log file.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Data log files are not backed up by the DSView 3 software backup utility.
a .sig file name extension. This file is digitally signed using the DSView 3 software private key.
When a user wants to display the content of a data log file, the DSView 3 software will first verify
the digital signature to ensure the file has not been altered.
You may also export the DSView 3 system X.509 certificate and use its public key to validate the
signature of files, using external tools. See System certificate and SSH key on page 46.
Data log licenses
A data log license is used for each enabled data log port connection. A direct SSH/Telnet session to
an appliance will not require or use a data log license for the DSView 3 software to capture data
logs for that appliance session. Only sessions related to appliance ports require a data log license.
disabled on a port connection, that license is freed and returned to the available pool.
The DSView 3 software ships with 32 available data log licenses - that is, 32 data logging sessions
may be enabled on appliance connections that support data logging. An add-on license key may be
obtained to support a certain number of additional data logging sessions or an unlimited number of
data logging sessions (site license). See Licenses on page 54 for more information.
Configuring Data Logging
Complete the following steps to configure DSView 3 software data logging.
to log session data; see Data log licenses on page 186.
page 189.
Configure the notification mode for buffer warning events as SNMP; see Configuring the
buffer warnings events as SNMP on page 190.
Specify where the data log files will be stored; see Specifying where data log files will be
stored on page 190.
Specify archiving properties; see Archiving and deleting data log files on page 191.
Chapter 13: Data Logging
Only DSView 3 software administrators may enable the SSH and Syslog servers, specify where the
data log files will be stored and specify archiving properties. You must have the Configure Unit
Settings access right to enable/disable data logging.
Enabling the SSH server
The SSH server must be enabled in the DSView 3 software to use the data logging and SSH
Passthrough features.
To enable the SSH server:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. Click SSH Server in the side navigation bar. The SSH Properties window will open.
4. Click the Enable SSH Server checkbox. The preset TCP port is 4122. If you wish to change the
port, enter a port value in the range 1-65535 in the Port field.
5. (Optional - IPv6 only) Select IPv6 Proxy Port to use the IPv6 protocol to connect to the SSH
server. The preset port is 4123; typically, the IPv6 proxy port number is one increment higher
than the SSH server port. If you wish to change the port, enter a port value in the range 1-
65535 in the Port field.
If DSView 3 clients are located on an external connection, the specified SSH server port must
be opened on your firewall.
6. Click Save.
7. If you changed the port value, you are prompted to confirm the change. Confirm or cancel the
Enabling or disabling the SSH server will generate a DSView 3 software system event.
Enabling the Syslog server
The Syslog server must be enabled in the DSView 3 software to use the data logging feature. You
may change the TCP port where the DSView 3 software will listen for Syslog messages forwarded
by the SSH server.
To enable or disable Syslog server port:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. In the side navigation bar, click Data Logging, then Server Settings. The Syslog Properties
window will open.
4. Click the Enable Syslog Server checkbox. The preset TCP port is 4514. If you wish to change
the port, enter a port value in the range 1-65535 in the Port field.
If DSView 3 clients are located on an external connection, the specified SSH server port must
be opened on your firewall.
5. Click Save. You are prompted to confirm the change. Confirm or cancel the change.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
6. If you have not already done so, click the SSH server page link and enable the SSH server. See
Enabling the SSH server for more information.
Enabling or disabling the Syslog server will generate a DSView 3 software system event.
Enabling and disabling data logging on units
Data logging is enabled and disabled per connection. Depending on the appliance type, you may
enable or disable data logging on target device connections, appliance connections or both.
NOTE: The exact name and content of configuration pages are specific to the appliance type; see the
appropriate documentation.
1. In a Units View window containing the appliance or target device (see Accessing Units View
windows on page 106), click on the unit name.
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Data Logging and then Configure in the side navigation bar.
The Data Logging Configuration window for that unit will open. The display lists all
connections. The Status field may contain the following values:
Enabled - Data logging is enabled in the appliance for the corresponding port connection
and a data log license has been allocated for it (data logging for a direct session to an
appliance does not require or use a license).
Disabled - Data logging is disabled in the appliance for the corresponding port.
Unlicensed - Data logging is enabled in the appliance for the corresponding port
connection, but there is no data log license allocated for it.
3. To enable data logging on one or more connections:
a. Click the checkbox next to the connection name(s). To select all connections on the page,
click the checkbox at the top of the list.
b. Click Enable. If sufficient data log licenses are available, logging will be enabled on the
selected connections and the Status field will indicate Enabled. If insufficient licenses are
available, a warning will be displayed, and the Status field will indicate either Enabled or
4. To disable data logging on one or more connections:
a. Click the checkbox next to the connection name(s). To select all connections on the page,
click the checkbox at the top of the list.
a. Click Disable. Data logging will be stopped on the selected connections, and the data log
licenses used by those connections will be returned to the available pool.
Verifying the data logging settings for each connection
After enabling data logging on the appliance, verify that DSView Data Log is enabled for each
Chapter 13: Data Logging
To check the data logging settings for connections:
2. Click Appliance Settings, click Ports and then Serial in the side navigation bar. The Serial
window will open.
3. Click on the appropriate port.
NOTE: If the Status is Disabled, you will not be able to click on the connection. To change the status to Enabled,
see Enabling and disabling data logging on units on page 188.
4. In the side navigation bar, click Data Logging.
5. If not already selected, click the radio button next to Enable DSView Data Log. Any previous
data logging settings will be lost.
6. If available, click the Flash Required button to ensure that these settings remain even if power
is interrupted. If the Flash Required button is not displayed, the settings have been saved to
non-volatile Flash memory on the appliance.
Viewing and customizing the SSH server settings
To view and customize the SSH server settings:
navigation bar.
data logs. This may be either the hub or a spoke server.
4. In the Syslog Server Port field, enter the Syslog port that you set in Enabling the Syslog server
on page 187.
5. In the SSH Server Port field, enter the SSH port that you set in Enabling the SSH server on
page 187.
NOTE: It is recommended that no more than 2048 data logging and SSH Passthrough sessions be open
6. The Appliance Configuration Section contains several fields for managing the SSH sessions
and buffer warning events. Each field contains the Avocent recommended value, but you may
change these values if needed.
SSH Idle Timeout (seconds): If the SSH session is inactive for the specified amount of
time, it will be closed. The default time-out is 15 seconds.
SSH Start Threshold (bytes): The appliance will log data in its local memory. Once it
meets the threshold specified in this field, it will attempt to open an SSH session to the
DSView 3 server. The default threshold is 10 KB.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
SSH Tunnel Buffer Size (bytes): If the SSH session cannot be opened, the appliance will
continue to store data logs in its local memory until it reaches the size specified in this
field. The default buffer size is 1 MB.
NOTE: The appliance may be prevented from opening an SSH session if a firewall is blocking traffic, the DSView
SSH service is disabled or the IP address and TCP port settings are incorrect.
Buffer Full First Warning (bytes): If an SSH session cannot be opened, a first warning will
be sent once the appliance local memory reaches the size specified in this field. The
recommended first warning size is 500KB.
Buffer Full Second Warning (bytes): If an SSH session cannot be opened, a second
warning will be sent once the appliance local memory reaches the size specified in this
field. The recommended second warning size is 700 KB.
Configuring the buffer warnings events as SNMP
If the appliance fails to open an SSH connection to the DSView 3 server, the appliance will
continue to store data logs in local memory. To ensure that the administrator receives buffer
warnings events if the SSH connection fails, change the notification mode from Syslog to SNMP.
To configure the buffer warnings as SNMP:
1. In a Units View window, click on the appliance name.
2. Select Appliance Settings - Events - Traps/Syslog.
3. Click the checkbox next to the following events: Appliance Data Log Buffer Full First
Warning, Appliance Data Log Buffer Full Second Warning and Appliance Data Log Loss.
4. Click the Enable SNMP Trap button.
5. The Notification Mode for the events changes from Syslog Enabled to SNMP Trap Enabled.
If available, click the Flash Required button to ensure that these settings remain even if power
is interrupted. If the Flash Required button is not displayed, the settings have been saved to
non-volatile Flash memory on the appliance.
To begin receiving buffer warning events, configure the DSView 3 software for email notifications.
See Email Notifications in the DSView 3 software online help for more information.
Specifying where data log files will be stored
To specify where data log files will be stored:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. In the side navigation bar, click Data Logging, then Location. The Data Logging Location
Properties window will open.
Chapter 13: Data Logging
4. In the Location field, enter a local or network shared location, using a UNC (Universal Naming
Convention) path of up to 256 characters. You cannot specify a mapped network drive. If the
operating system supports case sensitive file names, use case sensitive text.
The default location is %<DSView 3 software installation directory>%\datalogs.
If you change the location at a later time, any data log files in the previous location will no
longer be viewable or accessible through the DSView 3 software.
Data log files are not backed up by the DSView 3 software backup utility.
5. If a login will not be required to access the file location, disable the Login required to access
shared drive location checkbox.
If a login will be required to access the file location:
a. Enable the Login required to access shared drive location checkbox.
b. In the Username field, enter the username (up to 256 characters) to access the file location.
c. In the Password field, enter the password (up to 64 characters).
d. Repeat the password in the Confirm Password field.
6. Click Save.
Archiving and deleting data log files
Data log files are archived at specified intervals or when a file reaches a specified size. You may
also archive files dynamically. Archived files retain the same name with a .zip file name extension.
Each time a file is archived, it is considered a version for that particular connection/port. You may
indicate the number of versions that will be retained in the file system - when this value is exceeded
for a connection/port, the oldest archived file version will automatically be deleted. You may also
delete archived files dynamically.
If an appliance or target device name is changed, any current log files associated with the original
name will be closed and archived with their original name. Those files will be viewable only from
the Reports - Data Log Session Files window. Subsequent incoming data log messages will be
written to a new file that has the new unit name.
Similarly, if a target device or appliance is deleted from the DSView 3 software system, any current
log files associated with the unit (and its target devices if the deleted unit is an appliance) will be
closed and archived. These files will be viewable only from the Reports - Data Log Session Files
To specify archiving properties:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. In the side navigation bar, click Data Logging, then Archiving. The Data Logging Archiving
Properties window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. In the Archive by frequency field, select the interval for archiving current data log files: daily
(every day at midnight local time), weekly (every Sunday at midnight) or monthly (the first
day of each month at midnight).
5. In the Archive by size field, enter a size from 1-2000 MB. When a current file reaches this size,
it will be closed and archived.
6. In the Number of archived versions field, select a value (1-10). This specifies the maximum
number of archived versions of a file (based on the file name) that will be retained. When this
number is exceeded, the oldest archived file will be deleted.
For example, if a value of 5 is specified, up to five archived versions of each file will be
retained. When a subsequent archive operation occurs for that log file (triggered either by the
archive frequency or size value being reached), the oldest archived version will be deleted.
Changing this value affects all archived files.
7. Click Save.
Dynamically archiving and deleting data log files
Data log files are automatically archived and deleted according to the properties specified in the
preceding procedure. You may also archive current files or delete archived files at any time.
To archive data log files dynamically:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Data Log Session Files in the top navigation bar. The Data Log Session Files window
will open.
3. Click the checkboxes to the left of current log files to be archived. To select all files on the
page, click the checkbox at the top of the list. (The status for all selected files must be Current.)
4. Click Archive Now. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the archiving.
To delete data log files dynamically:
NOTE: Always use this procedure to delete data log files dynamically, rather than using other methods to delete
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Data Log Session Files in the top navigation bar. The Data Log Session Files window
will open.
3. Click the checkboxes to the left of log files to be deleted. To select all files on the page, click
the checkbox at the top of the list.
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Chapter 13: Data Logging
Viewing Data Log Files
Displaying lists of data log files
Each row in the display table contains the following information about a single log file:
Log file name
Name of the DSView 3 server where the file was created and stored
When the file was created
When the file was last modified
File size in megabytes
Status - Archived, Current, File not Found or Pending
The Size and Last Modified fields are optional; use the Customize link to add or remove them from
the display; see Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
To display information about log files for a single unit, you must have View Data Logging access
rights. To display information about all data log files in the DSView 3 software system, you must
be a member of the DSView 3 software administrators or auditor user group.
To display a list of data log files for a single unit:
1. In a Units View window containing the appliance/target device (see Accessing Units View
windows on page 106), click on the unit name.
2. In the side navigation bar, click Data Logging, then click Session Files. The Data Logging
Session Files window for that unit will open.
3. To view a file’s content, click on the file name. See Displaying data log file content.
To display a list of all data log files in the DSView 3 software system:
NOTE: This is the only procedure that will include log files for units that have been renamed or deleted from the
DSView 3 software system.
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Data Log Session Files in the top navigation bar. The Data Log Session Files window
will open.
You may dynamically archive or delete data log files from this window; see Dynamically
archiving and deleting data log files on page 192.
3. To view a file’s content, click on the file name. See Displaying data log file content below.
Displaying data log file content
When you click on a file name in a Data Log Session Files window, the file is transferred to the
browser. It will be opened as a text file, using the default text viewer on the DSView 3 software
client’s computer.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Before the file is transferred to the browser, the DSView 3 software will verify the file’s digital
signature. If the computed digital signature does not match the actual file’s digital signature, the
content of the file will be preceded with a warning, indicating that digital signature verification
failed and the file content may have been altered.
If you select a log file that does not reside on the DSView 3 server to which you’re logged in, the
log file is transferred from the appropriate server.
You may also validate the signature of data log files by exporting the system certificate; see System
certificate and SSH key on page 46 and Verifying data log file digital signatures.
Verifying data log file digital signatures
The DSView 3 software computes hashes for data log files using the SHA1 digest algorithm. After
a hash is computed for a file, it is signed using the RSA public key algorithm and the DSView 3
software X.509 system certificate private key.
To verify the signature, you may use standard tools (such as OpenSSL) and the DSView 3 software
system X.509 certificate public key. (To view or export the system certificate, see System
certificate and SSH key on page 46.)
For example, assume the following:
A data log file is created with the name cisco-router-session-2006-04-02-12:12:01.txt.
The DSView 3 software signs the data log file and creates a signature file with the name cisco-
The DSView 3 software system certificate has been exported with the name sun-jdoe.p10.
The OpenSSL command to verify the signature (and a successful response) is:
c:\>openssl dgst -sha1 -verify sun-jdoe.p10 -signature cisco-router-
session-2006-04-02-12:12:01.sig cisco-router-session-2006-04-02-
c:\>Verification OK
SSH Passthrough Sessions
An SSH Passthrough session is a serial session opened to a unit without the use of a web browser.
From an SSH client, a user with access rights can establish a connection to any serial unit managed
by the DSView 3 software that supports Secure Shell 2 (SSH2) and Avocent DS Authentication 2
Protocol (ADSAP2) protocol.
The DSView 3 server provides user authentication and, if events are enabled, logs SSH
Passthrough session events. You can also share SSH Passthrough sessions with multiple users
across multiple DSView 3 servers. Serial sessions initiated from the DSView 3 client software may
also be shared if the Avocent Session Viewer is preconfigured as the serial viewer.
Shared serial sessions provide server redundancy. If a DSView 3 server is no longer available, a
user may establish an SSH Passthrough session to a different DSView 3 server.
Client licenses
A client license is required for each user operating SSH Passthrough sessions. However, a user can
open any number of SSH Passthrough sessions without increasing the license counter, provided the
username is identical, and resides on the same DSView 3 server and network source address for
session license is freed. If the available number of client session licenses is exceeded three times,
for more information.
Configuring SSH Passthrough
Enable the SSH server; see Enabling the SSH server on page 187.
Enable SSH Passthrough; see Enabling SSH Passthrough on page 195.
(Optional) Enable SSH port sharing; see SSH port sharing on page 196.
Only DSView 3 software administrators may enable the SSH servers, SSH Passthrough and SSH
port sharing.
Enabling SSH Passthrough
To enable or disable SSH Passthrough:
1. Click the System tab.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. Click SSH Passthrough in the side navigation bar. The SSH Passthrough Properties window
4. To enable SSH Passthrough, select the Enable SSH Passthrough checkbox.
To disable SSH Passthrough, uncheck the Enable SSH Passthrough checkbox.
5. In the event of a network failure, you may establish an SSH Passthrough session to the target
device through Modem Dial-Up. To allow this capability, select the Enable Modem Dial-Up
Connections checkbox. If the main network connection is unavailable when trying to open an
SSH Passthrough session, you will be notified that the network is unreachable and a
connection over modem dial-up is being established.
To prevent connections through Modem Dial-Up, uncheck the Enable Modem Dial-Up
NOTE: Modem dial-up connections are only available on supported ACS console servers.
6. Click Save.
7. If you have not already done so, click the SSH Server page link and enable the SSH server. See
Enabling SSH Passthrough on page 195 for more information.
Enabling or disabling SSH Passthrough will generate a DSView 3 software system event.
SSH port sharing
SSH Passthrough sessions and/or Avocent Session Viewer sessions can be shared to allow other
users to view the session data. You can also enable hub/spoke forwarding to allow sessions from
multiple DSView 3 servers to be shared simultaneously. The first user to open an SSH Passthrough
or Avocent Session Viewer session has read/write access; all subsequent users who share the
session have read-only access. Users can enter a command to obtain read/write access, but only one
user at a time can possess read/write access.
To configure SSH Passthrough port sharing:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. Click SSH Passthrough in the side navigation bar. The SSH Passthrough Properties window
4. To enable shared SSH Passthrough sessions, select the Enable Port Sharing checkbox.
5. To allow simultaneous shared SSH Passthrough sessions from multiple DSView 3 servers,
select the Enable Hub/Spoke Forwarding checkbox.
Chapter 14: SSH Passthrough Sessions
If hub/spoke forwarding is enabled, shared SSH Passthrough sessions are centralized to the
DSView 3 server that owns the appliance to which the session is opened.
NOTE: The appliance is owned by the DSView 3 server to which it was first added. To determine which DSView
3 server owns an appliance, go the appliance Unit Overview Page and click Properties - Network. The DSView
Server menu displays the name of the server that owns the appliance. See Unit Properties on page 139 for more
6. To allow sharing among SSH Passthrough sessions and Avocent Session Viewer sessions,
select the Enable DSView Client Serial Sessions checkbox.
7. Click Save.
Configuring the Avocent Session Viewer
To allow sharing among sessions initiated from the DSView 3 client software, you must
preconfigure the Avocent Session Viewer as the serial viewer.
To configure the Avocent Session Viewer:
2. Click Applications in the side navigation bar.
3. Select the Avocent Session Viewer checkbox.
4. Click Save.
For more information about serial session applications, see Choosing the serial session application
on page 38.
SSH Passthrough Sessions
You may establish an SSH connection to a target device or an appliance console by specifying the
appropriate name in the SSH command. You may also establish an SSH session to a target device
with multiple connections, but the appliance name and port number must be entered in place of the
target device name.
NOTE: It is recommended that no more than 2048 concurrent data logging and SSH Passthrough sessions be
Your SSH session may be interrupted or disconnected based on the appliance preemption levels. If
determined based on the preemption levels set in the DSView 3 software. For more information,
see Preemption Levels on page 41.
Logging in with a User SSH key
A user SSH key may be used instead of a password to authenticate the user before establishing an
SSH Passthrough session. See User SSH key on page 235 to configure the key.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To establish an SSH Passthrough connection to a target device or appliance
NOTE: If you are using the Linux or Unix SSH command, you will need to specify the port by entering -p and the
port number. The default port number is 4122. For more information or to change the port number, see Enabling
SSH Passthrough on page 195.
1. To connect to a target device or appliance console, open your SSH client and enter the
following values in the provided text fields:
Specify the highest level zone for which you have access rights. If a zone is not specified
for the username, the top level zone is assumed. If you do not have access to this zone, the
connection attempt fails.
<zone2/targetdevicename>@ (to connect to a target device)
<zone2/appliancename>@ (to connect to an appliance console)
is not specified, it is assumed that unit belongs to the zone specified for the username. If
the unit does not reside in this zone, the connection attempt fails.
host name or IP address of the DSView 3 server
NOTE: If DS Zones are not enabled, you do not need to specify a zone for the username or appliance. For more
information about zones, see DS Zones on page 219.
To connect to a target device using the Linux or Unix SSH command, enter a command in the
following format:
<zone1/username>:<zone2/target device name>@<host name or IP address of DSView 3
For example, a command to open an SSH session to a target device may look like this:
ssh -p 4122 zone1/jsmith:zone2/Boston@
To connect to an appliance console using the Linux or Unix SSH command, enter a command
in the following format:
<username>:<appliance name:>@<host name or IP address of DSView 3 server>
For example, a command to open an SSH session to an appliance console may look like this:
ssh -p 4122 zone1/jsmith:zone2/ACS_Lab:@
Chapter 14: SSH Passthrough Sessions
NOTE: The colon is used to delimit different arguments; however, if a colon is contained within the name, then a
double backslash may be used as an escape sequence to include the colon in the name. For example, if the
username is “sanders:”, a command to open an SSH session to a target device may look like this:
ssh -p 4122 zone1/sanders\\::zone2/Boston:5@
2. If a user SSH key has been configured, the session is automatically authenticated based on the
key. The user SSH key must be stored on the DSView 3 server specified in step 1.
When prompted, enter the password for the username. If you enter an incorrect password three
times, the login failed event will be generated and the SSH session will be closed.
The user credentials for the target device are validated by the DSView 3 server. If the user is
valid, the DSView 3 software database determines the IP address of the appliance and the
X.509 certificate for establishing the connection. If the user is invalid, the session closes
3. If more than one connection exists to the target device, the SSH connection attempt fails and
the DSView 3 software informs the user of the failure reason. To connect to a target device
with multiple connections, specify the appliance name and port instead of the target device
name. The appliance name must be identical to the appliance name in the DSView 3 software
database, and the port must be the exact port number that appears in the Units view in the
DSView 3 software.
To connect to a target device with multiple connections, open your SSH client and enter the
following values in the provided text fields:
host name or IP address of the DSView 3 server
To connect to a target device with multiple connections using the Linux or Unix SSH
command, enter a command in the following format:
<zone1/username>:<zone2/appliance name:port>@<host name or IP address of DSView
3 server>
successful connection is established, the DSView 3 server acts as a proxy between the user and
target device.
If an SSH Passthrough session to the same appliance or target device is already open, your
session is shared with the previously connected users. You have read-only access to the
session, but you may enter a command to obtain read/write access. See Transferring read/write
access on page 202.
5. If the console port on the target device requires additional authentication, the user is prompted
to log in.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Escape key sequence
An escape key sequence is a combination of characters that can be sent to the DSView 3 server to
affect an SSH Passthrough or Avocent Session Viewer session. The default escape sequence is
^Ec, which can be followed by an escape key to send a command to a target device. Some escape
key sequences are limited to only the user with read/write access.
In this chapter, the preset escape Sequence ^Ec is used in all examples to indicate the configured
escape sequence.
Table 14.1: DSView 3 Software - Supported SSH Passthrough Session Escape Keys
Print this message
Change escape sequence [the preset
value is ^Ec]
Attach read/write rights
Displays break sequence list*
Replay last 30 lines of log
Send specific break sequence*
Ignore/abort command
*Only users with read/write access can send these escape key sequences.
To modify the escape sequence:
From an SSH Passthrough session, enter the following command:
^Ece[new escape sequence]
For example: ^Ece^Acchanges the escape sequence from ^Ec to ^Ac.
To enter an escape key sequence:
From an SSH Passthrough session, enter a command in the following format:
^Ec[escape key]
For example: ^Ecl?displays the break sequence list.
After entering an escape key sequence, the SSH client displays a message indicating success or
Break sequences
NOTE: SSH port sharing must be enabled before you can configure break sequences.
A break sequence is a user-defined combination of characters that can be sent as a command to a
target device during an SSH Passthrough or Avocent Session Viewer session. A break sequence is
sent when the corresponding escape key sequence is typed by the user. The DSView 3 software
Chapter 14: SSH Passthrough Sessions
supports ASCII and UTF-8 characters and special break keys. Only the user with read/write access
to the SSH session can send a break sequence to a target device.
You can configure up to 10 break sequences to be used in SSH Passthrough sessions.
The following special break keys are supported:
Table 14.2: DSView 3 Software - Supported SSH Passthrough Session Break Keys
Serial break [defined as Telnet break:
IAC(\337), BREAK(\363)]
Delay [preset value is 250 milliseconds] \^
Octal representation of a character (where
ooo is one to three octal digits)
New line
Character c
Carriage return
Control character (c is “and”ed with 0x1f)
Vertical tab
Any utf8 character
To configure break sequences:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Server in the top navigation bar.
3. Click SSH Passthrough in the side navigation bar. The SSH Passthrough Properties window
4. In the Delay field, you may enter the number of milliseconds to delay a command if \d is
5. Enter the break sequence description in the Description field, then enter the break sequence in
the Break Sequence field. Descriptions and break sequences are limited to 64 characters. Field
numbers 0-9 are available for up to 10 break sequences.
To send a break sequence:
1. From an SSH Passthrough session, enter the escape sequence for the break sequence definition
in the following format:
^Ecl[break sequence number 0-9]
For example: ^Ecl5
2. The break sequence is sent to the target device and a confirmation message appears.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
The SSH client indicates that the break sequence is invalid or contains a syntax error. You can
correct the error and resend the break sequence.
Transferring read/write access
Only one user at a time can have read/write access to a shared SSH Passthrough or Avocent Session
Viewer session. The first user who opens the session has read/write access. If that user exits a
shared session, read/write access is granted to a randomly selected user who is sharing the session.
A user with read-only access can enter a command to obtain read/write access.
To obtain read/write access:
1. From a shared SSH Passthrough or Avocent Session Viewer session where you have read-only
access, enter the following command:
2. The user with read/write access receives a message that read/write access has been transferred
to the specified user.
3. You receive a message that the user has lost read/write access.
You now have sole read/write privileges to the SSH Passthrough or Avocent Session Viewer
session. Transferring read/write access generates DSView 3 software system events.
Disconnecting a session
To disconnect an SSH session:
1. From an SSH Passthrough session, enter the following command:
2. Your session is closed. If you had read/write access to the session, read/write access is granted
to a randomly selected user who is sharing the session.
Displaying session output
If a data log was created for the SSH Passthrough session, you can enter a command to display the
last 30 lines (limited to 16384 characters) of the data log on the SSH client. The last 30 lines may
include previous SSH sessions, but will only display target device output, not user actions.
NOTE: To display session output, data logging must be enabled and the user must have access rights to unit.
See Data Logging on page 185 and User Access Rights on page 239.
To display session output:
1. From an SSH Passthrough session, enter the following command:
Chapter 14: SSH Passthrough Sessions
2. The client displays the last 30 lines of the data log.
If you do not have access rights or if a data log was not created, an error message is displayed.
Supported service processor commands
NOTE: SSH Passthrough port sharing is not supported if a server processor command is included at the end of
the SSH command.
When opening an SSH Passthrough session to a target device connected to a supported MergePoint
52xx manager, you may include a service processor (SP) command at the end of the SSH
command. If the SP command is not present at the end of the SSH command, the appliance may
provide the user with a menu of SP commands to choose from.
To include an SP command, open your SSH client and enter a command in the following format:
<username>:<target device name>@<host name or IP address of the DSView 3 server>
NOTE: Enter a space between <host name or IP address of the DSView 3 server> and [spcommand].
The first part of the command will establish an SSH session to the MergePoint 52xx SP manager. If
a supported SP command is present at the end of the SSH command, the SP command will be
passed through to the service processor on the appliance. The appliance will validate and execute
the command.
For example, a command to open an SSH session to a MergePoint 52xx SP manager and execute an
SP command may look like this:
ssh -p 4122 zone1/jsmith:zone2/MGP@ poweron
For more information and a list of supported SP commands, see the documentation included with
the MergePoint 52xx SP manager.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Grouping Units
The DSView 3 Explorer automatically groups managed appliances by the type of appliance (DSR
switch, ACS console server and so on). Target devices are automatically grouped based on the type
to which they are assigned.
You may also add and change the following types of groups:
Custom fields - Custom fields allow a user to create groupings of units which are accessed by
all DSView 3 software users
Personal and global unit groups - Global unit groups may be seen by all users; personal unit
groups are visible only to the user who created the group
Site, Department and Location Groups
You may create one or more site, department and location names and then associate units with
them. For example, you could create sites names such as Austin and Sunrise, department names
such as Software Development and Human Resources or location names such as Lab Room 101
and System Administrator’s Office.
Site, Department and/or Location columns may be included in a Units View window display, using
the Customize link. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
To group units by site, department or location, you first create a site/department/location, then
associate units with it. Sites/departments/locations that contain units to which a user does not have
access rights will not appear in the side navigation bar. The site/department/location must also have
at least one unit associated with it to be displayed in the side navigation bar.
To add a site, department or location:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. To add a site, click Sites in the top navigation bar. The Sites window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To add a department, click Departments in the top navigation bar. The Departments window
will open.
To add a location, click Locations in the top navigation bar. The Locations window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Site, Add Department or Add Location window will open.
4. Type a name, then click Add. The Sites, Departments or Locations window will open.
A site, department or location will not be listed in the side navigation bar until a unit has been
associated with it.
To delete a site, department or location:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. To delete a site click Sites in the top navigation bar. The Sites window will open.
To delete a department, click Departments in the top navigation bar. The Departments window
will open.
To delete a location, click Locations in the top navigation bar. The Locations window will
3. Click the checkbox to the left of one or more sites/departments/locations. To delete all sites/
departments/locations in the page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
To change the name of a site, department or location:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. To change the name of a site, click Sites in the top navigation bar. The Sites window will open.
To change the name of a department, click Departments in the top navigation bar. The
Departments window will open.
To change the name of a location, click Locations in the top navigation bar. The Locations
window will open.
3. Click on the name of a site/department/location. The Site/Department/Location Name window
will open.
4. Type a new 1-64 character name.
To associate or change the association of an existing unit to a site, department or
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click one of the links listed in Table 15.1 in the side navigation bar to display the
corresponding window for the units you wish to associate, change or remove the association.
Chapter 15: Grouping Units
Table 15.1: Links for Managing Sites, Departments or Location Associations
Changes Site Associations For
A link under Target Devices
A link under Appliances
Target Devices
Target devices only
Managed appliances only
Units in Site
Units in Group
Units in Custom Fields
Recently Accessed Units
A link under Custom Field
Recently Accessed
3. Click on the name of a unit. The Unit Overview window will open.
4. Click Properties in the side navigation bar, then click Location.
5. From the menus, select the site, department and/or location to associate with the unit. If you do
not wish to associate the unit with any site, department or location choose the top (empty) item
from the menu.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
To display the units associated with a site, department or location:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. To display units associated with a site, click Sites in the side navigation bar. The Units in Site
window will open, with a list of units associated with the first alphabetically-listed site.
To display units associated with a department, click Departments in the side navigation bar.
The Units in Departments window will open, with a list of units associated with the first
alphabetically-listed department.
To display units associated with a location, click Locations in the side navigation bar. The
Units in Location window will open, with a list of units associated with the first alphabetically-
listed location.
3. Click on a site, department, location link in the side navigation bar to display another entry in
Custom Fields
Ten custom fields are available. To use the custom fields, first change the default labels on the
fields (Custom Field 1, Custom Field 2 and Custom Field 3) and then associate a custom label with
a unit. The custom fields may be displayed in Units View windows using the Customize link. See
Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To define custom fields:
NOTE: You must have Software Administrator or Appliance Administrator access to define custom fields.
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Custom Field Labels in the side navigation bar. The Unit Custom Field Labels window
will open.
3. For each custom field, type the 1-64 character name for the first custom field label. The first
and second level custom fields for units will appear under this heading in the side navigation
bar; all other custom fields will not appear in the side navigation bar but may be displayed in
4. Click Save.
The Custom Field Labels name will continue to appear in the side navigation bar until you
associate the custom label with a unit.
To associate a custom label with a unit:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click on a unit. The
Unit Overview window will open.
2. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Custom Fields. The Unit Custom
Fields window will open.
3. In the each field, type the 1-64 character name to associate with the corresponding label. You
may also leave the field blank.
4. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliance - All window will open. The side navigation
bar will include the names of the defined and associated custom fields.
Example: Custom fields
In the following example, a DSView 3 software administrator wants to examine a unit test
configuration. The units will be placed in one of two categories: an initial configuration or a final
configuration category. The administrator also wants to identify the unit’s managers. At the present
time, the DSView 3 software administrator has one DSR1021 switch and one EVR1500
environmental monitor to add to the test configuration category and one generic appliance to add to
the final configuration category.
1. First, the DSView 3 software administrator will define the custom fields.
a. Click the Units tab.
b. Click Custom Field Labels in the side navigation bar. The Unit Custom Field Labels
window will open.
c. In Label 1, type Test Configuration. All first-level custom fields for units will appear
under this heading in the side navigation bar.
d. In Label 2, type Appliances and target devices. All second-level custom fields for units
will appear under this heading in the side navigation bar.
Chapter 15: Grouping Units
e. In Label 3, type Manager. This custom field will not appear in the side navigation bar, but
may be displayed in the content area by using the Customize link.
f. Click Save to save the changes.
Custom Field Labels will still appear in the side navigation bar because the administrator
has not yet defined any custom fields for the units.
2. A DSR1021 switch has been added to the system, but will need to go into a category named
Initial Configuration, since it has not yet been verified for the final configuration. The
administrator will associate the DSR1021 switch managed by John Smith to the custom fields
as follows:
a. Click Appliances in the side navigation bar. The Appliances - All window will open.
b. Click on the DSR1021 switch. The Unit Overview window will open.
c. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Custom Fields. The Unit Custom
Fields window will open, including the custom field names defined in step 1.
d. In the Test Configuration field, type Initial Configuration.
e. In the Appliances and target devices field, type DSR1021 Switches.
f. In the Manager field, type John Smith.
g. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliance - All window will open. The side
navigation bar will now include Test Configuration instead of Custom Field Labels.
3. The test configuration will also include an EVR1500 environmental monitor that is managed
by Mary Jones. The EVR1500 environmental monitor has also not been verified for the final
configuration, so the administrator will include it in the Initial Configuration category.
a. In the Appliances - All window, click on the EVR1500 environmental monitor. The Unit
Overview window will open.
b. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Custom Fields. The Unit Custom
Fields window will open, including the custom field names defined in step 1.
c. In the Test Configuration field, type Initial Configuration.
d. In the Appliances and target devices field, type EVR1500 Environmental Monitors.
e. In the Manager field, type Mary Jones.
f. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliance - All window will open.
4. The configuration of a generic appliance has been verified, so the administrator wants to create
a category named Final Configuration that will contain the final test units. The category will
contain one generic appliance managed by Tim Brown.
a. In the Appliances - All window, click on the generic appliance. The Unit Overview
window will open.
b. Click Properties in the side navigation bar and then click Custom Fields. The Unit Custom
Fields window will open, including the custom field names you defined in step 1.
c. In the Test Configuration field, type Final Configuration.
d. In the Appliances and target devices field, type Generic Appliances.
e. In the Manager field, type Tim Brown.
f. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliance - All window will open.
Figure 15.1 indicates how the side navigation bar will appear after the example procedure. Clicking
on a custom field link displays the units associated with that custom field.
Figure 15.1: Custom Fields Example: Side Navigation Bar
Table 15.2: Custom Fields Example: Side Navigation Bar Descriptions
System-wide first-level custom field label
Unit first-level custom field labels
Unit second-level custom field labels
Unit Groups
Unit groups may be used to organize units. You may create nested unit groups (unit groups within
unit groups) to organize units hierarchically. Units may belong to multiple groups. For example,
you may have a DSR switch that belongs to two global groups and three personal groups.
There are two types of unit groups: global and personal. A global unit group can be viewed by any
user logged into the DSView 3 software. A personal unit group may only be viewed by the person
who created it. Up to 32 personal unit groups may be created by a user.
Chapter 15: Grouping Units
There are two top-level system-defined unit group containers: global root and personal root. These
group containers cannot be deleted. They can contain other unit groups, but not individual units. All
global unit groups are descendents of global root. All personal unit groups are descendents of
personal root.
There is also a system-defined unit group named Unassigned, which is a descendent of the global
root. This unit group automatically contains all units that are not assigned to any other global unit
groups. This group cannot be deleted, and you cannot add subgroups (children) to the Unassigned
unit group.
Global unit groups may only be created, modified or deleted by users with DSView 3 software
administrator, user administrator or appliance administrator privileges. The global root, personal
root and unassigned unit groups cannot be deleted.
Personal Root
System Defined
Global Root
System Defined
• No rights associated with
personal groups
• Can create subgroups
• Can add groups as children, but
not units
• Can change rights
• Can create subgroups
• Can add groups as children,
but not units
User Defined
Personal Groups
System Defined
User Defined
Global Groups
• No rights associated with
personal groups
• Can create subgroups
• Can add units as members
• Can change rights
• Can change rights
• Can create subgroups
• Can add units as members
• Cannot create subgroups
• Cannot add units as members
• If a unit is not assigned to any
other global group, it
automatically becomes a
member of this group
Figure 15.2: Unit Groups Structure
Table 15.3: Unit Groups Features
Group Type
System Defined
Global Root
Can change rights? Can have subgroups? Can add units as members?
No, can only add groups
Personal Root
No, can only add groups
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 15.3: Unit Groups Features
Group Type
Can change rights? Can have subgroups? Can add units as members?
User Defined
Global Groups
Personal Groups
Unit group hierarchy
There are two primary ways to view unit groups:
Unit Groups window - clicking the Units tab and then Groups in the top navigation bar
Units View Groups window - clicking the Units tab and then Groups in the side navigation bar
Global groups that contain units the user cannot access will not be displayed, unless there are
descendent groups containing units the user is allowed to access.
All personal unit groups are displayed in the Unit Groups window, even if they do not contain any
units. In Units View Groups windows, groups will not be listed unless they have assigned units.
Global Root
Personal Root
Figure 15.3: Unit Group Hierarchy Example
Table 15.4: Unit Group Hierarchy Example Descriptions
Number Description
Number Description
Global unit group Unassigned has all units
that are not assigned to a group; it cannot
have subgroups
Global unit group Alpha has one or
more subgroups
Global Unit group Gamma has two
Personal unit group ProjectB has no
Chapter 15: Grouping Units
Table 15.4: Unit Group Hierarchy Example Descriptions
Number Description Number Description
These unit groups do not have
subgroups (in a Units view Group
window, a document icon will appear
to the left)
Personal unit group ProjectC has one or
more subgroups
In the example, four unit groups have been created in the global root group, and each of those four
unit groups contain groups. The unit group Gamma has been selected, and indicates it has two
subgroups, Lab and Operations. The Unassigned global group will contain any units that are not
assigned to another global unit group.
Three personal unit groups have been created. The ProjectA and ProjectB unit groups do not have
subgroups. The ProjectC unit group has one or more subgroups.
To display a list of unit groups in the Unit Groups window:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open. If a unit group has
subgroups (children), an arrow will be displayed next to its name.
To display a list of groups in the personal root group, click Personal Root. The first
personal unit group listed will automatically be selected. Click on the arrow next to a
group to expand it and display subgroup names.
You may customize the number of items per page that appear in this window; see Using the
Customize link in windows on page 28.
To display a list of unit groups in a Units View window:
NOTE: When you create a unit group, you may indicate whether it (and any of its child unit groups) will be
displayed in the side navigation bar.
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the side navigation bar. The Groups - Global Root window will open.
If a unit group has subgroups (children), an arrow will be displayed next to its name.
When a selected group has subgroups, the window will display either the immediate
children of the unit group or all descendents of the unit group, depending on the Show
group descendants setting.
If a unit group does not have subgroups, a document icon will be displayed next to its
name in the side navigation bar.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
When you click on a unit group in the side navigation bar that has a document icon (that is, it has no
subgroups), a window will open, listing the units in the group. This window can include the same
fields as other Units View windows; see Units View windows fields on page 107. You may enable
or disable a field display using the Customize link. See Using the Customize link in windows on
page 28.
When you customize this window, you may also enable/disable the display of descendants. When
enabled and a unit group is selected in a side navigation bar, the window will display all
descendants of the group. When disabled, only the immediate children of the selected group will be
To display information about a unit group:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar.
3. Click the group container or the parent group of the unit group you want to display information
4. Click on the unit group name.
5. The side navigation bar will contain information links about the selected unit group.
Click Name in the side navigation bar to display the unit group name.
Click Members in the side navigation bar to display the unit group members.
Click Groups to display a list of groups that are members of the unit group.
Click Units to display a list of units that are members of the unit group.
Click Access Rights in the side navigation bar to display the unit group access rights.
6. Click Close.
Adding or deleting a unit group
To add a unit group:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. Click the checkbox next to the group container (Global Root or Personal Root) or the group
name that you want to be the parent of the new unit group.
4. Click Add. The Add Unit Group window will open.
5. Type a 1-64 character name for the unit group. The name must be unique within the parent
group. For example, two groups can be named “development” but they cannot both be
members of the unit group “Huntsville.” (This unique name restriction does not apply to
personal unit groups that are owned by different users.)
6. If you do not want the unit group (or any of its child unit groups) to appear in the side
navigation bar, enable the Do not display this unit group nor any child unit groups as unit
views checkbox.
Chapter 15: Grouping Units
7. If you do not want the units in the unit group to belong to any other unit group, select
8. If you want to add another unit group in the same hierarchy, click Add/New. The Add Unit
Group window opens.
If you do not want to add another group, click Add/Close. The Unit Groups window opens.
To delete a unit group:
NOTE: Deleting a unit group deletes the group only; the units still exist in the DSView 3 software system. You
cannot delete any system-defined unit groups (global root, personal root and unassigned.)
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. Click the checkbox next to the unit group to be deleted.
Changing the unit group properties
Access rights indicate which users and user groups may access units in the DSView 3 software
system. Access rights also indicate which actions are allowed. See About Access Rights on
page 144. You can assign access rights from a unit group perspective, as described in this section.
Using this method, selected users and members of selected user groups are allowed or prohibited
from initiating certain actions on all units in the unit group.
Access rights for a unit group default to inherit if they are not explicitly granted to a user or user
group. For example, if you create unit group A and subgroup B, by default any access rights you
assign to group A will be propagated to group B.
There are other ways to assign access rights; see How access rights can be assigned on page 145.
To change unit group properties:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. Click on the name of a unit group. The Unit Group Name window will open.
4. Type a new 1-64 character name in the Group field. The name must be unique within the
parent group. For example, two groups can be named “development” but they cannot both be
members of the unit group “Huntsville.” (This unique name restriction does not apply to
personal unit groups that are owned by different users.)
5. If you do not want the unit group (or any of its child unit groups) to appear in the side
navigation bar, enable the Do not display this unit group nor any child unit groups as unit
views checkbox.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
6. If you do not want the units in the unit group to belong to any other unit group, select
7. Click Save and then click Close.
To add or remove members in a unit group:
NOTE: Removing a unit group or unit member from a unit group does not delete the group/unit from the DSView
3 software system or any other group to which it belongs.
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. To add or remove a group member of the unit group, click Members in the side navigation bar
and then click Groups.
To add or remove a unit member of the unit group, click Members in the side navigation bar,
and then click Units.
NOTE: If you select a group container (Global Root or Personal Root), you can only add unit groups as members
- you cannot add units; therefore, when you click Members in the side navigation bar, Groups is the only choice.
You cannot add units or groups to the global unassigned unit group.
4. The Unit Group Members (Units) or Unit Group Members (Groups) window will open. Click
5. The Assign Units to Unit Group window will open.
NOTE: Once a unit is added to an exclusive unit group, it cannot be added to any other groups. If a unit is
already a member of a non-exclusive group and is then added to an exclusive group, the unit is automatically
removed from the non-exclusive group.
To add one or more units to the unit group, select the unit(s) from the Available Units list,
then click Add. The units will be moved to the Units to Assign list.
To remove one or more units already assigned to the unit group, select the unit(s) from the
Units to Assign list, then click Remove. The units will be moved to the Available Units
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Unit Group Members window will open.
7. Click Close. The Unit Groups window will open.
To add or remove access rights for one or more unit groups:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. The Unit Groups window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of one or more unit groups, then click Rights. The Unit Group
Access Rights window will open.
If you are setting access rights for one unit group, you may click on the unit group name, then
click Access Rights in the side navigation bar to access the Unit Group Access Rights window.
4. To add or remove a user or user group from the User and User Groups list:
Chapter 15: Grouping Units
a. Click Edit List. The Unit Access Rights User Selection window will open.
To add one or more users or user groups, select the user(s) or user group(s) from the
Available list, then click Add. The users and/or user groups will be moved to the List
to Update list.
To remove one or more users or user groups, select the user(s) or user group(s) from
the List to Update list, then click Remove. The users and user groups will be moved to
the Available list. (Inherited users and user groups can only be removed from the first
unit group that specified any access rights other than inherit.)
b. Click OK. The Unit Access Rights window will display the current list of users and/or user
groups. When a user or user group is added to the list, the default access rights will be
5. To set access rights, select a user or user group from the User and User Groups list, then enable
or disable a checkbox in the Access Rights table for each access right.
Allow - the access right is allowed for the user/user group.
Deny - the access right is denied for the user/user group.
Inherit - the access right is inherited from the unit group(s) to which the selected user/user
group belongs. When Inherit is selected, the Allow and Deny checkboxes will become
gray and unchangeable, and indicate the inherited value. If the inherited settings indicated
both Allow and Deny, the inherited value is Deny, which takes precedence.
To disable the inherit functionality, uncheck the Inherit checkbox.
If none of the checkboxes are checked, the access right is neither allowed nor denied.
If the unit group contains both appliances and target devices, all rights will be displayed and
may be enabled, even though they may not necessarily be valid for the unit.
6. Repeat the preceding steps to change access rights for other users or user groups.
7. Click Save and then click Close. If a connection or power control action is enabled, the
appropriate link will appear in the Action column of Units Views windows containing that
group or units in that group.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
DS Zones
DS Zones provide virtual segregation of data center resources, including appliances, target devices
and virtual machines. Each zone operates as an independent subset of the DSView 3 software
system, and units can be transferred to different zones. Users belong to a single zone, but may
switch to other zones if they have access rights. You can restrict a user’s access to a zone,
preventing the user from viewing or accessing other zone’s resources, or you can grant a user
access to multiple zones. To prevent one zone from starving another of licenses, manage the
Managing and Accessing Zones
Enabling DS Zones
Before you can create or access zones, you must add a DS Zones license key to the DSView 3
software (see Adding a new license key on page 56). The license key specifies the number of zones
that can exist in the DSView 3 software. This number cannot be exceeded; if you need additional
zones, you must purchase another license key or delete existing zones to free licenses.
NOTE: If you do not have a DS Zones license enabled, the DSView 3 software does not display any windows or
links related to zones.
Creating zones
Once the DS Zones license key is enabled, the DSView 3 software automatically includes a top
level zone. You can create up to two sublevels of zones below the top level zone, but you cannot
create additional top level zones. You can create as many individual zones as your license key
To create a new zone:
1. Click the System tab, then click Zones. The Zones window opens and lists any previously
created zones.
2. Select the checkbox next to the zone to which you want to add a sublevel zone. Click Add. The
Add Zone Wizard opens.
3. Enter a unique zone name. Click Next.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. The Assign Zone Licenses window opens. For each license type, enter the number of licenses
that can be used by this zone in the Assigned Licenses field. The number of available licenses
is listed in the Available Licenses column. For details on zone licenses, see Assigning zone
licenses on page 222.
5. Click Next.
6. The Assign Zone Rights window opens. For each access rights group, select Allow or Deny.
For details on zone rights, see Managing zone access rights on page 222.
7. Click Next.
8. The Completed Successful window opens. Click Finish.
Accessing zones
When logging into the DSView 3 software, specify the highest level zone for which you have
access rights. If your access rights include other zones, you may switch to those zones once logged
When in a zone, you cannot view or access units that belong to another zone. The zone you are
currently in is referred to as the active zone and is displayed in the top option bar.
To specify zone log in options:
1. Click the System tab, then click Global Properties.
2. Select Zones in the side navigation bar.
3. Select List all Zones as drop-down menu to allow the user to select a zone from a list.
Select Request the Zone as text field to require the user to type the zone name in text field when
logging in.
4. Click Save.
To log in to a zone:
1. Enter the URL of the DSView 3 server host in the address bar of a web browser.
2. Enter a valid username and password in the fields provided.
3. Specify the highest level zone for which you have access rights by typing the zone in the Zone
Specify the highest level zone for which you have access rights by selecting a zone name from
the Zone menu.
NOTE: If you do not specify a zone, DSView 3 software attempts to log you in to the top level zone. If you do not
have access rights to the top level zone, the login attempt fails.
4. Click Login.
Chapter 16: DS Zones
To switch zones:
Click the System tab, then click Zones. The Zones window opens and lists all created zones. Select
the checkbox next to the zone to which you want to switch and click Switch.
In the top left corner of the window, your username and the active zone list is displayed. Click the
name of the zone to open a pop-up menu, then select the zone to which you want to switch.
Transferring units to a zone
You can transfer managed appliances, blade chassis, hypervisor managers or hypervisor servers to
zones for which you have access rights. All associated target devices are transferred with the unit,
NOTE: If you are transferring units that require licenses, such as a VMware ESX Server, the zone to which you
are moving the units must be assigned the appropriate licenses (see Assigning zone licenses on page 222). If
the zone does not have sufficient licenses, the transfer fails.
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the unit(s) you wish to move.
2. Click Operations, then select Move Units to Zone from the drop-down menu. The Move Units
Wizard opens.
3. From the list provided, select the zone to which you wish to move the unit(s). Click Next.
4. The Completed Successful window opens. Click Finish.
You can access the units and associated target devices when you are active in the zone that owns
the units.
Managing zone properties
Once you have created a zone, you can modify the zone name, license distribution and access
To modify the zone name:
1. Click the System tab, then click Global Properties.
2. Select Zones in the side navigation bar.
3. Click the name of zone you wish to modify.
4. Click Name in the side navigation bar.
5. Enter a unique zone name in the field. The current zone path in relation to higher level zones is
6. Click Save.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Assigning zone licenses
You can manage the distribution of licenses among zones. Assigning licenses to each zone prevents
one zone from starving other zones of licenses. You can control which add-on features a zone may
use, how many licenses of each feature a zone may use, and how many sublevel zones can be
You must specify at least one client session license for each zone, including the top level zone; for
other license types, you may specify an assigned license value of zero. The number of licenses
assigned to one zone cannot exceed the number of licenses assigned to the parent zone. In addition,
the total number of assigned licenses for all zones cannot exceed the number of licenses in the
DSView 3 software system.
NOTE: For more information on what operations each license type allows, see Licenses on page 54.
To assign zone licenses:
1. Click the System tab, then click Global Properties.
2. Select Zones in the side navigation bar.
3. Click the name of zone you wish to modify.
4. Click Licenses in the side navigation bar.
5. The Assign Zone Licenses window opens. For each license type, enter the number of licenses
that can be used by this zone in the Assigned Licenses field. The number of available licenses
in the zone is listed in the Available Licenses column.
6. Click Save.
Managing zone access rights
When operating a DSView 3 software system with zones, there are multiple layers of access rights
to consider.
First, you can allow or deny access rights per zone. If you deny an access right group for a zone, no
users in that zone, including administrative users, can perform the associated actions. In addition, a
user cannot create a sublevel zone with access rights that were denied in the parent zone. If you
allow an access right group for a zone, specified users in this zone and sublevel zones can perform
the associated actions.
The next layers of access rights are user groups and users. Within a zone, you can assign specific
access rights to user groups. For example, for a zone with Firmware Management allowed, you
could choose to only allow the administrative user group to manage firmware, and prevent other
user groups from managing firmware by restricting the group access rights. To further control user
access rights, you can also assign access rights to individual users.
An administrative user in the top level zone is considered a super user and can manage access rights
for any user in any zone. Administrative users in sublevel zones with appropriate access rights can
manage user access rights for their zone and other zones for which they have access.
Chapter 16: DS Zones
When enabled for a zone, these access right groups permit qualified users to perform the following
Zone Management - Create zones and modify zone properties from the System - Zones
window. Users with access rights can also switch to other zones.
User and User Groups Management - Add or delete users and user groups, and perform
other user and user group management operations from the Users tab.
Unit and Unit Groups Management - Add or delete units and unit groups, and perform
other unit and unit group management operations from the Units tab.
File Management - Add or delete appliance files from the System - Appliance Files
Tasks Management - View, schedule and run tasks from the System - Tasks window.
Firmware Management - Upgrade appliance firmware.
System Management - View and modify some system settings.
Log Viewing - View event logs, data logs and reports under the Reports tab.
To allow or deny access rights for a zone:
1. Click the System tab, then click Global Properties.
2. Select Zones in the side navigation bar.
3. Click the name of zone you wish to modify.
4. Click Access Rights in the side navigation bar.
5. The Assign Zone Rights window opens. For each access rights group, select Allow or Deny.
6. Click Save.
Using Zones
Zones operate as independent subsets of the DSView 3 software system. When logged into a zone,
most actions only affect your active zone, even if you have access rights to other zones. However,
some actions are restricted or are only available to super users (administrative users belonging to
the top level zone). All actions require appropriate zone access rights. Users must also be qualified
with user and user group access rights. The following sections describe under what circumstances
an action may be performed and how it affects the DSView 3 software system.
Units actions in a zone
NOTE: As an exception, a modem is still available to all zones even if it is moved to a sublevel zone.
Table 16.1: Unit Actions in a Zone
User Status Required for Action Zone(s) Affected
Any qualified user Active zone only.
View units
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 16.1: Unit Actions in a Zone (Continued)
User Status Required for Action Zone(s) Affected
Add or delete units
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
Update unit properties
Any qualified user
NOTE: Appliance IP addresses
must be unique across all zones.
To other zones for which he has
access rights.
Move units to another zone
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
NOTE: If the operation or tool
involves multiple units, all units
must be in the same zone.
Use unit operations and tools
View unit groups
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
NOTE: The user group name must
be unique within the active zone,
but can be duplicated in other
zones. When a zone is created,
three groups are automatically
created: global root, unassigned
and personal root.
Add unit groups
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
NOTE: The global root, unassigned
and personal root groups cannot be
Delete unit groups
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Assign units to unit groups
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
NOTE: The site, department or
location name must be unique
within the active zone, but can be
duplicated in other zones. If a unit is
moved to another zone, any
associated sites, departments or
locations are deleted.
Add or remove sites, departments
or locations
Any qualified user
Import or export units, unit groups,
users, user groups and associated Any qualified user
To or from the active zone only.
Chapter 16: DS Zones
User actions in a zone
Table 16.2: User Actions in a Zone
User Status Required for Action Zone(s) Affected
View user accounts
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
NOTE: When adding a user, the
username must be unique within
the active zone, but can be
duplicated in other zones. When
using the Add User Wizard, only
authentication services and groups
that belong to the active zone can
be selected.
Add or delete users
Any qualified user
Users and user groups cannot be
moved user to another zone.
NOTE: A user or user group is
permanently owned by the zone
that was active when the user was
added, but a user can visit (switch
to) other zones. If necessary, you
can delete a user or user group
from its zone and recreate it in
another zone.
Move users or user groups to a
Not permitted for any user
View user groups
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
NOTE: The user group name must
be unique within the active zone,
but can be duplicated in other
zones. When using the Add User
Group Wizard, only authentication
services that belong to the active
zone can be selected.
Add or delete user groups
NOTE: Built-in user groups cannot
be deleted.
View or export authentication
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 16.2: User Actions in a Zone (Continued)
User Status Required for Action Zone(s) Affected
Active zone only.
NOTE: The same authentication
service cannot be reused in
multiple zones. The authentication
service must be added to each
zone where it will be used. As a
result, virtual users may end up in
multiple zones, but each instance of
the user in a zone is treated as
unique user in the DSView 3
software system.
Add authentication services
Any qualified user
An authentication service cannot be
moved to another zone.
NOTE: An authentication service is
permanently owned by the zone
that was active when the
Move authentication services
Not permitted for any user
authentication services was added.
If necessary, you can delete an
authentication service from its zone
and recreate it in another zone
Active zone only. Both the user and
unit must belong to the active zone.
Assign unit access rights to users
Any qualified user
Active zone only. Both the user and
group must belong to the active
Assign users to groups
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
View effective rights for users
Active zone only.
Reports, events and data logging actions in a zone
Table 16.3: Reports, Events and Data Logging Actions in a Zone
User Status Required for Action Zone(s) Affected
For all zones for which he has
access rights.
View system logs and events
View or export data logs
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
All zones.
View and modify email notifications Any qualified user
Modify log retention
Modify events
Super users only
Super users only
Any qualified user
All zones.
View usage and asset reports
Active zone only.
Chapter 16: DS Zones
Modifying system settings in a zone
Table 16.4: Modifying System Settings in a Zone
User Status Required for Action Zone(s) Affected
Modify DSView 3 server settings
Modify global properties
Super users only
Super users only
All zones.
All zones.
All zones.
Back up the DSView 3 server
database and system files
Super users only
Schedule power control
Export event log
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
Any qualified user
All zones.
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
All zones.
Migrate units
Pull names from selected units
Test modem connection
Update topology
Active zone only.
Active zone only.
Upgrade firmware
Validate external authentication
services user accounts
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
View appliance files
Any qualified user
Super users only
Any qualified user
Active zone only.
All zones.
Manage plug-ins
Configure SNMP trap settings
Active zone only.
To the top level zone only. The top
level zone must be active at the
time of import.
Import system settings
Super users only
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Managing User Accounts
The DSView 3 software allows you to:
Add, change and delete user accounts
Unlock user accounts
Specify user account restrictions
Change user group membership
Display user and user group access rights to target devices and managed appliances
Add and delete user-defined user groups
Display, assign and remove user group members from built-in or user-defined user groups
User Accounts Windows
User accounts are displayed and managed through User Accounts windows.
To display the User Accounts window:
1. Click the Users tab. The User Accounts - All window will open.
2. To display the names of users in a built-in or user-defined user group, click the group name
3. To select a user, click on a username in a User Accounts window.
Customizing the User Accounts window
The User Name field is usually displayed in the User Accounts window. One of the icons in
Table 17.1 will appear to the left of the usernames and represent the status of each DSView 3
software user.
Table 17.1: User Status Icons
Enabled - The user can log in and use the DSView 3 software.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 17.1: User Status Icons (Continued)
Face with a
red X
Disabled - The user cannot log in to the DSView 3 software. See User
account restrictions and expiration settings on page 236.
Locked - The user account has been locked; the user cannot log in to the
DSView 3 software because the maximum number of log in failures has been
Accounts on page 233.
Suspicious - The user account exists, but the external authentication server
no longer contains the account.
Expired - The user account is configured with an expiration date, which has
Face with a
Full Name - Another name for a user. For example, a user may have a username of Sunrise1
and a full name defined as Mary Jones. See Username on page 234.
Status - User account status: Enabled, Disabled, Locked, Suspicious or Expired. One of the
user status icons in Table 17.1 will appear to the left of the username.
values are not displayed for external users (users validated with external authentication
services). To display an external user’s effective and group preemption level, select the user’s
Authentication Services on page 79.
on page 238.
Default E-Mail - Default email account defined in the user’s properties. See Email contact on
page 238.
E-Mail 1-E-Mail 5 - Up to five additional email accounts defined in the user’s properties. See
Email contact on page 238.
Chapter 17: Managing User Accounts
page 239.
Group Preemption Level - Highest preemption level of all groups to which the user belongs.
For example, if a user belongs to appliance administrators (with a group preemption level of 3)
Levels on page 41.
page 238.
Mobile Phone - Mobile phone number defined in the user’s properties. See Phone contact on
page 238.
Pager - Pager number defined in the user’s properties. See Phone contact on page 238.
User Preemption Level - User preemption level defined in the user’s properties. See
Adding User Accounts
The following information is configured when a user account is created:
an external authentication server. See Authentication Services on page 79.
The user groups in which the user will be included. Each user group contains specific access
rights that allow a user to perform specific actions. See User Groups on page 241.
The preemption level for interrupting or disconnecting serial or KVM sessions. See
Preemption Levels on page 41.
You must have DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator rights to add a user.
To add a user account:
2. Click Add. The Add User Account Wizard will appear.
3. The Select Authentication Service window will open. This window lists the DSView 3
software internal service and all the external authentication services that have been added,
which may be used to authenticate users when they log in. See Authentication Services on
page 79.
Select an authentication service and then click Next.
If you selected DSView Internal, go to step 4.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
If you selected any other authentication service, go to step 5.
4. The Type in User Credentials window will open.
a. Type a username, password and confirm the password of the user you are adding.
Usernames may contain up to 256 non-case sensitive characters (if a RADIUS external
authentication service will be used, the limit is 253 characters). Usernames are case-
preserving. For example, if an account named JDoe is created, it will be saved as JDoe in
the DSView 3 server, but a user may log in as JDoe, jdoe, JDOe and so on.
Passwords may contain 3-64 characters. Passwords will never expire unless User must
change password at next login is selected in the Unit Password window, or Passwords
Expire information is specified in the Authentication Service User Account Policies
window. A DSView 3 software administrator may specify a different minimum character
length and change expiration criteria. See Authentication Services on page 79.
b. To enable users to set their own passwords when they log in to the DSView 3 software,
click User must change password at next login.
c. To designate the account as a service account, select the Service Account checkbox. A
service account cannot be used to log in to the DSView 3 software. A service account can
be used to impersonate another user over the Web Services API or GUI Access API. For
more information, see the DSView 3 software SDK online help.
NOTE: A service account may only be created if you selected the DSView 3 software internal authentication
service in step 3.
d. Click Next. Go to step 6.
5. The Specify User Name window will open.
If you selected RADIUS, TACACS+ or RSA SecurID in step 3:
a. Enable the Specify user on external authentication service radio button.
b. Type the username that is configured on the RADIUS, TACACS+ or RSA SecurID
c. Click Next.
If you selected any other type of external authentication service in step 3, you may either
specify the username or find the user on the external authentication service.
To specify the user, enable the Specify user on external authentication service radio button
and type the name of the user. Then click Next.
Usernames may contain up to 256 characters. Usernames may or may not be case
sensitive, depending on the requirements of the external authentication server.
To find the user, enable the Find user on external authentication service radio button. The
Select User from External Authentication Service window will open.
If the list of users contains more than 5000 entries, a message will indicate that not all
items are displayed. You may filter the list by using the Filter button and the adjacent text
field. Specifying a username in the text field will return all valid matches. If filtering on
Chapter 17: Managing User Accounts
another item (such as full name), you must include a wildcard. See Filtering information
in a window on page 26.
6. Assign the user to user groups from the Available Groups list, which includes all built-in and
user-defined groups. Select one or more groups and click Add. The group names will move to
the Member Of list, and the new user(s) will be added to those groups. Click Next.
7. From the Preemption Levels menu, select a preemption level from 1-4; the higher the number,
the higher the preemption level. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
8. Click Finish. The user(s) have been added.
The DSView 3 software obtains external group membership and external user information when a
user logs in. If a user’s group membership changes or the user is deleted externally, the DSView 3
software will not see those changes until the next time that user logs in.
Deleting User Accounts
To delete one or more user accounts:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the username(s). To delete all users on the page, click the
checkbox to the left of User Name at the top of the list.
3. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Unlocking User Accounts
If lock-out settings have been specified for the DSView 3 internal authentication service and a user
exceeds these settings, the user will not be allowed to attempt another log in until a certain amount
of time has passed. Users that have been locked out will appear with a lock next to their name in the
User Accounts window and Locked will appear in the Status column.
User administrators or administrators may manually unlock the user accounts.
To unlock one or more user accounts:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. In a User Accounts window, click the checkbox to the left of the username(s).
3. Click Unlock.
Resetting a User Account Password
A DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator may reset a user’s password. When a
password is reset, the user will be required to login by typing password as their password, then
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
enter and verify a new password for their account the next time they start a new DSView 3 software
To reset a user account password:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the user(s) to reset the password.
3. Click Reset Password. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
4. Confirm or cancel the reset.
Changing User Account Properties
If you have DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator privileges, you may change the
following account properties for a user:
The user (login) name and full name
The certificate associated with the user
The SSH key associated with the user
Login password
Account login restrictions and expiration settings
The user groups to which the user is assigned
User preemption levels
Home and business addresses
Home, business, mobile and pager phone numbers
Primary email address and up to five additional email addresses
Notes you wish to add about the user
Up to six custom fields
Some properties may be changed only if the user account will be using the DSView 3 software
internal authentication service. See Authentication Services on page 79.
The username information that you may specify for a user includes:
User Name - The name that the DSView 3 software uses to log in and identify the user.
Full Name - The actual name of the user.
For example, you may use Engr10 as the username and Jonathan Z. Smith as the full name to
identify the person associated with the username.
To change the name of a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
Chapter 17: Managing User Accounts
3. Type the username for the user.
4. Type the full name of the user.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
Certificates may be changed only for internal authentication users. If the system certificate policy is
enabled for user certificates (see System certificate policy and trust store on page 47), the user
certificate used at login must meet the policy requirements.
As an alternative to using this method, the user may change the certificate in the profile settings,
but only if the administrator has enabled a global setting to allow it. See Specifying a user
certificate on page 38.
To change the certificate associated with a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Credentials in the side navigation bar and then click Certificate. The User Certificate
window will open. If a certificate has failed a test required in the system certificate policy, the
failure information is displayed.
4. Type the path and name of the certificate or browse to the certificate location.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
User SSH key
A configurable SSH key may be used by a serial console appliance to authenticate a DSView 3
software user who is using an out of band client (for example, someone using a PuTTY SSH client
connecting to the serial console appliance (only RSA keys with a maximum length of 1024 bits are
allowed).The appliance then verifies the public key against the one stored for the user in the
DSView 3 software.
As an alternative to using this method, the user may specify the SSH key in the profile settings, but
only if the administrator has enabled a global setting to allow it. See Specifying an SSH key on
page 39.
To specify a user SSH key:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Credentials in the side navigation bar and then click SSH Key. The User SSH Key
window will open.
4. Type the 1-256 character name of the file containing the public SSH key that was generated by
a third party key generator or browse to the file location.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
5. Click Save and then click Close. The SSH key file will be uploaded to the DSView 3 server for
use in authenticating the user.
User password
A user’s password may be changed or you may specify that a user must enter a new password
during the next login.The password may be changed only for internal authentication users.
To change a user password or force a new password:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. In a User Accounts window, click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Password in the side navigation bar. The User Password window will open.
4. Type the new password for the user and verify the new password.
5. To force a user to define a new password during the next login, enable the User must change
password at next login checkbox.
6. Click Save and then click Close.
User account restrictions and expiration settings
Account restriction and expiration settings may be changed only for internal authentication users.
To change user account restrictions and expiration settings:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Restrictions in the side navigation bar. The User Account Restrictions window will open.
4. To change account restrictions:
To prevent the user from logging into the DSView 3 software, enable the Disable user
account checkbox. (Users with open sessions will remain logged in.) To re-enable the user
account, uncheck the Disable user account checkbox.
To force a user to define a new password during the next login, enable the User must
change password at next login checkbox.
To prevent the user from changing the password, enable the User cannot change password
To prevent a user’s password from expiring, enable the Click Password never expires
To designate the account as a service account, enable the Service Account checkbox. A
service account cannot be used to log in to the DSView 3 software. A service account can
be used to impersonate another user over the Web Services API or GUI Access API. For
more information, see the DSView 3 software SDK online help.
NOTE: A service account may only be created if you are using the DSView 3 software internal authentication
Chapter 17: Managing User Accounts
5. To change account expiration settings:
To indicate no expiration date, enable the Never radio button.
To specify an expiration date, enable the End of radio button. Then click the button to the
right of the adjacent field, and a calendar will be displayed. Select the date when the user
6. Click Save and then click Close.
User group membership
See User Groups on page 241.
To change the group membership of a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click User Groups in the side navigation bar. The User Group Membership window will open.
4. To add a user to one or more groups, select the group(s) in the Available Groups list, then click
Add. The columns will be moved to the Member Of list.
5. To remove the user from one or more groups, select the group(s) in the Member Of list, then
click Remove. The groups will be moved to the Available Groups list.
user logs in. If a user’s group membership changes or the user is deleted externally, the DSView 3
software will not see those changes until the next time that user logs in.
Preemption level
See Preemption Levels on page 41.
To change the preemption level of a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Preemption Levels in the side navigation bar. The User Preemption Level window will
4. Select a preemption level (1-4) from the menu.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
The user address may be changed only for internal authentication users.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To specify address information for a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Addresses in the side navigation bar. The User Address Properties window will open.
4. Type the home address and business address of the user.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
Phone contact
The phone contact may be changed only for internal authentication users.
To specify phone contact information for a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Telephones in the side navigation bar. The User Telephone Properties window will open.
4. Type the home phone number, business phone number, mobile phone number, mobile business
phone number and/or pager number of the user.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
Email contact
Email contacts may be changed only for internal authentication users.
To specify email contact information for user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. In a User Accounts window, click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click E-Mail Addresses in the side navigation bar. The User E-Mail Properties window will
4. Type the primary email address of the user and up to five additional email addresses.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
User notes
User notes may be changed only for internal authentication users.
To specify notes about a user:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Notes in the side navigation bar. The User Notes window will open.
4. Type any information you wish.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
Chapter 17: Managing User Accounts
Custom field properties
You may specify any information you wish in the six custom fields. Custom field properties may
be changed only for internal authentication users.
To change the custom fields:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username.
3. Click Custom Fields in the side navigation bar. The User Custom Fields window will open.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
User Access Rights
Access rights indicate whether a user is allowed to perform certain actions on a unit in the DSView
actions that can be enabled/disabled for target devices and managed appliances.
the units for which rights will be assigned, then indicate the permission to perform the action (none,
allow, deny or inherit) for each unit. That procedure is described in this section.
There are other ways to assign access rights:
From a user group perspective - see User Group Access Rights on page 246
From a unit perspective - see Unit Access Rights on page 146
From a unit group perspective - see Changing the unit group properties on page 215
To display a user’s access rights:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username. The User Name window will open.
3. Click Effective Rights in the side navigation bar and then click All Units, Target Devices or
Appliances. The Target Device Effective Rights or Appliance Effective Rights window will
open. Columns indicate the available actions for the unit.
Black check mark - The user has been granted access for this right.
Gray check mark - A group to which the user belongs has been granted access for this
Black X - The user has been denied access for this right.
Gray X - A group to which the user belongs has been denied access for this right.
No check mark - No access has been granted or denied for this right.
The access rights display for a target device may contain information that appears invalid. For
example, virtual media access can be enabled to a target device that does not support it.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Similarly, virtual media access to a target device could be enabled but KVM (Video Viewer)
access may be disabled. See About target device access rights on page 145 for more
will open.
Customizing Appliance and Target Device Access Rights windows
The Name field is always displayed in the Target Device Access Rights and Appliance Access
Rights windows. The action fields may also be displayed (see About Access Rights on page 144).
Use the Customize link to add or remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in
windows on page 28.
To add or remove access rights through a user account:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click on a username.
3. Click Access Rights in the side navigation bar. The User Access Rights window will open.
4. To add or remove a unit or unit group from the Unit and Unit Groups list, click Edit List. The
User Access Rights Unit Selection window will open.
To add one or more units/unit groups, select the units/groups in the Available list, then
click Add. The units/unit groups will be moved to the List to Update list.
To remove one or more units/unit groups, select the units/groups in the List to Update list,
then click Remove. The units/unit groups will be moved to the Available list. (Inherited
users and user groups can only be removed from the first unit group that specified any
access rights other than inherit.)
5. Click OK. The User Access Rights window will display the current list of units/unit groups.
6. To add/remove access rights for a unit/unit group, select a unit or unit group from the Unit and
Unit Groups list, then enable or disable a checkbox in the Access Rights table for each access
Allow - the access right is allowed for the user.
Deny - the access right is denied for the user.
Inherit - the access right is inherited from the unit group(s) to which the selected unit/unit
group belongs. When Inherit is selected, the Allow and Deny checkboxes will become
gray and unchangeable, and indicate the inherited value. If the inherited settings indicated
both Allow and Deny, the inherited value is Deny, which takes precedence.
To disable the inherit functionality, uncheck the Inherit checkbox.
If none of the checkboxes are checked, the access right is neither allowed nor denied.
7. Repeat the preceding step for other units/unit groups.
8. Click Save and then click Close.
User Groups
Users that have been added to the DSView 3 software system may be added to the following two
types of user groups:
Appliance Administrators, Auditors, DSView 3 software administrators, Everyone, User
Administrators and Users. All users are automatically included in the Everyone user group
when they are added to the DSView 3 software system. Users may be added to any of the other
user groups. The privileges that a user has to perform tasks on the DSView 3 software system
is dependent on the built-in user group to which the user is a member. See Built-in User
Groups on page 40.
User-defined - You may also define custom groups, based on any criteria you wish. For
example, you may want to define groups based on user administrators with read-only access,
appear in the User Groups - User Defined window. The Preemption Level column will indicate the
preemption level of each user group. The windows may also display the following fields. Use the
Customize link to add or remove fields in the display: See Using the Customize link in windows on
page 28.
Authentication Server - Name of the authentication server assigned to the user. See
Authentication Services on page 79.
Role - Role of a user-defined user group, which may be None, User, Auditor, Appliance
Administrator, User Administrator or DSView Administrator. The role column for a built-in
user group or a user-defined user group with a role of None will be empty.
Type - Type of user group, which will be built-in or user-defined.
To display user groups:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Built-In will automatically be selected in the side
navigation bar and the User Groups - Built-in window will open. To display the user-defined
groups, click User-Defined in the side navigation bar. The User Groups - User Defined
window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Group naming in external authentication services
Groups in Active Directory (AD) external authentication services are specified using a combination
of their Active Directory folder and group name, minus the group container specified in the
DSView 3 software.
The group container defaults to the AD domain root if it is unspecified.
For example, if you have an AD external authentication service for the “sw.eng.mydomain.com”
domain with no group container specified, the “Domain Users” group in the
“sw.eng.mydomain.com/Users” folder will have a DSView 3 software equivalent of “Users/
Domain Users”.
Using the same example, but with a group container of “Users”, the DSView 3 software equivalent
is “Domain Users”.
Using the same example, but with a group container of “mydomain.com”, the DSView 3 software
equivalent is “eng/sw/Users/Domain Users”.
Groups in LDAP external authentication services are specified using a modified
distinguishedName of their LDAP object, minus the group base DN specified in the DSView 3
For example, if you have an LDAP external authentication service with a group base DN of
“ou=myldap,c=US”, the “cn=Admin Users,ou=Users,o=myldap,c=US” group will have a DSView
3 software equivalent of “Admin Users”.
Using the same example, but with the “cn=Admin Users,c=Sunrise,ou=Users,o=myldap,c=US”
group, the DSView 3 software equivalent is “Sunrise/Admin Users”.
Adding User-defined User Groups
If you are using DSView 3 software internal authentication, you may add your own custom user-
defined user groups and then add other users that use DSView 3 internal authentication as
External user-defined user groups (on external authentication servers) may be added, but their
membership is not controlled by the DSView 3 software.
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator rights to add user-defined user
DSView 3 software internal, RADIUS, LDAP, Windows NT or Active Directory
authentication services
To add a user-defined user group:
1. Click the Users tab. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Click User-Defined in the side
navigation bar. The User Groups - User Defined window will open.
2. Click Add. The Add User Group wizard will appear.
Chapter 18: User Groups
3. The Select Authentication Service window will open. This window lists all authentication
services that may be used to authenticate the user group when the user logs in. See
Authentication Services on page 79.
Click on the name of an authentication service and then click Next.
If you selected DSView Internal as the authentication service, go to step 4.
If you selected any other type of authentication service, go to step 5.
NOTE: If you are adding a group to the TACACS+ authentication service, see TACACS+ external authentication
services on page 244 for more information.
4. The Type in Internal Group Name window will open. Type the name for the new user group
you wish to create. User-defined user group names may contain up to 256 characters. User-
defined user group names are case-preserving. Go to step 6.
Click Specify a group on external authentication service and type the name of the group in
the field.
User group names may contain up to 256 non-case sensitive characters. User group names
are case-preserving if the user group on the external authentication server is case sensitive.
See Group naming in external authentication services on page 242.
Click Import the external group - Everyone to consider any user on the external
authentication server as a member of this user group.
the external authentication service. If the list of groups contains more than 5000 entries, a
message will indicate that not all items are displayed.
You may filter the list by using the Filter button and the adjacent text field. If you are
using an Active Directory Server, you can choose the filter method.
Click Filter in DSView 3 Server (legacy) to use a traditional filtering method; see Filtering
information in a window on page 26.
filter uses LDAP search syntax. This method passes the filter to the AD server allowing
Select one or more external authentication service groups from the list.
6. Select a role for the user group(s). See Built-in User Groups on page 40 for information about
user roles.
7. From the Preemption Levels menu, select a preemption level from 1-4; the higher the number,
the higher the preemption level. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
8. Click Finish.
TACACS+ external authentication services
To add a TACACS+ user group:
1. Click the Users tab. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Click User-Defined in the side
navigation bar. The User Groups - User Defined window will open.
2. Click Add. The Add User Group wizard will appear.
3. The Select Authentication Service window will open. This window lists all authentication
services that may be used to authenticate the user group when the user logs in. Select an
appropriate TACACS+ authentication service from the list. Click Next.
4. If the TACACS+ service you selected is configured to use the privilege level attribute method,
the Specify External Group Name window will open and display a list of privilege levels 0-15
(the higher the number, the higher the level of access).
Select a privilege level from the list. The DSView 3 server will assign a group name based on
the privilege level you select. For example, if you choose level 7, the group name will be
Privilege Level 7.
Click Next.
If the TACACS+ service you selected is configured to use the group name custom attribute
method, the Specify External Group Name window will open and display a Name field. Type
must correspond to one of the values configured in the TACACS+ service.
Click Next.
5. Select a role for the user group(s), then click Next. See Built-in User Groups on page 40 for
information about user roles.
6. From the Preemption Levels menu, select a preemption level from 1-4; the higher the number,
the higher the preemption level. See Preemption Levels on page 41.
7. Click Finish.
Deleting User-defined User Groups
You may delete any user-defined user groups that have been created in the DSView 3 software
system. You must have DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator rights to delete
user-defined user groups.
To delete a user-defined user group:
1. Click the Users tab. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Click User-Defined in the side
navigation bar. The User Groups - User Defined window will open.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the user group(s) to be deleted. To delete all user groups listed
in the window, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
Chapter 18: User Groups
3. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
User Group Properties
To display the properties of a built-in user group:
1. Click the Users tab. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Built-In will automatically be
selected in the side navigation bar and the User Groups - Built-in window will open.
2. Click on a user group name. The User Group Properties window will open. The display
includes read-only properties for each group: name, type and preemption level.
3. Click Close when you are finished. The User Groups - Built-in window will open.
To display or change the properties of a user-defined user group:
1. Click the Users tab. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Click User-Defined in the side
navigation bar. The User Groups - User Defined window will open.
2. Click on a user group name. The User Group Properties window will open.
NOTE: If the user group belongs to a TACACS+ service that uses the privilege level attribute method, the Name
field will be disabled.
4. To change the preemption level, type a number (from 1-4; the higher the number, the higher the
preemption level) in the Preemption Level field or select a value from the menu. See
Preemption Levels on page 41.
5. To change the role of the user group, select a role from the menu. If you do not wish to assign
a role to the user group, select None.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The User Groups - User Defined window will open.
Changing User Group Members
When users are created, they may be assigned to one or more built-in or user-defined user groups.
You may add or remove users to or from the built-in and user-defined user groups.
To add or remove user group members:
NOTE: Members may only be assigned to or removed from user groups defined on the internal DSView 3
authentication service.
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Built-In will automatically be selected in the side
navigation bar and the User Groups - Built-in window will open. To display the User Groups -
User Defined window, click User-Defined in the side navigation bar.
3. Click on a user group name. The User Group Properties window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. Click Members in the side navigation bar. The User Group Members window will open.
5. Click Assign. The Assign Users to User Group window will open.
6. To add one or more users to the user group, select the user(s) in the Available Users list, then
click Add. The users will be moved to the Members list.
9. Click Close. The User Groups - Built-In or User Groups - User Defined window will open
(depending on which groups you were working with).
You may also add or remove a user from a built-in or user-defined user group by clicking on a
User Group Members on page 245.
User Group Access Rights
Access rights indicate whether a user is allowed to perform certain actions on a unit in the DSView
actions that are available for target devices and managed appliances.
specify the units for which rights will be assigned, then indicate the permission to perform the
action (none, allow, deny or inherit) for each unit. That procedure is described in this section.
There are other ways to assign access rights:
From a user perspective - see User Access Rights on page 239
From a unit perspective - see Unit Access Rights on page 146
From a unit group perspective - see Changing the unit group properties on page 215
To display user group access rights:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar. Built-In will automatically be selected in the side
navigation bar and the User Groups - Built-in window will open. To display the User Groups -
User Defined window, click User-Defined in the side navigation bar.
3. Click on a user group name. The User Group Properties window will open.
4. Click Effective Rights in the side navigation bar and then click All Units, Target Devices or
Appliances. The Target Devices Effective Rights window or Appliance Effective Rights
window will open. Columns indicate the available actions for the unit.
Black check mark - the user has been granted access for this right
Gray check mark - a group to which the user belongs has been granted access for this right
Black X - the user has been denied access for this right
Gray X - a group to which the user belongs has been denied access for this right
Chapter 18: User Groups
No check mark - no access has been granted or denied for this right
The access rights display may contain information that appears invalid. For example, virtual
media access can be enabled to a target device that does not support it. Similarly, virtual media
access could be enabled but KVM (Video Viewer) access may be disabled. See About target
device access rights on page 145 for an explanation.
5. Click Close when you are finished. The User Accounts - All window will open.
To add or remove user group access rights:
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click Groups in the top navigation bar.
3. Built-In will automatically be selected in the side navigation bar and the User Groups - Built-in
window will open. To display the User Groups - User Defined window, click User-Defined in
the side navigation bar.
4. Click on a user group name.
5. Click Access Rights in the side navigation bar. The User Group Access Rights window will
6. To add or remove a unit or unit group from the Unit and Unit Groups list, click Edit List. The
User Group Access Rights Unit Selection window will open.
To add one or more units/unit groups, select the units/groups in the Available list, then
click Add. The units/unit groups will be moved to the List to Update list.
To remove one or more units/unit groups, select the units/groups in the List to Update list,
then click Remove. The units/unit groups will be moved to the Available list.
7. Click OK. The User Group Access Rights window will display the current list of units/unit
8. To add/remove access rights for a unit/unit group, select a unit or unit group from the Unit and
Unit Groups list, then enable or disable a checkbox in the Access Rights table for each access
Allow - the access right is allowed for members of the user group.
Deny - the access right is denied for members of the user group.
Inherit - the access right is inherited from the unit group(s) to which the selected unit/unit
group belongs. When Inherit is selected, the Allow and Deny checkboxes will become
gray and unchangeable, and indicate the inherited value. If the inherited settings indicated
both Allow and Deny, the inherited value is Deny, which takes precedence.
To disable the inherit functionality, uncheck the Inherit checkbox.
If none of the checkboxes are checked, the access right is neither allowed nor denied.
9. Repeat the preceding step for other units/unit groups.
10. Click Save and then click Close.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using the Video Viewer
The Video Viewer is used to conduct a KVM session with one or more target devices attached to
one or more KVM switches. You may optionally use KVM session profiles to control session
behavior on target devices. When you connect to a device using the Video Viewer, the target device
desktop appears in a separate window. The Video Viewer window supports either a 3 or 5 button
Virtual media sessions, which are supported on certain KVM switches, are opened from the Video
About the Video Viewer
Firefox based clients when a KVM session is requested. The ActiveX Video Viewer is launched
from Internet Explorer on Windows.
KVM sessions may be launched to devices from any supported KVM switch. Each KVM session
will be established using the configured encryption level. See Managed Appliance Session Settings
on page 171.
To launch a KVM session, a user must have been assigned rights or belong to a user group which
has been assigned rights to establish a KVM session. See About Access Rights on page 144.
The DSView 3 software uses system memory to store and display images within Video Viewer
windows. Each opened Video Viewer window requires additional system memory. An 8-bit color
setting on the client PC requires 1.4 MB of memory per Video Viewer window, a 16-bit color
setting requires 2.4 MB and a 32-bit color setting requires 6.8 MB. Opening more than four
simultaneous Video Viewer windows may affect system performance and is not recommended. If
When using a non-proxied connection, video performance over a slower network connection may
be less than optimal. Since certain color settings use less network bandwidth than others, changing
the color settings may increase video performance. For optimal video performance over a slower
network connection, a color setting such as Grayscale/Best Compression or Low Color/High
Compression is recommended. See Color depth on page 258.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
The Video Viewer client requires Java when launched from Mozilla or Firefox browsers. The
supported Java version is 1.5.0_02. The Video Viewer requires this version. The DSView 3
software client automatically downloads and installs the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) the first
time the Video Viewer or Telnet Viewer is launched. See Java Installation on page 19.
See the DSR Installer/User Guide for information about how the keys on a standard Type 5 Sun
keyboard are emulated on a PS/2 keyboard.
Window Features
Figure 19.1: Video Viewer Window (Normal Windows Mode) (Windows OS Shown)
Table 19.1: Video Viewer Window Descriptions
Title Bar: Displays the name of the server being viewed. When in Full Screen mode, the title bar
disappears and the server name appears between the menu and toolbar.
Thumbtack: Locks the display of the menu and toolbar so that it is visible at all times.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
Table 19.1: Video Viewer Window Descriptions (Continued)
Number Description
cursor over the toolbar to display the menu and toolbar.
Up to ten commands and/or macro group buttons may be displayed on the toolbar. By default,
the Single Cursor Mode, Refresh, Automatic Video Adjust and Align Local Cursor buttons
appear on the toolbar. See Toolbar profile settings on page 258 and Macros on page 274.
Macro button: Displays when a user specifies icons for macros and indicates that the icons
should appear on the toolbar. See Macros on page 274.
Minimize button: Minimizes the display of the Video Viewer window into the task bar at the
bottom of the local computer.
Maximize button: Changes the window to Full Screen mode, which expands the accessed
device desktop to fill the entire screen. When you expand the window, the following occurs:
The title bar disappears.
The server name appears between the menu and toolbar.
The Maximize button is changed to a Normal Window Mode button and it appears on the
toolbar. Clicking the button will toggle the Video Viewer window to Normal Window mode.
The Close button appears on the toolbar.
Close button: Closes the Video Viewer window. This button may not be present on all operating
Accessed device desktop: Interacts with your device through this window.
Frame: Resizes the Video Viewer window by clicking and holding on the frame.
NOTE: On supported Macintosh system clients, the placement of some buttons is different. The Minimize,
Maximize and Close buttons are located on the left side of the screen, and the frame can be resized by clicking
in the lower right corner.
NOTE: On supported Macintosh system clients, the Video Viewer opens in a self-contained window and is not
included in the Macintosh Application Menu.
Opening a KVM Session
See Connecting to an existing session on page 252 for information about what occurs if the device
you are attempting to access is currently being viewed by another user.
To open a KVM session from the DSView 3 Explorer:
In a Units View window containing the target device you want to access (see Accessing Units View
windows on page 106), click the KVM Session link in the Action column of the target device you
wish to view.
The Video Viewer launches in a new window.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To open a KVM session using the Unit Overview window:
1. In a Units View window containing the target device you want to access (see Accessing Units
View windows on page 106), click on the name of the target device. The Unit Overview
window will open.
2. Click on the KVM Session name or icon.
The Video Viewer launches in a new window.
Opening an exclusive KVM session
An exclusive KVM connection is used when you need to access a port while excluding all other
users. When a port is selected with the Exclusive KVM connection setting enabled, no other user in
the system may switch to that port.
To open an exclusive (non-shared) KVM session from the DSView 3 Explorer:
1. In a Units View window containing the target device you want to access (see Accessing Units
View windows on page 106), click the alternate actions arrow in the Action column of the
target device. A list of actions will appear.
2. Click the Exclusive KVM Session link.
The Video Viewer launches in a new window. A yellow dot will appear next to the icon of the
target device in the Units View windows to indicate an Exclusive KVM connection. Other
users may not share that session.
To open an exclusive (non-shared) KVM session in the Unit Overview window:
1. In a Units View window containing the target device you want to access (see Accessing Units
View windows on page 106), click on the name of the target device. The Unit Overview
window will open.
2. Click Exclusive KVM Session.
3. Click the KVM Session icon or link in the Unit Overview window.
The Video Viewer launches in a new window. A yellow dot will appear next to the icon of the
target device in the Units View windows to indicate an Exclusive KVM connection. Other
users may not share the session.
Connecting to an existing session
When you attempt to connect to a port already in use by another user, the Cannot connect to the
server dialog box displays and states that the port is in use along with the name of the current
user(s). At this point, you may request to share access to the port with the current user(s).
You may be presented with one or more of the following options:
Actively share a connection - When you are prompted to share a connection and you click
Share with the other user but do not click Passive Share, an active connection will be
established. When sharing access to a port actively, all users may monitor the port and take
control if no other user is currently active.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
When you click OK, the primary user who is currently active will receive a request to allow
sharing unless Allow shared connections automatically has been enabled (see Video Viewer
session properties on page 253). If the user confirms, then you will be given active access to
the port.
established. When sharing access to a port passively, you may only view what occurs on the
target device, without controlling the keyboard or mouse.
When you click OK, the primary user who is currently active will receive a request to allow
sharing unless Allow shared connections automatically has been enabled (see Video Viewer
session properties on page 253). If the user confirms, then you will be given passive access to
the port.
Preempt a user’s connection (DSView 3 software administrators and user administrators only)
- When you are prompted to preempt the user’s session and you click Preempt the other user,
the user requesting access to the target device will be connected and existing user(s) will lose
their connection to the target device. The existing user(s) will be notified that their sessions
have been preempted.
You cannot preempt a local user who is in broadcast mode. See the DSR Installer/User Guide
for more information.
Make a stealth connection (DSView 3 software administrators and user administrators only) -
When you are prompted to connect using Stealth mode and you click Stealth mode, a Video
Viewer window session will be started but you will only be able to view what occurs on the
target device, without controlling the keyboard or mouse. The user who is currently active will
not be notified that access is being shared and no request to authorize sharing will be made.
Up to 12 users may share a single port at one time. If a 13th user attempts to connect, an error
message will inform the user that no sessions are available.
To display a list of users sharing their port or channel, select View - List of Shared Users in the
Video Viewer window. Users in stealth mode are excluded from this display.
Video Viewer session properties
Session properties specify whether users may share Video Viewer sessions automatically and
whether shared connections may be viewed with the Video Viewer View - Connected Users
To change Video Viewer session properties:
You must have DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator privileges to configure
Video Viewer session properties.
1. Click the System tab in the DSView 3 Explorer.
2. Click Global Properties in the top navigation bar. The Video Viewer Session Properties
window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. To allow other users to share a Video Viewer session automatically, enable the Allow shared
connections automatically checkbox. You will not be notified that they wish to connect to the
Disable the checkbox if you want to be notified when other users want to share the Video
Viewer session. When a user attempts to connect to the session, you will be notified and
prompted to accept or reject the connection request.
4. To display a list of shared connections using the View - Connected Users command in the
Video Viewer window, enable the View identity of shared connections checkbox. See
Displaying Video Viewer Users on page 270.
5. To specify if smart card connections can be used in Video Viewer sessions, enable or disable
Allow Smart Cards to be used in Video Viewer sessions.
6. To specify if a single available smart card can be automatically mapped, enable or disable
Session time-out
A remote session may time-out if there has been no activity in a session window for a specified
time. The session time-out value is configured by the DSView 3 software administrator at the
switch level. See Managed Appliance Settings on page 147.
You may override this value within the DSView 3 Explorer. If you specify a new time-out value, it
will be used the next time the DSView 3 software is started.
Closing a Video Viewer Session
To close a Video Viewer session:
Select File - Exit from the Video Viewer menu.
KVM Session Profiles
KVM session profiles provide a convenient method of controlling KVM session behavior on a
target device. DSView 3 software appliance administrators may add, change and delete KVM
session profiles. A profile is then assigned to a target device. Appliance administrators or users
with unit configure or unit edit rights may assign a profile to one or more target devices.
There is always one KVM session profile, named the Default KVM Session Profile. (This profile is
called the “default profile” for the remainder of this section.) Its configuration may be changed, but
the default profile cannot be deleted. The default profile is used when the profile assigned to a
target device is deleted. It is also used when a target device is added to the DSView 3 software
system and no other profile is assigned.
NOTE: For DSView 3 software systems that are upgraded to version 3.2 or later from an earlier version, existing
target devices will not be assigned a profile.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
You may create any number of additional KVM session profiles and then assign them to target
devices. When a new profile is created, it has all settings configured to Inherit Default Settings; that
only those settings that differ from the default profile. For example, a new profile may be identical
to the default profile, except with different toolbar settings.
Some settings have a profile override option, which indicates whether users may override the
profile information by using Video Viewer menu commands (see Using Menu Commands to
Manage Session Settings on page 263). If the override option is disabled for a setting in the profile,
the Video Viewer menu selection for that setting will be disabled for the target device using that
profile. If a target device is not assigned a profile, a user with a Video Viewer connection to that
target device may use the Video Viewer menu commands to control their session.
In addition to the profile override option, the color depth and video scaling settings have an option
that can be enabled to prohibit the user from setting a higher value than the current setting.
Enabling this option can improve bandwidth management.
A KVM session profile contains general, cursor, toolbar and video settings.
General profile settings
A KVM session profile name uniquely identifies the profile. Profile names may contain 1-64
characters. No two KVM session profiles may have the same name.
Default macro group
The default macro group setting allows you to choose which global macro group will appear in the
Video Viewer Macros menu. See Macros on page 274.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the default macro group using Video Viewer menu commands.
Keyboard pass through mode
The keyboard pass through mode setting enables or disables keyboard pass through.
Keystrokes that a user enters may be interpreted in two ways, depending on the screen mode of the
Video Viewer window.
If a Video Viewer window is in full screen mode, keystrokes and keyboard combinations are
sent to the remote server being viewed.
If a Video Viewer window is in regular desktop mode, keyboard pass through mode allows you
to control whether the remote server or local computer will recognize certain keystrokes or
keystroke combinations.
When keyboard pass through mode is enabled, keystrokes and keystroke combinations are sent to
the remote server being viewed when the Video Viewer window is active. For Windows, Linux and
Solaris operating systems, all keystrokes and keystroke combinations are supported except Ctrl-Alt-
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Del. For Macintosh operating systems, the following table lists keystrokes and keystroke
combinations that are not supported.
Table 19.2: Macintosh Keys and Keystrokes Not Supported in Keyboard Pass Through
Keystrokes and Keystroke Combinations
Function Key
Brightness Up
Brightness Down
Function Key
Volume Down
Volume Up
Sleep Immediately
Shut Down
Display/Hide Dock
When the local desktop is active, keystrokes and keystroke combinations entered by the user affect
the local computer.
In full-screen mode, keystrokes are always passed to the target device, regardless of the keyboard
pass through mode setting.
See Macros on page 274.
The Japanese keyboard ALT-Han/Zen keystroke combination is always sent to a remote server,
regardless of the screen mode or keyboard pass through setting.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may enable/disable pass through mode using Video Viewer menu commands. You may also
enable/disable full screen mode. See General commands on page 263.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
The menu activation keystroke setting specifies the keystroke that can be used to activate the Video
Viewer menu. When the menu and toolbar display are hidden, pressing this key re-enables the
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the menu activation keystroke using Video Viewer menu commands. See
General commands on page 263.
Cursor profile settings
To prevent potential mouse conflicts, you may configure certain settings on each server connected
to a managed appliance. For details, see the Mouse and Pointer Settings Technical Brief, which is
available on the DSView 3 software DVD and on the Avocent web site.
The local cursor setting specifies the appearance of the local mouse cursor. There are five
appearance choices. You may also choose no cursor or the default cursor.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the local cursor setting using Video Viewer menu commands. See Cursor
commands on page 264.
Single cursor mode - session startup
NOTE: Single cursor mode is available only on supported Windows system clients.
The single cursor mode - session startup setting indicates whether the Video Viewer starts up in
single cursor mode.
In single cursor mode, the display of the local (second) cursor in the Video Viewer window is
turned off and only the target device mouse pointer will be visible. The only mouse movements that
no need for a local cursor.
The cursor mode status of the Video Viewer window displays in the title bar, including the
keystroke that can be used to exit single cursor mode.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may enter and exit single cursor mode using Video Viewer menu commands. See Cursor
commands on page 264.
Single cursor mode - release keystroke
The single cursor mode - release keystroke setting indicates the keystroke that can be used to
release the Video Viewer single cursor mode.
When using a device that captures keystrokes before they reach the client, you should avoid using
those keys to restore the mouse pointer.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the cursor release keystroke using Video Viewer menu commands. See Cursor
commands on page 264.
Toolbar profile settings
The hide delay setting indicates the number of seconds before the toolbar hides in the Video
Viewer window when it is in show/hide state (that is, not locked in place by the thumbtack).
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the hide delay using Video Viewer menu commands. See Toolbar commands on
page 265.
The Available items and Enabled items columns indicate which toolbar functions and macros can
and will be displayed in the Video Viewer window.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the items to display using Video Viewer menu commands. See Toolbar
commands on page 265.
Video profile settings
Color depth
The color depth setting indicates the color depth the Video Viewer will use.
The Dambrackas Video Compression™ (DVC) algorithm allows you to display more colors for the
best fidelity, or fewer colors to reduce the volume of data transferred on the network.
The choices are (in descending color quantity): Best Color, Medium Color/Medium Compression,
Low Color/High Compression or Gray Scale/Best Compression.
value higher than the profile setting. For example, when this control is enabled, if the color depth
will not be able to select Best Color. However, they could select a lower color depth such as Gray
Scale/Best Compression.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the color depth using Video Viewer menu commands. See Video commands on
page 265.
Video scaling
The video scaling setting indicates the Video Viewer window resolution. You may choose absolute
values, auto scale or full scale.
When autoscaling is enabled, the DSView 3 software will automatically adjust the display if the
window size changes during a session. When a user accesses a channel using sharing, the display
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
will be adjusted to match the input resolution selected by the primary user of that channel. This will
prevent the primary user’s display from being affected. If the target device resolution changes any
time during a session, the display will be adjusted automatically.
When full scaling is enabled, the display window is sized to match the resolution of the server
being viewed.
If users are allowed to override this profile setting, you may also control whether they may select a
value higher than the profile setting. For example, when this control is enabled, if the video scaling
setting in the profile is 768 x 576, users on a target device using that profile will not be able to
select 1024 x 768. However, they could select a lower resolution such as 640 x 480.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may specify the video scaling using Video Viewer menu commands. See Video commands on
page 265.
Background refresh
The background refresh setting enables or disables background refresh.
Video Viewer window is updated by the switch only when it determines that the target device video
image has changed.
NOTE: This option is not available if the switch does not support background refresh or if the DSR Remote
Operations software is being used to connect to the DSR switch viewing the target device. See DSR Remote
Operations Software on page 364.
If you enable Allow users to override this setting, or if no profile is assigned to the target device,
users may enable/disable background refresh using Video Viewer menu commands. Users may
also use the Refresh Image command. See Video commands on page 265.
Managing KVM session profiles
Only appliance administrators may display, add, change or delete a KVM session profile. To assign
a profile to a target device, the user must either be an appliance administrator or have unit configure
or edit rights. These operations are all performed in the DSView 3 Explorer.
To display KVM session profile names and settings:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Profiles in the top navigation bar. The KVM Session Profiles window will open, listing
the profile names.
3. To view a profile’s settings, click the profile name, then click General, Cursor, Toolbar or
Video in the side navigation bar to view the settings.
4. Click Close.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To add a KVM session profile:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Profiles in the top navigation bar. The KVM Session Profiles window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add KVM Session Profile window will open.
4. Enter a 1-64 character name for the new profile. The name cannot be the same as the name of
an existing KVM session profile.
5. Click Add. The new profile will be created with all values set to Inherit Default Settings.
To change a KVM session profile:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Profiles in the top navigation bar. The KVM Session Profiles window will open.
3. Click the profile name.
4. Change the desired settings.
For many settings, the choices will include Inherit Default Settings, if you are changing
any profile other than the default profile. When you select Inherit Default Settings, the
fields for that setting will automatically be filled with values from the Default KVM
Session Profile; these values cannot be changed.
menu command or button. When disabled, users cannot override the setting.
For all profiles other than the default profile, if a setting is configured with Inherit Default
Settings, the Allow users to override these settings checkbox for that setting will not be
available (it will be disabled).
5. To change general settings (see General profile settings on page 255):
a. Click General in the side navigation bar. The General Settings window will open.
b. In the Name field, enter a 1-64 character name. This cannot be the same name as an
existing KVM session profile.
c. In the Default Macro Group field, select the macro group that will appear in the Video
Viewer Macros menu. Enable or disable the Allow users to override this setting checkbox.
d. In the Keyboard Pass Through Mode field, enable or disable keyboard pass through.
of this setting.
e. In the Menu Activation Keystroke field, select the keystroke that will activate the Video
Viewer menu. Enable or disable the Allow users to override this setting checkbox.
f. If you changed any settings, click Save.
6. To change cursor settings (see Cursor profile settings on page 257):
a. Click Cursor in the side navigation bar. The Cursor Settings window will open.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
b. In the Local Cursor field, if you do not check the Inherit Default Settings checkbox,
enable the radio button for the desired cursor type. Check or uncheck the Allow users to
override this setting checkbox.
c. In the Single Cursor Mode menu, indicate whether the Video Viewer will start up in single
cursor mode. Enable or disable the Allow users to override these settings checkbox.
d. In the Release Keystroke menu, select the keystroke that will release the Video Viewer
single cursor mode. Enable or disable the Allow users to override these settings checkbox.
e. In the Avocent Mouse Sync menu, select Enable or Disable. Enabling Avocent Mouse
Sync provides improved mouse tracking on the target device on supported system
configurations. If Avocent Mouse Sync is enabled, it is not necessary to disable mouse
settings checkbox.
f. In the Avocent Mouse Sync Notification, select Display Notification or Do Not Display
Notification to indicate if you want the mouse acceleration pop-up warning to display
when a user launches a KVM session. Users cannot override this setting.
g. If you changed any settings, click Save.
7. To change toolbar settings (see Toolbar profile settings on page 258):
a. Click Toolbar in the side navigation bar. The Toolbar Settings window will open.
b. If this is not the default profile, the Inherit Default Settings checkbox may be enabled or
disabled. When enabled, no other settings in this window may be changed.
c. In the Hide Delay field, select the number of seconds for the toolbar hide delay.
d. To add functions to be displayed in the toolbar, select one or more functions from the
Available Functions column, then click Add. The selected items will move to the Enabled
Functions column.
To add macros to be displayed in the toolbar, select one or more macros from the
Available Macros column, then click Add. The selected items will move to the Enabled
Macros column.
will move to the Available Functions or Available Macros column.
e. Enable or disable the Allow users to override these settings checkbox.
f. If you changed any settings, click Save. The enabled functions will be displayed first in
the toolbar, followed by the enabled macros.
8. To change video settings (see Video profile settings on page 258):
a. Click Video in the side navigation bar. The Video Settings window will open.
b. In the Color Depth field, choose the desired value. Enable or disable the Allow users to
override these settings checkbox.
If users are allowed to override this setting, you may also enable or disable the Prohibit
users from selecting a higher value checkbox. When enabled, users may select a higher
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
color depth value than the current setting. When disabled, users may not select a higher
value, but they may select a lower value.
c. In the Video Scaling field, choose the desired value. Enable or disable the Allow users to
override these settings checkbox.
If users are allowed to override this setting, you may also enable or disable the Prohibit
users from selecting a higher value checkbox. When enabled, users may select a higher
video scaling value than the current setting. When disabled, users may not select a higher
value, but they may select a lower value.
d. In the Background Refresh field, enable or disable background refresh. Enable or disable
the Allow users to override these settings checkbox.
e. If you changed any settings, click Save.
9. Click Close.
To delete one or more KVM session profiles:
NOTE: The default KVM Session Profile cannot be deleted.
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Profiles in the top navigation bar.
3. To delete one or more profiles, click the checkbox to the left of the profile name. To delete all
profiles except the Default KVM Session Profile, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the
top of the list.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
To assign a KVM session profile to a target device:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click on the target device name.
Profiles window will open.
4. Click Save and then click Close.
To assign a KVM session profile to multiple target devices:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click the checkbox next to one or more target devices. To change the KVM session
profile for all target devices in the page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the
2. Click Operations, then select Properties from the drop-down menu.
3. The Multiple Unit Properties window will open. Click Profile.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
4. Select a KVM session profile from the menu.
5. Click Save and then click Close.
Using Menu Commands to Manage Session Settings
KVM session profiles contain settings for the many following operations. In a profile, if the Allow
users to override this setting checkbox is enabled for a setting, or if a profile has not been assigned
to a target device, Video Viewer users connected to that target device may use the Video Viewer
menu commands/buttons described in this section.
General commands
All of the following commands except enabling/disabling full screen mode may also be specified in
a KVM session profile; see General profile settings on page 255.
To specify a key for toggling activation of the menu and toolbar:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the General tab.
3. In the Menu Activation Keystroke field, select a keystroke from the menu.
4. Click OK. When you disable the menu and toolbar display, pressing the specified key
reenables the display.
To enable keyboard pass through:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Select Pass-through all keystrokes in regular window mode.
4. Click OK.
To enable or disable full screen mode:
NOTE: The View - Full Screen command may only be used by the primary user. The command is not available to
non-primary users who are sharing the session.
1. To enable full screen mode, click the Maximize button or select View - Full Screen from the
Video Viewer menu. The desktop window will disappear and only the accessed device desktop
will be visible. The screen will be resized up to a maximum of 1024 x 768. If the desktop has a
higher resolution, then a black background will surround the full screen image. The floating
toolbar will appear.
2. To disable full screen mode, click the Full Screen Mode button on the floating toolbar to return
to the desktop window.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Cursor commands
The mouse cursor and key for exiting single cursor mode commands may also be specified in a
KVM session profile; see Cursor profile settings on page 257.
The commands to enter and exit single cursor mode and the command to align the mouse cursors
cannot be set in a KVM session profile.
NOTE: If the target device does not support the ability to disconnect and reconnect the mouse (almost all newer
PCs do), then the mouse will become disabled and the device will have to be rebooted.
To prevent potential mouse conflicts, you may configure certain settings on each server connected
to a managed appliance. For details, see the Mouse and Pointer Settings Technical Brief, which is
available on the DSView 3 software DVD and on the Avocent web site.
To change the mouse cursor setting:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Mouse tab.
3. In the Local Cursor panel, select a mouse cursor type.
4. Click OK.
To enter single cursor mode:
Select Tools - Single Cursor Mode from the Video Viewer menu or click the Single Cursor Mode
button. The local cursor will not appear and all movements will be relative to the target device.
NOTE: Single cursor mode is only available on supported Windows system clients.
To specify a key for exiting single cursor mode:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Mouse tab.
3. In the Single Cursor mode field, select a key from the menu.
4. Click OK. The key will be displayed in the title bar. When single cursor mode is enabled,
pressing the specified key returns the session to regular desktop mode.
To exit single cursor mode:
Press the key identified in the title bar.
To align the mouse cursors:
NOTE: The DSView 3 software cannot get constant feedback from the mouse, so occasionally the mouse on the
switch may lose sync with the mouse on the host system. If your mouse or keyboard no longer responds
properly, align the mouse to re-establish proper tracking. Alignment causes the local cursor to be aligned with the
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
cursor on the remote server. Resetting causes the appliance to simulate a mouse and keyboard reconnect at the
device as if you had disconnected and then reconnected them.
If cursors drift out of alignment, turn off mouse acceleration in the device.
Toolbar commands
These commands may also be specified in a KVM session profile; see Toolbar profile settings on
page 258.
To specify a toolbar hide time:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Toolbar tab.
3. Use the arrow keys to specify the number of seconds to delay the hiding of the toolbar.
4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
To add or remove items in the toolbar:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Toolbar tab.
items to remove from the toolbar.
4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
Video commands
The color depth, scaling and background refresh commands may also be specified in a KVM
session profile; see Video profile settings on page 258. The refresh image button/command cannot
be set in a KVM session profile.
To adjust the color depth:
Select View - Color Depth from the Video Viewer menu, then.select the desired depth.
To change the Video Viewer window resolution:
NOTE: The View - Scaling command is not available if the Video Viewer window is in full screen mode or to non-
primary users of a shared session.
Select the View - Scaling command, then select the desired resolution. The default is 1024 x 768.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To enable or disable background refresh:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Enable or disable the Background Refresh checkbox.
4. Click OK.
You may also use the Refresh Image command.
To refresh the screen:
Click the Refresh Image button in the Video Viewer toolbar or select View - Refresh from the Video
Viewer menu. The digitized video image will be completely regenerated.
Mouse scaling command
Mouse scaling cannot be specified in a KVM session profile.
To prevent potential mouse conflicts, you may configure certain settings on each server connected
to a managed appliance. For details, see the Mouse and Pointer Settings Technical Brief, which is
available on the DSView 3 software DVD and on the Avocent web site.
To set mouse scaling:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Mouse tab.
3. To use one of the preconfigured settings, enable a radio button.
In the Default 1:1 scaling ratio, every mouse movement on the desktop window will send
an equivalent mouse movement to the server.
In the High 2:1 scaling ratio, the same mouse movement will send a 2X mouse movement.
In the Low 1:2 scaling ratio, the value will be 1/2X.
4. To set custom scaling, click the Custom radio button. The X and Y fields become enabled. Type
a mouse scaling value in the X and Y fields. For every mouse input, the mouse movements are
Avocent Mouse Sync
Enabling Avocent Mouse Sync in the KVM session profile provides improved mouse tracking on
the target device. If Avocent Mouse Sync is enabled, it is not necessary to disable mouse
acceleration on the target device.
If overrides are allowed (see Managing KVM session profiles on page 259), the primary user can
require the Video Viewer to override the profile settings.
NOTE: Avocent Mouse Sync is supported on Windows or Macintosh target devices connected with a USB2 IQ
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
To set Avocent Mouse Sync from the Video Viewer:
1. Select Tools - Session Options from the Video Viewer menu or click the Session Options
button. The Session Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Mouse tab.
3. In the Avocent Mouse Sync section, the current status is shown. Enable or disable the Enable
Synchronization checkbox.
NOTE: On supported system configurations, the Avocent Mouse Sync status is Available. If the target device is
running a supported operating system but is not connected with a USB2 IQ module, the status is Not Supported.
If the target device is connected with USB2 IQ module but is not running a Windows or Macintosh operating
system, the status is Unavailable.
4. Click OK.
Manual Video Adjustment
Generally, the Video Viewer window automatic adjustment features will optimize the video for the
best possible view. However, users may fine tune the video with the help of Avocent Technical
Support by using the Tools - Manual Video Adjust command in the Video Viewer menu or clicking
the Manual Video Adjust button. This displays the Manual Video Adjust dialog box.
Video adjustment is a per target setting and applies to each target device you access.
session as follows:
If sharing is not enabled, the video settings made on the local KVM switch during the session
are used.
If sharing is enabled for the non-primary user, video settings are read from the KVM switch.
See Connecting to an existing session on page 252 for information about session sharing.
Users may verify the level of packets per second required to support a static screen by observing
the packet rate which is located in the lower left-hand corner of the dialog box.
To manually adjust the video quality of the window:
NOTE: The following video adjustments should be made only on the advice and with the help of Avocent
Technical Support.
1. Select Tools - Manual Video Adjust from the Video Viewer menu or click the Manual Video
Adjust button. The Manual Video Adjust dialog box appears.
2. Click the icon for the feature you wish to adjust.
3. Move the slider bar and then fine tune the setting by clicking the Min (-) or Max (+) buttons to
adjust the parameter for each icon pressed. The adjustments will display immediately in the
Video Viewer window.
4. When finished, click Close.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 19.2: Manual Video Adjust Dialog Box
Table 19.3: Manual Video Adjust Dialog Box Descriptions
Number Description
Number Description
Image Capture Width
Pixel Noise Threshold
Automatic Video Adjustment
Refresh Image
Pixel Sampling/Fine Adjust
Image Capture Horizontal Position
Image Capture Vertical Position
Adjustment bar
Video Test Pattern
Performance Monitor
Close button
Block Noise Threshold
Image capture width, pixel sampling/fine adjust, image capture horizontal position
and image capture vertical position
The Image Capture Width, Pixel Sampling/Fine Adjust, Image Capture Horizontal Position and
Image Capture Vertical Position adjustments affect how the target video is captured and digitized
and are seldom changed.
The image capture parameters are automatically changed by the Automatic Adjustment function. A
special image is required on the target in order to make accurate adjustments independently.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
Contrast and brightness
If the image in the Video Viewer window is too dark or too light, select Tools - Automatic Video
Adjust or click the Automatic Video Adjust button. This command is also available in the Video
Adjustments dialog box. In most cases, this will correct video problems. In those cases where
clicking on Auto Adjust several times does not set the contrast and brightness as desired, adjusting
the contrast and brightness manually may help.
First, increase the brightness. Do not go more than 10 increments before moving the contrast.
Generally, the contrast should be moved very little.
Detection thresholds
In some cases, noise in the video transmission keeps the packets/sec count up. This may be seen
when little dots change in the area of the cursor when it is moved. Varying the threshold values
may result in “quieter” screens and improved cursor tracking.
Noise Threshold and Priority Threshold values may be modified if you are using standard video
compression. Block Noise Threshold and Pixel Noise Threshold values may be modified if you are
using the KVM switch DVC algorithm upgrade. Default threshold values can be restored by
clicking Auto Adjust Video.
Block noise threshold and pixel noise threshold
The Block Noise Threshold and Pixel Noise Threshold values set the minimum color levels in
terms of changed video blocks and pixels per thousand that are allowed.
The Block Noise Threshold sets the minimum color change that will occur in a single video
block. Increasing the value will reduce the network bandwidth. Decreasing the value will make
the size of these artifacts smaller.
The Pixel Noise Threshold sets the minimum color change in a single pixel. Decreasing the
value will reduce the number of low-contrast artifacts, but will increase network bandwidth.
Automatic video adjustment
NOTE: You may also select Tools - Automatic Video Adjust from the Video Viewer menu or click the Automatic
Video Adjust toolbar icon to automatically adjust the video.
In most cases, you will not need to alter the Video Settings from the default. The system will
automatically adjust and use the optimal video parameters. The DSView 3 management software
performs best when the video parameters are set such that no (0) video packets are transmitted for a
static screen.
You may easily adjust your video parameters by clicking on the Auto Adjust Video button in the
Manual Video Adjust dialog box, which instructs the KVM switch to optimize the video to ideal
A green screen with yellow lettering may appear during auto-adjustment.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Refresh image
Clicking the Refresh Image button in the Manual Video Adjust dialog box will completely
regenerate the digitized video image.
You may also select View - Refresh from the Video Viewer menu to refresh the image.
Video test pattern
Clicking the Video Test Pattern button in the Manual Video Adjust dialog box will toggle a display
of a video test pattern. Click the Video Test Pattern button again to toggle back to a normal video
Saving the View
The display of a Video Viewer window may be saved to a file or to the clipboard for pasting into
another program.
NOTE: Saving the view is only supported on Windows clients. The Capture to File menu option and link are
disabled on non-Windows clients.
To capture the Video Viewer window to a file:
1. Select File - Capture to File from the Video Viewer menu or click the Capture to File button.
The Save As dialog box appears.
2. Enter a filename and choose a location to save the file.
3. Click Save.
To capture the Video Viewer window to your clipboard:
Select File - Capture to Clipboard from the Video Viewer menu or click the Capture to Clipboard
button. The image data is saved to the clipboard.
Displaying Video Viewer Users
NOTE: This procedure is not available if the DSR Remote Operations software is being used.
To display current Video Viewer users:
1. Select View - Connected Users from the Video Viewer menu or click the Connected Users
button. The Users Connected to <device - Video Session number> dialog box appears,
containing a list of all users connected to the Video Viewer window session.
2. Click OK to close the dialog box.
To display a list of users sharing a port or channel:
Select View - List of Shared Users in the Video Viewer menu. Users in stealth mode are excluded
from this display.
Scan Mode
To start scan mode:
In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), select two or more
target devices that support KVM connections, then click Scan.
Scan mode will start and the Video Viewer windows will appear in the Thumbnail Viewer. A series
of thumbnail frames appear in the Thumbnail Viewer, each containing a small, scaled, non-
interactive version of a target device screen image.
About scan mode
Scan mode moves from one thumbnail image to the next, logging into a device and displaying an
updated device image for a specified length of time (View Time Per Server), before logging out of
that device and moving on to the next thumbnail image. You may specify a scan delay between
thumbnails (Time Between Servers). During the delay, you will see the last thumbnail image for all
devices in the scan sequence, though you won’t be logged into any devices.
When you first launch the Thumbnail Viewer, each frame will be filled with a white background
until a device image is displayed. An indicator light at the bottom of each frame displays the device
status. The default thumbnail size is based on the number of devices in the scan list.
Scan mode has a lower priority than an active connection. If you or another user are connected to a
device, that device will be skipped in the scan sequence, and scan mode will proceed to the next
device unless the Shared Connections Automatically option has been selected, in which case target
devices may be shared and will not be skipped in the scan sequence. No login error messages will
appear. After your interactive session is closed, the thumbnail will be included in the scan sequence
You may disable a device thumbnail from the scan sequence. The thumbnail image remains, but it
is not updated until it is once again enabled.
When running scan mode, it is recommended that logging of the following events (enabled by
default) be disabled in the DSView 3 software system. Each thumbnail scan will result in the
logging of these events. The event log could grow to a huge size if the following events are enabled
and scan mode is run continuously for a lengthy amount of time:
Viewer Session Started
Viewer Session Stopped
Appliance Viewer Session Stopped
Appliance Viewer Session Started
Thumbnail Viewer features
Figure 19.3 shows the Thumbnail Viewer areas, and descriptions follow in Table 19.4.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 19.3: Thumbnail Viewer
Table 19.4: Thumbnail Viewer Descriptions
Thumbtack: Locks the display of the menu so that it is visible at all times.
Menu: Allows access to Thumbnail Viewer features. The menu will be in a show/hide state if the
thumbtack has not been used. Place your cursor over the toolbar to display the menu.
Minimize button: Minimizes the display of the Thumbnail Viewer window into the toolbar at the
bottom of the local computer.
Close button: Closes the Thumbnail Viewer and all thumbnails being viewed. The Close button
may not be present on all operating systems.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
Table 19.4: Thumbnail Viewer Descriptions (Continued)
Status indicator: The device name and status indicator appear below each thumbnail:
A green LED indicates that a device is currently being scanned.
A red X indicates that the last scan of the device was not successful. The scan may have
failed due to a credential or path failure (for example, the device path on the appliance was
not available). The tool tip for the LED indicates the reason for the failure.
Thumbnail image: Interacts with your device through this window.
Performing Thumbnail Viewer tasks
To set scan preferences:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the Thumbnail Viewer menu. The Scan Mode Preferences
dialog box appears.
2. In the View Time Per Server field, enter the time each thumbnail will be active during the scan,
in the range 10-60 seconds.
3. In the Time Between Server field, enter the time the scan will stop between each device, in the
range 5-60 seconds.
4. Click OK.
To pause or restart a scan sequence:
Select Options - Pause Scan from the Thumbnail Viewer menu. The scan sequence will pause at
the current thumbnail if the Thumbnail Viewer has a scan in progress or will restart the scan if
currently paused.
To change the thumbnail size:
Select Options - Thumbnail Size from the Thumbnail Viewer menu. Choose the desired thumbnail
size from the cascade menu.
To disable a device thumbnail in the scan sequence:
Select a device thumbnail. Select Thumbnail - <device name> - Disable from the Thumbnail
Viewer menu or right-click on a device thumbnail and select Disable from the pop-up menu.
Updating of the thumbnail image will stop until it is enabled.
To enable a device thumbnail in the scan sequence:
Select a device thumbnail. Select Thumbnail - <device name> - Enable from the Thumbnail
Viewer menu or right-click on a device thumbnail and select Enable from the pop-up menu.
Updating of that thumbnail image will resume.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To launch a session to a device from the Thumbnail Viewer:
Select a device thumbnail. Select Thumbnail - <device name> - View Interactive Session from the
Thumbnail Viewer menu.
Right-click on a device thumbnail and select View Interactive Session from the Thumbnail Viewer
menu. That target device desktop will appear in a Video Viewer window.
Double-click on the thumbnail image.
To exit the Thumbnail Viewer:
Select File - Exit from the Thumbnail Viewer menu or click the Close button.
NOTE: Macros may not be created, edited, copied or deleted if the DSR Remote Operations software is being
used to connect to the DSR appliance viewing the target device.
page 175.
The other two types, global macros and personal macros, are created and used by the Video
Viewer. Global macros are created and maintained by users with appliance administrator privileges
and are stored on the hub server and any specified spoke servers. See Managed Appliance Session
Settings on page 171.
Global and personal macros may also be created in the Telnet Viewer window. Macros created
using the Telnet Viewer window are not compatible with the Video Viewer and may only be used
with target devices connected to serial console appliances.
Users may create personal macros for their own use. These macros can be accessed on the local
computer using the Video Viewer window. Personal macros may be customized and grouped in
any manner you wish with the exception of being included in a Global Macro group.
loaded. A user may choose to use either personal macros or global macros and switch between
using them at any time during the session.
Both personal and global macros may be added to the Video Viewer window toolbar. A user may
then execute the macro by clicking the button on the toolbar. See Toolbar profile settings on
page 258.
The Video Viewer window macro function allows you to:
Send multiple keystrokes to a device, including keystrokes that you cannot generate without
affecting your local system, such as Ctrl-Alt-Delete.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
Send a macro from a predefined macro group. Macro groups for Windows, Novell and Sun are
already defined.
Create, edit and delete your own macros. When you create or edit a macro, you may type the
desired keystrokes or you may select from among several available categories of keystrokes.
Each category contains a set of keystroke combinations. Selecting from the available
categories and keystrokes saves time and eliminates the risk of typographical errors.
Since the DSView 3 software may be used to access different computer platforms, you may find it
helpful to assign distinct macro groups to Global Macros or Personal Macros on individual
systems. You may specify the macro group to display in the Macro Groups dialog box. The Macro
Groups dialog box may also be used to switch between using Global and Personal Macros at any
time during a session.
The Video Viewer window contains grouping commands that allow you to create, edit and delete
your own macro groups. A user with software administrator or user administrator privileges may
also change the predefined macro groups.
Macro group settings are device-specific; that is, they may be set differently for each device.
To send a macro:
1. Select Macros - <desired macro> from the Video Viewer menu.
Select Macros - Configure - Macros (this menu item is not available if you are using the DSR
Remote Operations software.)
Click the Macros button.
The Macros dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macros, Personal - displays
only personal macros or Global - displays only global macros.
3. Select the desired macro from the Defined Macros list and then click Run.
4. Click Close.
To create or edit a macro:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macros from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macros button.
The Macros dialog box appears.
2. To create a macro, click Create. The Create Macro dialog box appears.
To edit a macro, click Edit. The Edit Macro dialog box appears.
3. If you are creating a macro, type a 1-32 character name in the Macro Name field.
4. Select whether you wish to edit or create a personal or global macro from the Macro Type area.
5. Select the type of keyboard to create or edit the macro from the Keyboard Type menu.
Available keyboard types are: U.S. English, Dutch, Danish, German, French, Italian, Spanish
and Japanese.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
6. Select an icon to associate with the macro from the Macro Icon menu.
7. To build the macro, click the keys on the virtual keyboard in the dialog box. The keys of the
virtual keyboard operate like a physical keyboard. As a key is clicked, it will appear in the
Keystrokes list box to the left of the virtual keyboard.
You may type or press the arrow keys to specify a delay between keys. First, click the key in
the list box after which you wish to place a delay. Next, click Delay to insert the delay in the
list box.
Keystrokes unique to Sun keyboards may be added to the macro by selecting the key type from
the menu to the right of the Sun Key button and clicking the button.
8. If necessary, use the following keys to change the entries in the Keystrokes list box.
Click Reset to remove all entries from the list box.
Click on an entry and then click Remove to remove it from the list box.
Click on an entry and then click Move Up to promote the entry in the list box.
Click on an entry and then click Move Down to demote the entry in the list box.
9. Click OK to accept the changes and return to the Macros dialog box.
To delete a macro:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macros from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macros button.
The Macros dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macros, Personal - displays
only personal macros or Global - displays only global macros.
3. Select the desired macro from the Defined Macros list and then click Delete. You are prompted
to confirm the deletion.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
5. Click Close.
To copy a macro:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macros from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macros button.
The Macros dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macros, Personal - displays
only personal macros or Global - displays only global macros.
3. Select the desired macro from the Defined Macros list and then click Copy. The Copy Macro
dialog box will appear.
4. Type a 1-32 character name in the Name of copied macro field.
5. Select whether you wish to make the copied macro a personal or global macro from the Macro
Type area.
6. Click OK to copy the macro. The Copy Macro dialog box is closed and the copied macro will
appear in the Macros dialog box.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
7. Click Close.
Macro groups
Macro groups may not be displayed, created, edited, renamed, copied or deleted if you are using the
DSR Remote Operations software.
To create a macro group:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macro Groups from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macro
Groups button. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
2. Click Create. The Create/Edit Macro Group dialog box will appear.
3. In the Macro Group Name field, enter a 1-32 character unique macro group name.
4. In the Group Type area, click Global if you wish to create a global macro group or click
Personal if you wish to create a personal macro group.
5. Click OK to save the name and return to the Macro Groups dialog box.
6. Click Close.
To add or delete macros in an existing macro group:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macro Groups from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macro
Groups button. The Macros Groups dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macro groups, Personal -
displays only personal macro groups or Global - displays only global macro groups.
3. Select the macro group to be altered from the Defined Groups list box. Windows and Sun are
the default macro groups. If you have created new groups, they will also be displayed.
4. Click Edit. The Create/Edit Macro Groups dialog box will appear.
5. If you are editing a Personal Macro group, select one of the following from the View area: All-
displays both personal and global macros, Personal - displays only personal macros or Global
- displays only global macros.
6. To add macros to the group, select the macro from the Macros Available list. Click the Add
button. The macro moves to the Macros in Group list. Use the Move Up and Move Down
buttons to move the macro up or down in relation to the other macros.
7. To remove macros from the group, select the macro from the Macros in Group list. Click the
Remove button. The macro moves to the Macros Available list.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the Macros in Group list contains all the desired macros.
9. Click OK to accept the macro group and return to the Macro Groups dialog box.
10. Click Close.
To rename a macro group:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macro Groups from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macro
Groups button. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macro groups, Personal -
displays only personal macro groups or Global - displays only global macro groups.
3. Select the macro group to be altered from the Defined Groups list box. Windows and Sun are
the default macro groups. If you have created new groups, they will also be displayed.
4. Click Edit. The Create/Edit Macro Groups dialog box will appear.
5. In the Macro Group Name field, enter a 1-32 character unique macro group name.
6. Click OK to save the name and return to the Macro Groups dialog box.
7. Click Close.
To delete a macro group:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macro Groups from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macro
Groups button. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macro groups, Personal -
displays only personal macro groups or Global - displays only global macro groups.
3. Select the macro group to be deleted from the Defined Groups list box.
4. Click the Delete button. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
6. Click Close.
To copy a macro group:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macro Groups from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macro
Groups button. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macros, Personal - displays
only personal macros or Global - displays only global macros.
3. Select the desired macro group from the Defined Groups list and then click Copy. The Copy
Macro Group dialog box will appear.
4. Type a 1-32 character name in the Name of copied macro group field.
5. Select whether you wish to make the copied macro group a personal or global macro from the
Macro Type area.
6. Click OK to copy the macro group. The Copy Macro Group dialog box is closed and the
copied macro group will appear in the Macro Groups dialog box.
7. Click Close.
To change the macro group to be displayed in the Macros menu:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macro Groups from the Video Viewer menu or click the Macro
Groups button. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
2. Select one of the following: All - displays both personal and global macro groups, Personal -
displays only personal macro groups or Global - displays only global macro groups.
3. Select the macro group to be displayed from the Defined Groups list box.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
4. Select Display on Menu.
5. Click Close to exit the Macro Groups dialog box.
Macros in the selected group will appear in the Video Viewer window Macros menu.
To display a predefined macro group:
Select Macros - Display on Menu and then select one of the macro groups Sun or Windows.
Power Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices
NOTE: You must have Appliance Administrator privileges to issue a power control command.
If a target device is connected to a power device outlet (socket), you may power up, power down or
cycle (power up and then power down) the target device using the Power Control dialog box.
To power up, power down or power cycle a target device:
1. Select Tools - Power Control from the Video Viewer menu. The Power Control dialog box will
2. Click the Power On the Server, Power Off the Server or Power Cycle the Server button.
3. A warning dialog box will appear. Confirm or cancel the operation.
4. Click Close to close the dialog box.
Using Virtual Media
The virtual media feature allows the user on the client workstation to map a physical drive on that
machine as a virtual drive on a target device. The client may also add and map an ISO or floppy
image file as a virtual drive on the target device.
You may have one CD drive and one mass storage device mapped concurrently.
A CD/DVD drive, disk image file (such as an ISO or floppy image file) is mapped as a virtual
CD drive.
A floppy drive, USB memory device or other media type is mapped as a virtual mass storage
For additional information, see Understanding and Using Virtual Media, which is available on the
DSView 3 software DVD and on the Avocent web site.
The target device must be connected to the KVM switch that supports virtual media with an IQ
module that supports virtual media.
The target device must be intrinsically able to use the types of USB2-compatible media that you
virtually map. In other words, if the target device does not support a portable USB memory device,
you cannot map that on the client machine as a virtual media drive on the target device.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
The user (or user group to which the user belongs) must have permission to establish virtual media
sessions and/or reserved virtual media sessions to the target device. See About Access Rights on
page 144.
Only one virtual media session may be active to a target device at one time.
You may not use the virtual media feature with the DSR Remote Operations software.
Sharing and preemption considerations
The KVM and virtual media sessions are separate; therefore, there are many options for sharing,
reserving or preempting sessions. The DSView 3 software has the flexibility to accommodate the
system needs.
For example, the KVM and virtual media sessions may be locked together. In this mode, when a
KVM session is disconnected, so is the associated virtual media session. If the sessions are not
locked together, the KVM session can be closed but the virtual media session will remain active.
This could be desirable if a user is performing a time-intensive task using the virtual media session
(such as an operating system load), and wants to establish a KVM session with a different target
device to perform other functions while the operating system load progresses.
Once a target device has an active virtual media session without an associated active KVM session,
two situations can occur - the original user (User A) can reconnect or a different user (User B) can
connect to that channel. You may set an option in the Virtual Media dialog box (Reserved) that
allows only the User A to access that channel with a KVM session.
not be desirable.
By using the Reserved option in a tiered environment, only User A could access the lower switch
and the KVM channel between the upper switch and lower switch would be reserved for User A.
Preemption levels offer additional flexibility of combinations. See Opening an exclusive KVM
session on page 252 and Connecting to an existing session on page 252. The preemption modes
described in those sections also apply to virtual media session.
Virtual Media dialog box
The Virtual Media dialog box is a program that manages the mapping and unmapping of virtual
media. The dialog box displays all the physical drives on the client’s workstation that can be
mapped as virtual drives. You may also add ISO and floppy image files and then map them using
the Virtual Media dialog box.
After a device is mapped, the Virtual Media dialog box Details View displays information about
the amount of data transferred and the time elapsed since the device was mapped.
You may specify that the virtual media session is reserved. When a session is reserved, and the
associated KVM session is closed, another user cannot launch a KVM session to that target device.
If a session is not reserved, another KVM session may be launched.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
Virtual media session settings
Virtual media session settings include locking, mapped drives access mode and encryption level.
See Managed Appliance Session Settings on page 171.
Table 19.5 describes the virtual media session settings on the supported KVM switch.
Table 19.5: Virtual Media Session Settings
The locking option specifies whether a virtual media session is locked to the KVM
session on the target device. When locking is enabled (which is the default) and the
KVM session is closed, the virtual media session will also be closed. When locking is
disabled and the KVM session is closed, the virtual media session will remain active.
You may set the access mode for mapped drives to read-only or read-write. When
the access mode is read-only, the user will not be able to write data to the mapped
drive on the client workstation. When the access mode is read-write, the user will be
able to read and write data from/to the mapped drive.
If the mapped drive is read-only by design (for example, certain CD/DVD drives or
ISO images), the configured read-write access mode will be ignored.
Setting the read-only mode can be helpful when a read-write drive such as a mass
storage device or a USB removable media is mapped, and you wish to prevent the
user from writing data to it.
Mapped drives access
You may configure up to three encryption levels (or none) for virtual media sessions.
Any combination is valid. The choices are: DES, 3DES, 128-bit SSL and AES. The
default is no encryption (no encryption levels selected).
Encryption level
Opening a virtual media session
To launch a virtual media session:
Select Tools - Virtual Media from the Video Viewer menu. The Virtual Media dialog box will
To make this a reserved session, click Details, then enable the Reserved checkbox.
To map a virtual media drives:
1. Open a virtual media session from the Video Viewer menu by selecting Tools - Virtual Media.
2. To map a physical drive as a virtual media drive:
a. In the Virtual Media dialog box, click the Mapped checkbox next to the drive(s) you wish
to map.
b. If you wish to limit the mapped drive to read-only access, click the Read Only checkbox
next to the drive. If the virtual media session settings were previously configured so that
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
all mapped drives must be read only, this checkbox will already be enabled and cannot be
You might wish to enable the Read Only checkbox if the session settings enabled read and
write access, but you wished to limit a particular drive’s access to read only.
3. To add and map an ISO or floppy image as a virtual media drive:
a. In the Virtual Media dialog box, click Add Image.
b. The common file dialog box will appear, with the directory containing disk image files
(that is, those ending in .iso or .img) displayed. Select the desired ISO or floppy image file
and click Open.
If the client workstation’s operating system supports drag-and-drop, select the desired ISO
or floppy image file from the common file dialog box and drag it onto the Virtual Media
dialog box.
c. The file’s header is checked to ensure it is correct. If it is, the common file dialog box will
close and the chosen image file will appear in the Virtual Media dialog box, where it can
be mapped by clicking the Mapped checkbox.
d. Repeat steps a through c for any additional ISO or floppy images you wish to add. You
may add any number of image files (up to the limits imposed by memory), but you may
only have one virtual CD or virtual mass storage mapped concurrently.
If you attempt to map too many drives (one CD and one mass storage device) or too many
drives of a particular type (more than one CD or mass storage device), a message will be
displayed. If you still wish to map a new drive, you must first unmap an existing mapped drive,
then map the new drive.
After a physical drive or image is mapped, it may be used on the target device.
To unmap a virtual media drive:
1. In the Virtual Media dialog box, uncheck the Mapped checkbox next to the drive you wish to
2. You will be prompted to confirm. Confirm or cancel the unmapping.
3. Repeat for any additional virtual media drives you wish to unmap.
To display virtual media drive details:
In the Virtual Media dialog box, click Details. The dialog box expands to display the Details table.
Each row indicates:
Target Drive - Name used for the mapped drive, such as Virtual CD 1 or Virtual CD 2.
Mapped to - Identical to Drive information that appears in the Client View Drive column.
Read Bytes and Write Bytes - Amount of data transferred since the mapping.
Duration - Elapsed time since the drive was mapped.
To close the Details view, click Details again.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
To reset all USB devices on the target device:
NOTE: The USB reset feature resets every USB device on the target device, including the mouse and keyboard.
It should only be used when the target device is not responding.
1. In the Virtual Media dialog box, click Details.
2. The Details View will appear. Click USB Reset.
3. A warning message will appear, indicating the possible effects of the reset. Confirm or cancel
the reset.
4. To close the Details view, click Details again.
Closing a virtual media session
To close the Virtual Media dialog box:
unmapped. Confirm or cancel the operation.
If a user attempts to disconnect a virtual media session or an active KVM session that has an
associated locked virtual media session, a confirmation message is displayed, indicating that any
virtual media mappings will be lost.
See Sharing and preemption considerations on page 280 and Active Sessions on page 176 for
information about other factors that may affect virtual media session closings.
You can connect a smart card reader to the client server and access attached target devices on a
supported KVM switch system. You can then launch a KVM session to open the Video Viewer and
map a smart card.
NOTE: To specify smart card session and mapping options for Video Viewer sessions, see Video Viewer session
properties on page 253.
The smart card status is indicated by the smart card icon at the far right of the Video Viewer
toolbar. The following table describes the smart card status icons.
Table 19.6: Smart Card Icons
Disabled - A smart card reader is not available, the IQ module does not support smart card
readers, or smart card access is disabled in the DSView 3 software.
Not mapped - A smart card reader is available but has not been mapped yet.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 19.6: Smart Card Icons (Continued)
Available - A smart card is mapped and available.
To map a smart card:
1. Open a KVM session to display the Video Viewer window menu.
2. Insert a smart card into the smart card reader attached to your client server.
3. Click Tools - Map Smart Card on the Video Viewer window menu.
4. If no smart card is mapped to the target device, the No Card Mapped option will have a dot
beside it. Select your smart card, listed below this option, to map the smart card.
To unmap a smart card:
Close out the KVM session by clicking X in the Video Viewer window menu.
Select Tools - No Card Mapped.
Remove the smart card from the smart card reader.
Disconnect the smart card reader from the client server.
Video Viewer Troubleshooting
If the Video Viewer or the Virtual Media dialog box does not start, the local Java cache may be
corrupted. You can easily clear the cache without losing any data.
To clear the local Java cache:
1. Start the Java Control panel.
On supported Windows and Macintosh systems, this will be an item in the Control Panel.
On supported Linux systems, from a shell prompt, change directory to the bin directory where
Java is installed. Then type ./ControlPanel.
For example:
cd /usr/java/avocent/jrel.5.0_02/bin
2. Select the General tab.
3. Click the Settings button.
Chapter 19: Using the Video Viewer
4. Click the View Applications button.
5. Select any DSView Video Viewer Application items.
6. Click the Remove Selected Entries button (this button may also be named Remove Selected
If this does not solve the problem, repeat step 1, then click the Delete Files button.
NOTE: Clicking the Delete Files button will remove all applications installed with Java Web Start.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using the Telnet Viewer
The DSView 3 management software ships bundled with a built-in proprietary Telnet Viewer that
provides features unavailable in many other Telnet programs. These features include configurable
session properties tailored for each device, configurable user preferences for all sessions, a
scripting function for automatic device login, a macro function and a logging function.
About the Telnet Viewer
DSView 3 software clients may use the DSView 3 management software Telnet Viewer to access
CPS810 and 1610 appliances and their ports, CCM 850, 1650 and 4850 appliances and their ports,
or any generic appliance that supports Telnet Viewer connections.
NOTE: Throughout this chapter, the term “appliance” or “managed appliance” will be used to indicate a
supported CPS appliance, CCM appliance or generic appliance that supports Telnet Viewer connections.
When a session is established with a supported appliance, the Telnet client switches to SSH (Secure
Shell) mode and opens an SSH shell to/through the appliance. The SSH shell can use any of the
Telnet client’s terminal emulations. See Security Property on page 290.
The Telnet Viewer uses the credentials provided by the DSView 3 software to establish a session
and will automatically accept the appliance server key. The username and password provided by
the users when they log in are authenticated by the authentication service configured in the
DSView 3 software.
The Telnet Viewer is actually an applet that runs within the Java 1.5.0_02 plug-in (JRE). The
Telnet Viewer may also work with other Java versions. The DSView 3 software client
automatically downloads and installs the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) the first time the Video
Viewer or the Telnet Viewer is launched. See Java Installation on page 19 for information about
user interaction with the JRE installer.
Telnet Viewer Window Features
A new Telnet Viewer window will open for each new Telnet session established by a user. The
Telnet Viewer window contains menus, a toolbar and a window that provides virtual terminal
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Figure 20.1: Telnet Viewer Window
Table 20.1: Telnet Viewer Window Descriptions
Title Bar: Displays the name of the target device being viewed.
Toolbar: Allows you to access many of the features in the Telnet Viewer. See Table 20.2 for a
description of the toolbar icons.
Virtual Terminal window: Interacts with your target device through this window. By default the
window size is 80 characters x 24 lines.
Viewer window: Resizes the window when you click and hold on the frame. Although the window
may be resized, the Virtual Terminal window will remain the same size.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
Table 20.1: Telnet Viewer Window Descriptions (Continued)
Status Bar: Displays one of the following:
Connected - Displays during normal terminal emulation in a Telnet Viewer session.
Logging - Displays when logging is enabled.
Logging Paused - Displays when logging is paused.
NOTE: On supported Macintosh system clients, the Telnet Viewer opens in a self-contained window and is not
included in the Application Menu.
Telnet Viewer window toolbar
Table 20.2 describes the Telnet Viewer window’s toolbar icons.
Table 20.2: Telnet Viewer Window Toolbar Icons
Session Settings - Displays the Session Properties dialog box
Help - Displays the DSView 3 software help
Copy Screen - Copies a screen of Telnet Viewer session data to the system clipboard
Copy Buffer - Copies the contents of the Telnet Viewer session buffer to the system clipboard
Copy Text - Copies highlighted text in a Telnet Viewer session screen to the system clipboard
Restore - Restores the ability to highlight screen text when autoscaling is enabled and the
virtual terminal window has been scaled
Paste - Pastes the contents of the system clipboard into a Telnet Viewer session
Prints a screen of Telnet Viewer session data
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Security Property
A fully functional SSH2 (Secure Shell Version 2) Client is built into the Telnet Viewer. The SSH2
Client is Java-based and provides a secure method for accessing target devices.
The Telnet Viewer provides the following security features:
Strict host key checking
Support ciphers for AES (128-, 192-, 256-bit), Blowfish, Twofish, Cast, 3DES and Arcfour
Diffie-Hellman key exchange support
SSH-RSA key types
Supported for hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, hmac-sha1-96, hmac-md5-96 and hmac-ripemd160
The DSView 3 software will determine whether to create a Telnet or SSH2 connection when you
start a session with an appliance. A serial connection provides SSH2 serial access to the target
device from the appliance. Terminal emulation options are supported using both types of
The SSH2 client is started when you initiate a session with an appliance port from the DSView 3
Explorer. The DSView 3 server is contacted, which in turn contacts the target device connected to
the appliance port and exchanges X.509 certificates with the target device. The target device also
supplies a session certificate, private key and appliance certificate.
These certificates are then passed back to the SSH2 client, which uses them to determine the SSH2
host key and the user SSH2 key. The Telnet Viewer will then establish a session with the target
device (or through the proxy server if there is a proxy server connection). The Telnet Viewer then
passes the RSA public key from the session certificate when establishing the SSH connection.
Finally, the virtual terminal window will open using an SSH2 shell over SSH connection.
SSH2 settings may be viewed by clicking on an appliance name in the DSView 3 Explorer and
selecting Appliance Settings - Sessions - Settings in the side navigation bar to display the Properties
- Sessions - Settings window.
Opening a Session
A DSView 3 management software Telnet Viewer session is opened using the DSView 3 Explorer
by clicking on Telnet Session or Serial Session in the Action column of the target device. If the
target device is attached to an appliance port, Telnet Session will appear. If the target device is
attached to an appliance that is also attached to a serial device, Serial Session will appear.
NOTE: If multiple connection methods are available, an alternate actions arrow will appear to the right of the
action. Clicking the alternate action arrow will display a list of other actions, in descending order of priority, which
may be selected to launch the corresponding window type.
To open a Telnet Viewer session:
In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 106), click Telnet Session or Serial Session in the Action field or the Alternate Action menu.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
Alternative, you can click the Telnet Session or Serial Session icon in the Unit Overview window
for the target device (see Unit Overview Windows on page 112).
The Telnet Viewer window will open.
NOTE: You can share a Telnet Viewer session with an SSH serial session. See SSH Passthrough Sessions on
page 195.
Customizing the Telnet Viewer
You may specify preferences that will be used for every Telnet Viewer session, regardless of the
device to which you connect. These application preferences are entered from the Telnet Viewer
window when you are connected to a device or port. After the preferences are entered, they are
applied to devices/ports during subsequent sessions.
To change the window background and/or text color:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. To change the background color, click the Background/Normal Mode box in the Colors section
and select a color. The default color is blue.
3. To change the text color, click the Text/Normal Mode box in the Colors section and select a
color. The default color is white.
To change the cursor appearance:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. In the Caret list, choose Block to display the cursor as a block or choose Underline to display
the cursor as an underline. The default value is Underline.
To enable/disable an exit warning prompt for Telnet Viewer sessions:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. Enable or disable the Prompt on Exit checkbox. When the exit warning prompt is enabled, a
message appears when you select Telnet - Exit. You may then choose to exit or continue the
session. When disabled, the session closes without further prompting. The default value is
To enable/disable autoscaling:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. Enable or disable the Auto Scale checkbox. When autoscaling is enabled, the user may reduce
or expand the virtual terminal window by dragging a corner of the window. When autoscaling
is disabled, the virtual terminal window will not scale when the view is changed; instead, scroll
bars will appear around the window. The default value is enabled.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Customizing Session Properties
When you are connected to an appliance or port using the DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer, you
may specify session properties that will be stored and reused every time you connect to the selected
appliance or port. When you select Options - Session Properties in the DSView 3 software Telnet
Viewer, the Session Properties dialog box will appear containing Terminal, Login Scripts and
Logging tabs.
To change the terminal window size:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. In the Rows list, choose a value of 24 or 48. The default value is 24.
4. In the Columns list, choose a value of 80 or 132. The default value is 80.
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. From the Terminal Emulation list, choose one option. The default value is VT100. Terminal
Emulation on page 373 contains encoding and decoding information for each of the terminal
emulation types.
NOTE: When connecting to an appliance, the terminal type setting must match the terminal emulation type.
To change the Telnet Viewer Arrow key sequences:
When the Terminal Emulation mode is VT100, VT100+, VT102, VT52, VT220 or VT320, you
may specify either VT100 or ANSI Arrow key sequences.
Table 20.3: Arrow Key Sequences
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
<Esc> [A
<Esc> [B
<Esc> [C
<Esc> [D
<Esc> OA
<Esc> OB
<Esc> OC
<Esc> OD
<Esc> A
<Esc> B
<Esc> C
<Esc> D
NOTE: When the Terminal Emulation mode is VT52, the Arrow keys are interpreted as indicated in this
column, regardless of the value in the Arrow Keys list.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. In the Arrow Keys list, choose either VT100 or ANSI. The default value is VT100.
To change the terminal type:
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. In the Terminal Type box, enter a value of up to 40 characters, beginning with a letter and
ending with a letter or digit. Valid characters are the letters A-Z, digits 0-9, forward slash, dash,
left parenthesis and right parenthesis. The terminal type must be entered in the Terminal Type
field exactly as shown in Table 20.4.
Table 20.4: Terminal Emulation and Type
Terminal Emulation
Terminal Type
To change the linefeed settings:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. When connecting to devices that do not insert a carriage return in incoming or outgoing data,
automatically inserting a line after each line of data can prevent overwriting data when a new
line is received.
If the New Line Mode - Inbound box is checked, an inbound carriage return from the device
will be treated as if both a carriage return and a linefeed were received. If not checked, a
linefeed is not added to an inbound carriage return.
If the New Line Mode - Outbound box is checked, an outbound carriage return to the device
will always be followed by a linefeed character. If not checked, a linefeed is not sent with a
carriage return. The default value is disabled for inbound and outbound.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To enable/disable line wrap:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. Enable or disable the Auto wrap line checkbox. When line wrap is enabled, characters wrap
onto the next line when a new character is received and the cursor is at the end of the line.
When disabled, new characters will overwrite the last character on the current line when the
cursor is at the end of the line. The default value is enabled.
To enable/disable local echo:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. When you are connected to a device that does not repeat or echo the data that you type, you
may enable Local Echo mode. Otherwise, the Telnet Viewer will not display the text you type.
However, if you are connected to a device that echoes data, and you are in Local Echo mode,
all of the data you type will appear on your terminal twice.
Enable or disable the Local echo checkbox. The default value is disabled.
To enable/disable 7-bit ASCII:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. Enable or disable the Strip 8th bit checkbox. The default value is disabled.
Login scripts
The Telnet Viewer has a login scripting function that enables you to automatically log in to a
device. A login script is built with a sequence of expect and send strings, and initial transmission
characters that work with them. To use a login script, you must enable automatic login in a
The first Initial character (that is, the first entry in the Initial character column) specifies what is
sent to the device as soon as the Telnet Viewer session is established. This is selected from a list
containing the choices: None, CR (carriage return), CR+LF (carriage return and linefeed), ESC
(Escape) and CTRL+P (Control and P).
The first Expect string indicates what the device will send as its first prompt.
The first Send string indicates what the login script will send to the device after it receives the first
Expect string.
You may then build additional Expect and Send strings according to what the particular device will
prompt for and what will be sent in response.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
To build a login script and enable/disable automatic login:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Login Scripts tab.
3. Enable or disable the Automate login checkbox. The default value is disabled.
4. In the Initial Character list, select one option: CR (carriage return), CR+LF (carriage return and
linefeed), ESC (Escape), CTRL+P (Control+P sequence, 0X10 in hex) or None (no initial
transmission character).
5. In the Expect box, type the 1-32 alphanumeric character string that you expect from the device.
Spaces are allowed.
6. In the Send box, type the 0-32 alphanumeric character string that you wish to send in response
to the Expect string. Spaces are allowed, and a blank field is valid. A CR or CR+LF is
appended to the string, based on the New Line Mode - Outbound setting.
7. Repeat the Expect and Send entries as needed, to a maximum of four each.
Reviewing Session Data
scroll bar or the Arrow keys. To return to the current session location, press Enter. The size of the
buffer containing session data that can be reviewed is configurable.
You may optionally choose to change the color of the text and/or the background when you are
reviewing session data. When you return to the current session location, the colors will return to
those specified in the Telnet Viewer’s configuration (see Customizing the Telnet Viewer on
page 291).
While you are reviewing collected data, new incoming data is buffered, but it will not be displayed
until you return to the current session location. You may not enter outgoing data.
To change the maximum number of lines in the session buffer:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Terminal tab.
3. In the History Buffer Size box, type a value from 1-1000. The default value is 256.
To change the background and/or text color when reviewing session data:
1. Select Options - Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box will appear.
2. To change the background color, click the Background/History Mode box in the Colors section
and select a color. The default color is blue.
3. To change the text color, click the Text/History Mode box in the Colors section and select a
color. The default color is white.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
NOTE: Three additional types of macros are available in the DSView 3 management software. Exit macros,
created within the DSView 3 Explorer, reside on DS1800 digital switches and DSR switches and are used by
these switches. Global macros and personal macros are created using the Video Viewer window and are used
with KVM sessions with target devices attached to DS1800 digital switches and DSR switches. None of these
macros may be used or are compatible with a Telnet Viewer.
The DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer has a macro function that allows you to create and use
macros during Telnet Viewer sessions. A macro comprises a series of keystrokes that you define.
Additionally, you may specify a hotkey in the macro’s definition. When you define a macro and
enable its inclusion in the Macros menu, you may execute the macro during a Telnet Viewer
session either by selecting it from the Macros menu or by pressing the defined hotkey on your
You may also define one or more global macro or personal macro groups, then add macros to the
groups. Personal macro groups may be created by any user and are only available for use on the
target device on which they are created. Global macros may only be created by a DSView 3
software administrator and are available for use by any user on the DSView 3 software system.
A macro may belong to more than one macro group or belong to both personal and global macro
groups; however, a macro does not have to belong to a macro group. Selecting Macros - Configure
- Groups takes you to the Configure Macro Groups dialog box which contains a list of defined
macro groups from which you may select one group or all defined groups. The macros in the
selected group(s) are then available for use during subsequent Telnet Viewer sessions with that
After defining a macro or a macro group, you may edit or delete it at any time. When you delete a
macro or macro group, you are prompted for confirmation. When you change a macro group name,
each macro belonging to the changed macro group is updated, but the change is not visible until the
next Telnet Viewer session is established. When you delete a macro group, you delete only its
name - the individual macros in the group are not affected.
To create a macro:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macros from the menu. The Configure Macros dialog box
2. Click Create. The Configure Macros dialog box expands to display an Edit Macro area.
3. In the Macro Name field, Type a 1-64 character name for the macro.
4. To define a hotkey for the macro, choose one from the Key list. To add a modifier to the
hotkey, check the Control, Shift or Alt boxes. (A macro’s hotkey is accessible only when the
macro belongs to the active macro group.)
5. By default, the Include in Menu box is checked, indicating the macro will appear in the Macros
menu. If you do not wish to include the macro in the Macros menu, uncheck this box. In this
case, if the macro definition includes a hotkey, you will still be able to use the hotkey to run the
macro, even if the macro’s name does not appear in the Macros menu.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
6. Type the macro string in the Keystrokes box. For non-printing and special character code
sequences, use the following escape sequences:
New line: \n
Carriage return: \r
Form feed: \f
Horizontal tab: \t
Backspace: \b
Delay character (500 ms): \d
Hexadecimal code sequence: \0x<NN>, where <NN> is the hexadecimal byte. For example,
the Ctrl+D character sequence may be sent by using 0x04.
Octal code sequence: \0<NNN>, where <NNN> is the octal byte. For example, the Ctrl+D
character sequence may be sent by using 0004.
7. From the Control Code menu, select the sequence to invoke with the selected characters.
8. In the Access Rights area, specify whether you wish for the macro to be a global macro
(available to all users) or a personal macro (available only to the current user).
You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to use the Access Rights area.
9. Click OK. The Configure Macros dialog box returns to its abbreviated display and the macro
appears in the Macros area.
10. Click OK to close the Configure Macros dialog box.
To edit an existing macro:
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to edit Global Macros.
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macros from the menu. The Configure Macros dialog box
2. In the Macros table, select the macro you wish to edit.
3. Click Edit. The Configure Macros dialog box expands to display an Edit Macro area
containing the information defined for the macro.
4. Edit the macro properties as needed.
5. Click OK. The changes are saved and the Configure Macros dialog box returns to its
abbreviated view.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 to edit additional macros.
7. Click OK to close the Configure Macros dialog box.
To delete a macro:
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to delete Global Macros.
1. Select Macros - Configure - Macros from the menu. The Configure Macros dialog box
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
2. Select the macro in the Macros table that you wish to delete.
3. Click Delete. A dialog box appears, prompting you to confirm the deletion.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
To use a macro:
1. Select the macro from the Macros menu (if the macro’s definition includes a hotkey, press the
hotkey or hotkey sequence. A macro’s hotkey is accessible only when the macro belongs to the
active macro group) or select Macros - Configure - Macros from the menu. The Configure
Macros dialog box appears.
2. Select the macro in the Macros table that you wish to run.
3. Click Run.
Macro groups
To create a macro group:
1. Select Macros - Configure - Groups from the menu. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box
2. Click the Create button. The Configure Macros dialog box expands to display a Create Group
3. In the Group Name field, type a 1-64 character name for the macro group.
4. To add one or more macros to the macro group, select the macro(s) from the Macros Available
list, then click Add. The macros will be moved to the Macros In Group list.
5. To remove one or more macros from the macro group, select the macro(s) from the Macros In
Group list, then click Remove. The macros will be moved to the Macros Available list.
6. In the Access Rights area, specify whether you want the macro group to be a Global Macro
group (available to all users) or a Personal Macro group (available only to the current user).
You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to assign access rights.
7. Click OK. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box returns to its abbreviated view.
8. Click OK to close the Configure Macro Groups dialog box.
To enable a macro group for use during Telnet Viewer sessions:
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to enable a macro group.
1. Select Macros - Configure - Groups from the menu. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box
2. In the Macro Groups table, select the macro group you wish to enable.
3. Click the Edit button. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box expands to display an Edit
Group area containing the information defined for the macro.
4. Enable the Active Group checkbox.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
5. Click OK. The changes are saved and the Configure Macro Groups dialog box returns to its
abbreviated view.
To edit an existing macro group:
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to edit global macro groups.
1. Select Macros - Configure - Groups from the menu. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box
2. In the Macro Groups table, select the macro group you wish to edit.
3. Click the Edit button. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box expands to display an Edit
Group area containing the information defined for the macro.
4. Edit the macro group properties as needed.
5. Click OK. The changes are saved and the Configure Macro Groups dialog box returns to its
abbreviated view.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 to edit additional macro groups.
7. Click OK to close the Configure Macro Groups dialog box.
To delete a macro group:
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to delete global macro groups.
1. Select Macros - Configure - Groups from the menu. The Configure Macro Groups dialog box
2. Select the macro group in the Macro Groups table that you wish to delete.
3. Click the Delete button. A dialog box appears, prompting you to confirm the deletion.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
The Telnet Viewer has a logging function that saves the contents of a Telnet Viewer session to a
file. You may enable automatic logging or dynamically start logging at any time. Additionally, you
may pause, resume and stop logging, regardless of whether it was started automatically or
While logging is occurring or when it is paused, a Logging Status label appears in the status panel
at the bottom of the DSView 3 management software Telnet Viewer window.
NOTE: When you enable or disable automatic logging, the logging will begin or end at the start of the next
DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer session to that device. If you change the default log file directory used for
automatic logging, the change does not take effect until the next session to that device.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Log files
The format of log filenames is shown below, where <mmddyy> represents the month, day and
year, and <hhmmss> represents the current hour, minute and second in military time:
The default log directory is session-specific, that is, each Telnet Viewer session may have its own
location for storing logfiles. You may change the name of the file and the location of the directory
that stores the logfiles. If you do not change the default directory, logfiles are stored in your home
You may display a log file at any time, using a standard text editor. The screen buffer is written to
the log file when the buffer is full, or when logging is paused or stopped. To ensure the log file is
up-to-date, either pause or stop the logging.
To change the default log file directory:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Logging tab. The Default Directory field displays the current default location for
3. Click the Browse button. The Set Directory dialog box appears.
4. Select a directory from the Look in list or create a new directory. To create a new directory:
a. Click the Create New Folder button. A new directory named New Folder appears in the
directory list.
b. Click the New Folder entry in the directory list to highlight it. Then, click the entry again
to edit its name. Type in a new name. Press Enter. The directory appears in alphabetical
order in the directory list.
c. Select the newly-created directory in the directory list. The Filename field will now
contain the name of the new directory.
5. Click the Set Directory button to select the newly-created or selected directory as the default
log file directory. The Set Directory dialog box will close.
6. The Default Directory field now contains the name of the newly-created or selected directory.
Click OK to save the new information.
To enable automatic logging:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Logging tab.
3. Enable the Logging checkbox.
4. The Default Directory field displays the current default location for logfiles. If that is the
desired directory, click OK. (You may change the default directory.)
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
Automatic logging will begin when you initiate the next Telnet Viewer session to that device. At
that time, the Logging Status label will indicate Logging.
To disable automatic logging:
1. Select Options - Session Properties from the menu or click the Session Settings icon in the
toolbar. The Session Properties dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Logging tab.
3. Disable the Logging checkbox.
4. Click OK.
Automatic logging will stop when you close the Telnet Viewer session. When logging stops, the
Logging Status label disappears.
To start dynamic logging:
1. Select Options - Logging - Start from the menu. The Log dialog box appears.
2. The Look in list contains the default log file directory and the Filename field contains the
default log filename. Using this filename format is recommended; however, you may change it
for the duration of this Telnet Viewer session. If you choose to use the default log filename,
skip to step 4.
3. To change the default log filename for the duration of the dynamic logging session, you may
select a directory from the Look in list. The directory list may contain directories and files. To
create a new directory:
a. Click the Create New Folder button. A new directory named New Folder appears in the
directory list.
b. Click the New Folder entry in the directory list to highlight it. Then click the entry again to
edit its name. Type in a new name. Press Enter. The directory appears in alphabetical
order in the directory list.
c. Double-click the newly-created directory in the directory list. The Filename field will now
contain the name of the new directory.
d. Type a new filename in the Filename field. If you enter a filename that already exists, the
new file will overwrite the old file.
4. You are prompted to confirm the directory selection and begin logging. Confirm or cancel the
logging start.
When logging begins, the Logging Status label will indicate Logging.
To pause logging:
Select Options - Logging - Pause from the menu. The Logging Status label will change to Logging
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To resume logging:
Select Options - Logging - Resume from the menu. The Logging Status label will change to
To stop logging:
Select Options - Logging - Stop from the menu. The Logging Status label will disappear.
Copying, Pasting and Printing Session Data
In the Telnet Viewer you may:
Copy a screen of Telnet Viewer session data to the system clipboard
Copy all of the Telnet Viewer session buffer contents to the system clipboard
Copy a highlighted portion of the Telnet Viewer session data to the system clipboard
Paste the contents of the system clipboard into a Telnet Viewer session or into another
Print a screen of the Telnet Viewer session data
Information that is copied from a DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer session may be pasted into
other applications. Similarly, information copied from other applications may be pasted into a
Telnet Viewer session.
NOTE: Only textual data may be copied and pasted in the DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer.
To copy a Telnet Viewer session window screen:
Select Options - Copy Screen from the menu or click the Copy Screen icon in the toolbar.
The screen contents will be saved to the system clipboard. You may then paste the clipboard
contents into a Telnet Viewer session or into another application.
To copy all of the Telnet Viewer session buffer contents:
Select Options - Copy Buffer from the menu or click the Copy Buffer icon in the toolbar.
The entire buffer will be copied to the system clipboard (regardless of the amount of data in it. You
may then paste the clipboard contents into a Telnet Viewer session or into another application.
To highlight and copy a portion of a Telnet Viewer window screen:
NOTE: When autoscaling has been enabled and the window has been scaled, you will not be able to highlight
text until you click the Restore icon in the toolbar.
1. Use the mouse to drag-select the portion of the screen text you wish to copy.
2. Select Options - Copy Text from the menu.
Click the Copy Text icon in the toolbar.
Chapter 20: Using the Telnet Viewer
Right-click and select Copy Text from the pop-up menu.
The highlighted text will be copied to the system clipboard. You may then paste the clipboard
contents into a Telnet Viewer session or into another application.
To paste system clipboard contents:
1. Place textual data on the system clipboard, using a text editor or other application.
2. Initiate a Telnet Viewer session.
3. At the point where you wish to paste the clipboard contents, select Options - Paste from the
menu or click the Paste icon in the toolbar.
To print a Telnet Viewer window screen:
1. Select Options - Print Screen from the menu or click the Print Screen icon in the toolbar.
2. The operating system’s print dialog box appears. Make the appropriate settings. The screen
contents will then be sent to the printer.
Power Control of Devices Attached to Power Devices
NOTE: A user must have DSView 3 software administrator privileges to control the power of a target device.
If a target device attached to an appliance port is connected to a power device outlet and the target
device has been accessed in a serial session, you may power up, power down or cycle (power down
and then power up) the target device using the Power Control dialog box.
NOTE: This operation is valid only during serial sessions.
The Options - Power menu option will not be available if the target device cannot be power
controlled using the DSView 3 software, or if the user does not have power control access rights.
The current state of the power device outlet appears in the Current Power Status area of the dialog
box. As you change the power state, the information is updated in real time.
Depending on the configuration of a power device outlet, it may not immediately respond to a
power change request (for example, it may be configured to remain off for a specific period of
To power up, power down, or power cycle a target device:
1. Select Options - Power from the Telnet Viewer main window. The Power Control dialog box
will appear.
2. Click On, Off or Cycle.
3. Click Close to close the dialog box.
Using Tools
The DSView 3 management software contains tools that may be used to perform various actions on
units. This chapter describes the available tools and how to use them.
Using Unit Tools
The Unit Tools window contains tools that allow a user to:
Export unit information to a .csv (comma separated value) file
Export unit access rights information to a .csv file
Merge two or more target devices into a single target device
Simultaneously merge multiple target devices and power outlets
Import a DSView 2.x software database into the DSView 3 management software (valid only
when the DSView 3 software is installed on supported Windows systems)
Import data in an XML format into the DSView 3 software database
To display the Units Tools window:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Unit Tools window will open.
Exporting units
The Export Units tool will export information about units into a .csv file. Unit names are always
exported. The following unit properties may be selected for export:
Action (default action)
Browser URL
Custom field 1-3
Primary contact phone
Secondary contact
Secondary contact phone
Serial number
DSView server name
IP address
Status (at time of export)
Telnet port
Model number
Part number
Visibility (show or hide)
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Primary contact
You may also export a topology report, regardless of any properties selected for export. A topology
report contains the following columns:
Port - (target devices or cascade switches only) Port number on the appliance to which the
target device or cascade switch is connected.
Type - (managed appliances only) Appliance type, if known.
Level - Level of connection from the appliance. A managed appliance is level 0. A target
device attached to a managed appliance is 1, and so on.
The output .csv file may be viewed in a text editor or spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft
To export units:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Unit Tools window will open.
3. Click the Export Units icon or link. The Export Units Wizard will appear.
4. To add one or more properties to be exported, select the properties in the Available Properties
list, then click Add. The properties will be moved to the Properties to Export list.
5. To remove one or more properties to be exported, select the properties from the Properties to
Export list, then click Remove. The properties will be moved to the Available Properties list.
6. To change the order in which properties are listed in the output .csv file, select one or more
properties in the Properties to Export list and use the up and down arrows to move the selected
properties up or down in the listing.
7. To create a topology report, enable the Export Topology checkbox. If any properties are also
being exported, they will be listed after the topology information in the report.
8. Click Next.
9. The Save Process window will open. Click Next.
10. The Completed Successful window will open, along with a File Download dialog box.
11. Click Open. The file will download and open. By default, .csv files are configured to open in
Microsoft Excel. If Microsoft Excel is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to
select a text editor to use for opening the .csv file.
The default filename of the .csv file is unitproperties.csv. Subsequent files that you export will
be incremented (unitproperties[1].csv, unitproperties[2].csv and so on).
Click Save. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select a directory and filename and click Save
to save the .csv file.
12. Click Finish. The Units Tools window will open.
Chapter 21: Using Tools
Exporting access rights
The Export Access Rights tool will export permission information about units from the DSView 3
management software host. The unit name and the user/user group to which the unit has access
rights will be exported. Additionally, the unit access right settings will be exported; see About
Access Rights on page 144.
The output .csv file may be viewed in a text editor or spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft
To export access rights:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Unit Tools window will open.
3. Click the Export Access Rights icon or link. The Export Access Rights Wizard will appear.
4. Select either All Units, Appliances, Target Devices or Unit Groups, for the unit type and click
5. The Save Process window will open. Read the text, then click Next.
6. When prompted, enter the location and filename where the exported access rights will be
7. The Completed Successful window will open, along with a File Download dialog box.
8. Click Open. The file will download and open. By default, .csv files are configured to open in
Microsoft Excel. If Microsoft Excel is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to
select a text editor to use for opening the .csv file.
The default filename of the .csv file is appliance_rights.csv if you are exporting managed
appliance rights or target_device_rights.csv if you are exporting target device rights.
Subsequent files that you export will be incremented (target_device_rights[1].csv,
target_device_rights[2].csv and so on).
Click Save. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select a directory and filename and click Save
to save the .csv file.
9. Click Finish. The Units Tools window will open.
Merging target devices
more managed appliances. For example, if a target device is connected to both a DSR switch and an
ACS console server, this tool will merge the target devices (that were created when the managed
appliances were added) into a single target device that contains all of the target actions.
You may also merge one or more target devices from a Unit Overview window; see Merging target
devices on page 133.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To merge target devices:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Unit Tools window will open.
3. Click the Merge Target Devices icon or link. The Merge Target Devices Wizard will appear.
4. The Select Target Devices to Merge window will open.
To add one or more target devices to the merge list, select the target device(s) in the
Available Target Devices list, then click Add. The target devices will be moved to the
Target Devices to Merge list.
To remove one or more target devices from the merge list, select the target device(s) from
the Target Devices to Merge list, then click Remove. The target devices will be moved to
the Available Target Devices list.
To merge target devices in a particular order, select one or more target devices in the
Target Devices to Merge list and use the up and down arrows to move the selected target
devices up or down in the listing. Once the order has been specified, select Merge missing
properties to the target device based on the order of the devices in the “Target Devices to
Merge” list.
Device to Merge list. For example, if you are merging two target devices named TD1 and
TD2, and TD2 is listed before TD1, the merged target device will be named TD2.
Click Next.
5. The Confirm Target Device Merge window will open. Click Next to confirm merging the
connection paths into the specified destination target device. See Connections to Units on
page 181.
6. The Completed Successful window will open.
Merging target device endpoints
As an alternative to merging target device connections one at a time, the Merge Target EndPoints
Wizard allows you to simultaneously merge multiple target devices and power outlets. The target
device endpoint is defined as the target device or power outlet at the end of the connection path. For
more information about connections, see Connections to Units on page 181.
To merge target device endpoints:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Unit Tools window will open.
3. Click the Merge Target EndPoints icon or link. The Merge Target EndPoints window will
4. From the Available Power Devices list, select the power devices that contain power
connections to be merged with target devices and click Add.
Chapter 21: Using Tools
5. Click Refresh to display a list of power connections.
6. For each power connection you wish to merge, type the name of the target device you wish to
merge with the power connection. The target device name entered must match the name of the
target device in the DSView 3 database; target device names are case-sensitive and 1-64
characters long.
7. Click Merge.
Importing DSView 2.x software databases
NOTE: This procedure is available only when the DSView 3 software is installed on a supported Windows
The Import DSView 2.x software database tool allows you to import an existing DSView 2.x
software database into the DSView 3 software system. When a database is imported, the following
items will be imported:
Units, including attached cascade switches, power devices and target devices
Users and user groups with unit access rights
Authentication services, including Windows NT domains, LDAP and local accounts
System settings, including the ability to display connected users, connection sharing, status
polling and delay rates and when the event log is deleted
The following actions occur when a DSView 2.x software database is imported into the DSView 3
management software system:
A global unit group is created in the system for each group found in the DSView 2.x software
database. The DSView 3 software does not provide DSView 2.x software Topology unit group
nesting. Unit group names added to the system are a concatenation of the hierarchical names
found in the DSView 2.x software, including the truncation of names when necessary.
If a user had Admin rights in the DSView 2.x software for all nodes in the tree (including the
Topology node), the user will be added as a member and inherit the access rights of a DSView
administrator user group member in the DSView 3 software.
If a user had Admin rights in the DSView 2.x software for all nodes in the tree except for the
Topology node, the user will be added as a member and inherit the access rights of an
appliance administrator user group member in the DSView 3 software.
If a user had any other type rights in the DSView 2.x software, the user will be added as a
member of the user group in the DSView 3 software. Access rights are set for units to which
the user has access as follows:
A user with User rights to a target device in the DSView 2.x software will be assigned the
Establish Viewer Sessions access right in the DSView 3 software.
A user with Admin rights to a target device in the DSView 2.x software will be assigned
the Configure Unit Settings, Establish Viewer Sessions and Control Target Device Power
access rights in the DSView 3 software.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
A user with User rights to a DS1800 digital switch, CPS appliance or DSR switch in the
DSView 2.x software will not be assigned any access rights in the DSView 3 software.
A user with Admin rights to a DS1800 digital switch, CPS appliance or DSR switch in the
DSView 2.x software will be assigned the Reboot Appliance, Flash Upgrade Appliance
Cascade switch types in the DSView 2.x software database cannot be determined during the
import process and are added as Generic 1 x <n> switches, based on the number of found
switch channels. After importing the DSView 2.x software database and running the Migrate
DSView 2.X Units task, you may run the Resync Wizard on individual CPS appliances,
DS1800 digital switches and DSR switches to specify switch types and merge multiuser
switches. See Resynchronizing units on page 315.
Internal users and built-in user groups with DSView 2.x software permissions residing on the
computer that ran the DSAuth server will be imported into the DSView 3 software system. An
external NT authentication service with the same name as the DSAuth server will be added to
the DSView 3 software system. The DSView 2.x software users and user groups will be
associated with the authentication service added to the DSView 3 software system.
The DSView 2.x software Everyone user group cannot be imported into DSView 3 software
Before using the Import DSView 2.x Software Database tool
To use the Import DSView 2.x Software Database tool, you must create a backup of the database
using the DSAuth Migration Utility. The database is saved as a .zip file which may then be
imported into the DSView 3 software system using the Import DSView 2.x Database tool.
The DSAuth Migration Utility will shut down the DSView 2.x DSAuth service as it runs and will
restart the service upon completion.
To backup the database:
1. On the computer containing the DSView 2.x software database (that is, the DSAuth Server)
that you wish to migrate, insert the DSView 3 software DVD. An autorun file will display the
DSView 3 management software screen.
2. Click Run DSView 2.x Migration.
If autorun is not enabled, type <drive:>\Migration Utility\DSMigration.exe, where <drive:> is
the letter of your DVD drive. The DSAuth Migration Utility dialog box will appear.
3. Click Backup. The Save As dialog box will appear.
4. Select a directory and filename and click Save. The Status area of the DSAuth Migration
Utility dialog box will contain messages as the backup is created. A Finished message box will
appear when the backup is completed.
5. Click OK.
Chapter 21: Using Tools
To import DSView 2.x software databases:
1. In the Units Tools window, click the Import DSView 2.x Database icon or link. The Import
DSView 2.x Database Wizard will appear.
into your DSView 3 software system:
page 253.
Whether connections are automatically shared when a KVM session is started. See
Video Viewer session properties on page 253.
Whether polling is enabled or disabled. See Unit status polling on page 69.
The delay between polling cycles. See Unit status polling on page 69.
The retention time of the event log. See Changing the Event Log Retention Period on
page 346.
b. Select Allow Target Devices to be added for nodes that have a default name to allow
target devices to be added to your DSView 3 software system for nodes in the DSView 2.x
software migration file that have default names. In DSView 2.x software, a default name
is considered to be a name such as Port 1, Channel 1 and Socket 1.
All default names are adjusted when they are imported to include the name of each CPS
appliance, DS1800 digital switch and DSR switch.
c. Select Allow nodes with the same name to be merged into the same target device if you
wish to merge a target device that has multiple connections into a single target device. For
example, a target device may be connected to a both a DSR switch and a power device.
d. Select Add Active Directory authentication services instead of NT authentication services
when Active Directory is detected to add an Active Directory service when an Active
Directory domain is detected in the DSView 2.x software database migration file. If this
option is not selected, the service will be added to the DSView 3 software system as a
Windows NT Domain service.
e. Type the case-insensitive names of any DSView 2.x software database nodes that you do
not wish to import, separated by commas (,), in the Node Names to Ignore field. Any
children within the parent nodes listed in the field are also ignored (that is, not imported).
You may import a node containing a comma on its name by enclosing the node name in
quotation marks. For example, to import a node named node, two (containing a comma)
and a node named nodeone, type “node,two”,nodeone in the Node Names to Ignore
f. Click Next.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
4. The Import in Progress window will open, displaying the current step being performed, as the
DSView 2.x software database is importing. When the import completes, the Completed
Successful window will open with a summary of the import, including the number of
authentication services, users, user groups, units and unit groups added.
5. Click Finish. The Units Tools window will open.
After running the Import DSView 2.x Database tool
View windows.
Although the managed appliances have been imported from the DSView 2.x software database into
the DSView 3 software system, they are not yet compatible with the DSView 3 software. To
complete the configuration and update the firmware on each type of managed appliance, you must
use the Migrate Units task. See Task: Migrating units on page 326.
Importing data
You can use the Import Data Wizard to migrate data from the AlterPath Manager to the DSView
3 software. First, you will need to export the data from the AlterPath Manager into an XML format
that is recognized by DSView 3 software. See the AlterPath Manager Data Migration Technical
Bulletin for more information.
To import data:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Unit Tools window will open.
3. Click the Import Data icon or link. The Import Data Wizard will appear.
4. In the File field, type the path and name of the import file or browse to the file location. The
file must be a valid DSView 3 software data import file in an XML format. Click Next.
5. The Select Import Options window will open. Specify the User Password Options. Select Set
the user’s password to the user’s username or Set the user’s password to a default value. If you
choose a default password value, type a 3-64 character password in the Password and Confirm
Password fields.
6. Specify the Account Options. Depending on which options you choose, you may select
multiple checkboxes. Only valid combinations will be enabled. You may choose from the
following options:
Disable user account
User must change password at next login
User cannot change password
Password never expires
7. Click Next. The Import In Progress message will display until the import attempt is complete.
If the import is successful, the Completed Successful window will open and display a
summary of the results.
Chapter 21: Using Tools
If the import was not successful, the Completed Unsuccessful window will open and display
the errors that caused the import to fail. If some items could not be imported, a message will
Although data has been imported from the AlterPath Manager to the DSView 3 software system,
the units are not yet compatible with the DSView 3 software. To complete the configuration and
import process, you must use the Migrate Units task. When creating the Migrate Units task, it is
recommend that you select Enable Secure Mode for the units. See Task: Migrating units on
page 326.
Using the Managed Appliance Tools
The DSView 3 management software contains tools that allow you to perform the following
actions on a supported KVM switch or serial console appliance:
Upgrade the firmware
Resynchronize the managed appliance so that it reflects the current DSView 3 software system
Save or restore the configuration
Save or restore the database of local users
To access the managed appliance tools:
1. Click the Units tab. In the side navigation bar, click one of the following:
Appliances - The Appliances - All window will open. You may also click on a link below
Appliances to display only specific types of managed appliances in an Appliances
Sites and then click on a site link - A Units in Site window will open.
A custom field label and then the label you specified for the managed appliance - The
Units in Custom Fields window will open.
Recently Accessed - The Recently Accessed Units window will open.
are listed in the Tools section of the window.
To reboot one or more managed appliances from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page 106), click the checkbox
next to the appliance. To reboot all managed appliances in the page, click the checkbox to the
left of Name at the top of the list. (If the page lists units other than managed appliances, they
will not be affected.)
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
2. Click Operations, then select Reboot from the menu. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
3. Confirm or cancel the reboot. If confirmed, all active sessions will be disconnected. A Multiple
viewed; see Multiple unit operations from a Units View window on page 111.
To reboot a managed appliance from a Unit Overview window:
NOTE: To reboot a KVM switch or serial console appliance, you must have Reboot Appliance access rights. By
default, users who are members of the DSView 3 software administrators, user administrators and appliance
administrators built-in groups have this access right. See About Access Rights on page 144.
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Reboot icon or link. A confirmation dialog box will
Upgrading firmware
To upgrade the firmware on a managed appliance:
NOTE: A valid Flash file must exist in the DSView 3 server’s firmware repository for the KVM switch or serial
console appliance to use this command. Optionally, one or more managed appliances may be Flash upgraded
as a task. See Task: Updating the firmware of an appliance type on page 329.
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Upgrade Firmware icon or link. The Upgrade
Appliance Firmware Wizard will appear.
2. The Select Firmware Files window will open.
To add one or more Flash files to the update list, select the file(s) in the Available
Firmware Files list, then click Add. The properties will be moved to the Firmware Files to
Update list.
To remove one or more firmware files from the update list, select the file(s) from the
Firmware Files to Update list, then click Remove. The firmware files will be moved to the
Available Firmware Files list.
The firmware on each managed appliance will be upgraded in the order shown in the
Update list. A reboot will be automatically performed between each firmware update.To
change the order in which firmware files are installed on the managed appliance, select
one or more firmware files in the Firmware Files to Update list and use the up and down
arrows to move the selected firmware files up or down in the listing.
Click Next.
3. The Type in Task Name window will open. Type a 1-64 character name for the upgrade
firmware task, then click Next.
4. The Completed Successful window will open. To check the progress of the upgrade task, click
the Click here to view results link. (You may also check the upgrade task progress while the
task is running by clicking the System tab and then clicking Tasks in the top navigation bar;
however, the upgrade task will be removed from the task list when it completes.)
Chapter 21: Using Tools
5. Click Finish. The Unit Overview window will open.
Resynchronizing units
When a unit changes its configuration, it may not be properly represented in the DSView 3
software system. For example, a target device may be added, removed or moved. Resynchronizing
will update these and other changes made to the unit within the DSView 3 software system.
Resynchronizing will force a check of the entire DSView 3 software system. The process requires a
large amount of time and network bandwidth and should only be performed when necessary.
Alternatively, you may use the automatic topology synchronization feature or synchronize selected
To resynchronize a unit:
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Resync icon or link. The Resync Unit Wizard will
2. The Select Resync Options window will open. (For more information about the resync options,
see Topology synchronization options in the Resync Wizard on page 132.)
a. Enable the Remove offline connections checkbox to remove from the DSView 3 software
database any connections to target devices that are reported as offline in the appliance.
The Resync Wizard does not add offline connections to the DSView 3 software database.
b. Enable the Delete target devices that no longer have connections checkbox to delete those
target devices permanently from the DSView 3 software database.
c. Enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target
device checkbox to allow the DSView 3 software to treat multiple target devices with the
same name as one unit with multiple access methods.
d. Enable the Allow target devices that contain default names to be added checkbox to allow
target devices that have default names in the managed appliances to be added to the
DSView 3 software database.
e. Click Next.
3. If the unit does not require resynchronizing, the Completed Successful window will open.
If the unit requires resynchronizing, the Changes Detected in Appliance window will open.
Click Next and go to step 7.
If one or more cascade switches are attached to the KVM switch, the Cascade Switch
Configuration window will open. Go to step 4.
4. Select the type of each detected cascade switch.
5. Type a name for each cascade switch.
6. Optionally, combine any multiuser cascade switches. Click the checkboxes of the cascade
switches that you wish to merge, and then click Merge.
To unmerge any cascade switches that you have merged, click the checkbox of the merged
cascade switch and then click Split.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
7. Click Next. The Completed Successful window will open.
8. Click Finish. The Unit Overview window will open.
Saving a managed appliance configuration
You may save the configuration of a KVM switch or serial console appliance to a file. The
configuration file will contain information about the managed appliance, including the following:
Global settings
Port settings
SNMP trap settings
SNMP manager settings
The names of connected target devices
For information on restoring a configuration file, see Restoring a managed appliance configuration
on page 316.
To save a managed appliance configuration to a file:
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Save Configuration icon or link. The Save Appliance
Configuration Wizard will appear.
2. Type a description of the configuration that will be saved and may be used if you wish to
restore the configuration at a later time, and then click Next.
Restoring a managed appliance configuration
You may restore the configuration of a KVM switch or serial console appliance. To restore the
configuration, a previously-saved configuration file must exist. See Saving a managed appliance
configuration on page 316.
Appliance configuration files are stored in the DSView 3 server appliance files repository. You
may display the available configuration files by clicking the System tab, clicking Appliance Files in
the top navigation bar and clicking Configuration in the side navigation bar.
To restore a managed appliance configuration:
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Restore Configuration icon or link. The Restore
Appliance Configuration Wizard will appear.
and then click Next.
3. The Completed Successful window will open.
4. Click Finish. The Unit Overview window will open.
5. Reboot the managed appliance to enable the restored configuration. See Rebooting on
page 313.
Chapter 21: Using Tools
Saving a managed appliance user database
NOTE: You may not save the user database of a DS1800 digital switch or DSR1161, DSR2161, DSR4160,
DSR800 switch.
You may save the local user database on a KVM switch or serial console appliance. For
information on restoring a user database, see Restoring a managed appliance user database on
page 317.
To save the user database of a managed appliance:
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Save User Database icon or link. The Save Appliance
User Database Wizard will appear.
2. Type a description of the user database that will be saved and can be used if you wish to restore
the database, and then click Next.
3. The Completed Successful window will open.
4. Click Finish. The Unit Overview window will open.
NOTE: You may not restore the user database of a DS1800 digital switch or DSR1161, DSR2161, DSR4160 or
DSR800 switch.
You may restore the local user database of a KVM switch or serial console appliance. To restore
the user database, a previously saved user database file must exist. See Saving a managed
appliance user database on page 317.
User database files are stored in the DSView 3 server appliance files repository. You may display
the available database files by clicking the System tab, clicking Appliance Files in the top
navigation bar and clicking User Database in the side navigation bar.
To restore the user database of a managed appliance:
1. In the Unit Overview window, click the Restore User Database icon or link. The Restore
Appliance User Database Wizard will appear.
and then click Next.
3. The Completed Successful window will open.
4. Click Finish. The Unit Overview window will open.
5. Reboot the managed appliance to enable the restored user database. See Rebooting on
page 313.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using Tasks
You may add, delete and change tasks from the Tasks window. The Tasks window lists all tasks
configured in the DSView 3 management software system and allows you to manually run tasks.
Using the Tasks Window
To display the Tasks window:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
Customizing the Tasks window
The following fields may be displayed in the Tasks window: Use the Customize link to add or
remove fields in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
Runs On - Server(s) on which the task will run.
Next Run - Next date and time on which the task is scheduled to run. This field will be blank
for a task scheduled on a remote DSView 3 server.
Last Run - Date and time of the last run of the task. This field will be blank for a task scheduled
on a remote DSView 3 server.
Schedule - How often and when the task is scheduled.
Status - Status of a task. An icon in the Name column also indicates the task status.
Table 22.1: Task Status Icons
Idle - Task is not currently running
Running - Task is currently running
Stopping - Task has run but has not completely stopped
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 22.1: Task Status Icons (Continued)
Disabled - Task was prevented from executing
Remote - Task is scheduled on a remote DSView 3 server
Adding tasks
You may use the Add Task Wizard to run the following tasks:
Backup the DSView 3 software database and system files
Configure SNMP trap settings on appliance
Control power of target devices
Export event log to comma separated values (.csv) file
Migrate units (configures and upgrades DSView 2.x or AlterPath Manager software units)
Send IPMI chassis control command to target devices
Test modem connections to selected units
Upgrade firmware of selected appliances of the same type
Validate external authentication server user accounts
Pull names from selected units
Update topology for selected units
Backup the Power Manager database
Restore the Power Manager database
Specifying when to run tasks
You may choose to run tasks at the following times:
Run task now - Runs the task immediately after you click Finish when adding the task in the
Add Task Wizard. The Status column will indicate Running and the running icon will appear to
the left of the task name.
One time only - Runs the task once at a specific time on a specific date.
Periodic - Runs the task a certain number of times per hour or day, beginning at a specific time
on a specific date.
Daily - Runs the task once every day, once Monday-Friday or regularly for a certain number of
days (every 2 days, every 3 days and so on), beginning at a specific time on a specific date.
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
Weekly - Runs the task once each week or regularly over a certain number of weeks (every 2
weeks, every 3 weeks and so on), beginning at a specific time on a specific date. You may also
specify which days you wish for the task to run.
Monthly - Runs the task once each month or regularly over a certain number of months (every
2 months, every 3 months and so on) beginning at a specific time on a specific date. You may
also specify specific months for the task to run.
To run a task periodically:
1. In the Select When to Run the Task window of the Add Task Wizard, click Periodic.
2. The Specify Periodic Schedule window will open.
a. Select the hour, minute and AM or PM to indicate when to begin running the task.
b. Click Every (minutes) and select a number of minutes or click Every (hours) and select a
number of hours.
c. Click on the calendar button or the field to the left of the calendar button and select a date
to begin running the task. To use the calendar:
Click on the year and select a year.
Click on the month name and select a month or use the arrows at the top of the
calendar to move forward and backward by month.
Click on a day in the calendar to close the calendar and fill the field to the left of the
calendar with the date you have selected.
To run a task daily:
1. In the Select When to Run the Task window of the Add Task Wizard, click Daily.
2. The Specify Daily Schedule window will open.
a. Select the hour, minute and AM or PM to indicate when to begin running the task.
b. Click Every Day to run the task each day of the week (Sunday-Saturday).
Click Weekdays to run the task once each weekday (Monday-Friday).
Click Every (days) and select the number of consecutive days (1-365).
c. Click on the calendar button or the field to the left of the calendar button and select a date
to begin running the task. To use the calendar:
Click on the year and select a year.
Click on the month name and select a month or use the arrows at the top of the
calendar to move forward and backward by month.
Click on a day in the calendar to close the calendar and fill the field to the left of the
calendar with the date you have selected.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To run a task weekly:
1. In the Select When to Run the Task window of the Add Task Wizard, click Weekly.
2. The Specify Weekly Schedule window will open.
a. Select the hour, minute and AM or PM to indicate when to begin running the task.
b. Click Every (weeks) and select the number of consecutive weeks (1-52).
c. Select the day of week to run the task from the list box. Multiple weeks may be selected by
pressing Ctrl while clicking on the weeks.
d. Click on the calendar button or the field to the left of the calendar button and select a date
to begin running the task. To use the calendar:
Click on the year and select a year.
Click on the month name and select a month or use the arrows at the top of the
calendar to move forward and backward by month.
Click on a day in the calendar. The calendar will close and fill the field to the left of
the calendar with the selected date.
To run a task monthly:
1. In the Select When to Run the Task window of the Add Task Wizard, click Monthly.
2. The Specify Monthly Schedule window will open.
a. Select the hour, minute and AM or PM to indicate when to begin running the task.
b. Click Day and select the day of the month to run the task.
Click The and select a week and a day of the week to run the task. For example, if you
wish to run the task each second Tuesday of the month, select second from the first menu
and Tuesday from the second menu.
c. Select the month to run the task from the list box. Multiple months may be selected by
pressing Ctrl while clicking on the months.
d. Click on the calendar button or the field to the left of the calendar button and select a date
to begin running the task. To use the calendar:
Click on the year and select a year.
Click on the month name and select a month or use the arrows at the top of the
calendar to move forward and backward by month.
Click on a day in the calendar. The calendar will close and fill the field to the left of
the calendar with the selected date.
Adding tasks using the Add Task Wizard
Tasks may be added only by DSView 3 software administrators.
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
Task: Backup DSView 3 software database and system files
This task creates a compressed .zip file containing a backup of your DSView 3 software system.
The backup file contains everything necessary to fully restore the DSView 3 software hub server.
to the end of the backup filename.
to authenticate until the new DSView 3 server IP address has been programmed into the managed
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334. You may also create a backup manually; see Backing up and Restoring Hub Servers
Manually on page 69.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Backup DSView database and system files from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64
character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task, then click Next. See Specifying when to run tasks on page 320.
6. The Specify DSView System Backup Properties dialog box will appear.
a. Type the directory location in which to create the system backup, which may be a physical
local drive on the DSView 3 server or a shared network location specified by a UNC
(Universal Naming Convention) path. The Location field cannot be set to a mapped
network drive. The directory name must be entered in case sensitive text if your operating
system supports case sensitive filenames.
b. If the specified directory location is a network path that requires a login, enable the Login
required to access shared drive location checkbox. Then type the username and password
and confirm the password of a user account that has read/write access to the network share
c. To encrypt the created system backup file, enable the Encrypt Backup File checkbox, then
type a password to lock and unlock the encrypted file.
d. To append the date and time (in military time) to the end of the system backup filename,
enable the Use date and time for file naming checkbox. For example, if you are creating the
backup file on October 1, 2005 at 10:04 pm, the file created will be named
If a system backup file already exists in the specified directory and this option is not
enabled, the existing backup file will be overwritten when the new backup file is created.
7. Click Finish.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
This task turns SNMP traps on or off for one or more managed appliances of a particular type. To
specify SNMP trap settings for other types of managed appliances, you must create additional
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334. You may also configure SNMP trap settings manually; see Managed Appliance SNMP
Settings on page 149.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Configure SNMP trap settings on appliance from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64
character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), then click Next.
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select All Appliances or select a unit group, then
click Next.
7. The Select Appliance Type window will open. Select the type of managed appliance for which
to configure SNMP traps, then click Next.
8. The Select Appliances window will open. Select one or more managed appliances from the
Available Appliances list, then click Add. The unit(s) will be moved to the Appliances to
Configure list. Then click Next.
9. The Configure SNMP Traps window will open. Change the trap state by selecting one of the
following from each trap menu, then click Next.
No Change - uses the trap on/off state already configured.
Enable - turns the trap on.
Disable - turns the trap off.
Click one of the following buttons:
No Change All - uses the on/off states already configured.
Enable All - turns all traps on.
Disable All - turns all traps off.
10. Click Finish.
Task: Power control a target device
This task powers up, powers down or cycles the power (powers down and then powers up) of one
or more target devices.
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334. There are other ways to power control a target device; see Power Control of Devices
Attached to Power Devices on page 169.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), then click Next.
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select All Target Devices to configure the power
control settings on all target devices or select a particular unit group to configure. See Unit
Groups on page 210. Then click Next.
7. The Select Target Devices window will open. Select one or more target devices in the
Available Target Devices list, then click Add. The target device(s) will be moved to the Target
Devices to Control list. Then click Next.
8. The Select Power Control Function window will open. Select the power control function to be
performed on the target devices, and then click Next.
Turn Power On - powers up the specified target devices.
Turn Power Off - powers down the specified target devices.
Cycle Power - powers down and then powers up the specified target devices.
9. Click Finish.
exported event log may be stored on a local or network drive. The event log is named eventlog.csv
by default, but you may also append the date and time to the end of the event log. The output .csv
file may be viewed in a text editor or spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334. You may also save an event log using the Export Event Log tool. See Creating an Event
Log .csv File on page 347.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Export event log to a comma separated values (.CSV) file from the drop-down menu.
Type a 1-64 character name for the task.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), then click Next.
6. The Specify Export Event Log Properties window will open.
a. Type the directory in which to create the event log, which may be a physical local drive on
the DSView 3 server or at a shared network location specified by a UNC path. The
location cannot be set to a mapped network drive.The directory name must be entered in
case sensitive text if your operating system supports case sensitive filenames.
b. If the specified directory location is a network drive that requires a log in, enable the Login
required to access shared drive location checkbox. Then, type the username and password
and confirm the password of a user account that has read/write access to the network share
c. To append the date and time (in military time) to the end of the event log file, enable the
Use date and time for file naming checkbox. For example, if you are creating the event log
file on October 1, 2005 at 10:04 pm, the file created will be named
If an event log exists in the specified directory and you do not enable this option, it will be
overwritten when the new event log is created.
d. Click Next.
7. The Select Event Log Columns to Export window will open.
8. To add one or more columns to export, select the column(s) from the Available Columns list,
then click Add. The column(s) will be moved to the Columns to Export list.
9. To remove one or more columns to export, select the column(s) from the Columns to Export
list, then click Remove. The column(s) will be moved to the Available Columns list.
10. To change the order in which exported columns are listed in the output .csv file, select one or
more columns in the Columns to Export list and use the up and down arrows to move the
selected columns up or down in the listing.
11. Click Finish.
Task: Migrating units
NOTE: This task is valid only when the DSView 3 software is installed on a supported Windows system.
This task may be used to migrate units from a DSView 2.x software database or from the AlterPath
Migrating DSView 2.x software units
This task updates DS1800 digital switches, CPS appliances or DSR switches within the unit group,
or any of those managed appliances using firmware compatible with DSView 2.x software to
firmware that is compatible with the DSView 3 management software.
The managed appliances should not be Flash upgraded from DSView 2.x firmware to firmware that
supports DSView 3 software before using the Migrate Units command. The recommended
procedure is to first import the DSView 2.x software database to the new DSView 3 software
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
system using the Import DSView 2.x Database tool (see Importing DSView 2.x software databases
on page 309), followed by running the Migrate Units task on each managed appliance.
A CPS appliance or DSR switch that has been migrated to DSView 3 software compatible
firmware may be returned to DSView 2.x compatibility.
Migrating AlterPath Manager software units
the DSView 3 management software.
The recommended procedure is to first export data from the AlterPath Manager into an XML
format that can be read by DSView 3 software (see the AlterPath Manager Data Migration
Technical Bulletin). Then, import the AlterPath Manager data to the DSView 3 software system
using the Import Data Wizard (see Importing data on page 312), followed by running the Migrate
Units task on each managed appliance. When creating the Migrate Units task, it is recommend that
you select Enable Secure Mode for the units.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Migrate Units from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64 character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), then click Next.
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select Units Needing Migration or a particular unit
group from the menu.
7. Click Select by Product Family then select a family from the menu.
Click Select by Unit Type then select a type from the menu.
Click Next. You must create a separate task for each product family or type of managed
appliance you wish to migrate.
8. The Select Units window will open. The Available Units list will contain only units with a
status of Migration Needed that match the selected type found in the unit group specified in the
previous step. Select one or more managed appliance to migrate from the Available Appliances
list, then Click Add. The switches or appliances will be moved to the Appliances to Configure
list. Click Next.
9. If you are migrating DSView 2.x software units, select the firmware files for migration.
a. Type the host name or the address of the TFTP server, in standard dot notation
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) containing the DS1800 digital switch, CPS appliance or DSR switch
firmware files required for migration to DSView 3 management software compatibility.
b. Type the name of each firmware image.
c. Click Next.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
10. If you want the managed appliances you are migrating to be accessible only by this DSView 3
server, enable the Enable secure mode checkbox. If you want the managed appliances you are
migrating to be accessible by any DSView 3 software system, disable the Enable secure mode
checkbox. Click Next.
NOTE: If you are migrating units from the AlterPath Manager, enabling secure mode is recommended.
11. Click Finish. The Tasks window will open. You may display the current progress of the
migration task by clicking on the name of the task.
12. Repeat the preceding steps for each type of managed appliance that you wish to migrate.
Units successfully migrated into the DSView 3 software system will appear in Units View
Task: Sending an IPMI chassis control command to target devices
This command powers up, powers down, cycles the power (power down and then power up),
performs a gentle shutdown or resets one or more IPMI target devices.
You must have Control Target Device Power rights to send an IPMI chassis control command. See
About Access Rights on page 144.
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Send IPMI chassis control command to target devices from the drop-down menu. Type a
1-64 character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320). Click Next.
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select All Target Devices or select a particular unit
group to configure from the menu. See Grouping Units on page 205. Then click Next.
7. The Select Target Devices window will open. Select one or more IPMI target devices to
chassis control from the Available Target Devices list, then click Add. The IPMI target devices
will be moved to the Target Devices to Control list. Click Next.
8. The Select IPMI Control Function window will open. Select the power control function you
wish to perform on the IPMI target devices, then click Next.
Turn Power On - powers up the specified devices.
Turn Power Off - powers down the specified devices.
Cycle Power - powers down and then power up the specified devices. *
Reset - performs a hard reset of the specified devices.
Graceful Shutdown - performs a graceful shutdown of the specified devices. *
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
* The availability of the Cycle Power and Graceful Shutdown options is dependent on the
BMC implementation. If one of these options is selected for a task but the BMC
implementation does not support the option, the task will fail when run and be reported in the
Task Results window.
9. Click Finish.
Task: Test modem connections to selected units
This task tests modem connections to ACS console servers that have been configured to support
modem dial-up or modem dial-back.
For more information about modem connections, see Active modem sessions on page 179.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Test modem connections to selected units from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64
character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), and then click
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select a group from the menu.
7. Click Select by Product Family and select ACS Firmware from the drop-down menu.
Click Select by Unit Type and choose a specific ACS console server model from the drop-
down menu.
Then click Next.
8. The Select Unit window will open. Select the units that you wish to test and click Add.
9. Click Finish.
Task: Updating the firmware of an appliance type
This task upgrades the firmware of selected DS1800 digital switches, DSI5100, CPS or CCM
appliances or DSR switches. To upgrade other types of managed appliances, you must create
additional tasks.
Firmware must be available before using this command. See Firmware Management on page 336.
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
Type a 1-64 character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), and then click
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select All Appliances or select a particular unit
group to upgrade from the menu. See Unit Groups on page 210. Then click Next.
7. The Select Appliance Type window will open. Select the type of managed appliance that you
wish to upgrade, then click Next.
8. The Select Appliances window will open. Select one or more managed appliance to be
upgraded from the Available Appliances list, then click Add. The appliances will be moved to
the Appliances to Configure list.
9. Click Finish.
services contain accounts for users. Any user accounts not found on the external authentication
server will be flagged as suspicious (a question mark icon will appear to the left of the user’s
name). Suspicious accounts are indicated in event log files.
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
1-64 character name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320).
6. Click Finish.
Task: Pull names from selected units
Automatic name pull (see Automatic name pull on page 127) is not supported on some managed
appliances, including the LANDesk Server Manager. To keep these appliances synchronized with
the DSView 3 software, you may instead schedule the pull names task.
NOTE: For more information about LANDesk Server Manager integration, see the DSView 3 Software Plug-in for
LANDesk Server Manager online help.
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
This task may be used to pull names from a managed appliance and update the DSView 3 software
database. This task performs the same operations as the Pull Names from Appliance option in the
Operations menu (see Name Synchronization on page 125).
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window opens.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard appears.
4. Select Pull Names from selected units from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64 character name
for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), then click Next.
8. Click Finish.
Task: Update topology for selected units
This task updates the DSView 3 software database when a change occurs in a units. Examples of
changes are the adding/removing of an IQ adaptor, cascade switch or power device. This task
performs the same operations as the Resync Unit Wizard (see Resynchronizing units on page 315).
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window opens.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard appears.
4. Select Update Topology for selected units from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64 character
name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task (see Specifying when to run tasks on page 320), then click Next.
6. The Select Unit Group window opens. Select All Units or select a unit group, then click Next.
7. The Select Unit window opens. Select the units to be included in the topology update, click
Add, then click Next.
8. The Select Options window opens.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
a. If you enable the Remove offline connections checkbox, any units connections that are
reported as offline in the unit will be deleted from the DSView 3 software database. The
Update topology for selected units task does not add offline connections to the DSView 3
software database
b. If you enable the Delete target devices that no longer have connections checkbox, target
devices that no longer have connections will be permanently deleted from the DSView 3
software database.
c. If you enable the Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single
target device checkbox, the connection to a target device in the unit will be merged with
the connection(s) to an existing target device in the DSView 3 software database.
d. If you enable the Allow target devices that contain default names to be added for these
type of connections checkbox, you may then enable one or more connection type
checkboxes. Any target devices that contain default names in the unit will be added to the
DSView 3 software database only if the connection type in the unit matches an enabled
connection type in this window.
9. Click Finish.
This task creates a compressed .zip file containing a backup of the Power Manager database. The
backup file contains everything necessary to fully restore the Power Manager database if needed.
The backup file is named dsviewPluginBackup.zip by default, but you may also append the date
and time to the end of the backup filename.
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
NOTE: Power management features require the Power Manager plug-in. For more information about using
power management, see the Power Manager Plug-in help.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Backup Power Manager database from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64 character
name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task, then click Next. See Specifying when to run tasks on page 320.
6. The Specify Power Manager Database Backup Properties window will open.
a. Type the directory location in which to create the backup file, which may be a physical
local drive on the DSView 3 server or a shared network location specified by a UNC
(Universal Naming Convention) path. The Location field cannot be set to a mapped
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
network drive. The directory name must be entered in case sensitive text if your operating
system supports case sensitive filenames.
b. If the specified directory location is a network path that requires a login, enable the Login
required to access shared drive location checkbox. Then type the username and password
and confirm the password of a user account that has read/write access to the network share
c. To encrypt the created system backup file, enable the Encrypt Backup File checkbox, then
type a password to lock and unlock the encrypted file.
d. To append the date and time (in military time) to the end of the system backup filename,
enable the Use date and time for file naming checkbox. For example, if you are creating the
backup file on October 1, 2005 at 10:04 pm, the file created will be named
7. Click Finish.
Power Manager database on page 332. The backup file contains everything necessary to fully
restore the Power Manager database if needed. The backup file is named dsviewPluginBackup.zip
by default, but you may also append the date and time to the end of the backup filename.
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 334.
NOTE: Power management features require the Power Manager plug-in. For more information about using
power management, see the Power Manager Plug-in help.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear.
4. Select Restore Power Manager database from the drop-down menu. Type a 1-64 character
name for the task.
5. Select a time to run the task, then click Next. See Specifying when to run tasks on page 320.
6. The Specify Power Manager Restore Backup Properties window will open.
a. Type the directory location from which to retrieve the backup file, which must be a logical
or mapped drive on the DSView 3 server. The directory name must be entered in case
sensitive text if your operating system supports case sensitive filenames.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
b. If the specified directory location is a network path that requires a login, enable the Login
required to access shared drive location checkbox. Then type the username and password
and confirm the password of a user account that has read/write access to the network share
c. If the backup file is encrypted, enable the Backup File is encrypted checkbox, then type a
password to unlock the encrypted file.
7. Click Finish.
Running tasks manually
Although tasks are scheduled to run at particular times using the Add Task Wizard, you may run an
existing task at any time.
To manually run tasks:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the task(s) you wish to run. To select all tasks on the page,
click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top of the list.
Remote tasks that are scheduled on another DSView 3 server may not be run from the DSView
3 server to which you are logged in. To run a remote task, you must log in to the DSView 3
server on which the task was created.
4. Click Run Now. The icon to the left of the task name will change to the running icon and the
status of the task will change to Running.
Displaying task results
The Task Results window displays the status of the most current run of tasks, including successful
and unsuccessful runs and information on each run.
The following fields display in the Task Results window for the Configure SNMP trap settings on
appliance, Control power of target devices, Migrate Units, Send IPMI chassis control command to
target devices and Upgrade firmware of selected appliances of the same type tasks:
Name - Names of the unit on which the task is running or has been run
Start Time - Exact time at which each task run occurred
Duration - Date and time of the task run
Status - Result of the task run
To display the results of a task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click the name of the task. The Task Results window will display, containing information
about the task.
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
Deleting tasks
NOTE: Remote tasks, which are scheduled on another DSView 3 server, may not be deleted from the DSView 3
server to which you are logged in. To delete a remote task, you must log in to the DSView 3 server on which the
task was created.
To delete a task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the task(s) you wish to delete. To delete all tasks on the page,
click the checkbox to the left of Name column at the top of the list.
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Changing tasks
NOTE: Remote tasks, which are scheduled on another DSView 3 server, may not be modified from the DSView
3 server to which you are logged in. To change a remote task, you must log in to the DSView 3 server on which
the task was created.
You may change the schedule and properties for existing tasks. (The Validate external
authentication server user accounts task does not contain properties.)
To change a task schedule:
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click on the name of the task.
4. Click Schedule in the side navigation bar. The Task Schedule window will open. Select the
type of task you wish to schedule and complete the information. See Specifying when to run
tasks on page 320.
To change the properties of a task:
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click on the name of the task.
4. Click Properties in the side navigation bar. The Task Properties window will open.
5. Change the properties of the task. See the operating sequence for the task type in Adding tasks
using the Add Task Wizard on page 322.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Firmware Management
The Flash firmware files for DS1800 digital switches, DSI5100, CPS and CCM appliances and
DSR switches may be added, viewed and deleted using the Appliance Firmware Files window.
Once a Flash firmware file(s) has been added, you may use the file(s) to upgrade the managed
To display the Appliance Firmware Files window:
1. Click the System tab.
Customizing the Appliance Firmware Files window
The Version, firmware Type, Appliance Type, Creation Date and Time, Description, Language and
Country fields may appear in the display. Use the Customize link to add or remove fields in the
display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
To add a firmware file:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Appliance Files in the top navigation bar. The Appliance Firmware Files window will
3. Click Add. The Add Firmware File Wizard will appear.
4. Enter the directory and filename (or browse to the location) of the firmware file you want to
add to the DSView 3 software appliance files repository.
5. Type a description of the firmware file in the Description field.
6. Click Next. The firmware is added and the Completed Successful window appears.
7. Click Finish. The Appliance Firmware Files window will open.
NOTE: Once the file is uploaded, it is no longer needed on the DSView 3 software client from which it was
To display firmware information:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Appliance Files in the top navigation bar. The Appliance Firmware Files window will
3. Click on the version of a firmware file. The Firmware File Properties window will open.
4. The display includes the firmware version, appliance type, firmware creation date, country and
language of the firmware. If you wish, you may change the description of the firmware file in
the Description field.
Chapter 22: Using Tasks
5. Click Save and then click Close. The Appliance Firmware - All window will open and contain
the firmware information if you saved the changes.
To delete firmware:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Appliance Files in the top navigation bar. The Appliance Firmware Files window will
3. Click the checkbox next to the firmware you want to delete.
4. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
5. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Events and Event Logs
When an enabled, defined event occurs in the DSView 3software system, it is saved in the event
log. You may display the event log content, view details about an individual event log entry or
delete an event log entry. You may have an email notification sent to one or more addresses when
an event occurs. You may change the event log’s retention period and export the event log’s
NOTE: You must be a member of the DSView 3 software administrator or auditor user group to access event
configuration and display windows.
Events are classified by severity and category.
Event severity
Table 23.1 describes the event severity levels. The icon appears in event log displays.
Table 23.1: Event Severity Levels
Events that are periodic and expected.
Events that are neither periodic nor problematic.
Events that are in a normal or cleared state. This value typically appears at
event start up or after leaving a previous event state.
Abnormal events that require correcting at a later time.
Abnormal events of a more serious nature that may require quicker action,
such as the failure of a scheduled task or loss of communication
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 23.1: Event Severity Levels (Continued)
Severe abnormal events impacting your DSView 3 management software
session and requires immediate corrective action.
Severity icons
For users who are members of the DSView 3 software administrators or auditor user groups, the
non-critical, critical and non-recoverable icons also appear near the right edge of the top navigation
bar in the DSView Explorer window when events of that severity occur. Each icon is accompanied
by a total count of new events of that severity. The counter is decremented when an event of that
severity is deleted from the event log or when an event’s state is changed from New to
Acknowledged (see Event states on page 345). The counter is incremented when a new event of
that severity is added to the log or when an event’s state is changed from Acknowledged to New.
Event categories
Defined events can be classified in the following categories:
Access control
Data logging
SSH Passthrough
Unit status
Email Notifications
The DSView 3 software may be configured to send one or more users an email notification when
an enabled event occurs.
You may specify which events will trigger an email notification.
Chapter 23: Events and Event Logs
You may also specify one or more unit groups - an email notification will be sent only when a
specified unit-related event occurs on a unit that is a member of the specified unit group(s).
If a specified event that is not tied to a unit occurs (for example, DSView server started), an
email notification will be sent, regardless of the any specified unit groups.
NOTE: A mail server that supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) must be configured to receive email
event notifications.
Customizing the Email Notifications window
The Email Subject column is always displayed in the Email Notifications window: The display
may include From Address and To Address fields. Use the Customize link to add or remove fields
in the display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
To configure an email notification:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Email Notifications in the side navigation bar. The Email Notifications window will
3. Click Add. The Add Email Notification Wizard will appear.
4. The Specify Email Properties window will open.
a. In the Send To field, type the email addresses of the persons you want to notify. Separate
multiple addresses with a comma (,). This field has a limit of 1024 characters.
b. In the From field, type the email address (up to 64 characters) of the person you wish to
designate as the sender of the notification.
c. In the Subject field, type a subject heading (up to 64 characters) for the notification.
d. Click Next.
5. The Select Events to Trigger Email Notification window will open.
To add one or more events, select the event(s) from the Available Events list, then click
Add. The event(s) will be moved to the Events To Notify list.
To remove one or more events, select the event(s) from the Events To Notify list, then
click Remove. The event(s) will be moved to the Available Events list.
Click Next.
6. The Select Unit Groups to Trigger Email Notification window will open.
To add one or more unit groups, select the unit group(s) from the Available Unit Groups
list, then click Add. The unit group(s) will be moved to the Selected Unit Groups list.
To remove one or more unit groups, select the unit group(s) from the Selected Unit Groups
list, then click Remove. The unit group(s) will be moved to the Available Unit Groups list.
Click Next.
7. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
To change an email notification:
1. Click Email Notifications in the side navigation bar. The Email Notifications window will
2. Click on the email subject of the notification you wish to change. The Email Notification
Properties window will appear.
3. To change the notification information:
a. In the Send To field, enter or remove the email addresses of persons you want to notify.
Separate multiple addresses with a comma (,). This field has a limit of 1024 characters.
b. In the From field, change the email address (up to 64 characters) of the person you wish to
designate as the sender of the notification.
c. In the Subject field, change the subject heading (up to 64 characters) for the notification
4. To change the events:
To add one or more events, select the event(s) from the Available Events list, then click
Add. The events will be moved to the Events To Notify list.
To remove one or more events, select the event(s) from the Events To Notify list, then
click Remove. The events will be moved to the Available Events list.
5. To change the unit groups:
To add one or more unit groups, select the unit group(s) from the Available Unit Groups
list, then click Add. The unit group(s) will be moved to the Selected Unit Groups list.
To remove one or more unit groups, select the unit group(s) from the Selected Unit Groups
list, then click Remove. The unit group(s) will be moved to the Available Unit Groups list.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Email Notifications window will open.
To test an email notification:
Once an email notification has been created, you may send a test message to ensure that the
notification is delivered to the specified recipients.
1. Click Email Notifications in the side navigation bar. The Email Notifications window will
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the notification(s) to be tested. To select all notifications on
the page, click the checkbox to the left of Email Subject at the top of the list.
3. Click Test. You will be prompted to confirm the test.
4. Confirm or cancel the test.
To delete an email notification:
1. Click Email Notifications in the side navigation bar. The Email Notifications window will
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the notifications to delete. To select all notifications on the
page, click the checkbox to the left of Email Subject at the top of the list.
Chapter 23: Events and Event Logs
3. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
4. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Enabling and Disabling Event Logging
disabled. When an enabled event occurs, it is written to the event log. When an event is disabled, its
By default the Enabled Log Events window lists the event name and whether it is enabled or
disabled. (The enabled/disabled state differs from an event’s state in the event log; see Event states
on page 345.) You may change which fields and the number of items per page that will be
displayed in the Enabled Log Events window by clicking the Customize link (see Using the
Customize link in windows on page 28). This may be helpful if you want to sort the list by a field
such as category or event ID.
To enable or disable logging of one or more events:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Enabled Events in the side navigation bar. The Enabled Log Events window will open,
listing all enabled and disabled log events. If you want to display only the events in a particular
category, click the category link in the side navigation bar.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of one or more events. To select all events on the page, click the
checkbox to the left of Log Event at the top of the list.
4. Click Enable or Disable. (Events cannot be enabled unless they are already disabled. Similarly,
events cannot be disabled unless they are already enabled).
The Enabled Log Events window will refresh with the new information.
Displaying the Event Log
There are several ways to customize event log displays.
You may display all events (or at least the most recent 5000) in the log.
You may display events based on their state; see Event states on page 345.
Event log display fields
The following fields are always displayed in the Event Log window:
Severity - See Event severity on page 339. Clicking this field will display the Event Informa-
tion window, which contains details about the event.
Date/Time - Displays the date and time of an event in the client computer’s time zone.
Description - Short description of an event.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
The following fields may be displayed. Use the Customize link to add or remove fields in the
display. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.
State - New or Acknowledged. See Event states on page 345. This field is displayed only when
the Show All button is enabled. Its display is not affected by customization.
Category - Category of an event log entry.
Detailed Description - Detailed information, which may include the name of a target device,
session type, user and so on. For example, a MIB-II interface link up trap might contain
Appliance change of state in the Description column, while the Detailed Description column
contains Generic link up interface 1.
DSView Server - Name of the DSView 3 server where the event was logged.
Event ID - Unique event identifier, which can be useful for sorting displays.
Trap Enterprise - Enterprise object identifier for a received SNMP trap. (The Trap Enterprise
field in an Event Log window is named Enterprise OID in the Event Information window.)
Unit - Name of a managed appliance for the event.
User - User associated with the event. For example, when a Unit Deleted event is detected, this
field contains the username of the initiator.
To display the event log:
Click the Reports tab. The Event Log - All window will open.
then click one of the categories.
To display event log entries that occurred during a specified interval, see Using the date filter
on page 346.
By default, the display includes event log entries with a state of New (see Event states on
page 345) and the State column is not displayed. To view events with an Acknowledged state
in the display, enable the Show All button. The State column will be added to the display, and
be grayed-out to differentiate them from New events, but any event can be selected.
To remove events with an Acknowledged state from the display, disable the Show All button.
The State column will be removed from the display, and only unacknowledged (state = New)
events will appear.
NOTE: You may also display a list of only the new non-critical, critical or non-recoverable event log entries by
clicking the appropriate icon in the right portion of the top navigation bar (see Table 23.1 for pictures).
To display details of an event log entry:
1. Click the Reports tab.
Chapter 23: Events and Event Logs
2. In an Event Log window, click on a link in the Severity column. The Event Information
window will open.
See Event log display fields on page 343 for descriptions of information in the Event Details
section of the display.
The Event History table contains any state change information. This includes when the state
was changed, the type of change (for example, Changed from New to Acknowledged), and
who (username) made the state change.
3. Click Close. The Event Log window will open.
To delete one or more event log entries:
1. In an Event Log window, click the checkbox to the left of the event(s) to delete. To select all
events on the page, click the checkbox to the left of Severity at the top of the list.
2. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
3. Confirm or cancel the deletion.
Event states
When an event first occurs and is placed in the event log, it is considered to be in a New state, You
may delete the event, which will remove it from displays and from the event log. However, if you
wish to prevent an event from being displayed but not delete it from the event log, you may
acknowledge the event, which will change its state from New to Acknowledged.
You may also change an event’s state from Acknowledged to New again. This can be useful if you
mistakenly changed an event’s state to Acknowledged. The Event Information window for each
event contains an Event History that indicates when that event’s state was changed and by whom.
When you change a non-recoverable, critical or non-critical event’s state to Acknowledged, the
counter next to that severity icon in the top navigation bar will be decremented. If you change one
of these events from Acknowledged to New, the counter is incremented.
In an event log display, if the Show All button is not enabled, the display will only include events
with a New state. If the Show All button is enabled, events in any state (New or Acknowledged)
will be included. Acknowledged events will be grayed-out.
To change the state of one or more event log entries:
1. Click the Reports tab. The Event Log - All window will open. You may tailor the display by
severity, category or date, if desired.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of the events whose state you wish to change. To select all events
on the page, click the checkbox in the heading at the top of the list.
3. Click Set State and then select Acknowledged or New from the drop-down list.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using the date filter
The event log retains all events occurring in the DSView 3 software system for the specified
retention time. By default, the 5000 most recent events are displayed. You may use the date filter to
display older events or to display events from any interval in the retention time.
To use the date filter:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. In any Event Log window, click Date Filter. The Date Filter window will open.
3. In the first drop-down menu in the From line, select Events On to select the start date and time.
4. Click on the calendar button or the field to the left of the calendar button and select a start date.
To use the calendar:
a. Click on the year and select a year from the drop-down menu.
b. Click on the month name and select a month from the drop-down menu, or use the arrows
at the top of the calendar to move forward and backward by month.
c. Click on a day in the calendar to close the calendar and fill the field to the left of the
calendar with the date you have selected.
5. Select an hour, minute and which half of the day for the start date.
6. In the first drop-down menu in the To line, select Events On to select the end date and time.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to specify the end date.
8. Click Apply. The previous event log view window will open with the event range specified in
the Filter Date window.
The Clear Date Filter button will appear in the event log view window. To clear date filtering,
click this button.
Changing the Event Log Retention Period
By default, an event log is retained for seven days (one week). You may specify a retention period
of up to 365 days (one year).
NOTE: Event log information is stored in the DSView 3 software database and is replicated. Increasing the event
log retention time may impact the performance of the DSView 3 software system. It is recommended that old
event log entries be archived to .csv files by scheduling tasks; see Task: Exporting an event log .csv file on
page 325. You may also export event logs at any time; see Creating an Event Log .csv File on page 347.
To change the event log retention period:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Log Retention in the side navigation bar. The Event Log Retention Time window will
3. Type a number of days (from 1-365) in the Days field, or select it using the menu.
4. Click Save.
Chapter 23: Events and Event Logs
Creating an Event Log .csv File
The output event log file is named eventlog.csv by default, but you may change the name when it is
saved. The .csv file may be viewed in a text editor or spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft
NOTE: To create a task to export the event log to a .csv file, see Task: Exporting an event log .csv file on
page 325.
To create an event log .csv file:
1. Click the Reports tab.
2. Click Tools in the side navigation bar. The Event Log Tools window will open.
3. Click the Export Event Log icon or text. The Export Event Log Wizard will appear.
4. The Select Columns to Export window will open.
To add one or more columns to export, select the column(s) from the Available Columns
list, then click Add. The columns will be moved to the Columns to Export list.
To remove one or more columns, select the column(s) from the Columns to Export list,
then click Remove. The columns will be moved to the Available Columns list.
To change the order in which exported columns are listed in the output .csv file, select one
or more columns in the Columns to Export list and use the up and down arrows to move
the selected columns up or down in the listing.
Click Next.
5. The Save Process window will open, explaining how the file will be saved. Click Next.
6. The Completed Successful window will open, along with a File Download dialog box.
7. From the File Download dialog box, click Open. The file will be downloaded and will open on
the DSView 3 software client. By default, .csv files are configured to open in Microsoft Excel.
If Microsoft Excel is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to select a text
editor to open the .csv file.
From the File Download dialog box, click Save. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select a
directory and filename and click Save to save the .csv file.
8. Click Finish. The Event Log Tools window will open.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
A plug-in provides support for a specific appliance type (model) in the DSView 3 software. A plug-
in is packaged into a single archive file that can be shipped and added independently of the
DSView 3 software. You may add plug-ins to the DSView 3 software version 3.3 or later.
Although plug-ins are created independently, a particular DSView 3 software release may include
one or more plug-ins that have already been added to the software. The release notes will indicate if
any plug-ins are included. If a plug-in is included, you will not need to add it to the hub or spoke
This chapter describes how to add and manage plug-ins in the DSView 3 software. Once you
successfully complete the sequence for adding a plug-in, you may add appliances of that type and
initiate other operations from the DSView 3 software that are supported in that plug-in.
NOTE: You must have DSView 3 software administrator access rights to view, add and manage plug-ins.
Plug-ins are created using the Plug-in API in the DSView 3 Software Development Kit (SDK).
Recommended Sequence for Adding/Upgrading Plug-ins
1. Ensure that scheduled replication will not occur during the adding or upgrading of plug-ins -
you may need to change the replication schedule temporarily.
3. Perform a backup of the DSView 3 software database. See Backing up and Restoring Hub
Servers Manually on page 69.
4. Add or upgrade the plug-in on the hub server.
To add a plug-in, see Adding Plug-ins on page 350.
To upgrade a plug-in, see Upgrading a plug-in on page 352.
5. Add or upgrade the plug-in on each spoke server. All spoke servers should have the same plug-
ins at the same version.
6. Perform a replication operation on every spoke server.
7. Perform a backup of the DSView 3 software database.
8. If you changed the replication schedule in step 1, you may change it back to its original values.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Adding Plug-ins
For optimal operation, the hub and all of the spoke servers should have the same version of a plug-
in installed. Follow the steps described in Recommended Sequence for Adding/Upgrading Plug-ins
on page 349.
During the add operation on the hub server, new data types defined in the plug-in are registered in
the DSView 3 software database. After the plug-in is added to the spoke server and a replication
operation is initiated, the registration information on the hub server is propagated to the spoke
On the hub server, a new plug-in becomes active when it is added. On a spoke server, a new plug-in
becomes active only after the plug-in is added to the hub and then to the spoke and a subsequent
replication completes successfully.
For some plug-ins, you may need to add a license key to the DSView 3 software system before
adding the plug-in to any server. See the documentation included with the plug-in or contact your
Avocent representative to determine if a key is needed. To add a license, see Licenses on page 54.
To add a plug-in:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Plug-ins in the top navigation bar.
3. Click Add. The Add Plug-in Wizard will open.
4. The Select Plug-in window will open. Enter the name or browse to the location of the plug-in
file, then click Next.
5. The Overview window will open. This window contains read-only information about the plug-
in. Click Next.
6. The Adding Plug-in page will open while the plug-in is added to the DSView 3 software
7. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish.
NOTE: If you added a plug-in for a Cyclades appliance, you must disable the Cyclades Web Manager to
maintain security standards. For information about how to disable the Cyclades Web Manager, see the online
help for the Cyclades appliance plug-in.
Displaying Plug-in Information
You may display information about all plug-ins that have been added as well as information about
a single plug-in on the DSView 3 server where you are logged in.
To display plug-in information:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Plug-ins in the top navigation bar. The Plug-ins window will open.
Chapter 24: Plug-ins
3. To display information about one plug-in, click the plug-in name. The Plug-in overview
window will open.
Information in the Overview area is read-only.
The DSView Servers table lists the status of the plug-in on each DSView 3 server. Each row
includes the name of the server and the plug-in version plus the administrative and operational
status of the plug-in on that server.
Table 24.1: Plug-ins Display Information
Plug-in name, acquired from the plug-in.
Plug-in version (on this server), acquired from the plug-in when it was added or
Same - The plug-in’s operational status, administrative status and version is the
same on all DSView 3 servers.
Overall Status
Mixed - The plus-in’s operational status, administrative status and version is not
the same on all DSView 3 servers.
Administrative status on this server. Valid values are:
DSView server not responding - (This value is valid only when a single plug-in
has been selected.) The DSView 3 software could not obtain plug-in status on
this server.
To examine server status, click the System tab, then DSView Server in the top
navigation bar. If you are on a hub server, click Spoke Servers in the side
navigation bar and then select the appropriate server. If you are on a spoke
server, click Hub Server in the side navigation bar.
Administrative Status
Replication needed - The plug-in has been added, but replication is required
before the plug-in can be used.
Active - The plug-in is registered and operational.
Disabled - The plug-in has been disabled.
Not installed - The plug-in has not been added to this server. If the DSView 3
software can obtain information from the status service about this plug-in (from
other servers where it is installed), the Name field will contain the plug-in’s
name. If the status service does not provide this information, the Name field will
contain the plug-in’s domain and ID.
Operational status on this server. Valid values are:
Inactive - The plug-in is not running.
Active - The plug-in is running.
Operational Status
Initializing - The plug-in is starting up.
Shutting down - The plug-in is stopping.
Upgrading - The plug-in is in the upgrade process.
Detailed Operational
Status *
Detailed status acquired from the plug-in.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table 24.1: Plug-ins Display Information (Continued)
Description *
Languages *
Appliance Type *
Vendor *
Descriptive information acquired from the plug-in.
Language information acquired from the plug-in.
Appliance type information acquired from the plug-in.
Owning vendor of the plug-in, according to information acquired from the plug-in.
* By default, these fields are not displayed in the Plug-ins window. Use the Customize link to specify which
fields you want to display; see Using the Customize link in windows on page 28. These fields are always
displayed in the individual plug-ins’ overview windows.
Managing Plug-ins
After a plug-in has been added, you may upgrade it to another (generally, newer) version. You may
also disable a plug-in if necessary for troubleshooting, and then (re)activate it.
you can activate a plug-in only if its current administrative status is disabled).
Upgrading a plug-in
When you upgrade the existing version of a plug-in, follow the steps described in Recommended
Sequence for Adding/Upgrading Plug-ins on page 349.
To upgrade a plug-in:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Plug-ins in the top navigation bar. The Plug-ins window will open.
3. Click on the name of plug-in to be upgraded. The plug-in overview window will open.
4. In the DSView Servers area, click the checkbox next to the DSView 3 server you are currently
logged into.
5. Click Upgrade. The Upgrade Plug-in Wizard will open.
6. Enter the name or browse to the location of the plug-in file, then click Next.
7. The Overview window will open. This window contains read-only information about the plug-
in. Click Next.
8. The Upgrading Plug-in page will open while the plug-in is being upgraded.
9. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish.
Chapter 24: Plug-ins
Disabling and activating a plug-in
When a plug-in is disabled, you cannot use any features and operations supported by that plug-in.
Appliances and target devices that were added to the DSView 3 software system before the plug-in
was disabled will still appear in Units View windows, but you will not be able to acquire status
from those units, and links that initiate connections to those units will not be available. You will not
be able to add more appliances of that type until the plug-in is (re)activated.
A disabled plug-in will remain disabled if the DSView 3 software is restarted.
To disable a plug-in:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Plug-ins in the top navigation bar. The Plug-ins window will open.
3. Click on the name of plug-in to be disabled. The plug-in overview window will open.
4. In the DSView Servers area, click the checkbox next to the DSView 3 server you are currently
logged into.
5. Click Disable. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
6. Confirm or cancel the action.
To activate a plug-in:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Plug-ins in the top navigation bar. The Plug-ins window will open.
3. Click on the name of plug-in to be activated. The plug-in overview window will open.
4. In the DSView Servers area, click the checkbox next to the DSView 3 server you are currently
logged into.
5. Click Activate. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
6. Confirm or cancel the action.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Appendix A: Technical Support
Our Technical Support staff is ready to assist you with any installation or operating issues you
encounter with your Avocent product. If an issue should develop, follow the steps below for the
fastest possible service:
To resolve an issue:
1. Check the pertinent section of the manual to see if the issue can be resolved by following the
procedures outlined.
2. Check our web site at www.avocent.com/support to search the knowledge base or use the
online service request.
3. Call the Avocent Technical Support location nearest you.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Appendix B: TCP and UDP Ports
browser. The communication protocol used between the client web browser and the server is the
HTTPS protocol. By default, TCP/IP port 443 is used for HTTPS connections, but you may change
the port using the DSView Server Network Properties window.
NOTE: The port used for the HTTPS connection may be changed using the DSView Server Network Properties
window. The HTTPS port must be specified in the web browser URL if changed from the default (port 443). See
Server Properties on page 59.
DSView 3 software clients may communicate with the DSView 3 server through a standard
open on your firewall.
When data logging is used, the SSH server port, 4122, and the Syslog server port, 4514, must be
configured as open on your firewall.
NOTE: You can change the SSH server port and Syslog server port. See Enabling the SSH server on page 187
and Enabling the Syslog server on page 187.
KVM switch ports
A user may initiate a KVM session with a target device on a KVM switch by clicking KVM Session
for the appropriate target device or by clicking the KVM Session icon or text from a Unit Overview
The client contacts the DSView 3 server, which checks the permissions of the target device. If the
logged in user has permissions to establish Video Viewer sessions to the selected target device, the
session. The KVM data is sent to the KVM switch using ports 8192 and 3871. Port 8192 contains
the video portion of the KVM data. Port 2068 contains the keyboard and mouse portion of the
KVM data.
In a non-proxied connection, the video data from port 8192 and the keyboard and mouse data from
port 2068 are sent directly from the client to the KVM switch. Figure B.1 illustrates the ports used
with a non-proxied KVM switch connection.
UDP port 3211 is used by the DSView 3 server to initialize the IP configuration of KVM switches.
switches, such as configuring settings.
NOTE: When using a non-proxied connection, video performance over a slower network connection may be less
than optimal. Since certain color settings (such as grayscale) use less network bandwidth than others (such as
Best Color), changing the color settings may increase video performance. For optimal video performance over a
slower network connection, a color setting such as grayscale/Best Compression or Low Color/High Compression
is recommended. See Color depth on page 258.
DSView 3 Server
DSView 3 Software Client
Port 443
Port 8192
Port 443
Port 2068
Port 3211
Port 3211
Port 3871
Port 8192
KVM Switch
Port 2068
Figure B.1: Ports Used with a KVM Switch Connection Without Proxy
In a proxied connection, communication with TCP/IP ports 8192 and 2068 occurs between the
server and the KVM switch instead of directly between the client and the KVM switch. The client
receives information by communicating back and forth with the server using port 1078.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
DSView 3 Server
DSView 3 Software Client
Port 1078
Port 3211
Port 3211
Port 1078
Port 3871
Port 8192
Port 2068
KVM Switch
Figure B.2: Ports Used with a KVM Switch Proxy Server Connection (KVM)
If the user wishes to establish a session with another port on the KVM switch, the same process is
For debugging purposes, connection details may be seen by using the console port to place the
KVM switch into Debug mode.
Serial console appliance ports
Like a KVM switch, a serial console appliance may use a non-proxied or a proxied connection.
Serial console appliances use a Secure Shell Protocol (SSH).
The client contacts the server, which checks the permissions of the target device. If the logged in
user has permissions to establish sessions to the selected target device, the server will establish a
connection to the appliance using TCP/IP port 3871 to authorize the session.
In a non-proxied SSH connection, the client communicates directly with the appliance using port
DSView 3 Server
DSView 3 Software Client
Port 3211
Port 22
Port 3211
Port 3871
Port 22
Serial Console Appliance
Figure B.3: Ports Used with a Serial Console Appliance Connection (Serial) Without Proxy
In a proxied connection, communication between the DSView 3 server and serial console appliance
occurs over port 22. The SSH connection between the client and the DSView 3 server is tunneled
over port 1078.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
DSView 3 Server
DSView 3 Software Client
Port 1078
Port 3211
Port 3211
Port 443
Port 3871
Port 22
Serial Console Appliance
Figure B.4: Ports Used with a Serial Console Appliance Proxy Server Connection (Serial)
DSView 3 server ports
The DSView 3 server uses the HTTPS port for communication with clients and spoke servers.
Changes made to the browse list through the DSView 3 management software are transmitted back
to the DSView 3 server host, which refreshes its browse list view over the TCP/IP port 443
connection. Changes to the DSView 3 software are also copied to and from the DSView 3 software
hub server over the specified HTTPS port.
Generic appliance ports
If you are using a generic appliance in your DSView 3 software system, you may use a Telnet
connection through TCP/IP port 23, or an HTTP connection through TCP/IP port 80. The
connection is made directly between the client and the generic appliance.
DSView 3 Server
DSView 3 Software Client
Port 23
Port 80
Generic Appliance
Figure B.5: Generic Appliance Session Ports
If Active Directory or LDAP external authentication is being used within your DSView 3 software
system, TCP/IP ports 389 and 636 are used for connections between the DSView 3 server and the
external authentication server. Port 389 is typically used for non-SSL connections and port 636 is
used for SSL connections. You may configure the ports used by an Active Directory or LDAP
external authentication server using the Authentication Service Connection Settings window. See
Authentication Services on page 60.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
External authentication ports
DSView 3 Server
DSView 3 Software Client
TCP/IP Port 389
(No SSL)
TCP/IP Port 636
UDP Port 88
AD (Kerberos)
UDP Port 1812
TCP/IP Port 49
Server (Optional)
TCP/IP Port 139
Figure B.6: External Authentication Server Ports
SNMP ports
A supported KVM switch or serial console appliance may be configured to send SNMP traps to the
DSView 3 server in addition to an external SNMP manager.
DSView 3 Server
KVM Switch or
Serial Console Appliance
Port 162
Figure B.7: Ports Used by SNMP (No External SNMP Manager)
If an external SNMP manager has been added to your DSView 3 software system, communication
occurs between the SNMP manager and the KVM switch or serial console appliance as shown in
Figure B.8.
SNMP Manager (Optional)
KVM Switch or
Port 162
Serial Console Appliance
Port 161
Figure B.8: Ports Used by SNMP (with External SNMP Manager)
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Appendix C: DSR Remote Operations Software
NOTE: The DSR Remote Operations software is supported only on the following DSR switches: DSR1020,
1021, 1022, 1024, 1030, 1031, 2020, 2030, 2035, 4020, 4030, 8020, 8030 and 8035 switches.
The DSR Remote Operations software provides a subset of DSView 3 management software
functionality that allows access to a supported DSR switch when an Ethernet connection is not
available. For example, if you are in a branch office and your Ethernet network is down, you may
still access your remote server network by attaching a v.34, v.90 or v.92-compatible modem to the
modem port on a supported DSR switch for KVM access, administration and flexible server
management control from anywhere in the world.
NOTE: The DSR Remote Operations software uses the IPv4 protocol for communication, so the IPv4 protocol
must be enabled on the client server. The IPv6 protocol may also be active on the client server but has no impact
upon DSR Remote Operations.
The following DSView 3 software operations are supported:
Establishing a KVM session to a target device connected to the switch
Controlling the power sockets of a power device attached to the DSR switch SPC port
Rebooting the switch
Retrieving and displaying the switch version
All other DSView 3 software options (including using virtual media) are not available when using
the DSR Remote Operations software.
The following Video Viewer window commands are not available when using the DSR Remote
Operations software:
Displaying connected user information
Creating, editing, copying and deleting macros
Only the default Windows and Sun macro groups are available when using the Remote
Operations software.
Background refresh
The DSR Remote Operations software uses an SSL-based connection to the DSR switch to
authenticate the user.
NOTE: Users may be managed within the internal database of the DSR switch using the PPP Configuration
menu. See the installer/user guide for your DSR switch for more information.
Figure C.1: Using the DSR Remote Operations Software with a DSR Switch
Table C.1: System Configuration Descriptions
Number Description
Number Description
CAT 5 Connection
KVM Connection to Switch
Remote IP Connection
AC Power Cord
Analog User (OSCAR Interface)
Telephone Network
Power Device
DSR Remote Operations Client
DSR Switch
DSView 3 Software Server (Authentication)
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Before using the DSR Remote Operations software
The following actions should be performed before using the DSR Remote Operations software:
Ensure that the switch is configured. See the installer/user guide for the DSR switch for more
Ensure that users have been added to the internal database of the DSR switch. If the DSView 3
server is not available, the appliance database is used for appliance authentication. If neither
are available, authentication cannot be performed for the switch and an error will be displayed
by the DSR Remote Operations software. See the installer/user guide for the DSR switch for
more information.
An external modem must be attached to the PPP modem interface (modem port) of the DSR
switch. A modem/PPP dial-up connection must be established before the DSR Remote
Operations software may be started. The modem port should have auto-answer turned off
(typically a modem’s default setting). The dial-up connection options should be set to 115200
baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and enabled hardware flow control. The DSR Remote
Operations application must be started within the authentication time-out specified in the
Terminal Applications menu of the DSR switch or the PPP (modem) link will be disconnected.
Ensure that the PC containing the client interface has dial-up software and that the software is
configured properly. See the operating system documentation for more information.
Install the DSR Remote Operations software.
Installing the DSR Remote Operations software
In this procedure, the DSR Remote Operations software plus its online help and the JRE (Java
Runtime Environment will be installed.
Minimum requirements for the DSR Remote Operations software
The following are the minimum requirements for installing the DSR Remote Operations software
as a DSView 3 software client:
1 GHz Pentium or equivalent processor
512 MB RAM
XGA video with graphics accelerator
Desktop size setting of at least 800 x 600
Color palette of at least 256 colors
One of the following operating systems:
Windows 2000 Workstation or Server with Service Pack 2 or later
Windows XP Home Edition or Professional
The DSR Remote Operations software is installed from the DSView 3 software DVD.
To install the DSR Remote Operations software:
1. Log on to the host system as Administrator.
2. Insert the DSView 3 software DVD. An autorun file opens a menu of installation options.
3. Click Install DSR Remote Operations.
If autorun is not enabled, type <drive:>\DSR Remote Operations\win32\setup.exe, where
<drive:> is the letter of your DVD drive.
4. An installation preparation dialog box displays and the installation program will verify that the
client computer meets the minimum requirements for installing the DSR Remote Operations
5. The Introduction window will open. Click Next.
6. The License Agreement window will open.
If you accept the terms, click I accept the terms of the License Agreement and then click
Next. Go to step 7.
If you do not accept the terms, click I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement.
A License Agreement Warning message box will appear.
If you click Quit, the installation will exit without installing the DSR Remote Operations
If you click Resume, you will be returned to the License Agreement window.
7. The Choose Destination Location window will open.
a. Click Choose and use the Browse for Folder dialog box to select a directory in which to
install the DSR Remote Operations software.
Click Restore Default Folder to restore the installation directory to the default
(C:\Program Files\Avocent DSView 3\DSR Remote Operations).
b. Click Next.
8. The Installing... window will open and displays the progress of the installation. The software
will be installed in the specified folder and a Start - Programs - Avocent DSView 3 - DSR
Remote Operations shortcut menu will be created.
If a previous version of the DSR Remote Operations software already exists on the Client
computer, message boxes may appear asking if you want to overwrite existing files. Click Yes
to All.
9. When the software has finished installing, the DSR Remote Operations Installation window
will open.
a. To start the DSR Remote Operations, select Click here to invoke the DSR Remote
Operations application.
b. Click Done when you are finished.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Using the DSR Remote Operations software
To start the DSR Remote Operations software:
1. Establish a dial-up connection to the switch from the PC containing the DSR remote operations
Windows displays a dialog box that prompts the user for a username and password when a
dial-up connection is established. It is not necessary to enter a username or password in the
dialog box. When this dialog box appears, click OK to close the dialog box.
2. Once the connection has been established, select Start - Programs - Avocent DSView 3 - DSR
Remote Operations to start the DSR Remote Operations software on the PC. The Login dialog
box will appear. Log in using a valid username and password to establish a DSR Remote Oper-
ations software session with the DSR switch over the modem link
The switch will disconnect the modem connection if a user does not log in within the time
period specified by the authentication time-out value. The default authentication time-out
value (120 seconds) may be changed using the Terminal Applications menu. See the installer/
user guide for the DSR switch for more information.
The DSR switch will attempt to contact the DSView 3 server to authenticate the user. If the
DSView 3 server is unavailable, the switch will use its internal database to authenticate the
3. Type the username and password to which you wish to connect and then click OK. If authenti-
cation is successful, the DSR Remote Operations window will open.
NOTE: The switch will disconnect the modem connection if there is no activity on the modem connection for the
time period specified by the inactivity time-out value. The default inactivity time-out value (15 minutes) may be
changed using the Terminal Applications menu. See the installer/user guide for the DSR switch for more
To exit the DSR Remote Operations software:
Select File - Exit from the menu.
Window features
When you have launched the software and successfully logged in, the DSR Remote Operations
window will display the list of DSView 3 servers connected to the DSR switch. Figure C.2 shows
the DSR Remote Operations window areas, and descriptions follow in Table C.2.
Figure C.2: DSR Remote Operations Window
Table C.2: DSR Remote Operations Descriptions
Menu bar: Allows you to access many of the features in the DSR Remote Operations window.
Toolbar: Provides shortcut buttons for quickly accessing commands in the Tools menu.
Status Bar: Displays the tips for selected menu items and the progress of operations.
Content Area: Use this area to display information from the DSR switch and control and start
DSView 3 software sessions to the DSR switch.
Side Navigation Bar: Displays the DSR switching system information you wish to access, which
displays in the Content Area.
The items displayed in the content area of the DSR Remote Operations window will vary,
depending on the link selected in the side navigation bar. You may refresh any view by selecting
View - Refresh from the menu.
Servers view
Selecting Servers in the side navigation bar of the DSR Remote Operations window displays a list
of servers attached to the switch. The following items for each server will appear in the content
Name - The name of the server
Port - The switch port to which the server is attached
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
EID - The Electronic ID (EID) number of the IQ module attached to the server.
Table C.3: DSR Remote Operations Content Area Icons (Servers View)
A target device that is powered up and has no established KVM Video Viewer sessions
A target device that has an active KVM Video Viewer session
A target device that is not powered up
A target device that is powered up but cannot establish a KVM connection because the path
to the target device is blocked (for example, a cascade switch has only one user port and that
port is already connected to another target device)
Power view
Selecting Power in the side navigation bar of the DSR Remote Operations window will display a
list of power device sockets attached to the switch and their status.
Table C.4: DSR Remote Operations Content Area Icons (Power View)
The power device socket is powered up
The power device socket is powered down
The power device socket is cycling
The socket is unlocked (supported only on certain power device types)
The socket is locked (supported only on certain power device types)
Version view
Selecting Version in the side navigation bar of the DSR Remote Operations window will display
version information for the following items:
Rebooting a switch
NOTE: Users with a User level account may not reboot a switch.
To reboot the switch:
1. From the menu, select Tools - Reboot Appliance. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
2. Confirm or cancel the reboot.
Managing servers
To connect to a server:
NOTE: Users with a User level account may connect to a server only when given access to a switch.
Select View - Servers from the menu or click Servers in the side navigation bar. Select a server and
select Tools - Connect from the menu.
Select a server and click the Connect toolbar button.
Power control of devices attached to power device sockets
Users with User level account privileges cannot change the power state of power device sockets.
Use the Power view to manage power device sockets attached to the switch. See Power view on
page 370.
To control the power of a device attached to a power device socket:
1. Select View - Power from the menu or click Power in the side navigation bar. A list of power
device sockets attached to the switch will appear in the content area.
2. To power up a device attached to a power device socket, choose one of the following actions:
Select a socket that has not been powered up and select Tools - Power On from the menu
Select a socket that has not been powered up and click the Power On toolbar button.
Right-click on a socket that has not been powered up and select Power On from the
shortcut menu.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
The socket will power up and the icon for the socket in the content area will change.
3. To power down a device attached to a power device socket, choose one of the following
Select a socket that has not been powered down and select Tools - Power Off from the
menu bar.
Select a socket that has not been powered down and click the Power Off toolbar button.
Right-click on a socket that has not been powered down and select Power Off from the
shortcut menu.
The socket will power down and the icon for the socket in the content area will change.
4. To cycle the power of a device attached to a power device socket, choose one of the following
Select a socket that is powered up and select Tools - Cycle Power from the menu bar.
Select a socket that is powered up and click the Cycle Power toolbar button.
Right-click on a socket that is powered up and select Cycle Power from the shortcut menu.
The socket will power down, then power up and the icon for the socket in the content area will
change accordingly.
5. To lock or unlock the current state of a power device socket, choose one of the following
Select a socket and select Tools - Lock or Tools - Unlock from the menu bar.
Select a socket that and click the Lock or Unlock toolbar button.
Right-click on a socket and select Lock or Unlock from the shortcut menu.
Appendix D: Terminal Emulation
refers to how the client interface processes typed keys. Decode refers to how the client interface
window and then using the Terminal Emulation drop-down menu in the Session Properties dialog
box. See Customizing Session Properties on page 292.
VT terminal emulation
Table D.1 lists the VT key and keypad numeric codes. Avocent encodes all applicable keys as
numeric; decoding is not supported.
Table D.1: VT Key and Keypad Numeric Codes
Keypad Numeric Code
- (dash)
, (comma)
. (period)
- (dash)
, (comma)
. (period)
Same as Return key
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
VT100+ terminal emulation
The VT100+ emulation provides compatibility with the Microsoft headless server EMS serial port
interface. The DSView 3 software Telnet Viewer VT100+ terminal emulation works identically to
VT100, with the exception of support for the function keys listed in Table D.2.
Table D.2: VT100+ Function Key Support
<Esc> h
<Esc> k
<Esc> +
<Esc> -
<Esc> ?
<Esc> /
<Esc> 1
<Esc> 2
<Esc> 3
F4 **
<Esc> 4
<Esc> 5
<Esc> 6
<Esc> 7
<Esc> 8
<Esc> 9
<Esc> 0
<Esc> !
Delete *
Page Up
Page Down
F1 **
F2 **
F3 **
<Esc> @
** VT100, VT102, VT220 and VT320 modes map the F1-F4 keys to the PF1-PF4 keys.
VT102 terminal emulation
VT102 terminal emulation works identically to VT100 with additional support for decoding
receive codes as described in Table D.3.
Table D.3: VT102 Receive Codes
VT102 Receive Code
Deletes n characters starting with the character at the current cursor position,
and moves all remaining characters left n positions. n spaces are inserted at the
right margin.
Delete Character (DHC)
Inserts n lines at the line where the cursor is currently positioned. Lines
displayed below the cursor position move down. Lines moved past the bottom
margin are lost.
Insert Line (IL)
Deletes n lines starting with the line where the cursor is currently positioned. As
lines are deleted, lines below the cursor position move up.
Delete Line (DL)
VT100 terminal emulation
Table D.4 lists the VT100 special key and control (Ctrl) key combinations and indicates Avocent
encoding/decoding support, where Yes = supported and No = not supported.
Table D.4: VT100 Special Keys and Control Keys
Hex Code
Function Mnemonic
DC1 or XON
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table D.4: VT100 Special Keys and Control Keys (Continued)
Hex Code
Function Mnemonic
Table D.5 lists the VT100 ANSI mode and cursor keys for set and reset modes. Encoding and
decoding is supported for all the cursor keys listed.
Table D.5: VT100 ANSI Set and Reset Mode Cursor Keys
Cursor Key
Mode Reset
Esc [ A
Mode Set
Esc O A
Esc O B
Esc O C
Esc O D
Esc [ B
Esc [ C
Esc [ D
Table D.6 lists the VT100 PF1-PF4 key definitions. Encoding of each listed key is supported;
decoding is not applicable.
Table D.6: VT100 PF1-PF4 Key Definitions
Code Sequence
Esc [ O P
Esc [ O Q
Esc [ O R
Esc [ O S
Table D.7 lists the ANSI mode control sequences for VT100 terminal emulation and indicates
Avocent encoding/decoding support, where Yes = supported and No = not supported.
Table D.7: VT100 ANSI Mode Control Sequences
Control Sequence
Esc [ Pn; Pn R
Esc [ Pn D
Esc [ Pn B
Esc [ Pn C
Esc [ Pn; Pn H
Esc [ Pn A
Esc [ Pn c
Esc # 8
Cursor Position Report
Cursor Backward
Cursor Down
Cursor Forward
Cursor Position
Cursor Up
Device Attributes
Screen Alignment Display
Double Height Line - Top Half
Double Height Line - Bottom Half
Double Width Line
Identify Terminal
Esc # 3
Esc # 4
Esc # 6
Esc Z
Esc =
Keypad Application Mode
Keypad Numeric Mode
Load LEDs
Esc >
Esc [ Ps q
Esc 8
Restore Cursor
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table D.7: VT100 ANSI Mode Control Sequences (Continued)
Control Sequence
Report Terminal Parameters <nbits>; <xspeed>;
<rspeed>; <clkmul>; <flags>x
Esc [ <sol>; <par>;
Esc [ <sol> x
Esc 7
Request Terminal Parameters
Save Cursor
Esc [ Pn; Pn r
Esc # 5
Set Top and Bottom Margins
Single Width Line
Esc [ 2; Ps y
Esc [ Ps n
Esc [ Ps J
Esc [ Ps K
Esc H
Invoke Confidence Test
Device Status Report
Erase in Display
Erase in Line
Horizontal Tabulation Set
Horizontal and Vertical Position
Esc [ Pn; Pn f
Esc D
Esc E
Next Line
Esc M
Reverse Index
Esc c
Reset to Initial State
Esc [ Ps; Ps;..;Ps 1
Esc ( A
Reset Mode
Select Character Set G0 U.K.
Select Character Set G1 U.K
Select Character Set G0 ASCII
Select Character Set G1 ASCII
Select Character Set G0 Spec. Graphics
Select Character Set G1 Spec. Graphics
Esc ) A
Esc ( B
Esc ) B
Yes/Yes (limited support)
Yes/Yes (limited support)
Yes/Yes (limited support)
Esc ( 0
Esc ) 0
Select Character Set G0 Alt. Character ROM
Standard Character Set
Esc ( 1
Esc ) 1
Esc ( 2
Select Character Set G1 Alt. Character
ROM Standard Character Set
Select Character Set G0 Alt. Character ROM Special
Table D.7: VT100 ANSI Mode Control Sequences (Continued)
Control Sequence
Select Character Set G1 Alt. Character ROM Special
Esc ) 2
Esc [ Ps;..; Ps m
Esc Ps;..;Ps h
Esc [ Ps g
Select Graphic Rendition
Set Mode
Tabulation Clear
Esc [ Ps;Ps;..; Ps m
Esc [ K or Esc [ 0 K
Esc [ 1 K
Character Attributes 7 - Reverse Video On
Erase from cursor to end of line
Erase from beginning of line to cursor
Erase entire line containing cursor
Erase from cursor to end of screen
Erase from beginning of screen to cursor
Erase entire screen
No/Reverse Video only
Esc [ 2 K
Esc [ J or Esc [ 0 J
Esc [ 1 J
Esc [ 2 J
Esc [ Ps;Ps;..Ps q
Esc [ Pt; Pb r
Esc [ g or Esc [ 0 g
Esc [ 3 g
Programmable LEDs
Scrolling Region
Clear tab at current column
Clear all tabs
Modes to Set - New Line - Only supports Linefeed/
New Line Column mode wraparound
Esc [ 2 0 h
Esc [ 2 0 l
Modes to Reset - Linefeed - Only supports Linefeed/
New Line Column mode wraparound
Esc [ ? 1 h
Esc [ ? 1 l
Esc [ ? 2 l
Esc [ ? 3 h
Esc [ ? 3 l
Esc [ ? 4 h
Esc [ ? 4 l
Esc [ ? 5 h
Modes to Set - Cursor Key Mode Appl.
Modes to Reset - Cursor Key Mode Cursor
Modes to Reset VT52
Modes to Set - 132 columns
Modes to Reset - 80 columns
Modes to Set - Smooth Scroll
Modes to Reset - Jump Scroll
Modes to Set - Reverse Screen Mode
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table D.7: VT100 ANSI Mode Control Sequences (Continued)
Control Sequence
Esc [ ? 5 l
Modes to Reset - Normal Screen Mode
Modes to Set - Relative Origin Mode
Modes to Reset - Absolute Origin Mode
Modes to Set - Wraparound On
Modes to Reset - Wraparound Off
Modes to Set - Auto Repeat On
Modes to Reset - Auto Repeat Off
Modes to Set - Interlace On
Modes to Reset - Interlace Off
Report Cursor Position - Invoked by
Report Cursor Position - Response is
Status Report - Invoked by
Esc [ ? 6 h
Esc [ ? 6 l
Esc [ ? 7 h
Esc [ ? 7 l
Esc [ ? 8 h
Esc [ ? 8 l
Esc [ ? 9 h
Esc [ ? 9 l
Esc [ 6 n
Esc [ P1; Pc R
Esc [ 5 n
Esc [ 0 n
Status Report - Response is terminal OK
Status Report - Response is terminal not OK
What are you? Invoked by
Esc [ 3 n
Esc [ x or Esc [ 0 c
Esc [ ? 1; Ps c
Esc c
What are you? Response is
Esc # 8
Fill screen with Es
Esc [ 2; Ps y
Invoke Test(s)
VT220 terminal emulation
Table D.8 lists the keystroke mapping (encoding) for VT220 emulation.
Table D.8: VT220 Encoding
VT220 Keyboard
PC Keyboard
VT220 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Left Arrow
Left Arrow
Esc [ D
Table D.8: VT220 Encoding (Continued)
VT220 Keyboard
PC Keyboard
VT220 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Right Arrow
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Keypad /
Keypad *
Keypad -
Keypad +
Keypad .
Keypad 0..9
Right Arrow
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Keypad /
Keypad *
Keypad -
Keypad +
Keypad .
Keypad 0..9
Esc [ C
Esc [ A
Esc [ B
Esc O P
Esc O Q
Esc O R
Esc O S
Esc [ 1 7 ~
Esc [ 1 8 ~
Esc [ 1 9 ~
Esc [ 2 0 ~
Esc [ 2 1 ~
Esc [ 2 3 ~
Esc [ 2 4 ~
Esc [ 2 5 ~
Esc [ 2 6 ~
Esc [ 2 8 ~
Esc [ 2 9 ~
Esc [ 3 1 ~
Esc [ 3 2 ~
Esc [ 3 3 ~
Ctrl - F5
Ctrl - F6
Ctrl - F7
Ctrl - F8
Ctrl - F9
Ctrl - F10
Ctrl - F11
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table D.8: VT220 Encoding (Continued)
VT220 Keyboard
PC Keyboard
Ctrl - F12
VT220 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc [ 3 4 ~
Table D.9 lists the decoding for VT220 terminal emulation.
Table D.9: VT220 Decoding
VT220 Keyboard Function
VT220 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc D
New Line
Esc E
Reverse Index
Esc M
Esc O
Save cursor and attributes
Restore cursor and attributes
Up Arrow
Esc 7
Esc 8
Esc [ A
Esc [ B
Esc [ C
Esc [ D
Esc [ H
Esc [ f
Esc [ m
Esc [ K
Esc [ j
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Set cursor to home position
Set cursor to home position
Character attributes
Erase from cursor to end of line
Erase from cursor to end of screen
Programmable LEDs
What are You?
Esc [ q
Esc [ c
Esc [ ?
Esc [ P
Esc [ L
Esc [ M
Esc [ O A
Set Mode
Delete 1 Character
Insert 1 Line
Delete 1 Line
Up Arrow
Table D.9: VT220 Decoding (Continued)
VT220 Keyboard Function
Down Arrow
VT220 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc [ O B
Right Arrow
Esc [ O C
Left Arrow
Esc [ O D
Fill Screen with Es
Esc # 8
Up Arrow amount specified by Pn
Down Arrow amount specified by Pn
Right Arrow amount specified by Pn
Left Arrow amount specified by Pn
Erase parts of current line
Erase parts of current screen
Direct Cursor Addressing
Direct Cursor Addressing
Programmable LEDs
Scrolling Region
Esc [ Pn A
Esc [ Pn B
Esc [ Pn C
Esc [ Pn D
Esc [ Pn K
Esc [ Pn J
Esc [ Pn H
Esc [ Pn f
Esc [ Pn q
Esc [ Pn r
Clear tabs
Esc [ Pn g
Esc [ Pn n
Esc [ Pn c
Device status report
What are you?
Sat Mode
Esc [ Pn h
Esc [ Pn P
Esc [ Pn L
Esc [ Pn M
Esc [ Pn @
Esc [ Pn X
Delete Pn Characters
Insert Pn Characters
Delete Pn Lines
Insert Character
Erase Pn Characters
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
VT52 terminal emulation
Table D.10 lists the keystroke mapping (encoding) for VT52 terminal emulation.
Table D.10: VT52 Encoding
VT52 Keyboard
PC Character Sequence
VT52 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Esc A
Esc B
Esc C
Esc D
Esc P
Esc Q
Esc R
Esc S
Table D.11 lists the decoding for VT52 terminal emulation.
Table D.11: VT52 Decoding
VT52 Keyboard Function
Cursor Up
VT52 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc A
Esc B
Esc C
Esc D
Esc H
Esc I
Cursor Down
Cursor Right
Cursor Left
Cursor Home
Reverse Linefeed
Erase to end of screen
Erase to end of line
Esc J
Esc K
Table D.12 lists the VT52 and ANSI auxiliary keypad definitions. Encoding of each listed keypad
key is supported; decoding is not applicable.
Table D.12: VT52 ANSI Mode Auxiliary Keypad Definitions
Keypad Numeric Code
VT52 Keypad
Esc ? p
Esc ? q
Esc ? r
ANSI Keyboard
Esc O p
Esc O q
Esc O r
Esc ? s
Esc ? t
Esc O s
Esc O t
Esc ? u
Esc ? v
Esc ? w
Esc ? x
Esc ? y
Esc ? m
Esc ? l
Esc O u
Esc O v
Esc O w
Esc O x
Esc O y
Esc O m
Esc O l
- (dash)
, (comma)
. (period)
- (dash)
, (comma)
. (period)
Same as Return key
Esc ? n
Esc ? m
Esc O n
Esc O m
VT320 terminal emulation
Table D.13 lists the keystroke mapping (encoding) for VT320 terminal emulation.
Table D.13: VT320 Encoding
VT320 Keyboard
PC Character Sequence
VT320 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Escape Key (Esc)
Esc O P
Esc O Q
Esc O R
Esc O S
Esc [ 1 7 ~
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table D.13: VT320 Encoding (Continued)
VT320 Keyboard
PC Character Sequence
VT320 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc [ 1 8 ~
Esc [ 1 9 ~
Esc [ 2 0 ~
Esc [ 2 1 ~
Esc [ 2 3 ~
Esc [ 2 4 ~
Esc [ 2 5 ~
Esc [ 2 6 ~
Esc [ 2 8 ~
Esc [ 2 9 ~
Esc [ 3 1 ~
Esc [ 3 2 ~
Esc [ 3 3 ~
Esc [ 3 4 ~
Esc [ 1 ~
Ctrl - F5
Ctrl - F6
Ctrl - F7
Ctrl - F8
Ctrl - F9
Ctrl - F10
Ctrl - F11
Ctrl - F12
Esc [ 2 ~
Hex 7 F
Esc [ 5 ~
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
Esc [ A
Esc [ B
Esc [ D
Esc [ C
Table D.14 lists the decoding for VT320 terminal emulation.
Table D.14: VT320 Decoding
VT320 Keyboard Function
VT320 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc D
Table D.14: VT320 Decoding (Continued)
VT320 Keyboard Function
New Line
VT320 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc E
Reverse Index
Esc M
Escape O
Esc O
Save cursor and attributes
Restore cursor and attributes
Up Arrow
Esc 7
Esc 8
Esc [ A
Down Arrow
Esc [ B
Right Arrow
Esc [ C
Left Arrow
Esc [ D
Set cursor to home position
Set cursor to home position
Character Attributes
Erase from cursor to end of line
Erase from cursor to end of screen
Programmable LEDs
What are You?
Esc [ H
Esc [ f
Esc [ m
Esc [ K
Esc [ J
Esc [ q
Esc [ c
Set Mode
Esc [ ?
Delete 1 Character
Insert 1 Line
Esc [ P
Esc [ L
Delete 1 Line
Esc [ M
Up Arrow
Esc O A
Esc O B
Esc O C
Esc O D
Esc # 8
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Fill Screen with Es
Up Arrow amount specified by Pn
Down Arrow amount specified by Pn
Esc [ Pn A
Esc [ Pn B
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Table D.14: VT320 Decoding (Continued)
VT320 Keyboard Function
Right Arrow amount specified by Pn
Left Down Arrow amount specified by Pn
Erase parts of current line
Erase parts of current screen
Direct Cursor Addressing
Direct Cursor Addressing
Programmable LEDs
Scrolling Region
VT320 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Esc [ Pn C
Esc [ Pn D
Esc [ Pn K
Esc [ Pn J
Esc [ Pn H
Esc [ Pn f
Esc [ Pn q
Esc [ Pn r
Clear tabs
Esc [ Pn g
Device status report
What are you?
Esc [ Pn n
Esc [ Pn c
Sat Mode
Esc [ Pn h
Delete Pn Characters
Insert Pn Lines
Esc [ Pn P
Esc [ Pn L
Delete Pn Lines
Esc [ Pn M
Esc [ Pn @
Esc [ Pn X
Insert Character
Erase Pn Characters
Appendix E: Regaining Access to the DSView 3 Software
Access to a DSView 3 software system may be lost due to reasons such as:
Being locked out by the DSView 3 software
Deleting the last DSView 3 software administrator
Forgetting the DSView 3 software administrator password
To regain access to a DSView 3 software system:
1. Contact Avocent Technical Support. You will be provided with the resetpassword.zip archive
2. Extract the resetpassword.zip archive file into the <DSView Installation Directory>\bin
directory on the DSView 3 software hub server using a third party product.
3. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools - Services and stop the Avocent DSView 3
software service.
4. Open a terminal window, change directories to the <DSView Installation Directory>/bin direc-
tory and enter resetpassword.bat. A code successfully generated message will appear in the
terminal window, along with a request code in the same format as the following:
NOTE: Request codes are valid for only four hours.
5. Contact Avocent Technical Support and provide the generated request code.
6. Avocent Technical Support will provide you with a reset code.
7. In a terminal window, enter resetpassword.bat <reset code>. A Message reset performed
successfully message will appear in the terminal window, along with the Administrator user-
name and password for the DSView 3 management software.
8. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools - Services and restart the Avocent DSView
3 software service.
9. You may now log into the DSView 3 management software.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Appendix F: Glossary
Access control
Access control refers to mechanisms and policies that restrict access to computer resources.
Active Directory
Active Directory is the directory service included with Microsoft Windows 2000 and later
versions of Windows operating systems. It extends the features of previous Windows-based
directory services and contains new features that ease the navigation and management of large
amounts of information, which may generate savings for both administrators and end users.
Active Directory is secure, distributed, partitioned and replicated. It is designed to work well in
any size installation, from a single server with a few hundred objects to thousands of servers
and millions of objects.
ADSAP (Avocent DS Authentication Protocol) or ADSAP2
The ADSAP or ADSAP2 is a protocol used for authentication and authorization of KVM
switch and serial console appliance target device sessions in the DSView 3 management
software. This is an SSL based protocol that uses X.509 certificates.
AIDP (Avocent Install and Discover Protocol)
AIDP is a protocol used to install out-of-box appliances that do not have an IP address
assigned and used to discover existing appliances that have an address assigned. This UDP-
based protocol is not encrypted and only public information is passed over this link. AIDP uses
UDP port 3211. Port 3211 is non-configurable.
An applet is a program written in the Java language that runs within a web browser.
ASMP (Avocent Secure Management Protocol)
ASMP is a protocol used to securely configure managed appliance settings. This TCP-based
protocol uses an SSL encrypted communications link. AMSP uses TCP port 3211. Port 3211 is
Authentication is the validation of user login information. Authentication is used to enforce
selective permission to access resources or to perform an operation.
Authentication server
An authentication server is a network device that provides authentication services.
Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to a resource. Most computer
security systems are based on a two-step process. The first stage is authentication, which
ensures that users are who they claim to be. The second stage is authorization, which allows
the user access to various resources based on the user's identity.
AVSP (Avocent Video Session Protocol)
A protocol used to transfer keyboard, video and mouse information between a KVM switch
and a remote Video Viewer. AVSP operates over SSL encrypted TCP links. TCP/IP ports 8192
and 2068 are used by default, but may be configured to different port numbers.
Browser session
A type of target device session in which the target device contains a web server. The DSView
3 software client connects directly to the target device using a web browser, without directing
the connection through the unit.
Cascade device
A device that connects between a KVM switch or serial console appliance and a target device,
or connects to a KVM switch or serial console appliance and is not, in itself, a target device.
Examples of cascade devices include a cascade switch and a power device.
Cascade switch
A cascade switch is an analog KVM switch connected to a KVM switch port or IQ module. A
cascade switch expands the number of connections allowed on a KVM switch if the switch
supports the cascade protocol.
CCM appliance
A CCM console management appliance is an Avocent managed appliance that provides a
Telnet server and an SSH server for accessing serially attached devices over a standard TCP/IP
connection. Model numbers include the CCM850, CCM1650 and CCM4850 appliances.
Certificate authentication
Certificate authentication is the process of authenticating with a digital certificate.
CPS appliance
A CPS serial over IP network appliance is an Avocent managed appliance that provides a
Telnet server and an SSH server for accessing serially attached devices over a standard TCP/IP
connection. Model numbers include the CPS810 and CPS1610 appliances.
Database replication
Database replication is the process of distributing and keeping in sync the same database to all
DSView 3 servers in a DSView 3 software system. Database replication ensures that all
database changes made at the hub server or spoke servers are replicated to all DSView 3
servers in the DSView 3 software system.
The DSView 3 management software versions of the spoke server and hub server must match
in order to register the spoke server. For example, you may not register a spoke server running
DSView 3 software version 3.1 with a hub server running DSView 3 software version 3.2.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCP is an Internet protocol used to automate the configuration of computers using TCP/IP.
DHCP can be used to do the following:
Assign IP addresses automatically
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Deliver TCP/IP stack configuration parameters, such as the subnet mask and default router
Provide other configuration information, such as printer addresses
Digital Certificate
A digital certificate is an attachment to an electronic message used for security purposes. The
most common use of a digital certificate is to verify that users sending a message are who they
claim to be, and to provide the receiver with the means to encode a reply.
An individual wishing to send an encrypted message applies for a digital certificate from a
Certificate Authority (CA). The CA issues an encrypted digital certificate containing the
applicant's public key and a variety of other identification information. The CA makes its own
public key readily available through print publicity or perhaps on the Internet.
The recipient of an encrypted message uses the CA's public key to decode the digital certificate
attached to the message, verifies it as issued by the CA and then obtains the sender's public key
and identification information held within the certificate. With this information, the recipient
can send an encrypted reply.
The most widely used standard for digital certificates is X.509.
DSR switch
The DSR switch is part of the Avocent digital KVM switch series of products that allows
KVM signals to be transmitted over a standard TCP/IP connection.
DSView 3 management software
The DSView 3 management software is an Avocent software component installed on a PC.
The DSView 3 management software provides the IP-based centralized services required for
management of managed appliances and target devices, including centralized authentication,
access control, logging events, monitoring, license management and so on. DSView 3 software
clients interact with the software using the DSView 3 Explorer.
DSView 3 server
A DSView 3 server is a customer provided PC on which the DSView 3 management software
is installed.
DSView 3 software client
The DSView 3 software client is a customer provided PC with an installed web browser. The
web browser accesses the DSView 3 server and provides the user interface (that is, the
DSView 3 Explorer) for the DSView 3 software system. The DSView 3 Explorer enables users
to access and administer the server, managed appliances and target devices.
DSView 3 software client session
The DSView 3 software client session is a single HTML session between the client web
browser and the server. For each DSView 3 software client session, the user must log into the
DSView 3 server. Multiple DSView 3 software client sessions can exist between a given
DSView 3 software client PC and the DSView 3 server. This occurs when the user launches
another web browser window and connects to the same DSView 3 server.
A DSView 3 software client session may contain multiple target device sessions.
DSView 3 software hub server
A DSView 3 software hub server is responsible for maintaining the master copy of the
DSView 3 software system database. Only one server in a DSView 3 software system can be
configured as the hub server. Spoke servers in a DSView 3 software system perform database
replication with the hub server. The DSView 3 software hub server acts as the traffic cop for
database replication between itself and all of the other servers in a DSView 3 software system.
The DSView 3 software hub server and a spoke server offer the same software functionality to
a user. The distinction of hub or spoke only has to do with the database replication role the
server plays and not with the software functionality the server offers to the user.
The DSView 3 management software versions of the spoke server and hub server must match
in order to register the spoke server. For example, you may not register a spoke server running
DSView 3 version 3.1 with a hub server running DSView 3 software version 3.2.
DSView 3 software spoke server
A DSView 3 software spoke server is responsible for initiating database replication with the
hub server. A spoke server sends its database changes to the hub server and receives database
changes from it.
The DSView 3 software hub server and a spoke server offer the same software functionality to
a user. The distinction of hub or spoke only has to do with the database replication role the
server plays and not with the software functionality the server offers to the user.
The DSView 3 management software versions of the spoke server and hub server must match
in order to register the spoke server. For example, you may not register a spoke server running
DSView 3 software version 3.1 with a hub server running DSView 3 software version 3.2.
DSView 3 software system
A DSView 3 software system includes all the components required to provide DSView 3
software functionality, including the DSView 3 server, DSView 3 software client, managed
appliances and target devices.
An SNMP manager and external authentication servers, which are optional components and
outside the DSView 3 software system, may also be added to provide additional functionality.
Embedded appliance
Embedded appliances include IBM ASM RSA II, DRAC 4, HP iLO and NEC IPF embedded
Encryption is the translation of data into a secret code. Encryption is the most effective way to
achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or
password that enables you to decrypt the file. Unencrypted data is called plain text. Encrypted
data is referred to as cipher text.
There are two main types of encryption: asymmetric (also called public-key encryption) and
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
External authentication server
The external authentication server is an optional component(s) outside of the DSView 3
software system that enables you to select an authentication method. The DSView 3 server
brokers authentication requests (LDAP, RADIUS and so on).
Flash is a special type of EEPROM that can be erased and reprogrammed in blocks instead of
one byte at a time. The BIOS and applications of many modern applications are stored on a
Flash memory chip so that it may easily be updated (if necessary).
FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)
An FRU is a module or component which is typically completely replaced as part of a field
service repair operation.
Graceful shutdown
A graceful shutdown is identical to a shutdown performed by selecting Start - Shutdown and
then selecting Shut down in the Shut Down Window dialog box.
A hotkey is a keystroke that may be assigned and used to cause a specific action or set of
actions to occur within a user interface. By assigning the action(s), the keystroke’s normal
operation (for example, pressing F1 to open help) is superseded.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML is a markup language used to create hypertext documents that are portable from one
platform to another on the World Wide Web (WWW). HTML files are ASCII text files with
embedded codes (markup tags) to indicate formatting and hypertext links. Web browsers
interpret and display HTML documents.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTP is the underlying protocol by which WWW clients and servers communicate. HTTP is
an application-level, generic, stateless, object-oriented protocol for distributed, collaborative,
hypermedia information systems. A feature of HTTP is the typing and negotiation of data
representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the data being transferred.
HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS is an extension to the HTTP protocol that supports sending data securely over the
Integrated windows authentication
Previously known as Windows NT Challenge/Response (NT/CR) or NT LAN Manager
(NTLM), Integrated Windows Authentication is a secure form of web browser authentication
using either the Kerberos V5 authentication protocol or its own challenge/response
authentication protocol.
This authentication method works best in an intranet environment where the types of web
browsers that your network users access may be controlled. If you are already logged on to
Windows, Integrated Windows Authentication uses your logon information for authentication,
so it will not prompt for a username and password [known as Single Sign-On (SSO)].
Integrated Windows Authentication only works with Internet Explorer and does not work with
an HTTP proxy. Integrated Windows Authentication must be explicitly enabled under the
Advance Internet Options dialog box of Internet Explorer version 6.0 SP1 and above.
IQ module
An IQ smart module uses CAT 5 cabling to attach a target device to a KVM switch. The IQ
module significantly reduces cable bulk in the rack and is well suited for high-density
installations. An IQ module is connected to a DSR switch or other supported KVM switch.
Java is an environment for developing and deploying distributed, scalable, enterprise-level
applications designed to run on networks, the Internet, and the WWW. The Java platform
consists of a set of services, Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and protocols that provide
functionality for developing multitiered, web-based applications.
KVM is an abbreviation of Keyboard, Video, Mouse.
KVM session
A KVM session is a type of target device session in which the target device contains a KVM
connection (typically a server). KVM sessions are connected through a KVM switch. Tiered
analog switches may also be part of the connection. A KVM Video Viewer connection exists
between the DSView 3 software client and the target device.
KVM session profiles
KVM session profiles control KVM session behavior on a target device. A profile contains
Video Viewer settings in general, cursor, toolbar, video and mouse scaling categories. There is
a default KVM session profile which a target device will use if no other profile is assigned to
it. Appliance administrators may create and modify profiles. Appliance administrators or users
with unit configure or unit edit rights may assign a profile to a target device.
KVM switch
KVM switch refers to a unit that allows KVM sessions to a target device and is supported by
the DSView 3 software. KVM switches include the DSR switch and other switches supported
by plug-ins.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
LDAP is a set of protocols for accessing information directories. LDAP is based on standards
contained in the X.500 standard, but is significantly simpler. Unlike X.500, LDAP supports
TCP/IP, which is necessary for Internet access. Because LDAP is a simpler version of X.500, it
is sometimes called X.500-lite.
Local port
The local port is the physical connection through which a KVM switch or serial console
appliance can be accessed without accessing a network connection.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
For a KVM switch, the local port is typically the KVM connection at which a keyboard, mouse
and monitor can be connected directly to the switch. An onscreen display may be invoked to
control the KVM switch and access switched KVM ports.
For a serial console appliance, the local port is typically the serial connection at which a
terminal can be connected directly to the appliance (CCM appliances have a dedicated console
port). A command line interface (CLI) is used to control the appliance and access switched
serial ports.
Managed appliance
Managed appliances include KVM switches, serial console appliances, EVR1500
environmental monitor and control appliances and generic appliances (such as routers). Other
managed appliances may be supported by a plug-in.
MIB (Management Information Base)
MIB is a database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system (NMS).
SNMP uses standardized MIB formats that allow any SNMP tools to monitor any device
defined by an MIB.
NAT (Network Address Translation)
NAT is an Internet standard that enables a local-area network (LAN) to use one set of IP
addresses for internal traffic and a second set of addresses for external traffic. A NAT box
located between the LAN and Internet makes all necessary IP address translations.
NAT serves three main purposes:
Provides a type of firewall by hiding internal IP addresses.
Enables a company to use more internal IP addresses. Since they're used internally only,
there's no possibility of conflict with IP addresses used by other companies and
Allows a company to combine multiple ISDN connections into a single Internet
NAT device
A NAT device is a network address translation (NAT) device enables the use of more internal
IP addresses than the number that are assigned. A NAT device provides IP addresses that are
not exposed outside of the device. The DSView 3 management software will not support
network configuration where the DSView 3 server and KVM switch or serial console
appliance are separated by a NAT device.
Negative hysteresis
Negative hysteresis is the unsigned number of counts added to the raw threshold value, which
creates the re-arm point for all sensor thresholds that are less than zero (0). A negative
hysteresis value of 0 indicates that any thresholds less than zero do not contain hysteresis.
OSCAR interface
The OSCAR interface is a tool that is built in to Avocent appliances and allows a user
connected to the local KVM port to display and change settings in a KVM switch. The
OSCAR interface also allows a local user to connect to target devices.
Power device
An Avocent or supported third party cascade device that allows the remote controlling of target
device power.
Positive hysteresis
Positive hysteresis is the unsigned number of counts subtracted from the raw threshold value,
which creates the re-arm point for all sensor thresholds that are greater than zero (0). A
positive hysteresis value of 0 indicates that any thresholds greater than zero do not contain
PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
PPP is a set of industry-standard framing and authentication protocols included with Windows
NT Remote Access Service to ensure interoperability with third party remote access software.
PPP negotiates configuration parameters for multiple layers of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model.
SDR repository device
An SDR repository device is the logical management device that provides a sensor data
records (SDR) system interface, which in turn, provides a set of SDR storage and retrieval
Serial console appliance
Serial console appliance refers to a unit that allows serial sessions to a target device and is
supported by the DSView 3 software. Serial console appliances include the ACS console
server, the legacy CCM and CPS appliances and other units supported by plug-ins. The ACS
console server is supported by a plug-in; for detailed procedures and what DSView 3
operations the ACS console server supports, see the corresponding plug-in documentation for
detailed procedures.
Serial session
A serial session is a type of target device session in which the target device contains a serial
connection (typically a Linux server TTY port or a router) and is connected through a serial
console appliance. A Telnet Viewer connection exists between the DSView 3 software client
and the serial console appliance. The appliance converts the Telnet information to serial
A server is a computer or device on a network that manages network resources. For example:
A file server is a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files. Any user on the
network can store files on the server.
A print server is a computer that manages one or more printers.
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
A network server is a computer that manages network traffic.
A database server is a computer system that processes database queries.
Servers are often dedicated, meaning that they perform no other tasks besides their server
tasks. However, on multiprocessing operating systems, a single computer can execute several
programs at once. In this case, a server may refer to the program that is managing resources
rather than the entire computer.
When used alone, a session refers to a target device session. See the definition of a target
device session for details.
A site is a location that contains a managed appliance, DSView 3 server or both.
Smart card
A smart card, common access card (CAC), or integrated circuit card (ICC) is a pocket-sized
card with embedded integrated circuits which can process data. Smart cards can be used for
single sign-on authentication.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
SNMP is a set of protocols for managing complex networks. SNMP works by sending
messages to different parts of a network. SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data
about themselves in MIBs and return this data to the SNMP requesters.
SNMP manager
The SNMP manager is an optional component (outside of the DSView 3 software system) that
enables the monitoring of many cross-platform devices using SNMP information. SNMP
managers are also called network management systems (NMS).
SSH Passthrough session
An SSH Passthrough session is a serial session opened to a unit by without the use of a web
browser. From an SSH client, you can enter an SSH Passthrough command to establish a
connection to any serial unit managed by the DSView 3 software if you have access rights.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL is a protocol that supplies secure data communication through data encryption and
decryption. SSL enables private communications over networks by using a combination of
public key cryptography and bulk data encryption.
Target device
A target device includes a wide range of data center components such as servers and routers
that an administrator is able to virtually manage through the DSView 3 management software.
Target device session
A target device session is a connection through a KVM, serial, Telnet or web browser. Target
device sessions do not include power management functionality.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCP is one of the main protocols in TCP/IP networks. The IP protocol deals only with packets.
TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP guarantees
delivery of data and that packets will be delivered in the same order in which they were sent.
Telnet session
A Telnet Viewer session is a type of target device session in which the target device supports
Telnet and the DSView 3 software client connects directly to the target device using Telnet.
Telnet Viewer
This applet is a software component that provides the user interface needed to display a remote
target device through serial over IP sessions.
Tiered switch
A tiered switch is also known as a cascade switch. See the definition of cascade switch.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
UDP is a connectionless protocol that runs on top of IP networks like TCP. Unlike TCP/IP,
UDP/IP provides very few error recovery services, offering instead a direct way to send and
receive datagrams over an IP network. UDP is primarily used for broadcasting messages over a
Unit is a generic term that refers to either a target device, managed appliance, blade chassis or
a component in a virtual environment. For example, the Unit List may contain both target
devices and managed appliances.
Video Viewer
The Video Viewer is a software component that provides the user interface needed to display a
remote target device through KVM over IP sessions.
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
VPN is a means of implementing a private network on a public network such as the Internet.
By encrypting data and assigning addresses, the impression is given to networks at each end of
the VPN that they are connected by a private physical network instead of across a public
(WAN) Wide Area Network
WAN typically refers to a network that is distributed at multiple sites and connected by a
relatively slow link between the sites. The WAN is frequently implemented using a VPN on
the Internet.
(WAS) Web Application Server
WAS is software that runs on a server that is capable of executing web applications. The WAS
software typically contains or works with a web (HTTP) server.
(Webapp) Web Application
Webapps are groups of server-side Web resources that make up an interactive online
application. The web resources include Java servlets, JavaServer Pages™ (JSPs), static
DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
documents (such as HTML documents), and applets that can be deployed in a DSView 3
software client web browser. Web applications must run in the context of a web application
server such as the DSView 3 server.
Web server
A web server is a computer equipped with server software to respond to HTTP requests, such
as requests from a web browser. A web server uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with
clients on a TCP/IP network.
X.509 is the most widely used standard for defining digital certificates. X.509 is an
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) recommendation, which means that the
standard has not yet been officially defined or approved. As a result, companies have
implemented the standard in different ways. For example, both Mozilla and Microsoft use
X.509 certificates to implement SSL in their web servers and web browsers. However, an
X.509 certificate generated by Mozilla may not be readable by Microsoft products, and vice
types 79
authentication server 330
methods 108
regaining 389
Access rights
Windows NT 87
about 144
exporting 307
methods for assigning 145
specifying from unit group perspective 216
specifying from unit perspective 146
specifying from user account perspective 239
specifying from user group perspective 246
target devices 145
Bookmarks 30
Browsers 1, 42
Active Directory external authentication service 82
ActiveX controls 43
Cascade switches
changing name in appliance 155
changing name or type 134
merging 134
AlterPath Manager
importing data from 312
migrating to DSView 3 software 312, 327
appliance configuration templates 137
Appliances. See Managed appliances
Authentication services
Active Directory 82
splitting 134
supported types 5
group naming in external services 242
internal 80
types 46
managing 79
updating 61, 64, 65
user 38, 47, 235
Client session information 66
Colors 37
ports 362
removing 80
RSA SecurID 98
deleting a target device connection 183
display format 181
event logs 340
Embedded units
displaying information 182
renaming a managed appliance connection 182
Contact unit properties 141, 142
CSR 61
about 160
access rights 144
accessing 108
Custom fields
adding 118
about 207
credentials 161
associated a label with a unit 208
changing for a unit 142
defining 208
sessions 160
supported models 6
example 208
KVM sessions 173
Event logs
Customize link 28
creating a .csv file 347
deleting entries 345
displaying 343
Data logging
archiving 191
deleting data log files 191
displaying data log files 193
enabling on units 188
enabling the SSH server 187
exporting system certificate 46
files 185
displaying entries 344
enabling and disabling event logging 343
entry states 345
licenses 186
event categories 340
event severity 339
retaining 346
specifying data log file location 190
verifying signatures 194
Department groups 205
DS Zones 219
EVR1500 environmental monitors
adding 122
DSR Remote Operations software 364
DSView 2.x software
migrating units 326
network properties 144
Filtering 26
Firewalls 50
adding a file 336
Identity unit properties 141
infrastructure 162
deleting 337
displaying information 336
displaying version information 148
updating for an appliance type 329
upgrading 314
configuring DSView 3 software 14
DSView 3 software 10
upgrading a power device 167
upgrading IQ modules 154
Flash Player 17
Java 19
requirements for DSView 3 server 9
supported operating systems 10
Generic appliances
adding 122
what to do before installing DSView 3 software
network properties 144
Glossary 390
Integrated Windows Authentication 49
Internal authentication service 80
Internet Explorer considerations 42
IPMI target devices
departments 205
locations 205
sites 205
IQ modules
unit 210
deleting offline 153
displaying 153
Hub server
upgrading 154
about 2
USB speed 154
adding to Trusted Sites list 45
certificates 61
modem session properties 67
ISV partners program 57
properties 59
replication 75
Java 19, 284
updating hub server certificate on spoke server
updating spoke server certificate on hub server
Keyboard commands 31
AV2000 Installer/User Guide
Keyboard pass through mode 255
network settings 147
ports used 356
rebooting 313
LDAP external authentication service 88
Legal notice 35
renaming a connection 182
resynchronizing 315
Licenses 54
Local accounts
adding 157
session settings 170, 171
SNMP settings 149, 324
supported 4
changing settings 159
deleting 158
displaying information 157
target device access rights 159
Location groups 205
Location unit properties 141
Login scripts (Telnet Viewer) 294
tools 313
upgrading firmware 314
Modem connections
active modem sessions 179
modem session properties 67
Modem dial connections 196
Modem port settings (DSR switches) 156
exit (DSR switches) 175
Telnet Viewer 296
Video Viewer 274
Managed appliances
adding a generic appliance 122
adding a single appliance 116
adding an appliance from an IP address range
adding an EVR1500 environmental monitor 122
changing name 113
NAT devices 53
displaying version information 148
DSView 3 server addresses 148
firmware management 336
local account settings 157
names 123, 125
Network properties
DSView 3 server 59
generic appliance 144
managed appliance 143
spoke servers 74
network properties 143
target device 143
Network settings for managed appliances 147
push/pull 168
Note unit properties 142, 143
adding 166
Operating systems
client 16
window 169
DSR Remote Operations software 366
DSView 3 server 10
switches) 156
controlling power from DSR Remote Operations
software 371
Overview unit properties 140
controlling power from the Unit Overview
window 113
Pages 29
displaying 165
Partners program 57
changing in user account 236
changing user account restrictions 236
changing your own 37
resetting in user account 233
PCI compliance 35
licenses 54
push/pull 165
removing 166
sockets 168
supported types 7
about 349
upgrading firmware 167
activating 353
adding 350
about 41
disabling 353
changing in user account 237
virtual media 280
displaying information 350
upgrading 352
Printing 30
KVM sessions 254
cascade switch settings 155
modem port settings (DSR switches) 156
OSCAR interface authentication settings (DSR
switches) 156
TCP and UDP 356
Power device sockets
displaying 168
contact 141, 142
DSView 3 server 59
generic appliance network 144
global system 31, 34
managed appliance network 143
note 142, 143
alerts 61
zones 44
spoke server network 74
target device network 143
unit identity 141
Serial session application selection 38
email 68
unit location 141
Video Viewer session 253
Proxy server
about 2
ports used 356
specifying 65
proxy 65
replication 75
about 123, 125
trap destinations 66
unit status polling 69
See also Hub server and Spoke servers
Services 151
automatic name pull 127
automatic name push 126
manual name pull 129
manual name push 128
pull names task 330
access methods 108
changing serial console appliance settings 173
RADIUS external authentication service 93
Replication 75
changing virtual media settings (KVM switch)
choosing serial session application 38
client information 66
client 16
DSR Remote Operations software 366
DSView 3 server 9
device window 179
Resync wizard
appliance window 177
topology synchronization options 132
using 315
displaying active session information (all
sessions) 176
RSA SecurID external authentication service 98
displaying active session information for a target
device 178
Scan mode (Video Viewer) 271
displaying appliance session information 172
managing active 176
sharing (CCM appliances) 173
Side navigation bar 24
Site groups 205
SP commands 203
SSL 61
automatic name pull 127
automatic topology 131
manual name pull 129
SNMP 149, 324, 362
Sorting 26
manual name push 128
Spoke servers
resynchronizing 315
about 2
topology 130
adding 73
topology options in Resync Wizard 132
certificates 61
changing network properties 74
deleting 74
displaying 72
licenses 54
access rights 145
managing 72
access rights to a local account 159
accessing 24, 108
properties 59
adding 122
replication 75
adding a connection 183
adding units with default names 117, 121
updating hub server certificate on spoke server
updating spoke server certificate on hub server
enabling server for data logging and SSH
Passthrough 187
specifying a user SSH key in profile 39
specifying user SSH key in user account 235
Telnet Viewer 290
displaying 150
displaying connections 182
merging 133, 307, 308
SSH Passthrough sessions 195
port sharing 196
merging duplicate names 117, 121
names 123, 125
read/write access 202
network properties 143
AV2000 Installer/User Guide
services 151
settings 150
exporting report 305
about 317, 319
update topology task 331
view 104
adding 320
changing 335
deleting 335
UDP ports 356
displaying results 334
running manually 334
scheduling 320
about 210
adding 214
TCP ports 356
changing membership 216
deleting 215
Technical support 355
choosing serial session application 38
third party applications 38
Viewer 287
See also Telnet Viewer
Telnet Viewer
access rights 144
about 287
accessing 108
closing a session 304
controlling power of devices attached to power
devices 303
connections 181
custom fields 142
deleting 123
copying session data 302
customizing preferences for all sessions 291
customizing session properties 292
logging 299
exporting 305
grouping 205
login scripts 294
grouping by location 205
grouping by sites 205
grouping by unit group 210
hiding 107
macros 296
opening a session 290
printing session data 302
reviewing session data 295
SSH2 client 290
Terminal emulation 373
Terminal Services 151
identity properties 141
location properties 141
merging cascade switches 134
merging target devices 133
migrating DSView 2.x units 326
multiple unit operations 111
names 123, 125
authentication service users 81
unlocking 233
about 241
overview properties 140
properties 139
access rights 246
adding user-defined 242
built-in 40
showing 107
changing members 245
deleting user-defined 244
naming in external authentication services 242
User options in client sessions 36
splitting cascade switches 134
status 108
status polling 69
synchronization 123, 125
topology view 104
unit groups 210
Video noise compensation 173
Units View windows 103
about 249
User accounts
capturing a display 270
closing a session 254
about displays 229
access rights 239
displaying users 270
adding 231
changing address 237
changing expiration 236
changing password 236
changing preemption level 237
changing restrictions 236
changing user group membership 237
changing username 234
deleting 233
menu commands 263
power controlling devices attached to power
devices 279
scan mode 271
session properties 253
session time-out 254
Virtual media
properties 234
resetting password 233
setting the lockout policy for internal
about 279
access mode 174
Add Target Device 122
Add Task 320
changing session settings 174
closing a session 283
launching a session 281
mapping drives 281
Add Unit 122
adding units 116
Attach Device 105
requirements 279
Importing Data 312
session settings 281
Power Management 166
topology synchronization options 131, 132
Update DSView Server Certificate 63
sharing and preemption 280
VNC 151
VPN 51
Windows NT external authentication service 87
X.509. See Certificates
Add Appliance 116, 118, 120
Add Local User Account 158
Zones. See DS Zones
For Technical Support:
3M Tablet Accessory 800ab User Manual
Abocom Network Card PLE0085 User Manual
Adcom Stereo Amplifier GFP 750 User Manual
Agilent Technologies Network Card 11694A User Manual
Alliance Laundry Systems Washer LWK23A 3050 User Manual
American DJ DJ Equipment Copter Sphere User Manual
American DJ DJ Equipment Galactic Star User Manual
Avery Battery Charger 9465 User Manual
Axis Communications Security Camera P5522 User Manual
Aztech Systems Network Card WL230USB User Manual