Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s
Mo d e l NB0050
Ple a se re a d a n d sa ve t h e se in st ru ct io n s. Re a d ca re fu lly b e fo re a t t e m p t in g t o a sse m b le , in st a ll, o p e ra t e o r m a in t a in t h e p ro d u ct d e scrib e d .
Pro t e ct yo u rse lf a n d o t h e rs b y o b se rvin g a ll sa fe t y in fo rm a t io n . Fa ilu re t o co m p ly w it h in st ru ct io n s co u ld re su lt in p e rso n a l in ju ry, d e a t h
a n d /o r p ro p e rt y d a m a g e ! Re t a in in st ru ct io n s fo r fu t u re re fe re n ce .
Finishing Nailer
De scrip t io n
This nailer is designed for trimwork, interior molding, baseboards, paneling and
cabinet assembly and installation. Features include: convenient side loading maga-
zine which holds up to 100 nails, no-mar tip, adjustable exhaust, single cycle trig-
ger and quick clear nose.
p ro p e rly. Do n o t u se a co m p re sse d
a ir so u rce ca p a b le o f m o re t h a n 200
PSI. Th e n a ile r co u ld e xp lo d e a n d
ca u se d e a t h o r se rio u s p e rso n a l
Ge n e ra l Sa fe t y In fo rm a t io n
This manual contains safety, operational
and maintenance information.
in ju ry.
Read this manual and
understand all safety
warnings and instruc-
tions before operating
the nailer. Contact your
Campbell Hausfeld rep-
● Ne ve r u se g a so lin e o r
o t h e r fla m m a b le liq -
Mo d e l NB0050
u id s t o cle a n t h e n a il-
e r. Ne ve r u se t h e n a il-
e r in t h e p re se n ce o f
Wa rn in g in d ica t e s
a p o t e n t ia lly h a z-
resentative if you have any questions.
fla m m a b le liq u id s o r
a rd o u s sit u a t io n w h ich , if n o t a vo id e d ,
COULD re su lt in d e a t h o r se rio u s
in ju ry.
g a se s. Va p o rs co u ld ig n it e b y a sp a rk
a n d ca u se a n e xp lo sio n w h ich w ill
re su lt in d e a t h o r se rio u s p e rso n a l
in ju ry.
The operator of this nailer m ust take
the necessary precautions to prevent
unsafe conditions outlined in this manu-
al from occurring. The operator is also
required to read and understand this
instruction manual and all safety warn-
ings, labels, etc.
● Disco n n e ct t h e
n a ile r fro m a ir
su p p ly b e fo re
a d ju st in g , cle a r-
in g ja m s, se rvic-
in g , re lo ca t in g
a n d d u rin g n o n -
o p e ra t io n . Re m e m b e r it is p o ssib le
fo r t h e n a ile r t o e je ct a fa st e n e r
a ft e r se rvicin g t h e t o o l. ALWAYS
re co n n e ct t h e a ir lin e s b e fo re lo a d -
in g a n y fa st e n e rs. De a t h o r se rio u s
p e rso n a l in ju ry co u ld re su lt .
● Alw a ys p la ce
yo u rse lf in a
firm ly b a la n ce d
p o sit io n w h e n
u sin g o r h a n -
d lin g t h e
Any e m p lo ye r allowing the use of this
nailer in their field of work must dis-
tribute this instruction manual to all
users. The employer m u st also ensure
all users read, understand and follow
the instructions as described in the
manual, safety warnings, labels, etc.
n a ile r.
● Do n o t m o d ify
o r d isa b le t h e
Wo rk Co n t a ct
Ele m e n t (WCE)
in a d e p re sse d
p o sit io n o r t a p e
o r m o d ify t h e
t rig g e r in a p u lle d p o sit io n . De a t h o r
se rio u s p e rso n a l in ju ry w ill o ccu r.
Da n g e r in d ica t e s
a n im m in e n t ly
h a za rd o u s sit u a t io n w h ich , if n o t
a vo id e d , WILL re su lt in d e a t h o r se rio u s
in ju ry.
● Pro t e ct yo u r e ye s a n d
e a rs. We a r Z87 sa fe t y
g la sse s, w it h sid e
sh ie ld s. We a r h e a rin g
p ro t e ct io n . Em p lo ye rs
a n d u se rs a re re sp o n -
sib le fo r e n su rin g t h e
u se r o r a n yo n e n e a r
t h e n a ile r w e a rs t h is
sa fe t y p ro t e ct io n .
Se rio u s e ye in ju ry o r
p e rm a n e n t h e a rin g
lo ss co u ld re su lt .
● Do n o t u se a n y t yp e
o f fla m m a b le g a se s
o r o xyg e n a s a p o w e r
● Ne ve r ke e p t h e
t rig g e r p u lle d
w h e n ca rryin g
o r h o ld in g t h e
n a ile r. Ma ke
su re n o t t o p u ll
t h e t rig g e r o r
d e p re ss t h e
w o rk co n t a ct e le m e n t (WCE) t rip
m e ch a n ism w h e n co n n e ct in g t h e
n a ile r t o a n a ir co m p re sso r. De a t h o r
se rio u s p u n ct u re w o u n d s w ill o ccu r
if t h e w o rk co n t a ct e le m e n t (WCE)
b u m p s so m e t h in g .
so u rce fo r t h e n a ile r.
Use filt e re d , lu b rica t -
e d , re g u la t e d co m -
p re sse d a ir o n ly. Use
o f a co m p re sse d g a s in st e a d o f
co m p re sse d a ir m a y ca u se t h e n a ile r
t o e xp lo d e a n d ca u se d e a t h o r
se rio u s p e rso n a l in ju ry.
● Do not use a
check valve or
any other fit-
ting w hich
110 PSI
● Do n o t e xce e d m a xi-
allow s air to
remain in the
nailer. Serious
personal injury
could o ccu r.
m u m o p e ra t in g p re s-
su re o f t h e n a ile r
(110 PSI). Th e n a ile r
w ill n o t fu n ct io n
Campbell Hausfeld Nailers meet or exceed Industries’ Standards as set forth by the American
National Standard/International Staple, Nail and Tool Association in ANSI/ISANTA SNT-101-1993.
© 1996 Campbell Hausfeld
IN247201AV 1/97
Operating Instructions
Mo d e l NB0050
2. An oiler can be
used to provide
This method is rec-
ommended when
precise nail place-
ment is required.
The single cycle pin
must be installed
in the nailer. This mode requires the
trigger to be pulled each time a nail is
driven. The nailer can be actuated by
depressing the WCE against the work
surface followed by pulling the trigger.
Or the nailer can be actuated by pulling
the trigger and then depressing the
WCE against the work surface.
Usin g Th e Na ile r
Re a d t h is m a n u a l a n d u n d e rst a n d
a ll sa fe t y w a rn in g s a n d in st ru c-
t io n s b e fo re o p e ra t in g t h e n a ile r.
oil circulation
through the
nailer. A filter
can be used to
remove liquid
This nailer requires lubrication before
using the nailer for the first time and
before each use. If an inline oiler is
used, manual lubrication through the
air inlet is n o t required on a daily basis.
and solid impurities which can rust
or “gum up” internal parts of the
3. Use 3/8” air hoses with a minimum
working pressure of 150 PSI. Use
1/2” air hoses for 50’ run or longer.
For better performance, install a
3/8” quick plug with (1/4” NPT
threads) with an inside diameter of
.315 (8mm) on the nailer and a 3/8”
quick coupler on the air hose.
Th e w o rk su rfa ce
ca n b e co m e d a m -
a g e d b y e xce ssive lu b rica t io n . Pro p e r
lu b rica t io n is t h e o w n e r’s re sp o n sib il-
it y. Fa ilu re t o lu b rica t e t h e n a ile r p ro p -
e rly w ill d ra m a t ica lly sh o rt e n t h e life
o f t h e n a ile r a n d vo id yo u r w a rra n t y.
The trigger must be released to reset
the tool before another nail can be dri-
4. Use a pressure regulator on the
compressor, with an operating pres-
sure of 0 - 125 PSI. A pressure regu-
lator is required to control the oper-
ating pressure of the nailer.
1. Disconnect the
air supply from
the nailer to
If the tool is in bottom trip mode
because the single cycle pin has previ-
ously been removed, reinstall the single
cycle pin to convert the tool back to sin-
gle cycle mode.
add lubricant.
Op e ra t io n a l Mo d e s
The NB0050 finish nailer may be oper-
ated in the “Single Cycle” or the
“Bottom Trip” mode. The nailer comes
delivered in the
This method is recommended when less
precise nail place-
ment is required.
The single cycle pin
must be removed
from the nailer.
Remove the pin by
removing the o-
ring on one end and pushing the pin
out. Replace the o-rings on the pin
after removing the pin from the nailer
and keep the pin assembly for later use.
2. Turn the nailer
so the air inlet
is facing up and
put 4-to-5
drops of 30 W
Pin Out
single cycle mode.
Single Cycle Pin
A pin when in
place in the nailer
allows you to
operate in the sin-
gle cycle mode.
When the pin is removed, the nailer
will operate in the bottom trip mode.
oil into air inlet. Do not use deter-
gent oil or oil additives. Run the nail-
er briefly after adding oil and wipe
off excessive oil at the exhaust.
The illustration below shows the
recommended hookup for the nailer.
Alw a ys kn o w t h e
o p e ra t io n a l m o d e
o f t h e n a ile r b e fo re u sin g . Fa ilu re t o
kn o w t h e o p e ra t io n a l m o d e co u ld
re su lt in d e a t h o r se rio u s p e rso n a l
in ju ry.
Bottom trip opera-
tion requires the
trigger to be
pulled with the
nailer off the work
surface. Then, the
nose of the nailer is tapped against the
work surface causing a nail to be dri-
1. The air com-
70 PSI
pressor must
be able to
maintain a
minimum of 70
PSI when the
nailer is being
used. An inadequate air supply can
cause a loss of power and inconsis-
tent driving.
110 PSI
Re co m m e n d e d Ho o ku p
Quick Plug
Operating Instructions
Mo d e l NB0050
Each time the
Work Contact
Element (WCE) is
5. Un lo a d in g is the reverse of load-
ing, except a lw a ys d isco n n e ct the
air hose before proceeding.
5. Depress the
work contact
element (WCE)
depressed, a nail is
against the
driven into the
work surface. Care
should be taken
when using this method because a nail
will be driven when the WCE is
depressed by any surface.
work surface
without pulling
the trigger. The nailer MUST NOT
cycle. Do not use the nailer if it
cycles. Personal injury could result.
1. Regulate the air pressure to 70 PSI
at the nailer.
2. Connect the air
hoses and test
for penetration
by driving nails
into a sample
piece of wood.
If the nails do
not achieve the desired penetra-
tion, adjust the air pressure to a
higher setting until the desired pen-
etration is achieved. Do not exceed
110 PSI at the nailer or durability of
the nailer will be reduced.
6. Hold the nailer
To convert the tool back to single cycle
operation, reinstall the single cycle pin
and attach an o-ring to each end.
clear of the
work surface.
The work con-
tact element
Op e ra t in g Th e Na ile r
(WCE) should
return to its original down position.
Pull the trigger. The nailer MUST
NOT cycle. Do not use the nailer if a
cycle occurs. Personal injury could
Disco n n e ct t h e
n a ile r fro m t h e a ir
co m p re sso r b e fo re a d ju st in g , cle a rin g
ja m s, se rvicin g , re lo ca t in g , a n d d u rin g
n o n -o p e ra t io n .
7. Pull the trigger
and depress the
work contact
The NB0050 is
equipped with an
adjustable direc-
tion exhaust
Ch e ck t h e o p e ra -
t io n o f t h e Wo rk
element (WCE)
against the
work surface.
The nailer MUST cycle.
Co n t a ct Ele m e n t (WCE) t rip m e ch a n ism
b e fo re e a ch u se . Th e WCE m u st m o ve
fre e ly w it h o u t b in d in g t h ro u g h it s
e n t ire t ra ve l d ist a n ce . Th e WCE sp rin g
m u st re t u rn t h e WCE t o it s fu lly e xt e n d -
e d p o sit io n a ft e r b e in g d e p re sse d . Do
n o t o p e ra t e t h e n a ile r if t h e WCE t rip
m e ch a n ism is n o t o p e ra t in g p ro p e rly.
Pe rso n a l in ju ry m a y o ccu r.
8. Depress the
work contact
element (WCE)
against the
deflector. This is
intended to allow
the user to change
the direction of the exhaust. Simply
twist the deflector to any direction
work surface.
Pull the trigger.
The nailer MUST cycle.
1. Disconnect the
air supply from
the nailer.
1. Always co n n e ct the tool to the air
supply before lo a d in g fasteners.
1. Disconnect the
air supply from
the nailer.
2. Press down on
the latch. Pull
back on the
2. Remove all
nails from the
magazine (See
2. Remove all
nails from the
Failure to do so
will cause the
nails to eject
from the front
when the quick clear mechanism is
opened and the jam is removed.
3. Insert a stick of
Hausfeld nails
or equivalent
(See Fastener
3. Make sure the
trigger and
work contact
element (WCE)
move freely up
Section)into the
magazine. Make sure the pointed
ends of the nails are resting on the
bottom ledge of the magazine
when loading. Make sure the nails
are not dirty or damaged.
and down
without stick-
ing or binding.
3. Undo latch by
pulling out and
down. The wire
latch will disen-
gage from the
hooks on the
4. Push the maga-
zine cover for-
ward until the
4. Reconnect air
supply to the
nose casting.
Operating Instructions
Mo d e l NB0050
Te ch n ica l Su p p o rt
4. The driver
cover plate can
now be rotat-
ed, exposing
the jammed
Should you have any questions regard-
ing the operation or repair of this nail-
er, please call our Nailer Hotline at
1-800-543-6400 for assistance. If you
are calling from Ohio or outside of the
continental United States, please call
collect, 1-513-367-1182.
The Campbell Hausfeld Finishing Nailer
has a unique COLORMATCH™ stripe.
Look for the COLORMATCH™ stripe to
choose the right Campbell Hausfeld
fasteners for your NB0050 2” finish
5. Remove the
jammed fas-
tener, using
pliers or a
Na ile r Re p a ir
Nailer repairs must be performed by
qualified and experienced service peo-
ple ONLY.
Re co rd t h e m o d e l n u m b e r a n d
se ria l n u m b e r b e lo w :
screwdriver if
Asse m b ly Pro ce d u re Fo r
Se a ls
Model No___________________________
Rotate driver
cover back into
the closed posi-
When repairing a nailer, the internal
parts must be cleaned and lubricated.
Parker O-lube or equivalent must be
used on all o-rings. Each o-ring must be
coated with O-lube before assembling.
A small amount of oil must be used on
all moving surfaces and pivots. After
reassembling, a few drops of 30W non-
detergent oil or equivalent, must be
added through the air line before test-
Serial Number_______________________
Retain these number for future
7. Extend the
wire latch and
place over the
hooks on the
nose casting.
Fa st e n e r An d Re p la ce m e n t
Pa rt s
Use o n ly
g e n u in e Ca m p b e ll
Ha u sfe ld fa st e n e rs (o r e q u iva le n t ) a n d
re p la ce m e n t p a rt s. Do n o t u se m o d i-
fie d p a rt s o r p a rt s w h ich w ill n o t g ive
e q u iva le n t p e rfo rm a n ce t o t h e o rig in a l
e q u ip m e n t . To o l p e rfo rm a n ce , sa fe t y
a n d d u ra b ilit y co u ld b e re d u ce d . Wh e n
o rd e rin g re p la ce m e n t p a rt s o r fa st e n -
e rs, sp e cify b y p a rt n u m b e r.
8. Close the over
center latch by
pushing the
latch in until
the latch snaps
into place.
Fa st e n e rs
The following Campbell Hausfeld finishing nails are available at local retail stores. If you need help locating
any item, call customer service at 1-800-543-6400. Campbell Hausfeld nails meet or exceed Federal
Specifications FF-N-105B.
Nails Per
Nails Per
Model #
16 Gauge
16 Gauge
16 Gauge
16 Gauge
In t e rch a n g e In fo rm a t io n
Nails used in the Campbell Hausfeld NB0050 Finishing Nailer will also work in Hitachi NT65A, Paslode 3250-F16, IM250F,
Duo Fast LFN-764, Sears 18314, Porter Cable FN200 and FN250.
Operating Instructions
Mo d e l NB0050
Tro u b le sh o o t in g Gu id e
St o p u sin g n a ile r im m e d ia t e ly if a n y o f t h e fo llo w in g p ro b le m s o ccu r. Se rio u s
p e rso n a l in ju ry co u ld re su lt . An y re p a irs o r re p la ce m e n t s m u st b e d o n e b y a
Qu a lifie d Se rvice Pe rso n o r Au t h o rize d Se rvice Ce n t e r.
Pro b le m
Ca u se
So lu t io n
Air leaking at trigger valve
O-Rings in trigger valve housing are
O-Rings must be replaced & operation of work
contact element must be checked
Air leaking between hous-
ing and nose
Loose screws in housing
Damaged O-Rings
Damage to bumper
Loose screws
Screws need to be tightened
O-Rings must be replaced
Bumper needs to be replaced
Screws need to be tightened
Gasket needs to be replaced
Bumper needs to be replaced
Drive channel needs to be cleaned
Magazine needs to be cleaned
Air leaking between hous-
ing and cap
Damaged gasket
Worn bumper
Nailer skips driving nail
Dirt in nose piece
Dirt or damage prevent nails or pusher
from moving freely in magazine
Damaged pusher spring
Spring needs to be replaced
Inadequate air flow to nailer
Fitting, hose or compressor needs to be checked
O-Rings need to be replaced. Lubricate.
Worn O-Ring on piston or lack of
Damaged O-Ring on trigger valve
Air leaks
O-Rings need to be replaced
Screws and fittings need to be tightened
Gasket needs to be replaced
Cap gasket leaking
Nailer runs slow or has loss
of power
Nailer not lubricated sufficiently
Broken spring in cylinder cap
Exhaust port in cap is blocked
Guide on driver is worn
Nails are not correct size
Nails are bent
Nailer needs to be lubricated
Spring needs to be replaced
Damaged internal parts need to be replaced
Guide needs to be replaced
Nails are jammed in nailer
Nails recommended for nailer must be use
Replace with undamaged nails
Screws need to be tightened
Magazine or nose screws are loose
Driver is damaged
Driver needs to be replaced
Air leaking at trigger valve
O-Rings or seals are damaged
O-Rings or seals need to be replaced
Operating Instructions
Mo d e l NB0050
Lim it e d Wa rra n t y
1. DURATION: One year from the date of purchase by the original purchaser.
The Campbell Group
A Scott Fetzer Company
100 Production Drive
Harrison, Ohio, 45030
Telephone: 1-800-543-6400.
3. WHO RECEIVES THIS WARRANTY (PURCHASER): The original purchaser (other than for purposes of resale) of the
Campbell Hausfeld product.
5. WHAT IS COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY: Defects on material and workmanship which occur within the duration of
the warranty period.
A. Implied warranties, including those of merchantability and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO ONE
YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
FAILURE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THE CAMPBELL HAUSFELD PRODUCT. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limita-
tion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
C. Any failure that results from an accident, purchaser’s abuse, neglect or failure to operate products in accordance with
instructions provided in the owner’s manual(s) supplied with product. Accident, purchaser’s abuse, neglect or failure to
operate products in accordance with instructions shall also include the removal or alteration of any safety devices. If
such safety devices are removed or altered, this warranty is void.
D. Normal adjustments which are explained in the owner’s manual(s) provided with the product.
E. Items or service that are normally required to maintain the product, i.e. o-rings, springs, bumpers, debris shield, driver,
etc. These said normal wear items will be covered only for ninety days from the date of original purchase.
7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF WARRANTOR UNDER THIS WARRANTY: Repair or replace, at Warrantor’s option, products or com-
ponents which have failed within duration of the warranty period.
8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PURCHASER UNDER THIS WARRANTY: A. Deliver or ship the Campbell Hausfeld product or compo-
nent to the nearest Campbell Hausfeld Authorized Service Center. Freight costs, if any, must be borne by the purchaser.
Use reasonable care in the operation and maintenance of the products as described in the owner’s manual(s).
A. Repair or replacement will be scheduled and serviced according to the normal work flow at the servicing location, and
depending on the availability of replacement parts.
B. If the purchaser does not receive satisfactory results from the Authorized Service Center, the purchaser should contact
the Campbell Hausfeld Product Service Department (see paragraph 2).
This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Printed In Taiwan
Operating Instructions
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